Feasibilityreport 121129060613 Phpapp02

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Task 3

3.1 Feasibility Report

Executive Summary

According to this feasibility study this report is integrated with

some important points. Those points are,

Definition/purpose of a feasibility study.

Who conducts the feasibility study?

Components of a feasibility study for a Hotel Reservation system.

This report has written for a Hotel Reservation system. The main object of preparing
this document is to give the clear ideas about changes and modifications of their new
system for user. Not only that this new system brings many long term advantages for
the company also and company can use this system without any modifications for
long time period. Basically the proposed system is based on the internet. Because of
that reason it should be more user friendly with people who use it. Commonly it use
by tourists.
Mostly Reservation manager and staff members get busier than
in the present. People who are living in any country, its very simple to make a
reservation through this site. Lets think about a business class hotel or resort they
should update their reservation summary daily. This means they should prepare their
daily forecast. And also reservation people should more careful with their operation.

3.1.1 Writing a Feasibility Study

Any new project should implement and based on as an
operational part of their current system. This means once a company switched to a
new system it should analysis through the operation of earlier system. This entire
document is consisted with Hotel Reservation System. Feasibility study provides the
process for this analysis.
This documentation is focus on several phases of feasibility study:

Definition/purpose of a feasibility study.

Who conducts the feasibility study?

Components of a feasibility study for a Hotel Reservation system.

Definition/Purpose of a Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is defined as an estimate or analysis of the possible impact of a proposed

system. In the other hand this can say whether decision makers can implement the project
according to customers requirements or not. The feasibility study will include wide data
associated to financial and operational impact. It also consisted with advantages of new
system and draw backs of current system.
The feasibility study is conducted to support the decision-makers in creating the decisions,
What will be the great importance of the hotel reservation system? Whatever the decision that
they take it should improve the quality of developing system.

Who Conducts the Feasibility Study?

According to the project feasibility study may be conducted by the Hotel reservation
Manager. The hotel reservation manager over and over again does not have the time required
to perform in detail analysis required to complete a feasibility study. Also, the director may
lack the knowledge essential for completing the study. Therefore, a specialist often is hired to
perform the feasibility study.
The individual conducting a feasibility study should have the following characteristics:

Experience in conducting feasibility studies.

Experience in Hotel reservation system operation.

Should have the ability make decisions whatever the most suitable.

Components of a Feasibility Study for a Hotel Reservation System

The feasibility study for a proposed reservation system will be widespread. There are several
components that should be included in the study, and each will be discussed.

Background Information
Some background or setting information is important to provide the circumstance of the
feasibility study. Included in the background information:

According to our investigation we have chosen one of the best business class hotels.
Totally it has 300 rooms with including 16 suites also.

According to the IT managers idea they having some doubts with their reservation
system. Its not a very user friendly one.

Make one of the best and effective reservation system for company is main goal of
make this system.
Proposed Online Hotel Reservation System

Description of the System

Basically this proposed system has two interfaces. Those are front end and back end.

Front end

Check-in date

Check-out date


These are the most basic functionalities that appear in front end.

Back end(Reservation

Arrival list


Follow up report

These are the basic functions that include in back end system.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Proposed System



More user friendly than the current


Cost is high.

Operation wise it more effective.

At the beginning little bit confuse to


Customer attraction is in a satisfactory

Back up plans also available.
All the previous errors have corrected
and added some new functionality.

Comparison of Current and Proposed Systems

Current system

Proposed system

It does not execute a satisfactory job in

work wise (not very efficient one).


Not a user-friendly one.

It has all the new functionalities.

It does not have new functionalities.

More effective in operation.

Backup plan is not very satisfied one.

It can maintain a satisfied backup plan.

Final Recommendation
This part is one of the most important justifications of this
report. Generally decision makers get the entire idea through this. Once we
analyze the requirements every ones idea was they need a modified system or
new reservation system.
The entire system is a combination of two sub systems.
Because of that system may gets complex in developing. We should think in
every time how can we exactly satisfy the client needs.

Task 4
4.1 Assessment of the different feasibility criteria on a system investigation
4.1.1 Basic feasibility criteria are:


This is some kind of a practical measurement. Technological criteria provide the most
appropriate technical solutions to the discovered problem. According to this hotel
online reservation system once we analyze the requirements a one thing was
highlighted many times by staff members and also from the management. That is the
technical interface of their current run system should modify or upgrade to a new
system. According to the IT managers idea they dont have an online reservation
system. Because of that reason they requested an online system that belongs to their
official site of the hotel. It should run under the official site of the hotel.

Economic (cost-benefit analysis)

Economic is deciding the cost of the entire product. After analyzed the requirements
cost can estimate. While developing the project cost is not an exact amount. Because
sometimes project can not finish on time, some errors may occur and etc. Fluctuate of
cost can be occur due to this reason. Form the very first beginning we have chosen
one of the staged life cycle model to develop the project. There are some important
things include with this economic criteria.
1. An estimated cost of the product can fulfill user requirements.
2. Estimated cost is enough to finish the project.
3. Can do the project without any other addition charges.

This will check how the designed produt performs in the real operational
environment. When we apply this criteria there are some important questions may

1. How does the staff will feel about the new system?
2. Do they contribute to the proposed system?
3. The proposed solution may perform in good in the real environment or not.
4. Is the problem can solve in worth or not?
This criteria model is parallel goes with the scheduled time. Ability of finish the
project on time is measured under this model. At the beginning of the project client
and software Development Company make the agreement. After how many time
periods client will get the product. Customer satisfaction is more need in this stage.
Most of the time this criteria model is depends on government rules. Once the product
finished it will check under the government. It will check what kinds of functions are
available in the system, are there any functionalities that not suitable and the product
is observance the rules and regulations of the government or not. At the end this
product hotel reservation system should registered under government. Then no one
can create the same product under their name.
People will talk about the system when it operates in real environment. Lets think
according to this product it is in the top of world best hotel reservation system. Then
what will happen? Everyone will talk about this system and they also motivate to
apply this into their operation also. According to this system customer is one of the
most important part of their society. Reservation system should realize the user needs

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