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WORKSHOP: Machine Shop

GROUP MEMBERS: Chaitanya Srivastava-12104010

Rahul Bansal-12104032
Sidharth Singla-12104061
Nikhil Seth-12104065
Ankit soti-12104069

WORKSHOP COMMENCED: 19 December,2012

WORKSHOP ENDED: 4 December,2013
JOB: Multiple operations on a job.

DAY-1 19 December,2012
This day we were allotted our workshops. Our group was allotted
machine shop. After allotment process got over ,we went to the
shop. We interacted with other three groups as well as with the
teachers. We were told that if we will work sincerely ,be
disciplined and be punctual we will be able to do well.

DAY-2 20 December,2012
This day all the groups were called in the morning shift at
9:00am.We were told to draw the sketch of job in our notebooks. It
was a stepwise mentioning i.e which process we have to perform
first. Each group had to make two jobs . So,we cut two pieces of
length 204 mm and diameter 36 mm out of the raw material of
mild steel.
We used Power Axe for this purpose. The blade used here is made
of high speed steel. Our instructors told us that it was based on
hydraulic mechanism.We poured a coolant on blade continuously
so as to avoid damage to the blade due to heat.
After this we did facing of one of the pieces.We used a single
cutting tool for ths purpose .In this the job is stuck in a three jaw
chuck.For good and smooth facing,the tool is taken from inside to
outside.Then we did counter shanking on both the faces of job to
hold the job in tail and head stock.
At the end groups were divided in shifts,two in each shifts which
were applicable only for one week.It was decided that after one
week groups would interchange their shifts.

DAY-3 21 December,2012
This day we completed the facing process of one of the jobs which
was left previously.We even get the centre of the circular
face.After facing we did counter shanking of the workpiece to hold
the job in tail and head stock.We were also told how to perform
turning process.


22 December,2012

On this day firstly we made marks on job with the help of chalk
and pencil as per the given dimensions.After marking we directly
started the step turning process.The job is first ststuck in the job
holder with the help of bench vice.This is done with the single
cutting toolwhich is moved from right to lef and job rotates


24 December,2012

On this day we continued with the step turning process.


26 December,2012

This day we made a groove in the step of diameter 35mm and

length 20 mm. The groove is of 32mm diameter and length
4mm.The rest of part is 8mm on both the sides.Due to shape single
cutting tool, edges of the steps were not straightened. So with the
help of multi-cutting tool, edges were straightened.


27 December,2012

We did knurling process on both 8mm parts which were on either

side of the groove.We held the between the head and tail
stock.Knurling tool is pressed hard against the job so as to make
criss-cross patterns.


28 December,2012

On this day we had to do the taper turning process.The formula

which we used to find the angle was
Tan A =(D-d)/2l
Putting D=25mm
d=20 mm
l=20 mm
we get..
angle A to be 7 degrees approximately.We rotated the dial to 7
degree and started taper turning .In this carriage wheel is not
rotated.Cross feed and compound wheel is rotated.


29 December,2012

Taper turning process was finished.We were told about milling

process this day.Our teachers told us about various parts of the
milling machine-arm arbour,indexing plate,bracket and also about
different cutters like involute cutter,slab mill cutter,angular cutter
etc. Today we did hexagonal milling. In this we use slab mill cutter
made of HSS and is of helical shape. We did indexing by applying
the formula 40/N were N is the number of sides required.
In this case N = 6 .
So the ratio 40/N becomes 6(2/3) . This requires us to rotate the
hand wheel 6 times and additional 2/3 turns. We compute 2/3 holes
in following manner:
We multiply and divide by 7 to make 21 in denominator so the
resultant becames 14/21. This takes us to the conclusion that we
have to rotate additional 14 holes to complete the remaining 2/3

DAY- 10

31 December, 2012

Today we devoted an entire day towards milling. It was a lengthy

process and took around one and half hour by each group to
complete the process.

DAY- 11 1 January, 2013

Today we did BSW threading. We were tought by our instructors
about different typex of threading like BSW whose tool angle is 55
degree, acme thread whose tool engle is 29 degree etc. After
threading we did filing on our job to give it smooth finishing. TPI
of this thread is 10 , so the depth of the cut as calculated by the
Depth of cut = 1/TPI*diameter
Which gives us 2 mm, so the depth of cut is 2 mm.

DAY- 12 2 January, 2013

Today we did square threading. To accomplish this job, othogonal
tool was used . The TPI required for square threading was 6, so the
depth oof the cut using above formula is 4.18 mm. We used water
as coolant to avoid damage to our job and tool due to over heating .
In this case also filing was done to give smooth finishing.

DAY- 13 3 January, 2013

After finishing square threading, we moved on to drilling and
parting off of the hexagonal part of our job. To accomplish this we
held the job in the 3-jaw chuck. The drill of mearurment 16.66 mm
was used which was held still while our workpiece was rotated.
Water was poured to reduce heat at the tool job interfrace and
thus acted as a coolant. Drill was taken inside up to the sleeve part.
After this, parting was done to using a tool similar to square
threading tool. Clearence is kept double the width of the tool to
avoid the stucking of the tool. After this facing was done with the
help of facing tool to give finishing.

After this internal threading was done using taps. Nut was held on
bench vice and the tap was held in the tap handle and then it was
rotated clockwise while oil was poured on the blades timely.
At last chamfering was done using BSW threading tool.

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