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Differen tial-pressure Sticking - The Effect of

Oils and a Special Additive on Sticking Coefficientst

long set tnnes, certain viscous, but hlghly fluorescent 011s
Dlfferentlal-pressure stlcklng, which can occur when
caused much greater reductlons ~n stlcklng coefficlent
the drlll strlng contacts the bore-hole wall opposlte
the permeable formatloi~, is a serlous operational
than d ~ dkerosene. Addltion of small amounts of a n
problem One means of alleviating the problem 1s to
011 a d d l t ~ v e to a mud contamlng kerosene greatly
reduce the frlctlon between the clrlll strlng and the
reduced the long set tlme stlcklng coefficient wlthout
changing other mud properties. The lnaterlal was nonmud filter cake.
The effects on dlfferentlal-pressure stlcklng coefficlents caused by emulslfylng several 011s and 011 plus
The 011 adclltive has been added to the mud systems
of three wells whlch were belng drilled with kerosenea specla1 a d d ~ t l v e~n muds have been studied 111 the
011 emulsion mud In all cases the stlcklng coefficlent
laboratory and verified In the field. The laboratory procedure used was to emulsify 011 Into the mud and
was reduced, and other mud properties were unchanged.
No difficulties were encountered ~n analyzing sldewall
then, a t a pressure cl~fferentlal of 500 psl, measure
cores ~n the one field well where they were taken
the stlcking coefficlent between a steel plate and a
mud filter cake deposited from the mud. Set t ~ m ewas
S t r a y fluorescence was not observed In zones known
allowed to lncrease until the sticking coefficlent became
to be free of hydrocarbons, and no m a s k ~ n gof fluoresnearly constant. Emuls~ficatloilof 011 in a mud reducecl
cence occurred ~n zones known to contaln hydrocarbons.
Thus, the acldltlon of the materlal and kerosene to a
the stlcklng coefficient a t all set tlmes. The magnlmud system appears to be a n effectlve means of
tude of this reduction ~n s t ~ c k l n gcoefficlent Increased
recluc~ngthe ~nciclenceof differential-pressure s t i c k ~ n g
a s the degree of emuls~ficationof the oil n~creased A t
wlthout introclucmg undue dlfficultles In formation
short set tlmes, all 011s emulsified to the same degree
caused similar reductions in stlcklng coefficient. A t
Differential-pressure stlcklng can occur when the
drlll strlng: comes In contact with the wall of the
bore hole in the presence of a hlgh different~alpressure
lnto the formation. The seventy of stlcklng depends
upon the magnitude of thls pressure differential, the
area of contact between plpe and mud filter cake, and
the frlctlon whlch must be overcome to move the
plpe Slnce Helmlck and Longleyl described the phenonlenon and 0utmans")resented a theoretical analysls
of how d~fferential-pressurestlcking may occur, many
papers have been wrltten suggesting varlous means
of allevlatlng stlcklng.3-15~~1'~l
Differentla1 pressure can be controlled only wlthin
narrow l l n ~ l t sbecause of the necessity of k e e p ~ n gformation pressure under control. The area of contact may
be reduced through use of drlll-strlng stablllzers o r
through use of special drlll collars. Use of several
types of speclal drlll collars has been reported."4 The
frictlon between plpe and mud cake may be reduced
through proper control of niud propertles,5,6 by addlng
special materials to t h e m ~ d , 7 - ~ o ~ ~o lr c by
1 chang~ng
the mud type.ll*l"pec~al
equipment to release stuck
plpe has also been reported.l3-15,lnc1
A prevlous paper by Annis and Monaghans showed
t h a t frlctlon between steel and mud filter cake 1s not
constant but depends upon the time of contact between
-'Humble 0 1 1 & Refinlng Company. Houston. Texas
*Presented by P H. Monaghan at the s p r i n g meettng of the
Southern Dlstrlct, A P I D~vlston of Produetlon, March 1963
1References are at the end of the paper

