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The effect of the student feedbacks mechanism in the quality of service

received by the students at University and Colleges in Kathmandu

For the proper management and efficient operation, evaluative and corrective
measures are as important as planning, organising, leading and delegating.
Once plans are executed, products are launched, services are rendered, and
projects are completed, it is always wise to conduct an evaluation for
continuous improvement and rectification. Not only will evaluative measures
correct the errors but they also identify the possible opportunities of
perfecting the existing ways of doing the business.
Feedback mechanism is one of such evaluative measures of management that
is capable of generating invaluable insight for formulating corrective measures.
The general trend in any feedback mechanism is that public or consumer (or
other applicable parties) perception about any product or service, task or
other events is obtained through various channels and media, and the
management seeks to utilise the information thus obtained to make informed
decisions and operate better in the future.
Feedbacks can be of two types based on the point of origin internal feedbacks
and external feedbacks. The internal feedbacks are generated within the
organisation/firm from amongst employees, managers, executives and board.
The external feedbacks, on the contrary, originate outside the firm from
amongst consumers, suppliers, and buyers.
From managerial perspective, feedback mechanisms are quite significant tools
that assist the managers evaluate the quality of service/product, the employee
satisfaction and other complaints, and take corrective steps. When it comes to
measuring and improving the service quality, various methods of collecting
feedbacks have been developed over the years both general and specific for
a wide range of firms and businesses. From emails to attached cut-out coupons
and telephone calls to market surveys, companies have done it all to find out
what their consumers think of their service quality and their brand image, and
take strategic steps accordingly.
As far as service quality is concerned, it is a multidimensional concept that has
a major impact on the success of any service-providing organisation. During

the past few decades service quality has become a major area of attention to
practitioners, managers and researchers owing to its strong impact on
business performance, lower costs, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and
profitability (Leonard and Sasser, 1982; Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Gammie,
1992; Hallowell, 1996; Chang and Chen, 1998; Gummesson, 1998; Lasser et al.,
2000; Silvestro and Cross, 2000; Newman, 2001; Sureshchander et al., 2002;
Guru, 2003 etc.). A firm in order to compete successfully must have an
understanding of consumer perception of the quality and the way service
quality is influenced ro nroos
. Also, Haywood-Farmer suggests that a
service organization has high quality if it meets customer preferences and
expectations consistently (Haywood-Farmer, 1988). It is also to be strongly
noted that Parasuraman proposed that service quality is a function of the
differences between expectation and performance along the quality
dimensions (Parasuraman et al. 1985).
This research will

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