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Abramovich, Roman, 259

Adamkus, Valdas, 225
agency, 252, 253254
Albania, 206207, see also
postcommunist region
Aleksei II, 96
Alesina, Alberto, 86, 9091
Alksnis, Viktor, 218
All Russia Party, 176
All-Russian Center for the Study of
Public Opinion (ARCSPO),
190191, 271
All-Union Central Committee of
Trade Unions (AUCCTU),
Amirkhanov, Alikhan, 6364
Andreev, Evgenii, 39
Appel, Hilary, 166167
Arbatov, Aleksei, 229
Article 29 (Russian Constitution),
associations in Russia, restrictions on,
monitoring of associations,
political parties, 77
Putin era, 7677
Russian Orthodox Church, 76
Aushev, Ruslan, 63
authoritarianism, 1920
autocracy, 20

Babitskii, Andrei, 68
Baburin, Sergei, 219
Bachinin, Sergei, 60
Balian, Hrair, 48
banking reform in Russia, 165
Bashkortostan, 4142, 55, 57, 9293
Belarus, 186, 206207, see also
postcommunist region
Belgorod, 69
Berezovskii, Boris, 132, 259, 269
Berisha, Sali, 207
Berman, Sheri, 184
Bim, Alexander, 262, 263
Bismarck, Otto von, 230
Bobbio, Norberto, 17, 46
Borodina, Natalia, 44
Bratton, Michael, 128
Brazauskas, Algirdas, 225
Brazil, 18, 185
Breslauer, George, 267
British colonial heritage, political
openness and, 86, 88, 89, 93,
British oligarchy, 29
Brunner, Edouard, 49
Bunce, Valerie, 28
Bush, George W., 31, 32
Cardenas, Cuauhtemoc, 79
Catholicism, political openness and,

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Cambridge University Press

0521853613 - Democracy Derailed in Russia: The Failure of Open Politics
M. Steven Fish
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causation, 613, 82, 252254
agency, 252, 253254
causal inference, 613, 82
constitutional choice and, 253
structuralism, 252254
Ceausescu, Nicolae, 211
Central Electoral Commission (CEC),
34, 3540, 4445, 78, 79, 80
Chavez, Hugo, 132133
Chechnya, 40, 55, 68, 186
Cherepkov, Viktor, 62
Chernomyrdin, Viktor, 52, 164165,
204, 229
Chile, 185
Chistiakov, Valentin, 64
Chub, Vladimir, 64
Chubais, Anatolii, 133, 162, 164,
166167, 173, 174, 232, 234
civil liberties in Russia, 6777
associations in Russia, restrictions
on, 7577
communication restrictions in
Russia, 6775
civil society in Russia, 35, 176191,
265266, 271
business class and, 181, 182183
information and, 190191
management-employee relations,
180181, 188190
media and, 187188, 271
middle class and, 181182
political parties and, 176179, 265
political reforms and, 4
professional organizations, 179180
socioeconomic basis for, 180183
state and, 4, 187191
trade unions and, 188190
civil society in South America, 184185
civil society in Weimar Germany,
Cohen, Stephen, 100
Colombia, 70
Committee of Soldiers Mothers, 76
Communist heritage, political openness
and, 8687, 88, 89, 9495, 112

Communist Party of the Russian

Federation (CPRF), 43, 5253,
5556, 78, 79, 80, 163164, 175,
176, 178, 266, 268
communication restrictions in Russia,
Internet and, 69
journalists, repression of, 6870
Putin era, 7173, 74
television and, 7172, 7374
Yeltsin era, 7374
Communists-Working Russia, 53
Constant, Benjamin, 157, 183, 184
constitutional choice, 210224, 253
constitutional systems, political
openness and, 193195,
197201, see also
semipresidentialism; and
Cooper, Ann, 72
corruption, 127134, 241243, 247,
250, 259, 260261
elite attitudes toward, 133
indicators of, 129130
natural resources and, 127128,
129130, 134, 247, 259,
political regime and, 128129
popular attitudes toward, 131133
superpresidentialism and, 241243,
courts in Russia, 4546, 6263, 6465,
6667, 70
cross-national statistical approaches,
1012, 8283
Cumulative Economic Liberalization
Index (CELI), 147, 159, 177, 251
Dagestan, 3439, 41, 42
Dahl, Robert, 17, 19, 21, 22, 3031, 61,
6768, 71, 72, 75, 156
Darkin, Sergei, 71
Davis, Gray, 5758


