Ordering System Proposal - Faezal Hasriq

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A system is needed in order to complete the project given. As the initiation for the project, MakEngku
Restaurant is chosen as the client. Mak Engku Restaurant has potential to improve with a right step such
as using a good system in order to improve the business activity. The business is based on the food
industry which is serving food to the client. Currently they used a system to calculate the bill for their
customers. A meeting is set up with the owner of the restaurant to get the data and information such as
company background, problem statement, scope, and objective and target user. With the entire
information gather, the system that needs to be created can be done with successful.


Mak Engku Restaurant was founded in 1999 by Mak Engku family. The restaurant was located at
Taman Cheras Indah which is a strategic location because it is near with middle class neighborhood. The
concept of the restaurant was simply to create a cozy environment which is suitable for having good
time while eating with family and friends. They served a village cosine type of food and most of the
menus come from Mak Engku recipe herself. Most of the customers come from students and workers
that on their break time to have a dinner and lunch and also the neighborhood from the area.
After 15 years of well establishment of Mak Engku Restaurant, they has opened their second branch
at the same place which is just beside the restaurant with based on concept of Nasi Briyani restaurant.
The second restaurant was open to serve a different type of food to the customer and also to cover the
amount of customers that come many at once during peak period.


In food industry, they have to maintain efficiency in their standard operations and keep up with the
quality of their product and services. In this case, Mak Engku Restaurant has difficulties operation such
as taking order if customers want to add on their ordering. This will slow down the staff to calculate
because add on can little bit confusing. Second, staff have trouble when upper manager want to view
monthly profits because manual calculation mostly not accurate. In order to overcome this problem,
therefore they need system that can improve their work efficiency and be more manageable. This
system able to take order in smooth way and also they can view their monthly profits based on the
profits database.

System Function:
The name of the product that will be invented are Data Collection and Calculation System.
This product is based on a website which has its own database. It is connecting to a main
server which will be the administrator. The administrator will keep all the data and information.
Information will be kept safe with the security that will be provided to avoid intruder. There will
be 2 users for this system which is administrator and client. The client is limited to certain
access only while the administrator has the full access. Client and administrator are needed to
key in their id and password before using the system. Client and administrator can be register
by only using the user of main administrator of the system.
This system has several functions to be used. For the client, they use the system to collect
information or in other words taking orders from customer. With all the option that will be listed
on the website, client only needs to choose the menu according to the customer orders. All
order will be added to a chart that will be show a list of item select and the price. The total price
will be showed as well. The client need to insert the table number and press the submit button in
order to send the information to the main server which is store in the database. If there is a
change of menus, the client can access to the database in order to update the information as
request by the customer. For the administrator, they can access the system to review the
information or order that had been taken. All customers will go through the administrator in order
to pay for the order by giving the table number. The administrator will record on the system for
those customer who has pay or not pay. Besides that, administrator can view all the information
about the client. This method cant be access by other user as it is privileged. Administrator not
only can view all the order taken by the client on the database but can edit the order taken by
the client as well.

By using this system, there will be a win-win situation for the customer and the user of the
system. On behalf of the customer, there will be no worries in estimating the total budget as
customer can see the total price after finishing order. Customer will feel more reliable if there
are any changes of the menu as all the information is recorded. Any misuse or error will be at
the minimum chance. On behalf of the user, not reliable or any misappropriation issue will not
be happen as all the information can be review in time. User can always check all the order and
total profit.
Time Duration:

5 Month This time is estimated to completing the project from the very beginning until
the end of the project.


RM 10,000 This cost is including the software and hardware that will use for the system and
also another cost that will be need while completing the system.

Based on the problem statement, these are aims that make this system successful.

To help improve business operation in Mak Engku Restaurant

To view revenue of profits monthly
To develop a data collection and calculation system
To produce a documentation report.

There are several users that will use the system which are:

Mak Engku View the monthly profit for the business.

Waiter at Mak Engku Restaurant Taking order from the customer and calculate the cost of the
food for the customer using the system.
Customer View their cost for the food that they have ordered.



System requirements:

Interview Interview the workers at Mak Engku Restaurant to get information about their
problem and what they want.
Observation Observe how Mak Engku Restaurant business operates to understand their
working scope.
Questionnaire Ask them to answer the questionnaire to get a better understanding about
what need to be done for the system.


Feedback from questionnaire and interview.

Coding of the program.
Invoice for the system.
Proposal of this project.
User manual.
Documentation or report for this project.


To evaluate the successful of the system, the developer will fulfill the requirement of the customer and
the user of the system. By using this system, customer will be relax and not feel burden as they have the
system that can be rely on. Once the customer feel better or enjoy with the facilities provided, there will
be no unforeseen circumstances for them to come again. Besides that, any misuse or error will be at the
minimum chance which gives advantages not only to customer but for the user of the system as well. In
the nut shell, accurate, reliable and multipurpose are provided where there will be no doubt that this
system will make the business improve.


Certain skills are developing during the process of the project, from the start until finish.

Interpersonal Skill
Student interpersonal skills are enhanced to a new level, gaining many new ways to
communicate and interact with other peoples, both individually and in groups.

Organize Skill
Student will be highly organized and good at multi-task, knows how to manage project or tasks
and track issues on a daily basis.

Leadership Skill
Leadership skills also developed mostly for the group leader, take charge and know how to lead.
Other student get some the skill from the leader experiences by follow, suggest and discuss.

Presentation Skill
Presenting the information will be more clear and effective and get the message or opinion

Programming Skill
HTML and PHP language are improved by making this system.

Database Management
Ability to make a required query and table for the database. The database also can be manually

Logic Skill
Calculation and algorithm in the system have increase student logic skill.


In the nut shell, technology has change the way we live our life as it makes many things easier.
Without technology we would still not be progressing toward being a better human. Communication
with people isnt the same as we communicate using the internet. The system that was created will
benefit as many as it can be used for many things and we in our daily life do many thing.

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5. Joey F. George, Dinesh Batra, Joseph S. Valacich, Jeffery A. Hoffer, M 2003, Object Oriented
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