them Thls paper defined the apparent coefficient of

f r i c t ~ o n a t any t ~ m eof contact (set tlme) a s the
stlcklng coefficlent. I t also described several factors
whlch influence friction - ~ncluding lnud composltlon The most Important mud component whlch affects
thls frlctlon was found to be barlte, although high
concentratlons of lo\v-gra\71ty sollds would also lncrease
the stlcking coefficlent. It was found t h a t emuls~ficatlon
of 011 in the mud would reduce s t i c k ~ n gcoefficient. I t
was noted t h a t cllfferent oils reduced stlcklng coefficlent by different amounts, but the reasons f o r these
differences were not determined
011s which reduce the stlcklng coefficlent when added
to a mud have been used in field wells The lncldence
of stuck pipe IS thought to be reduced when some of
these oils have been e~nnlsifiedin the mud system. The
011s fluoresce, however, and cannot be used In ~ n a n y
wells because thelr fluorescence conlplicates geological
~nspectionof clrlll cuttlngs o r slde-wall cores. Thus, i t
appeared t h a t further work was needed to understand
the actloll of varlous oils 111 recluclng stlcklng coefficlent
and to find a non-fluorescent oil 01- a materlal which
could be adder1 In small amounts to a non-fluorescent
011 to glve a recluctlon I n s t ~ c k m gcoefficient slmllar to
that observed w ~ t hthe better 011s
This paper descr~besexperimental measurements of
stlcklng coefficients of mud contalnlng different 011s
and a n oil-plus-addltive comblnat~on It suggests reasons
f o r the differences ~n behavlor of the various 011s and
glves results of fielcl esperlments wlth the 011-addltlve



Sticking coefficients were measured with t h e portable apparatus shown in Fig. 1. I t consists of a pressure
vessel with 2.5-in. filter paper disc-mounted in the
bottonl, a 2-in. diameter circular steel plate with a
stem which comes through the lid of the pressure vessel,
and a torque wrcnch to measure force required to rotate
the plate. Gas pressure causes thc mud tn form a filter
cake and provides a differential pressure holding the
steel plate and mud filter cake in contact. In the laboratory, nitrogrn gas was used as a sourcc of pressure;
carbon diox~dewas uscd in the field.
To measure the sticking coefficient, the pressure vessel
is filled ~ \ - i t hmud and the torque plate is placed on the



filter paper. The vessel is healed, and the packing

gland around tht. plate stem is tightened. Height of the
plate stem above the lid ,is measured as a reference
mark f o r later measurement of cake thickness. The
torque plate is then lifted and g a s pressure i s applied.
Filtration occurs and a filter cake is deposited. Filtercake thickness is measured occasionally by momentarily lowerinq the torque plate and observing t h e increased heighc of the plate stem above the lid. When
the desired cake thicltnclss is reached, the plate is held
in contact with the filter cake until i t sticks-about
1 min. Cakv thickness, filtrate volume, and time required
to deposit this cake a r e recorded. After the cake and
plate have been in contact for 1 0 min, the plate is
rotated by means of the torque wrench and the force
recluired for rotation, togrther with the time and filtrate
volume, are recorded. Similar nieasurements are made
a t successively longer times of contact. From these
data the sticking coefficient is calculated. I t is expressed
a s the ratio of the force resisting rotation of the
plate to the normal force holding t h e plate i n contact
with the mud cake. All measurements were made with a
?i2-in. cake and 500-psi pressure differential.


Preliminary Experiments
Previous work has sho~vndifferences in sticking coeficients when different oils such as kerosene or a crude
residuum were emulsified in the same base mud. These
differences were particularly apparent a t long set
t i m e s . W n e objcctivr! of thc present work was to find
reasons for the observed differences. Preliminary tests
showed, f o r sample, t h a t while a crude residuum
was Letter than kerosene, there were variations in the
stickilly coefficients observed hetween replicate tests
u ~ i n gthe same oil. These ~ ~ E c c twere
observed a t short set times and appeared to be the
rt-sult of differences in the stability of the oil emulsion
in the mud. Sticking coefficients measured immediately
after stirring a sample were lower in muds where the
oil would remain dispersed overnight than in a mud
whcre the oil would be scpnrate a s a distinct phase
within a few hours. Because of these observations, i t
was believed necessary to investigate in detail how the
stability of the emulsion aRectec1 sticking coefficients.
Effect of Degree of Eniulsification on Sticking Coefficient


