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As easy
Time-driven activity-based Time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC)
was presented by Robert Kaplan and Steven
potentially exponential number of activities
to which costs could be assigned. The process
costing has a number of Anderson in their recent working paper as a becomes unduly burdensome.
limitations when compared “new approach for implementing activity- Moving away from a percentage apportion-
based costing that is simpler, faster, cheaper, ment of costs to activities, TDABC is based on
with the contribution-based more flexible and more easily maintained a cost per minute of staff time per activity. For
activity approach. than the traditional approach”. 1 example, assuming that, at 80 per cent capa-
Let’s consider the following example of a city utilisation, activities costing £560,000
Keith Cleland outlines traditional ABC process. A customer services are calculated to absorb 700,000 minutes,
the key differences department performs three activities: hand- the unit cost would work out at £0.80 per
ling orders, processing customer complaints minute. The £40 per order could then be
between the two methods and making credit checks. The cost of the adjusted depending on size and complexity
operational resources that carry out these by adding or subtracting £1 a minute for
activities is £560,000 and there are 9,800 extra staff time taken. An added advantage
orders, 280 complaints and 500 credit is the ability to identify capacity utilisation
checks. Based on the percentage of time more easily by comparing assigned times to
absorbed by the activities, the £560,000 is the total staff time available. Assuming that
assigned as in panel 1. Orders per customer there are 10,200 orders, 230 complaints and
are accumulated for a period, along with any 540 credit checks, the £560,000 is assigned
complaints and credit checks, providing an as in panel 2. Once managers are aware of
overview of cost per customer. But, with no under-utilisation and cost per customer, they
cost differential between small and large can act to improve efficiency, increase the
orders, attempts to differentiate result in a size of orders and so forth.


Activity Time (%) Assigned cost (£) Driver quantity Driver rate
Handle orders 70 392,000 9,800 £40/order
Process complaints 10 56,000 280 £200/complaint
Check credit 20 112,000 500 £224/credit check
Total 100 560,000


Activity Quantity Unit time Total time Unit cost Total cost
(minutes) (minutes) (£) assigned (£)
Handle orders 10,200 40 408,000 32 326,400
Process complaints 230 220 50,600 176 40,480
Check credit 540 250 135,000 200 108,000
Total used 593,600 474,880
Total supplied 700,000 560,000
Unused capacity 106,400 85,120

2 8 Financial Management September 2004


as CBA?
The application of time-driven assignable
expenses per activity seems to have the ben-
eficial effect of focusing managers on gross
Week number three for period ending........
profit margins. By extracting the key variable
Invoice no No of sales Sale Cost of goods Gross GP % TARI
of goods plus shipping costs from the overall
sale price, unprofitable orders resulting from
price (£) and freight (£) profit (£)
distant locations would become obvious from
597 370 250 120 32 +40
the outset. Intent on assigning expenses to
598 190 150 40 21 –40
activities, Kaplan and Anderson exclude
599 430 320 110 26 +30
non-assignable (non-operational?) expenses
600 380 304 76 20 –4
as well as profit. And yet activities identified as
drivers must ultimately bear the weight of
Week’s total 19 0 61,600 46,200 15,400 25 81
both operational and non-operational expen-
ses plus profit – that is, the gross profit of the
Ten weeks for period ending........ company as whole.
Total to date 1,840 625,600 469,200 162,656 26 88 As the following example will show, man-
Target 2,000 640,000 480,000 160,000 25 80 agers with a gross profit benchmark against
which the profitability of quotes or prices can
be measured would immediately be alerted to
the problems of small and unprofitable orders
owing to low gross margins.
Invoice SalesPurchases and outsourced Gross Gross Number Average If you consider the contribution-based activ-
number (£) work at cost (£) profit (£)profit (%)of hours hourly ity (CBA) method, assuming the same opera-
GP tional or assignable expense of £560,000 and
126 2,000 500 1,500 75 20 75.0 adding £140,000 to cover non-operational
138 1,700 500 1,200 71 30 40.0 expense plus profit, the target gross profit
167 900 200 700 78 25 28.0 would be £800,000. Assuming a target num-
183 3,000 900 2,100 70 22 95.0 ber of sales of 10,000, the target average gross
196 2,500 700 1,800 72 30 60.0 profit per sale would be £80. CBA refers to this
210 1,400 400 100 71 28 36.0 £80 as the target average rate index (TARI) to
Total or11,500 3,200 8,300 72 155 emphasise its benchmark status and distin-
guish it from a cost.
Based on 50-week year, the average number
of sales would be 200 per week, giving an
average weekly gross profit target of £16,000
A Sales for past period (£) 924,000 (200 sales x £80). It’s then a matter of track-
B Materials/purchases at cost (£) 260,000 ing each invoice as in panel 3.
C (A – B) Gross profit (£) 664,000 On the grounds that it’s possible to catch up
D Average gross profit per hour (£) 000,053.50 on a poor week, but far more difficult to catch
E (C ÷ D) Approximate number of hours charged to jobs 12,411 up on a poor month, the number of orders and
F Hours available for charging 20,000 resulting average gross profit contribution are
G (E ÷ F) Productivity 62 per cent summarised weekly and accumulatively for
H (G x 8) Charged hours per person per eight-hour day 4 hours 58 minutes comparison with target. The data invites the
question: why did order 597 do well and yet