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Cambridge University Press

0521853613 - Democracy Derailed in Russia: The Failure of Open Politics
M. Steven Fish
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dead souls, 39, 40
De Melo, Martha, 146
democracy, denitions of, 1519, 21,
elections and, 1618
electoral competition and, 1618
maximalism, 1819
minimalism, 18
open communication and, 1618
Democratic Choice of Russia (DCR),
53, 178, 228229, 233234
democratization and economic
liberalization, 158169, 265
democratization in Russia, 1, 27, 9,
2729, 246252, 254271, see also
civil society in Russia; political
openness in Russia
alcohol and, 67
constitutional change, 266
economic policy and, 248, 256,
natural resources and, 247248, 254,
parliamentary power and, 256257,
presidential powers and, 266
political parties and, 268
trade unions and, 265266
Denizer, Cebdet, 146
determinism, 1112
Di Palma, Giuseppe, 17
Diamond, Larry, 19
Dine, Thomas, 70, 71
Dogan, Ahmed, 235
Dryzek, John, 112
Durkheim, Emile, 912, 193, 252
Duverger, Maurice, 195, 200, 204
Dzasokhov, Aleksandr, 63
Ebel, Robert, 115
economic conditions in Russia,
economic development, political
openness and, 83, 8889, 91,
98105, 112

Gross Domestic Product per capita,

83, 9899
regional income distribution,
economic freedom, 135137, 139,
140149, see also economic policy
in Russia; neoliberalism;
democratization and economic
democracy and, 139, 145147
natural resources and, 135
popular rule, 140141
postcommunist region, 141,
political regime and, 139
Economic Freedom Index (EFI), 135,
142144, 145146, 148149,
159, 263265
economic liberalism, see neoliberalism
economic liberalization, see
democratization and economic
economic policy in Russia, 160176,
248, 256, 261266, see also
democratization and
banking reform, 165
business regulation, 165166,
comparative perspective, 168, 169
democratization and, 248, 256,
economic statism, 167
nancial-industrial groups (FIGs),
Gorbachev era, 160161, 173
gradualism, 160, 162163, 164,
privatization, 166168, 174
regulation, 169172
shock therapy, 156160, 164169,
172173, 175
Soviet period, 160161, 173
vouchers, 166
Yeltsin era, 161169, 173176

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Cambridge University Press

0521853613 - Democracy Derailed in Russia: The Failure of Open Politics
M. Steven Fish
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Efremov, Aleksandr, 4546
elections in Russia, 3031, 33, 3440,
4143, 44, 4748, 5152, 53,
5557, 7781, 217, 218220,
228229, 233234, 254255,
266, 268
Chechnya (2003 presidential
elections), 55
constitutional referendum (1993),
nuclear waste referendum (2000),
parliamentary election (1995),
5152, 228229, 233234
parliamentary election (1999),
4748, 5556, 228, 234
parliamentary election (2003),
7779, 8081, 234, 266, 268
presidential election (1996), 33
presidential election (2000), 3440,
4143, 4748, 53, 55, 5657,
presidential election (2004), 7778,
Yeltsin referendum (1993), 217
electoral coercion in Russia, 5461
hard coercion, 6061
candidates and, 61
journalists and, 60
soft coercion, 5460
absentee ballot manipulation,
parliamentary election (1999),
presidential election (2000), 5657
electoral commissions in Russia, 4445,
64, 67, see also Central Electoral
electoral exclusion in Russia, 6167
electoral fraud in Russia, 3154, 7879,
see also electoral exclusion in
Russia; electoral coercion in
caterpillar, 4243
dead souls, 39, 40

