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When for the first time 'Doctrine of Necessity" was used in Pakistan?
Which female PM served for the longest period of time in the world?
Where ECO 2008 will be held?
What is E=mc2?
Which member of Gandhi family died a natural death? Mahatama Gandhi,Indra or
Which civilization flourished at the banks of Euphrates n Dajla?
"diego garcia" USA naval base is in which ocean?
Which of the Mughal emperor is burried outside the present Pak and India territory?
Babur,Jahangir or Hamayun?
What is the freezing point of heavy water?
What is Pariah state?
What name is given to the place of 9/11?
Which are the primary colours?
What is armageddon?
Which vessels bring blood back to heart?
Which is the national flower of Pakistan?
Which is the largest planet of solar system?
Who discovered that every applied force has an equal reaction?
In which country Hanging Gardens of babylon were located?
Malfunctioning of which oragan of body causes diabetes?
What is fission?
Which is the largest state of India (area wise)?
.Who is the father of modern psychology?
"salisbury"is the old name of which city?
Night blindedness is caused by the deficiency of which vitamin?
.Rays of sun are the source of which vitamin?
.What is digital divide?
"Haifa" is the seaport of which country?
which gas company of Russia supplies gas to European states?
Which disease is caused by H5N1 virus?
Which famous character is produced by J.K Rowling?
Which game Qutab-ud-din Aibek was playing when he died?
What is the relation between DNA and Chromosomes?
Which is the oldest invention among bicycle,___,___,and clock?
Which country's parliament is called 'Diet'?
What is choreography?
In which city there is the largest stock exchange of the world?
Who wrote "Spirit of Islam"?
Who wrote "India Wins Freedom"?
What is Earth's diameter in KM?
Which Railway line connects Pakistan and Iran?
Who defeated Napoleon in the war of waterloo?
In which state of USA Hollywood is located?
What is Glacier?

Suez Canal connects which two seas?

Who is the present ambassador of Pakistan to USA?
Who was the president of USA during First World War?
Where is the Silicon valley?
Who was the first CM of Punjab?
Who was the first ambassador of Pakistan to USA?
Who was Ibn-e-Khaldun?
In which city World Economic forum usually helds its meetings ?
What is the reason of Aeriel Sharoon's leaving the premiership?
What is the major hurdle in Pak-Iran-India gas pipeline project?
Where is the Golden Gate?
What is the reason of earthquake?
What is Ivy league?
Which quality is attached to Vishnu?
What is holocaust?
Which country is below the sea level?
Who is considered as the Leader of moderm Chinese economy?
What is track-2 diplomacy?
Who wrote "The struggle for Pakistan"?
Which name is given to Short sightedness?
What is Alzhemir?
Who is the President of France?
What is "ikabani"?
Who organised "Mehdi army" ?
Which is the largest oil field of Iraq?
When did Crusade begin?
What is Habeas Corpus?
What Chinese Muslims are called in province ____of China?
Which countries are the members of ECO? (Economic Cooperation Organization,
established in 1985 by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey. It has ten members. Afghanistan,
Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan,
Uzbekistan) 1- What is the least conductor among the followings:
A)Copper B) Iron C) Aluminum D) Wood
2- Which country has the longest coastal line?
3- Which country produces wool on the largest scale in the world?
4- Which city has the SAARC H.Q?
5- Who forwarded the Lahore(Pakistan) Resolution?
6- The deficiency of Vitamin C causes the disease of:
A) Bones B) Skin C) Teeth
7- What number Pakistan stands on according to population?
8- What's the share of Punjab in the area of Pakistan?
9- The magnitude of earthquake is measured with?
A) Hygrometer B) Richter Scale C) Barometer
10- After Pashtuns the largest faction in Afghanistan are:
A)Uzbek B) Tajik C) Hazaras D)Krgyz
11- Plants exhale at night:

