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111 Xanthakos ct al (1994), it states that "the techniques involved in permeation grouting arc the oldest and best researched The intent of
permeation is to introduce grout into soil pores without any essential change in the original soil volume and structure The propcl1ics of the soil,
and principally the geometry of the pores, are clearly the 1l1a.ior determinants of the method of grouting and the materials that may be used:'
Table 35-1 indicates many common applications of grouting granular soils The different types of grouts available are as follows in Table 35-2.

Many current and practical details on drilling, grouting, and field testing methods are given in Association Francaise de Travaux en Souterrain
(1991) and Xanthakos et al (1994).
In some situations, different grout types are combined as was the case at the Quirke II Mine in the Elliot Lake uranium mining area (Carter et
al. 1992). During mining operations in this usually dry mine, a composite sub-vertical and splay fault structure filled with silt was encountered
leading to piping out of the glacial silt infill and large water inflows of about 3, 785 lpm (1,000 gpm) A water reactive pre-polymer chemical
grout was injected into the mine face to stem the massive inflow of water quickly. To facilitate further mining in this area, chemical grouting
was followed up with cement grouting of the fractures in the rock mass. A water/cement grout mix of 1/1 was injected at pressures up to 552
kPa (80 psi) These measures took a period of about one week before mining operations could resume.
In another dramatic demonstration of how chemical grout can provide major improvements in the ground prior to underground excavation,
alluvial soils were improved on the Los Angeles Metro project prior to tunneling underneath a major highway (Gularte et al 1992) The sodium
silicate grout was used to prevent run-ins and col1trol settlements during excavation of twin 6.4-meter-diameter (21 ft) tunnels under the
Hollywood Freeway in Los Angeles, California. After a major fire in the tunnel occurred during construction and subsequent fire-fighting
activities, portions of the tunnel collapsed on either side of the grouted area but the grouted area was undamaged by the disaster The tul1nel
alignment and extent of grouting is shown in Fig 35-1 Fil1ite element analyses and measurements in the field during construction had a high
degree of agreement al1d proved the efficacy of the grouting program.

Chemical Grout was also used to treat the ground vicinity of San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BAIZT) tunnels to permit construction of
new Municipal Railroad (Muni) tunnels within 5 ft (1.5 m) of the existing tunnels (Hashash et al. 1995) The ground movements and tunnel
distortions resulting from that construction are depicted in Fig 35-2 and 3 Liao et al (!989) and Krizek et al. (1989a) discuss research conducted
on microfine cement/sodium silicate (MC/SS) grout treated sand Findings included:
*MC/SS grout gel times decrease and unconfined compressive strengths increase primarily with cement content (Fig 3.5-4)
*Compressive strengths of MC/SS grout increase with curing time (Fig. 3.5-5)
*When MC/SS grout is mixed with sand, the peak and residual friction angles are unaffected by curing time, initial density, or cement content
(Table 3.5-3)
*MS/SS grouted sand cohesion increases with cement content

Vipulanandan and Ata (1989) also investigated the behavior of silicate grouted san and found that sodium silicate grout mixed with organic
reagents had better bonding an cohesive properties than the grouts with inorganic reagents, the addition of silica fume improved the bonding
and compressive strengths of grouted sand, and the compressive and tensile strengths of grouted sand were directly related to the adhesive
strength of the grout. Similar testing was conducted on acrylate polymer grout by Krizek et al. (1989b Acrylamide and acrylate grouts were
found to have similar behavior as that described above except friction angles ranged between about 30 and 35 degrees and cohesion 1 values
ranged between about 40 kPa and 120 kPa (800 and 2400 psf).

Yonekura and Ata (1989) reported on current grouting practices in Japan. They state "In Japan today, grouts based on sodium silicate are used
successfully in the greater number of projects However, being temporary materials, they are used in underground construction projects as
supplementary methods, especially to cut off water or stabilize the soil Such grouts are only expected to perform sufficiently well for
approximately one year." The relative permanence of different kinds of grout was investigated by Siwula and Krizek (1989) They found
behaviors as summarized in Table 3.5-4

The liquefaction and dynamic properties of grouted sand were investigated by Maher and Gucunski (1995) They found that grout decreased the
liquefaction potential of sands (Fig 35-6) More specifically, they found that acrylate polymer and polyurethane grouts increased the damping
capacity of soil under high strain loads, while sodium silicate grout mostly contributed to the dynamic shear modulus. This is borne out by a
case history reported by Mitchell et al (1995) in which they list a bridge, the Riverside Avenue Bridge in Santa Cruz, California, that sustained
no damage as a result of the Lorna Prieta Earthquake At the site, this 69 moment magnitude earthquake in October 1989 generated a maximum
acceleration of O.45g The site is underlain by submerged sands and were improved with sodium silicate and microfine cement grout No
settlements or movements of the bridge piers were observed.

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