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Manufactureing A/c

S.No particular Amt Dr

1 To work in progress (Opening) 60000
2 Raw Material Consumed
opening stock 50000
purchased raw material 200000
Total raw material 250000
returns of Purchase Material 5000
Total raw material Consumed 245000
closing stock of raw Material 20000
3 Total raw material Consumed 225000
4 To Carriage inwards 10000
5 Factory rent and taxes 5000
6 To Wages 7000
7 To Salary of works foreman 12000
8 To fuel 10000
9 To Power & electricity of Water 5000
10 To insurance of Machinery 15000
11 To Depriciation on Plant and Machinery 20000
12 To Depriciation on factory and building 10000

Total 379000

Tradeing Account for the ending year

Particular Amount
1 To opening stock xx
2 To Purchases xx
Less-; returns outwards xx
3 To direct Expenses xx
4 To wages and salaries xx
5 TO Frieght inwards xx
6 To carriage inwards xx
7 To fuel Oil charges xx
8 TO factory Expenses xx
9 To gross profit & Loss Account xx

Total xx

Trading A/c
S.N Particular Amt
1 TO cost of Manufactured 369000
2 To openign stock of Finised goods 20000
3 To Puchased finised goods 100000
Carriage inward 10000 110000
To Gross profit anLoss Account 131000
Total 630000

Profit and loss A/c

S.No Particulars
1 To gross Loss b/d
2 TO Administration Expenses
rent and taxes
printing and staionery
postage and telegram
office Salary
Telephone Charges
heating and lighting
legal charges
general Expenses
aduit fee
3 To selling and distribution Exp
Travellers series
expenses and commission
Export Expenses
godown rent
Agents commission
bank charges
Carriage outwards
4 To depriciation and Maintenance
Repairs and Maintinance
5 TO Financial Expenses
Discount Allowed
Discount on bill
Intrest on Loan
5 To Abnormal Losses
Loss by fire
loss on sell of fixed asstes
loss on sell of investments
6 TO Net profit transferred to Capital A/c

Profit and Loss Account

Particular amt
TO salaries and wages 20000
To Carriage outwards 15000
To Freight outwards 15000
To discount Allowed 3000
TO commission Paid 3000
To interst paid 7000
To Rent Paid 10000
TO general Exp 5000
Total Exp 78000
Net Profit to Capital A/c 666000

Balance sheet

S.No Liabilities Amount S.No

1 Current Liabilites 1
Bank over draft
Bills Payble
Outstanding Expenses
Sundry Creditors
Income Received in Advance xx
2 Long-term Liabilities 2
Loan xx 3
3 Capital
Opening Balance
Add-;Net Profit
substract -;Net Loss
Capital Introduced during the year
Less;-Drawing xx


Cost sheet
1 Direct Material
Opening stock of Materials
Add Purchase of Materials
Less Closing Stock of Materials
Total Material Consumed xxxx
2 Direct Wages xxxx
3 Direct Expenses xxxx
Total Prime Cost xxx

Add Factory overheads

Factory rent, rates Taxes, xxx
fuel-Power and water xxx
Lighting and heating xxx
Indirect wages xxx
Depreciation, Repairs xxx
Salaries of Works Manager etc. xxx
Indirect Materials xxx
Drawing office and works office expenses xxx
Depreciation on factory land and building xxx
Less Scrap Value xxx
Defective work xxx
Gross works Cost xxx
Add Work in Progress (Opening ) xxx
Less work in progress (Closing) xxx
Work Cost and Factory Cost xxx

Add Office/ Administration Overheads

Office rent, Insurance, lighting, cleaning
office salaries, telephone, law and audit expenses
General Manager,s salary
Printing and stationery
Maintenance, repairs, unkeep of office bldg
Bank Charges and miscellaneous expenses
Cost of Production
Add Opening stock of finished goods
Less Closing stock of finised goods
Cost of goods sold xxx

Add Selling & Distribution Overheads

showroom expenses
salesmen's Salries & commission
Bad debts
ware house rent
carriage outwards,
delivery expenses
sample and free gift etc,
Cost of Sales
Add Net profit
deduct net Loss

Particular Amt cr
By work in progress (Closing) 10000
By cost of Manufactured goods transferred to trading Account 369000


e ending year

Particular Amount
By sales xx
Less-; Returns inwards xx
By Closing stock xx
By Abnormaral Loss of stock xx
By Gross loss transferred to Profit and Loss Account xx

Total xx

Trading A/c
Particular Amt
By Sales of Finised goods 600000
by closing stock of finised goods 30000

total 630000

By gross profit b/d
By Other Income
Commission received
By Abnormal gains
Dividend from shares
bank Interset
Discount received
rent of property let out
By Non Trading Income
profit on sale of fixed assets
profit on sale of investments
By net Loss transfeerd to Capital Account (either net profit or Net loss)

particular amt
Gross profit b/d 700000
To discount received 5000
To dividend received 5000

TO commission received 6000

To Interest Received 8000
To rent Received 12000
To Miscellaneous Income 8000
Total 744000

Assets Amount
Fixed Assets
Plant & Machinery
Furniture & Fixters xx
Investment xx
Current Assets
Closing stock
Accured Income
Prepaid Expenses
Sundry debtors
Bills receivele
Cash at Bank
Cash in hand xx

Total Cost

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