I Have No Read Millenium

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I have not read


Antonio de Orbe
The manatee surfaced water with two arms and reached the stairs to the
pool. He raised his corpulent bulk to the edge height, decisively as part
of her body was still in the water more slowly when gravity pulled
down her flesh. Graciously shook the drops of water from his tanned
skin, breath to the bottom with the satisfaction of having done your
daily quota of physical exercise and went to the couch with parsimony.
Once there, he put on his sunglasses and resumed reading Millennium.

From my observation post on the other side of the pool, I could not see
which was the volume I read. The cover feature and however long title
denoting membership of the series. After half an hour carefully
monitored by me and absorbed by his reading, overcome by the heat,
took a dip. Just then, a family member called the attention of manatees
that gave the reading. I let the time needed to be out of sight behind
some trees and after checking that nobody watched, with all the
secrecy and speed I could, I left the water, I took the book, I went
through my site, I picked up my towel, I rushed to my block without
turning to look, galloping up the stairs, I entered the house and still
dripping, shut the door. Breathless, excited and happy I looked at my
harvest. He already had one. With heart to leap from my chest, I went
to the window overlooking the pool. The manatee swam without
understanding while the brat Fernandito pointed in the direction in
which I was lying before my fearless action. I smiled, satisfied.
Nobody would accuse me of stealing a book. More than a dozen copies
of those days fell into the pool carried by their owners. Anyone could
have taken one wrong. I looked at the book hoping to find some trace
of the supposed magic, smoke some purple or a golden glow. Or at
least find out what was the volume. Crap. It was the second. I still had

I have not read Millennium. I am very unhappy about it. The

comments, unfiltered eyes, the smiles of the people on one side. The
desire to know, not wanting to miss something so valued by the other
side makes its reading is postponed.

At first it was so complicated. Only rarely spoke to someone the
subject. The first was Ramon, the third in which the neighbor took up
almost two-seater 4x4 causing many problems to rest. Summer had
barely begun. Sitting beside me in the pool closed the book ostensibly
satisfied. Like it? I asked innocently. Best thing I ever read, replied
decided. And what do you read? My answer left him indifferent despite
being a well-known Latin American author. In order to keep the
conversation I mentioned a couple of titles that I had tasted recently.
Again, this caused a minor effect on Ramon. I made one last effort and
asked for further reading if we could extend the chat for a while. Do
other books? asked surprised. He pondered a moment before replying:
nothing better than Millennium. Judging from my conversation
pointless, Ramon returned to his book while I was thinking what might
be the other readings of Ramon.
Another day was the candid Eve. I had never seen a book in their
hands. Welcome to the most. And there was his book. It's wonderful,
said when I sat down beside her. I never thought that reading could be
so exciting. Before she had tried yoga and cross stitch, but this is
different. When I was reading I thought it must be boring. But now
everything has changed. I can not wait to finish the first to start the
second. And the third I have for all summer. Gazpacho, tan and
Millennium, what more could I want? "Men, I asked mockingly. The
grimace of Eve made me give up the conversation. Gazpacho, tan and
Millennium, how could a girl want men in the summer? What rubbish.
As the summer wore on, the pool was filling with people. The crisis
had cut the budgets of the holiday and the apartments were filled with
families. Several generations, who were crowded into the floors of the
grandparents until this summer deserts, are available at the pool mode
clans. One had even a great grandmother. And with people, books are
everywhere. Every time I was harder to find room for the towel. Every
time I was more isolated. We have to buy the books, I commented to
my wife. Do not even think he replied. We have a house full of books.
Ask for it provided. Or bass, said with malice. A suggestive promise
lay behind his words. We had a few weeks apart by glitches that do not
come to that story and smile back at me hope to recover it.
So I started it. I asked my family. I asked my friends. I have provided
the responded ones. The respondents have provided others. I do not