Fig. 1

- Portable Apparatus

for Measurement
of Sticking Coefficient

The most striking result of emulsifying any oil in

a mud sample is a reduction in filtration rate. Traditionally, one of the reasons oil is added to a niud
system is to reduce filtration rate. This reduction
indicates that cake permeability is reduced and, a s
Outmans2 has indicated, means that the sticking coefficient buildup with time should be slower; thus, shorttime coefficients should he lower. I n addition to reducing filtration rate, the uil accumulates in the filter cake
replacing water.
A series of experiments was performed to determine whether oils reduced sticking coefficient merely
by reducing filtration rate and, hence, filter-cake pcrme-



obtained by emulsification of kerosene. The sticking

coefficients obtalned in these experiments a r e compared
in Fig. 3 to those obtained with kerosene. It can be
seen t h a t the emulsification of oil reduces the sticking
coefficient more than can be accounted for by reduction
in cake permeabllity in muds containing the same
volume percent of barite. This reduction must be due
largely to incorporation of oil in the filter cake, replacIng water.
Effect of Nature of Oil on S t ~ c k i n gCoefficient
Similar results to those just descr~bedwere obtalned
when e ~ t h e r of two different crude r e s ~ d u a were
emulsified in the inud. However, a t the longer set
times the sticklng coeffic~ent was lowered more by
these oils than by kerosene. The results obtained
when 10 volume percent of either residuunl was emuls~fiedin samples of the 14.9 lb/gal base mud a r e shown
In Fig. 4. Included f o r comparison a r e t h e earlier
kerosene data. When the time to build the cake, the
filtrate volume, and hence the cake permeability were
the same, the s t ~ c k m gcoefficients of all the muds a r e
nearly equal until set t ~ m e sof about 30 mln. Lower

Set T ~ m e M ~ n u t e s

Fig. 2.

- Effect of

Increasingly Emulsified Oil

on Sticking Coefficient

ability o r whether the accumulation of oil in the cake

also caused a reductlo11 i n sticklng coefficient
A 14.9-lb/gal mud was prepared from t a p water,
bentonite, ferrochrome lignosulfonate, and bante. The
pH was adjusted to 9 with caustic soda. Ten volume
percent kerosene w a s emulsified in a portion of this
inud by stlrring with a "Dispersator" colloid mill f o r
5 min. Sticking coefficients were measured and the mud
was stirred successively longer periods of time to
increase the degree of emulsification of the oil. The
results of these tests a r e shown on Flg. 2, where sticking coefficients a r e plotted against time f o r constant
filter-cake thicknesses of $42 In. It IS seen t h a t there is a
continued decrease in sticking coefficient a s t h e time
to deposit the cake increases, ind~catingt h a t increasing the degree of emulsification and thus reducing cake
permeability does reduce the measured s t ~ c k i n gcoeffic ~ e n t sof the mud.
I n the experiments descr~bed,of course, the additlon
of the oil reduced the barite concentration from t h a t of
t.he base mud. This lowered coilceiltratlon of barite ~n
the mud cake should account f o r some of t h e observed
reduction in sticking coefficients. To eliminate this
factor and study only the effect of the oil accumulation
In the filter cake, 10 volunle percent water was added
to a n ahquot of a n original base mud and t h e sticking
coefficient of thls sample was determined. Carboxymethylcellulose was then added to reduce the filtration rate and cake permeabllity of this mud to t h a t



ase h!ud Plus

10% Wafer



Ime to depos~t1 '32" f ~ l t e r








- 38 rnln





Set T ~ m e- M ~ n u t e s

Fig. 3-Effect of Filter Cake Permeability on Sticking

Coefficient in Muds With and Without Oil

sticking coefficients, a t long set times, a r d -6bsdrved

when the mud contains a crude reslcluun~than when
i t contains kerosene. These data suggest t h a t the longer
set time variations must be due to differences in the
types of oil used. What a r e the major dlfferences
between these oils? Both crude residua a r e more
viscous than kerosene and appear to be better lubricants f o r steel slldlng on steel. They a r e also highly
fluorescent, a property not associated directly to
sticking coefficient but objectionable from the standpoint of geologic interpretation of well samples.
The viscosity difference does not seem ~nlportant,since
emulsification of a viscous white oil gives sticking
coefficlents nearly identical with those obtained uslng
kerosene. The difference in behavior may be due to
the crude residue providing better lubrication to the
steel surface, o r ~tmay be due to these 011s separating
on barite surfaces and partially 011-wettlng them The
possib~lityof partial oil wetting cannot be discounted,
since these 011s a r e hlghly fluorescent, ind~catlngthe
presence of complex inolecules which may be surfaceEFFECT O F A SPECIAL ADDITIVE ON STICKING
If observed d~fferencesin sticking coefficients were