September 2004 Financial Management 2 9


600, a similar-sized order, do badly? Although previous page). CBA experience across a representatives, this company showed nil
the poor performance of 600 may be a result of wide sample of businesses suggests that the profit at the time of a management buy-out.
inept quoting, discounting, higher shipping range of contributions comes as a complete In response to my query about its “average
costs than expected or bad buying, there is no surprise to all but 2 per cent of managers. sale”, managers said there was no such thing in
evidence that, even if TDABC were operative, This mainly results from the method by a company that supplied the QE2 with orders
the internal juxtaposition of costs to activities which cost and prices have been developed worth £150,000 and also supplied tugboats
would change things. The addition of £3 for over the years, varying from standard man- with orders of bread and milk worth £50. But,
more lines per invoice or £6 for difficult pack- ufacturing costs and percentage add-ons to accepting that it would be hard to improve an
aging or £200 for a credit check would have no material to a multiple of three or four times unknown amount, they co-operated by ana-
effect on a gross profit based on the difference hourly rates. The revelation is a point at lysing a random sample of sales to reveal an
between market price and cost of goods. which a process of re-education often starts. average figure of £5,000, which, when divided
TDABC doesn’t indicate how market price The answer to those who argue that higher into £50 million, indicated around 10,000
is calculated, but it’s most unlikely that its contributions result from mark-ups on jobs sales. Given a 19 per cent gross margin, the
proponents would suggest adding £200 to using more material than jobs with little or average gross profit per order was £950.
the cost of goods for say, handling a complaint no material input is that, whatever costing The immediate objective was to improve the
by the customer in question. More important system is used, jobs with a higher than aver- gross margin from 19 per cent to 25 per cent
for managers is the need to minimise repeats age contribution per staff hour add more to and target a TARI of £1,250. Sales reps were
of orders like 598 and 600. the bottom line than jobs with a lower than made responsible for costing their own orders
The positive variance seen after 10 weeks is average contribution. Providing that allow- – a task previously done by office staff. Bran-
consistent with CBA experience in several ance is made in expenses for loss or damage, ches were instructed to send weekly reports
businesses across the resale, manufacturing mark-ups on materials or goods have no showing the number of sales made, along with
and service sectors. Once managers are given divine mandate. the gross profit per sale and per representative.
a clear focus such as TARI, improvement l Time charged to jobs. Divide the average The branch managers’ quarterly meetings
flows in the first place from an increase in gross profit per hour into overall gross profit focused on ways of improving the product mix
the gross profit per sale. An improvement in to get a close approximation of the hours and adding value per order. One branch, using
numbers of sales takes more time, generally charged to jobs/products. brochures from a local jeweller, sold opals to
because more is involved in changing internal l Capacity utilisation. Divide the hours ships’ crews, adding value to the food and