lend books-nobody returns, was another of the replicas. All had read.
Everyone but me. Contrary to the treatment with my wife, I decided to
buy them. My surprise was great when I saw that had been exhausted. I
do not think they once again reach copies in Spanish until two or three
weeks, maybe until the end of summer, "said the clerk. Do you have it
in English? No, no, but if you wish, there are copies in Swedish.
"Swedish? How could I buy some books in Swedish? With the failures,
anxiety took hold of me. Also a silent determination. I would. The get.
Read them.
One night I had a dream overwhelming. The neighborhood community
was assembled in special meeting with only one item on the agenda,
discussion of the trilogy. Who has not read Millennium, asked the
speaker from the podium. I have not read Millennium, said, trembling
from the end of the room. Everyone turned to me. The president, owner
of the Bakery Castellana, pointed at me. Terrified, I fled from the
special meeting sought by the larger community. That same night,
another dream, he introduced himself Larsson. His face of Jack
Nicholson, but I knew he was the author because I spoke in Swedish. I
sternly reprimanded for not having read. Suddenly, images of thin
women is pervasive. I tried to call for help, but only a little voice came
out of my throat, enough to wake my wife took me out of the
nightmare. Drenched in sweat, I could not continue sleeping. The next
morning I made my first theft.
I got it, I announced to my wife. It is the second, said something
crossed. We should begin by the first right? Get on it. I'll get all three,
but has to steal them all. Of course my love. Come here, ordered
caring. And a passionate kiss was followed by a torrent sensorimotor
long yearned. A new man. That was me. Nor had it been so difficult
that feat. And it had recovered the relationship with my wife.
One afternoon I sat down with Anthony, with whom I was pretty good,
but his company was quite uncomfortable because he was deaf. I did
not resist, he confessed. It is best to go along with it and read it. Do
you? I have not been able to get, murmured. I'm with Salgari with
Sandokan, ideal for summer What? I have not yet read, I'm with
Sandokan, I said aloud. The next clan closely followed the
conversation. How's your wife? "He asked. Now we're fine, I replied.
Seize the summer, yelled Antonio. When winter comes not get wet or

half shouted. A second clan, adjacent to the next, could not suppress
their smiles.
Only one neighbor came out of the norm. Laureano, an old man who
lived on the third floor of Block D. He was serious, tall and lean. It
reminded me of Clint Eastwood. And you, do not read Millennium, I
asked skeptically. His response shocked me. I am Atletico said with
aplomb. And ...? When someone is Atletico's nothing else matters, kid.
Bravo, Laureano, I relieved. Finally someone who has not read. Finally
a kindred spirit.
The following two books were not easy. One day I went to the office
and taking advantage of an oversight, I walked into an office and I took
one. That same day, running through the park stole another. The
owners, shocked, and although slow to react after me, the advantage
they had proved insurmountable. The third volume ... unfortunately for
me, again the second. Shit, I had two copies of the second and the
third, but first I needed without which he could not start. Despite this
paradise of conjugal love began to blossom.
The neighbors of the third B and C from their balconies waving spoke
with copies of the trilogy. Three more people read in their chairs the
thick volumes. And you, you read these strange things? "Said Julio,
arrogant neighbor first, while looking at me disdainfully. Yeah, well,
I'm with Alexandre Dumas, I stammered, I've always liked the romantic
soap operas. They are great for summer. I'm back and all, "Julio said. I
have read Millennium. Why read more. Well, there are other things I
said. Yes, ha, ha said, laughing. The Playboy. Boy, once you've done
the greatest thing, once you read the masterpiece of world literature,
there is no point continuing. It's like Zinedine goal. "Zinedine, I asked.
If man, Zinedine Zidane. Ah, Victoria. No, responded angrily, that is
Beckham, David Beckham. Like I said, more calmly continued striking
a pose of a Roman orator, everything has been written. Now everything
is read. Soon the season starts. What else matters. Does the season ...
what? Julian looked at me as if I had a moron in front. In what will be.
The football season.
I spread the towel where I willing to suffer the taunts of my peers who
did not wait. Although not all were malevolent. Maybe it was all mine
susceptibility. As if the sweet Veronica. Straight, one-twentieth of their
skin was hidden from view. Half were in the soles of the feet. The rest

