Beautiful Friendship

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Beautiful friendship, togetherness, and peace

By : Ginan Aulia Rahman

I study at Darul Arqam Islamic boarding school, great. each day in the dormitory, with
many friends. Friends who come from various regions. Some are sundanese, Javanese,
Sumatran, and many more. We lived together from different backgrounds. Everyone
brings their own character. different from each other. But that's not the issue here.
because we share. Match to each other. The difference is not to hate each other, but to
complement the deficiency, it’s correct? Life is filled with some differences to make it
more colorful.

I'm very happy to study here, because it is so beautiful, togetherness can not be bought.
We are here to do things in common, learning, eating, talking, just about almost
everything, from a to z. what can be shared, we share. What can be given, we give
each other. In Here we have a sense of familiarity that is very intimately. Laughing
together, when there is an entertaining for sad feeling and wiped\ away the tears. How
wonderful. I love my friends who are always there for me. Do not want to be separated,
because the heart is in peace while I’m with them.

We compete in the class to be the best, very exciting competition. I study hard to be the
most superior from others. But I'm glad to see there is a friend who is greater than me, I
also want to be like him, I fight for it. I'd like to help who ask about the lesson and if I do
not know, I also ask people who know. So, each is to support on each other's success.
Not another drop. But with supporting each other succes. success can be achieved
more easily.

In the dormitory, I often tell a funny thing, and makes my friends laugh. They do too,
always share stories. There is sadness whenever love is rejected by a woman, so a
friend of his comfort him . Some spirits are declining, my friend encouraged me. So.
Friends are always there when needed. It's beautiful.
Is this beautiful peace? Is it wonderful to have friends? So, i want to have friends even
more. Want to know more people again. Maybe make friends with people from different
countries, or with a different religion. It does not matter. I want to have lots of friends to
share. I believe with more and more friends and more people to share, my life will be
more beautiful, more qualified, knowledge becomes widespread, and most important is
by communicating with many people, I’m able to sharpen my ability to become a better

I think, heaven is not only in after life. We can create it ourselves in our world today. By
protecting the heart from all suspicion, by trying to understand each other, helping each
other, civilizing smile, cultivating friendliness too. I think living in the world will be more
beautiful. heaven is come before its time.

War? It will only alienate us from world's heaven.So, peace and. Anyway, what is
sought from the war, which only bring evil and destruction. There would be lovely to live
with war. If we seek only power? So I think peace and togetherness are more expensive
and valuable than a power on war.

To get peace, perhaps the achievement must be started from ourselves. Just like what
is in the song peace generation.. The lyrics are very beautiful

peace in the world from ourselves (Damai di dunia mulai dari diri kita)
all that we have we are grateful (semua yang kita miliki kita syukuri)
That's the key at peace with yourself. (itulah kunci berdamai dengan diri.)

friends look more closely at (lihatlah sahabat secara lebih dekat)

that no prejudice or suspicion (hingga tak ada prasangka atau curiga)
That's key to lasting peace (itulah kunci perdamaian abadi)

salam,at the world peace from us (salam, damai di dunia mulai dari diri
salam, be a propagator of peace for the world (salam, jadilah penyebar damai bg

embrace the eternal peace, (sambutlah damai yang abadi,)

beautiful world as colorful (dunia indah karena warna warni)

there are differences in respect to (perbedaan ada untuk di hormati)

no excuse hate each other (bukan alasan saling benci)
hello wrote eternal peace. (sambutlah damai yg abadi)

How beautiful togetherness is. That's what I feel at school. I always hope the time will
come when all human in this earth is also able to feel it. How beautiful it is to share each
other under peaceful. Maybe you may say I'm a dreamer but I hope I'm not alone. I think
we are all have the same hope. I wish what I hope for will come, sooner or later.

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