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Farmer Suicides In Tribal District of Wayanad

Submitted to,
Prof Dr.T.Kumar
Xavier University

Submitted by,

1. Introduction
2. Review of Literature
3. Research Area
4. Research Problem
5. About Research Place
6. Research Question
7. Hypothesis
8. Methodology

1. Introduction
Our common humanity transcends the oceans and all national boundaries. It binds us
Together in a common cause against tyranny, to act together in defence of our very
Humanity. Let it never be asked of any one of us what did we do when we knew that
Another was oppressed? Nelson Mandela.
The epidemic of suicides: Suicide is defined as the conscious act of self induced annihilation
which is best understood as a multidimensional malaise, in a needful individual who defines an
issue for which the act is perceived as the best solution. Suicide is the tragic and untimely loss of
Human life, all the more devastating and perplexing because it is a conscious volitional act.
Death is a tragedy and suicide is the ultimate tragedy. Suicide and attempted suicide
Carry a huge social and economic cost for the individual, family, friends and society.
Hence suicidal behaviour is now considered a major public health problem in all countries. This
complex phenomenon that has attracted the attention of philosophers, Theologians, physicians,
sociologists, artists and rulers over the centuries. Theres a school of Thought holding the view
that suicide is triggered or occurs from a disruption of the ties That should exist between an
individual and his/ her society, implies that suicide must be Understood as a social problem than a
personal or psychological issue. Suicide evokes mixed reactions: varying from anger, distress,
ridicule, anxiety, tension, fear and sadness. Often, one wonders: Why did it happen?; Could
this have been prevented?; Was there an alternate solution to this problem? etc. Suicide occurs
in a needful individual. The need may be material, Emotional, social or a combination of these.
The individual perceives suicide as the best or only solution. In the midst of crisis it is as if there
is a constriction of his cognition so that He cannot consider other alternatives and his choice
rapidly narrows down to suicide.
Our research is a comprehensive evaluation of the plight of agricultural sector in the wayanad
district of kerela and to understand the The reasons for the crisis and to find solutions to the
ongoing crisis. The Wayanad district of Kerala has attracted the nations Attention in the recent
years due to the farmers' suicides on a largescale. According to media and the peasant
organisations, 130 farmers And agricultural workers had committed suicide in the year 2004 in
this small district with a population of about 8 lakhs (2001 Census). The ratio of suicide victims
to the district population was the highest For Wayanad. In Ananthapur district of Andhra Pradesh,
that has a Population of little more than 36 lakh, around 600 people committed Suicide in a year.
In comparison, the ratio of suicide is higher in Wayanad. Even the mass media has neglected this
important aspect and failed to highlight the pitiable condition of tribal agricultural Labourers in
Wayanad. When the agrarian distress drives the farmers to indebtedness and pauperisation, the
first causality is the hired Labourers. When the farmers stopped employing labourers, they were
Left with no option but to starve. As some media people remarked, 'the tribal agricultural
labourers do not have even the courage to take to the path of suicide as an escape rout'. Any
package or programme to tackle the distress of the agrarian sector should have a scheme to
Address the problems of the agricultural labourers and tribals. Wayanad is a hill district in the
northern part of Kerala.

4. Research Problem

Q1) What were the reasons which led to farmer

suicides in Wayanad district of Kerala?
Q2) What were the overall impact on the families due
to farmer suicides?

7. Hypothesis
Has the Introduction of Cash Crop cultivation in Kerala improved the
lives farmers in the Wayanad district of Kerala?

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