was the bikini. You know, he said, remind me a lot to X. X? I asked,
puzzled. Yes, you're exactly the same. "X, not a character in
Millennium? Sure. Do not tell me that you have not read? If I can
introduce you ... ... in the trilogy, said rogue. Oh no, I thought. Just
what I needed. Veronica was my next door neighbor and wanted to
enter the trilogy. Perhaps only because it was just like X. And my
newly rescued marriage? I definitely was going crazy. Indeed, he
continued, have you heard of the book thief? They say they are stolen.
A disturbed, probably. Only someone unscrupulous could steal the
illusion of another human being. Just listen to anybody ... Before the
end of the sentence I jumped headfirst into the pool.
He had a couple of days observing Eulalia, a grandmother who lived
alone. Her husband had left her and their children and grandchildren
just came to visit. Not very heroic rob a grandmother but did not want
to take any chances and it was unlikely that anyone out in his defense.
At this point the volumes and knew there was no doubt that this was
the first. The grandmother was about to complete their reading. I
planted the towel beside her and waited until the time came, which was
not hard to get. Eulalia closed the book and let him aside, took off his
glasses and looked at some indeterminate point in the sky. Then he
closed his eyes in an attitude to grasp better the content of the book,
savoring the best passages, re-excited with the end of travel the distant
world where he had lived the last days. It is time, I thought. With the
aplomb that gave me my successful robberies, reached over and picked
up the book. I left my camp and went home with parsimony. It was the
first and once again was an easy theft. In these thoughts I was
complacent when Grandma squealed behind me Thief. I stole my book!
I kept walking, now with hesitation, hoping that nobody would listen.
However, two yards away, Ramon, the 4x4's I stopped by. More
neighbors came to the hustle and suddenly I was surrounded. Teaches
the book, I ordered a neighbor. It's mine, I replied without conviction, I
have provided in the office. He stole my book, he spat the manatee, I
had to finish it in Swedish. You have not read any, "said another, just
read Sandokan. I wanted to get their hands, denounced the sweet Eva.
No shower before entering the pool, said another. A whole range of
grievances higher or lower than I was in charge came to light as if they
have been anticipating the moment. The brat Fernandito struck me a

sharp kick on the ankle and then peed on my calf. In the turmoil I
thought I saw two neighbors from a thick rope over the branch of the
magnolia tree in the pool. Came the president, perhaps my salvation, a
fair man voted by the community to be their guide, the supreme
authority over the administrator and the caretaker, but to my despair, he
extended his clenched fist with the thumb down. From that moment I
knew I lost. The images were unclear, mixed sounds, ideas happened in
my head dizzy. It smelled of fear, of urine and droppings. It was the
One moment, madame, "said a familiar voice. His book is here. There
was silence and we all went back to my wife who pointed out a book
on the towel from his grandmother. Ready we come to see that in fact
the second volume of the trilogy was in the towel. Confused, the
grandmother began to stammer: it is not possible ... the second ... but if
I was reading ... Congratulations, Eulalia, was quick to congratulate a
neighbor, now in its second. The second book was the repeated copy
that I had stolen from the park. In silence all eyes turned to President
awaiting his verdict. It was the natural leader, the shepherd of the flock.
A just but also magnanimous. His face took on the highest dignity,
cleared his throat and began his speech. Castellana Panificadora My
father founded 50 years ago. Throughout this time we are governed by
the principle of honesty and justice. He paused to enhance the speech
that was exploited by neighbors to give some murmurs of approval.
Faced with similar cases my father always said: do not let the past ruin
your future. After another pause, a smile came to her face to sentence:
You're one of us, welcome to the club. His words acted the effect of
relaxing the atmosphere and then I was subjected to spanking,
entertainments and recommendations of all kinds. Do not read the
toilet, you left the mark in the ass, was the most valuable advice.
Restored with the book in hand and head up I went home accompanied
by my wife but not before butting a tremendous Fernandito campion
that bastard is gone howling. From the opposite bank, Laureano,
leaning against a tree, identical to Clint Eastwood, looked at me
reproachfully and tiredness. I knew it, seemed to say, only me, the
My wife took a while in the bathroom getting ready for what was sure
to be a memorable meeting with fireworks. The three volumes were on

the table, forming an imposing tower. For making the wait shorter took
the valuable copy and began reading. He had become an annual event.
Today the recipient of the flower was eighty-two. By the package,
opened it and removed the wrapping paper. I am, honey, you can
come, I heard my wife from the thalamus. A heart when I replied,
quickly go. He then picked up the phone and dialed a former
commissioner of police criminal ...

L.A. 2-9-2009

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