Base Mud Plus

10% Kerosene

Base Mud Plus

10% Crude A Res~duurn

10% Crude B Res~duum

Base Mud Plus

Set T ~ m e M~nutes

Fig. 4 - Effect of Different Oils on Sticking


due either to oil-wetting of the barite or to inherently

better lubricat~ngqualities, ~tappeared possible to find
additives for use with a non-fluorescent kerosene which
would enhance its ability to reduce s t ~ c k i n gcoefficients
The additlve should be non-fluorescent so t h a t i t could
be used widely without introd~icingd~fficultiesIn formation evaluation. The additive should not cause the
barite to become oil-wet slnce experience has shown
t h a t the viscosity of muds containing oil-wet barite is
difficult to control.
Preliminary Experiments
A n u n ~ b e rof new experimental additives designed to
improve various properties of a n oil stock were chosen
f o r preliminary investigation. When these materlals
were added to kerosene-contain~ngmuds in concentratlons equal to 1 volunle percent of the 011 phase, ~t
was found t h a t they had no effect on the mud's flow
properties o r filtration rate. Sticking coefficients observed with many of these materials in the nlud were
the same a s those observed with kerosene alone a t
short set times, but they were lower than with kerosene
alone a t long set times. One of the materlals was by
f a r the most effective in reducing sticking coefficient
a t long set times. I t dld not fluoresce under mercury
vapor ultraviolet radiation, and when added to mud
did not cause i t to fluoresce. The material appeared
to hold promise a s a n additive and was subjected to
additional testing.
Laboratory Evaluation of Special Additive
Further laboratory tests confirmed the large reduction in s t i c k i ~ g coefficient observed when the test
material was added to a mud containing kerosene.
Sini,ilar results were obtained whether the additive was
added to the nlud containing kerosene or whether the
material was first added to a kerosene ancl this mixture
was aaded to the mud.
The: results ~ , h l c hwere obtained w ~ t h 10 volun~e
percent of a mixture of kerosene and 1.0 volume percent a d d l t ~ v e emulsified In the 14.9 Ib/gal caustlc
ferrochronle Iignosulfonate base mud a r e shown in Fig.
5. Shown f o r comparison a r e results obtained when
other allquots of the same base mud containing kerosene alone, crude A residuun~,ancl crude B residuum
were used. All of these oils were emulsified to the same
degree so t h a t filtration times required to deposlt the
+&in. filter cake were nearly constant. These tests
showed t h a t the kerosene-addltive mixture caused a s
great a reductloll in long set time sticking coefficlents
a s any oil tested.
Another series of tests was performed to determine
the effect of addltive concentration In mud. Increasing
concentrations of additive in kerosene were added to the
14 9 I\/gal base mud. A s shown In Fig. 6, increasing
the concentration of additive greatly decreased the
long set time sticking coefficients up to concentration of 1.0 percent, the highest concentration tested.
Addit~onof the additive to laboratory muds had no
measurable effect on mud viscosity, pH, o r filtration
rate. It thus appeared from all the laboratory tests

percent of the 011 present in the mud) were added to

the active pit over one circulation cycle. Sticking coefficient and mud properties were measured after the mud
had completed one and three circulations, and at the
completion of the first circulation after a round trip.
The maxlmuin sticking coefficient measured on the
first circulation after addition showed a decrease of
about 10 percent. After three circulations, t h e sticking
coefficient had decreased a n additional 5 percent and
remalnecl a t this point, about 15 percent below t h a t
of the base einulsion n~ucl, until more material w a s
added. Twenty - f o u r hours a f t e r first adding t h e
material, 65 additional gallons were added and tests
were conducted periodically over the next 3 days. The
second add~tioncaused further reductions in t h e stick111g coefficient. On the first circulation the stlcking
coefficient decreased another 10 percent, and on t h e
third circulation had decreased a n additional 5 percent.
The maslmum stlcking coefficient remalned a t this
point, about 30 percent below t h a t of the base mud,
f o r the duration of the test. These results a r e shown
in Fig. 7. During the test period, the mud density fell
from 12.6 to 12.3 lb/gal. The corresponding reduction
in barite content of the illud should have reduced the
sticking coefficients by about 5 percent, according t o
laboratory measurements T h u s t h e observecl recluctlons ~n sticking coefficient should be primarily due to
the actlolls of the test addltlve