A)Oxygen B) Nitrogen C) Hydrogen D) Carbon Dioxide

12- Which Mughal Emperor built the Attock fort?
13- East India Company came to India in the reign of:
A)Shah Jahan B) Jahangir C) Aurangzeb D) Babar
14- Historical name of Iraq was?
15- The 2nd Panipat Battle was fought between?
16- The largest Muslim country according to area is?
17- The longest river in the world is?
18- Which one among the followings is a Peninsula:
A) Iran B) Egypt C) Saudi Arabia
19- Zakat can be spent on:
A) Travelers B) Slaves C) Masakin D)All of these
20- Zakat is exempted on:
A)Sheep grazing fed free in pastures B) Fruits C) Vegetables D) All of
21- The disease that breaks out on mass scale at the same time among
humans is known as?
22- The music of Pakistan National Anthem was composed by?
23- What is a cash crop?
24- Brazil is in the continent of?
A)North America B)Europe C) Africa D) South America
25- What ancestry Razia Sultana belongs to?
26- What is the official religion of Japan?
27- The length of Khyber pass is?
28- Who was known as the Man of Destiny?
29- Velocity of Sound in air is?
30- Statue of Liberty was gifted to America by?
FOR MORE MCQS VISIT ----- is the
present president of Cuba?
2-Noralmarki is the president of ?
3-Clash of civilization is written by ?
4-War and Peace is written by?
5-Pride and prejudice is written by?
6-India Wins Freedom Is written by?
7-Who was the chief editor of "Zamindar?
8-Simon Commission Held in?
9-Who was the Viceroy in !927?
10-First viceroy of the subcontinent was
11-Last viceroy of subcontinent?
12-In which state Obama belongs To ?
13-When WTO formed?
14-Stainless Steel is the alloy of ?
15-How many colors are there is spectrum?
16-Which player has Highest score in TEst cricket?
17-NATO stands for?
18-Where is the greatest and longest wall of earth?

19-Where is Leaning Tower of Pissa?

20-Who presented Theory of relativity?
21-When DR. Abdul salam Received noble prize?
22-Pancilin was discovered by ?
23-What is the actual time of rotation of earh?
24-Olympics 2000 took place in which city?
25-Who was the first president of Muslim League?
26- Who is the president of India?
27--BAn ki Mon Belongs TO which country?
28-Brief Histroy of Time is written by?
29-What is Black Hole?
30-Which are the two gases that we exale more than we inhale?
32-Prime Minster of UK is ?
33- How many members are there is EU?
34-OIC came into Existence?
35-HOw many states are there in USA?
36-SAARC headquarters?
37-Friends Not Masters is Written by ./
38-Total members of Commonwealth?
39-In 1946 Who Presented poor mans budget?
40-Allam Iqbal delivered Khutba Allahab on ?
41-UNO established on?
42-Where is the headquarters of International Court of Justice?
43-HIjrat Madina Was took place in ?
622 AD---621 AD----623 AD-------624 AD
44-Toatal numbers of Ghazwat?
45-Surah Without Bismillah?
46-Anarkali Is wriiten by?
47-RAja Ghidh Is written by?
48-How many lines are there in MA-sud-dus
49-Shikwa IQbal's Famous poem Is in whcih book?
50-HAj performed by holy prophet on ?
English Essay Paper 2009
Note: Write a comprehensive and analytical essay on any ONE of the topics listed
below. Your composition may be preceded with a brief outline classifying salient
features of the selected topic. Irrelevent details will bring no credit
1. Actions speak louder than words.
2.Gloal Economic Crunch and its repercussions.

3.Ecological Equibrium - Forests influence climate.

4.The position of women in a society is an index of its civilization.
5. Interdependece is a higher value than independance.
6. Patritoism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
7. Given a political environment where religion is increasingly important, its increasingly
important to know something about religion. FOR ALL THOSE WHO ARE WAITING
1-Seattle sea pot.... USA
2-200th anniversary of the scientist in 2009.... Charles Darwin
3-3rd may... world press freedom day
4-River passing through Paris... The Siens
5-BIN is the intelligence agency of.... Indonasia
6-Silicon valley in California is famous because of.. Software Industry
7.In 2008 monarchy ended in a country after 240 years... Nepal
8-Country celebrating 50th anniversary of communist revlution... Cuba
9-Pearl Harbor is in the state of USA.... Hawaii
10-Blue House is the official residence in .. South Korea
11-The largest number of Newspapers of country.....??????
12-40% of world oil passes through... Strait of Hormuz
13-Asiana is the airline of ... South Korea
14- Oldest parliament in the world--- Althing
15-Order of Honor and Banner is the award of--- USSR
16-Which field was not included by Alfred Nobel originally... Economics
17-The term Intifada means... Uprising
18-The last King of Afghanistan... Zahir Shah
19-Hamas was founded by.. Sheikh Ahmad Yasin
20-Person getting the nobel peace prize in 2008 was of the country..Finland
21-Luger Bill will provide Pakistan an aid of....1.5 billion dollars annualy
22-Likud and Kaldima parties belong to... Israel
23-Cities of afghanistan border alongwith pakistan border......?????
24-Which city of afghanistan prouces most opium... Herat
25-Transit trade agreement b/w pak and afghan in....1965
26-Oldest organistion among OIC, ECO, SAARC and D8 ........OIC
27-Tamils are fighting in which are of Srilanka... Jaffana
28-Naxalite movement is in ... India
29-Old name of Chennai is ... Madras

