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Just come!

To everyone who will have the privilege of reading this write up, I say greetings
in the name of the King of kings and Lord of lords; the name of that king is Jesus
Christ of Nazareth. He was made king by the Father; God made him the mediator
between Him and the sons of men. By so doing, He made him the savior and deliverer
of humanity. The celebration of Christmas is a proof that this Jesus isn’t a myth;
he was born, walked on the face of the earth and died not for the sin he
committed. He died so that anyone who believes in him may live.

God permitted him to suffer for the sin he didn’t commit so that He can show you
his kindness and mercy; the stripes he was inflicted with is for your healing,
while the cross was meant to take away curses that had been hanging on the head of
as many that believes in him. On the 3rd day he rose again for humanity’s
justification so that as many that believes in him may have eternal life.

It’s the same Jesus that has inspired me to write this; he gave me a message to as
many that will read this write up. That message comes with urgency because of the
fulfillment of the words of prophecy he made in the Bible (Matthew 24); the world
events have show that darkness fills the earth and gross darkness the people. The
rate of war is alarming; the rate of murder, suicide, ritual killings, religious
madness, abortion, divorce, etc is alarming. So he who sits on the throne sent me
with just one message; that message is come.

The king (Jesus) sent me to as many that will read this write up that are laden
with the yoke of guilt, come. Irrespective of what you may have done; irrespective
of how unforgivable it may seem to the law, he asks me to tell you to come. You
have carried the burden of guilt for too long; if you will come, he will give you
rest. God is never surprise nor dismayed about whatever wrong anyone can commit;
He knows to err is human.

Have you murdered someone? Have you committed sacrilege by getting sexually
involved with your sister or brother or daughter? Are you a serial killer? The
word of the king (Jesus) is come.

The king (Jesus) sent me to as many that will read this write up that are laden
with hopelessness and you are contemplating committing suicide, come. Have you
lost investors money and you are in the verge of been sent to prison? Have you
concluded that you are a failure and will never do well? Have people’s opinion
about you like prophecy been coming to pass? Suicide isn’t the solution; the word
of the king (Jesus) is come.

The king (Jesus) sent me to as many that will read this write up that are laden
with the yoke of covenant with the occult, come. Irrespective of the pact you may
have made with the devil and the price you have paid, the king’s word is come.
It’s a lie that you can’t walk out of the pact except with a grave consequence of
death; satan knows that if you come the king will make you free that is why he has
threatened everyone that has made a pact with him, with death. If you turn your
allegiance to the king (Jesus), he will set you free from every covenant you have
made with the devil.

The king (Jesus) sent me to as many that will read this write up that are laden
with the yoke of sicknesses, come. Have doctors given up hope on you? Has a
verdict of death been passed on you because science hasn’t found a cure for your
ailment? In medicine there is a saying, ‘We care, but God heals;’ the word of the
king is come.

The king (Jesus) sent me to as many that will read this write up that has
concluded that he doesn’t need God, come. Yes all is going on well with; life is
full of so much excitement and you don’t want to give it up to be a ‘freak’ like
the Christians you know, the kings word is come.

If you come to him, he will give you rest; Jesus don’t make freaks out of people
that is what religion does. Come, just come is his word. He isn’t ashamed of you;
the world may have given up hope on you, but not Jesus. His love for you is
eternal, and his heart bleeds to see you free, healed and happy. The king has
asked you to come because he wants to show you his kindness and mercy.

The way to come to him is to walk in faith by accepting his Lordship in your life-
it’s by confessing that all the he did on the cross wasn’t just for the world but
also for you specifically. As simple as this may sound, it has the power to bring
the king’s verdict of freedom over your life from everything that has burdened
you. It as simple as saying the following in faith- Lord Jesus, I accept you into
my life as Lord and Savior.

Olufemi Fasanya

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