Set T l m e



- Minutes




Fig. 5 - Comparison of Effect on Sticking Coefficient

of Special Additive and Kerosene Mixture
with Other Oils
t h a t the material would be a satisfactory mud additive
f o r use a s a s t i c k ~ n g coefficient reducer in a field
mud system.
The addltive has been tested in three wells thus f a r
with satisfactory results. I n general, these field tests
confirm the information obtained in the laboratory. No
bad side effects were observed either in the innd systems
o r in formation evaluation. Pertinent field-test data and
results a r e given following.
Well #1- South Louisiana
Well #1 was a field developnlent well drilled to
13,500 f t with a drllhng fluid ( a t the time of addition
of the special additlve) consisting of 1 2 G lb/gal gypferrochrome lignosulfonate nlud contaliling 8 percent
kerosene. Sticking coefficients and other mud properties
were checked f o r a day and a half prior to the test
t o allow a basis f o r determining the effect of t h e
special additive. Behavior of the additive w a s observed
in the inud system wlule the well was drllled from
12,500 to 13,500 f t .
F o r the test, 25 gal of additlve (about 0.3 volume






S p e c ~ a lA d d l t ~ v eConcentration

(% of 011)

Fig. 6 - Effect of Special Additive Concentration on

Maximum Sticking Coefficient

Mud viscosity, filtration rate, and solids content varied
only slightly during the test. It is, of course, normal
practice to treat mud a s necessary to inaintain the
value of these properties within narrow hmits. During
the test perlod, however, only small amounts of
chemical treatlng agents were added to the mud system,
indicating t h a t the measured propertles were stable
and t h a t no bad effects were treated out.
Numerous sidewall cores were taken a t the end of
the test period. Since this was a field development
well, the fluid content and type of fluid present in
each zone was known. Examination of these cores
showed no stray fluorescence and no masking of
expected fluorescence in any of the cores
Well # 2 - Southwest Texas
Well #2 was a field wildcat scheduled to be drilled
t o 10,500 f t wlth a gyp-ferrochrome lignosulfonate
mud containing 10 percent kerosene. The effect of the
special additive w a s observed while drilllng from 8,500
to 10,000 ft. I n the 36-hour period lininediately prior
to adding the material, the mud-welght was increased
from 12.6 to 12.9 lb/gal, and the mud system was
closely observed. The sticking coefficient in this mud
value In a test tlme of 60 111111.
reached ~ t maslnlum
The maxlnlum sticking coefficient of the 12.9 lb/gal
mud was 0.155.
Eight gallons of additive (equal to 0.25 volulne percent of the oil phase present) were added to the inud,
and the sticking coefficlent (up to 60 inin set time) was
measured. During two successive bit runs, two additlonal 8-gal quantities were added Mud density renlalned constant a t 12.9 lb/gal f o r this per~od. The