30-Teges is the currency of.... Kazikhstan

31-Waterloo is now in... Belgium
32-Hemmant Korkare was the... Chief od Indian Squad during Mumbai drama
33-The Idea of AESM meeting organisation was given by a person of
34-World Bank president is .... Zollick
35-ICJ has issued the arrest warrant of ... Omar al BAshar of Sudan
36-Petticoat government is the government by... Woman
37-Brain Drain is.. Emmigration of Intellectuals
38-Russia is worried about the Missile defence system of US in.....??????
39-Russia gives oil to Europe through the route of... Ukrine
40-Khar is in ... Bajur
41-Swat valley is in the mountain range of... Himaliyan
42-The word Philately means.. Stamps collection
43-Study of Human races.... Ethnology
44-Marco Polo was.. Travellor
45-East India Company was established during the period of ... Aourangzeb
46-Israel operation in Palestine which killed more than 1400 people was named
47-Most Subways in the country.. USA
48-CPU stands for.... Central Processing Unit
49-Father of the Computer.. Charles Babbage
50-3- Gorges Dam is in .. China
51-Winner of 8-oscar awards movie in 2008....Slumdog Millionaire
52-Madam Tausand museum is in .. London
53-1-metric ton is equal to...1000kgs
54-Headquarters of IMF... WAshington DC
55-Chronometer is used to measure... time
56-Anemometer is used to measure... Wind Speed
57-UN spends $8-billion every year
58-US under agreement of partnership with Pakistan will give .........?
59-Recently Pakistan is aided by 200mw by.. UAE
60-Oldest anthem in the world is.... Netherland
61-Hung Parliament is....No single party has the majority
62-Timeline of withdrawl of forces from Iraq by obama...2011
63-Country with the largest Kurd population... Iraq
64-Country recently elected to IAEA.... Afghanistan
65-Country with whom pakistan is having most of his trade.... USA...?????
66-Karachi Nuclear Power plant is with the help of ... Canada
67-Why Black is called Black.....Because of fog....?????
68-A country closed her station for USA... Kyrgizstan
69-Bird largest in size... Ostrich
70- Next Football world Cup in 2010 is in.....South Africa
71-National Income of the country collection by the central govt????
72-World economic crisis was due to... Housing and mortgage problem in USA
73-Human Right Watch dog headquarter is in.. New York

74-Fleet Street in London is famous for... The Press

75-African Union President.... Hossani Mubarak...??????
76-Oil company Aramaco is of .. Saudi Arabia
77-Oldest Search Engine is ... Yahoo
78-The country with foreign reserves of above $2 trillion... China
79-Vitamin not stored in human body.....B
80-Deficiency of Vitamin C causes a disease of... Teeth
81-Parcel Islands are of.... Cuba ?????
82-Khmer Rouge was attacked by.... Vietnamese
83-Light of sun reaches the earth in.....499 seconds
84-A book of 2008"A way of hope and extremism...... Ayesha Jalal
85-Statement to combat terrorism by task forces.... Zardari
86-A place between the seven wonders..???????
87-Russian News agency.....Itar-Tass
88-Israel peace process with palestine was stalled....All of the above
89-Nobel Prize holder UN institutions.....All of the them
90-A persons name was written and was asked about the organisation... red cross, scouts,
CNN, etc
91-Obama's convoy to Middle East.... John Mitchel
92-Ornithology is the science of........ birds
93-Insomania is the symptom of........ sleeplessness
blue house is resident of ------------- South Korea
in 2010 where world cup will held-------South Africa
kerry logar bill is of ----------------------u$ 1.5 billiom
old parliment of world--------------------Ithling
which country veto majority time ---------USA11-The largest number of Newspapers of
24-Which city of afghanistan prouces most opium... Helmand
37-Brain Drain is.. migration of skilled labour
38-Russia is worried about the Missile defence system of US in.....poland and czech
41-Swat valley is in the mountain range of... hindukash
46-Israel operation in Palestine which killed more than 1400 people was named as.......?
operation cast lead
47-biggest subway
57-UN spends $8-billion every year on........peace missions

58-US under agreement of partnership with Pakistan will give .........opurtunity zones
64-Country recently elected to IAEA.... nepal (2008)
65-Country with whom pakistan is having most of his trade.... USA...correct
67-Why Black is called Black.....none of these
71-National Income of the country is...income earned by individuals in a year
75-African Union President.... qadafi
80-Deficiency of Vitamin C causes a disease of... skin
81-Parcel Islands are of.... china vs veitnam
82-Khmer Rouge was attacked by.... combodia's communist party
84-A book of 2008"A way of hope and extremism...... ron suskin
88-Israel peace process with palestine was stalled....size of palestinian state
89-Nobel Prize holder UN institutions.....unhcr
90-A persons name was written and was asked about the organisation... red cross, scouts,
CNN, etc...KLAUS SCHWA (world economic forum)

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