systems and processes. It is at this point that charged to jobs by the hours available to be other supplies. Another branch arranged a
TDABC can play a key role in sorting out the charged. Available hours will normally be deal with a local video shop and sold cassettes.
causes of inefficiencies. hours paid, less time for breaks, holidays By the end of the financial year, 10 and a half
The above example relates to businesses etc. Multiplying percentage productivity months after the management buy-out, net
engaged in reselling activities, such as whole- by eight hours will give a more meaningful profit had blossomed from zero to £2.5 mil-
sale distribution and retail, where the key results of hours charged out per person per lion. In effect, this was equivalent to 10,000
driver is seen to be the number of sales and the eight-hour day (see panel 5, previous page). sales x £250 added value per sale.
gross profit per sale. Without a time factor, l Looking ahead. Target ongoing perfor-
however, capacity utilisation is not so easily mance using the same process as for The jeweller
measured as it can be in manufacturing, wholesale/distribution using target char- This firm was persuaded to maintain weekly
trades, services, the professions etc. geable hours instead of the number of sales reports of the sales, gross profit and number of
CBA identifies staff or machine hours as the or orders. In this case, you would target sales as recorded on the cash registers. (A cash
key activity driver. Four steps are involved: extra net profit as well as an increased ring-up of several items counted as one sale).
l Invoice analysis. Identify the average gross number of chargeable hours to deliver a An accountant processed the reports and
profit per hour actually charged to jobs by TARI very close to the average gross profit handed back a weekly comparison of the aver-
choosing a representative sample of at least of £53.50 that was previously achieved. age gross profit per sale with TARI as well as a
six invoices (some people prefer 10 invoices; The following five examples demonstrate comparison of the number of sales with target.
others use 50) and extracting the cost of the application of CBA in both resale and Profit increased from a break-even situation
materials plus any outsourced work. Apart time-related activities. to a net figure of £80,000 within six months.
from giving a close approximation of the The manager told me the following:
average gross profit per hour, the sample The ships’ victualler l He liked the idea of having a benchmark by
also reveals a wide range in contribution per With a £50 million turnover, 19 per cent gross which to gauge performance every week.
hour: from £95 down to £28 (see panel 4, profit margin, 12 branches and 60 sales l It helped to identify whether the contribu-
tion was above or below the TARI bench-
mark when developing product mix.
6 INVOICE INFORMATION FROM THE KITCHEN UTENSIL PLANT l It provided immediate feedback on the

Invoice Invoice Cost of Gross Hours Average gross TARI: effectiveness of advertising.
£80 l It gave him a better understanding of the

number price (£) materials (£) profit (£) cycles affecting his business.
profit per hour (£)
5374 100,000 70,000 30,000 1,000 30 – 50 The kitchen utensil plant
6894 350,000 247,000 103,000 3,000 34 – 46 The chief executive of this business had
7925 270,000 183,000 87,000 2,800 31 – 49 recently spent over £500,000 on a full-blown
costing system. Given the profusion of data