1 Base Mud-12
9% Kerosene

Ib/gal Gyp


2 Base Mud plus 25 gal a d d ~ t ~ vsampled

a t end of 1 c ~ r c u l a t ~ o n

Base Mud plus 25 gal a d d ~ t ~ vsampled

a t end of 3 clrculat~onsand after 1 day

4 Base Mud plus 90 gal a d d ~ t ~ vsampled

a t end of 1 c ~ r c u l a t ~ o n





Base Mud plus 90 gal addltlve sampled

s ~erlodlcallv
a t end of 3 c ~ r c u l o t ~ o nand
for 3 days





Set T ~ m e M~nutes



Fig. 7 - Effect of Special Additive on Sticking

Coefficient, Well # 1



mud density was then gradually increased to 13.9

lb/gal and during this perlod a n additional 8 gal of
lnaterlal was adcled. No sudden changes In mud properties were noted upon addltion of the add~tive. One
circulation a f t e r t h e first 8-gal additlon (0.25 percent
of 011 phase present) the nlaslmum stlcklng coefficient
was reduced to 0.137. A f t e r three circulations, the
stlcklng coefficient was further reduced to 0 130 ( a
reduction of 16 percent). Three circulat~onsfollowing
the second a d d i t ~ o n(0.5 percent of 011 phase present)
the nlasiinuin sticking coefficient was 0.125 ( a reduction
of 19 percent). The final addition, which increased the
concentration of the additive to 0.75 percent of the
oil phase present, did not reduce the measured maximum
sticklng coeffic~ent. T h ~ sbehavior is different than
that observed in Well # l ; no reason f o r the behavior
1s apparent.
Lost returns and "kicking" on the seventh clay of
the test resulted In coinplete loss of all the mud In the
system, so observation of long-term effects of the
adcl~tiveon the mud was inlposslble
The results of thls test confirmed the previous results
t h a t addition of this lnaterial reduces sticklng coefficient
w ~ t l ~ o uchanging
inud properties.
Well # 3 - Southwest Texas
Well # 3 mas a field \vildcat well dr~lleclto 10,816
ft. he mud a t the time of the test was a 17 lb/gal
mud containing 7.5 percent diesel oil. The effect of the additive on the mud
system was observed while clr~llingfro111 9,700 f t to
total depth. The sticklng coefficlent of thls mud reached
a masnnum value a f t e r 180 111111 set time J u s t prlor to
lntroduclng the addltive into the mud, the lnaslmunl
stlcklng coefficient was 0.193.
Six gallons of the speclal additlve (0.25 percent of
011 phase present) were added to the mud system over
one circulation cyle. After four cycles, the maslmum
stlcklng coefficient ( a t 180 min) had decreased to
0 156 (19 percent reductlon). A t this polnt, 6 acldit~onal
gallons (total concentration 0 5 percent of oil present)
were added to the mud system. Three circulations later
the i n a u m u m sticklng coefficient had decreased to
0 137 (29-percent reductlon). As in prevlous field tests,
the add~tion of thls materlal caused no change in
mud properties.
Mud density was Increased to 17 4 lb/gal, and oil
was added to maintain the oil concentration Addltion
of 011 decreased the concentration of the additive in
the oil phase. Both the increase In mud density and the
decrease In a d d ~ t i v econcentration were expected to
Increase the sticking coefficlent, and a n lncrease to
0.149 was noted. This increase was no greater than
increased mud cleilsity should cause. Further additions
were planned a f t e r the mud had I~een observed f o r
one day, to ensure uniform coinpos~tionand properties
a t the higher density. However, total depth was reached
before these additions were made.
Thls field test showed again t h a t addition of this
nlaterlal to the lnud reduced stlcking coefficient without
affecting other mud propertles.



The following conclus~onsinay be drawn from the
work presented 111 this paper.
1. Emuls~fication of 011 in a water-base nlud will
reduce the sticking coeffic~ent of the lnud a t all set
2. The magnitude of s t i c k ~ n g coefficient reduction
depends upon the degree of enlulsification of 011 In
the mucl
3. A t short set times, when the filter cake has not yet
been h ~ g h l ycompressed, all oils produce similar reductions In sticking coefficlent.
4. A t long set tlmes, d~fferent011s reduce sticking
coefficient to a different degree due to the different
lubricating quahty of the oils
5. A ~ n a t e r i a lhas been found which: a, can be added
to kerosene and greatly reduces the s t ~ c k ~ ncoefficient
of a nlud a t long set t ~ m e s ;b, neither fluoresces nor
masks fluorescence and does not affect other mud properties; c, should provide a n effective ineans of reducing
sticking coefficlent and hence the incidence of differential-pressure s t i c k ~ n g without i~ltroclucing a n y d~fficulties in formation evaluat~on.
The cooperation and assistance of operating personnel
of the Morgan Clty and Klngsvllle districts, Huinble
011 & Refining Company, contributed greatly to the
field-testing program The authors would like to express
them gratitude to thein.
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