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The term folk dance describes dances that share some or all of the following attributes:

They are dances performed at social functions by people with little or no professional training, often to traditional music or music
based on traditional music.

They are not designed for public performance or the stage, although traditional folkdances may be later arranged and set for stage

Their execution is dominated by an inherited tradition rather than by innovation (although like all folk traditions they do evolve)
New dancers often learn informally by observing others and/or receiving help from others.

More controversially, some people define folk dancing as dancing for which there is no governing body or dancing for which there are
no competitive or professional performances.
General classification:
A. Geographical Origin
1. National dances - found throughout the islands with little or no modification
2. Local dances - found in a specific locality
B. Nature
1. Occupational dances - depict actions of a labor of a specific occupation, industry or human labor
2. Religious Ceremonial dances - dances with religious vows and ceremonies
3. Comic dances - depict funny movements intended for entertainment
4. Game dances - done with play elements
5. Wedding dances - performed during wedding feasts
6. Courtship dances - depict the art of courtship or dances with love themes
7. Festival dances - suitable for special occasions or any social gathering
8. War dances - show imaginary combat or duel
C. Movements
1. Active - dances which shows fast energetic movements
2. Moderate
3. Slow
4. Slow and fast
D. Formation
1. Square or Quadrille
2. Long formation
3. Set - consists of two or more pairs as a unit; partners facing each other or standing side by side.
"Folk dance is a term used to describe a large number of dances, mostly of European origin, that tend to share the following attributes:
They were originally danced in about the 19th century or earlier (or are, in any case, not currently copyrighted);
Their performance is dominated by an inherited tradition rather than by innovation;
They were danced by common people and not exclusively by aristocracy;
They have been developed spontaneously and there is no governing body that has final say over what "the dance" is or who is
authorized to teach it. This also means that no one has the final say over the definition of folk dance or the minimum age for such
Folk dances are traditionally performed during social events by people with little or no professional training. New dancers often learn
informally by observing others and/or receiving help from others. Folk dancing is viewed as more of a social activity rather than
competitive, although there are professional and semi-professional folk dance groups, and occasional folk dance competitions."

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