September 2004 Financial Management 3 1


pouring out of this new IT, he felt unable to see projects, it was two weeks before it was possi- most expenses are fluid and can be assigned to
the wood for the trees. Feeling that all was not ble to review the range of contributions from time-driven activities seems to ignore non-
well, he called for help. In the conference each of the firm’s 150 products. assignable expenses and profit; overlook the
room, he wrote the following information on The gross profit contributions per hour basis of cost upon which mark-ups are applied
the whiteboard in answer to my questions: ranged from £225 down to £57, with the in cases where no market price already exists;
Annual gross profit = £20 million. product in high demand and driving produc- and bypass the fixed nature of assignable
Staff hours charged to jobs = 250,000. tivity showing up at £81. Noting with some expenses such as complaints and the need to
Average gross profit per hour (TARI) = £80. alarm that the products contributing £225 spread them across the total time available.
A sample of invoices from a customer and £195 were in fact disused, the consultant All of these factors call into question the
buying 55 per cent of the company’s output said that there must have been an undetected extent of “fluidity” of assigned expenses and
revealed the information set out in panel 6. change in the product mix. It was to his credit the consequent impact on profitability.
By taking 55 per cent of the output at an that he immediately referred the findings to The only expenses treated as fluid in CBA
average gross profit per hour of £32, the major the senior management. are the cost of what is sold, plus any clearly
customer contributed only £4.4 million of the A meeting of key people spent the next few direct variables such as shipping costs and
£20 million total gross profit. It was highly days discussing how to boost the contribution outsourced work. While not excluding any
unlikely that the required contribution of of the £81 product, mainly by improving overtly direct costs that may sometimes occur,
£15.6 million could be gained from the efficiency and reducing material usage with- all other expenses are treated as fixed for all
remaining 45 per cent of customers. This sim- out affecting the product’s quality. CBA soft- practical purposes, to be adjusted as expenses
ple analysis took less than 20 minutes – and it ware was installed to monitor progress. rise or fall. Although these findings run con-
would have taken less time had the informa- Within three months the downturn in the trary to the basic tenets of TDABC, the advan-
tion been more easily accessible. firm’s bottom line began to level out. Within tages become apparent in the application.
six months it was rising steadily. It proved to TDABC calls for a categorisation of activi-
The furniture manufacturer be a salutary lesson for all concerned. From ties and an assessment of time per category in
An international consulting group had been that time on, all new designs had to pass the order to get a close estimate of time-driven
working with this company for six months in contribution test before being approved. costs. It is a process that, depending on its
order to improve its production and mar- complexity, could take days or even weeks.
keting activities. Knowing the consultant in The fabricator Once established, several more weeks may be
charge of the project, I asked whether it had Posting a loss of £133,000 for the previous required to assess capacity utilisation. By con-
tried CBA or not. The answer was no, because financial year and £80,000 for the seven trast, CBA can establish capacity utilisation
the company was well set up with standard months to 31 January, this firm decided to start and give an overview of the contribution of
costing and able to identify any variances. applying CBA. Later that year, the accountant services, products and customers from a sam-
Apart from that, productivity was running who had introduced it to the concepts told me ple of invoices in a matter of minutes.
hot at 75 per cent, owing mainly to a newly that from February to September the business TARI, in conjunction with a targeted
designed suite that was in great demand in had made a net profit of £138,000. volume, lies at heart of CBA. Along with a
continental Europe. When I asked him what he thought about weekly comparison of results with targeted
The consultant agreed to co-operate in pin- this dramatic turnaround, he replied: “I dev- gross profit, they provide a focus at the point of
pointing the average gross profit contribution eloped confidence in quoting, because I knew quoting/pricing/invoicing and a benchmark
per hour, which turned out to £130. Because the contribution compared with TARI. I got for monitoring performance that offers early
the costing system did not give the hourly my weekly results each Friday and my monthly alerts for timely correction. The application of
gross profit for each product, it was necessary results in four days instead of six weeks.” CBA does not exclude the need for TDABC
to write a simple program to extract that once it becomes clear that capacity ultilisation
information. With the data processing section Positive outcomes relating to customer and and expenses need closer attention. FM
employing 26 people, all busy with other product profitability are substantially avail-
able to all types of business without the instal-
Keith Cleland, a professor at the institute of International lation of a TDABC system, helpful though that 1 Robert Kaplan’s and Steven Anderson’s working paper,
Business Relations, is founder of the concepts underlying process may be as a means of improving Time-driven activity-based costing, can be downloaded from
contribution-based activity, now run in conjunction with Trevor efficiency and capacity utilisation.
Watters of Focus Based Management ( The assumption underlying TDABC that 0304/04-045.html

3 2 Financial Management September 2004

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