demography and, 3940

impact on elections, 5254
parliamentary election (1995),
parliamentary election (2003),
presidential election (1996), 33
presidential election (2000), 3440
public perception and, 54
electoral monitoring in Russia, 4150,
5152, 8081
parliamentary election (1995),
parliamentary election (1999),
parliamentary election (2003),
presidential election (2000), 4748
presidential election (2004), 8081
electoral procedures in Russia, 34, 39,
40, 41
protocols, 34, 40, 41
voter registration, 39
eliminative induction, 910
Omar, 184185
ethnic fractionalization, political
openness and, 8586, 88, 89,
9091, 97, 112
Russia and, 97
Evans, Peter, 185
Fatherland Party, 176
Fatherland-All Russia Party, 178, 228
Federal Security Bureau (FSB), 67,
Federation of Independent Trade
Unions of Russia (FITUR),
188190, 265266
Federov, Boris, 228
Federov, Valerii, 190
Feshbach, Murray, 39
Filaret, Metropolitan, 96
nancial-industrial groups (FIGs),
Fomin, Dmitrii, 46


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Cambridge University Press

0521853613 - Democracy Derailed in Russia: The Failure of Open Politics
M. Steven Fish
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Forward Russia, 228229
Fraser Institute Economic Freedom
Ratings, 143, 145, 149, 159
Freedom House freedom scores (FH
scores), 2225, 210211, 221
Freedom House press freedom scores,
Freud, Sigmund, 11
Front for National Salvation (FNS),
Frye, Timothy, 183, 212, 222
Gabidullin, Rinat, 55
Gabon, 25
Gaidar, Egor, 162, 164165, 173174,
228, 232, 233235
Gazprom, 262263
Gelb, Alan, 146
Gerashchenko, Viktor, 80, 165
Gibson, James, 111
Glazev, Sergei, 268
Goldman, Marshall, 127
Gonchigdorj, Radnaasumbereliin,
Gorbachev, Mihkail, 160161, 173
Gorbenko, Leonid, 60
Gore, Al, 32
Gosplan, 162
Gostsen, 162
Govorin, Boris, 71
gradualism, 160, 162163, 164,
Gref, German, 262
Grigorieva, Klavdiia, 4142
Gryzlov, Boris, 260
Guatemala, 18
Gusinskii, Vladimir, 132, 187188
Gutseriev, Khamzat, 63
Gwartney, James, 143
Hadenius, Axel, 240
Hahn, Jeffrey, 72
Hall, Peter, 12
Hanson, Stephen, 185
Hegel, G.W.F., 184

Hellman, Joel, 136137

Henderson, Callum, 258259
heterogeneity, see ethnic
historical process tracing, 1213
Holmes, Leslie, 112
Holmes, Stephen, 133, 134, 187
Horowitz, Donald, 85
Human Development Index (HDI),
152, 153155
Huntington, Samuel, 1617, 87,
134135, 239
Hussein, Saddam, 32
Iabloko Party, 42, 53, 78, 79 passim,
178, 228229, 233, 266, 268,
Iakovlev, Vladimir, 269, 270
Iakunin, Gleb, 218
Iasin, Evgenii, 172
Iavlinskii, Grigorii, 42, 79, 228229,
232, 234235
Iliescu, Ion, 211
Illarionov, Andrei, 262
India, 66
Inglehart, Ronald, 88
Ingush Republic, 40, 6364
Institutional Revolutionary Party
(Mexico), 79
International lending institutions,
5051, see also International
Monetary Fund
International Monetary Fund (IMF),
50, 175
Iraq, 32
Iskyan, Kim, 262, 263
Islam, 87, 8889, 9293
democratization and, 92
political openness and, 87, 8889,
Israel, 240
Ivanchenko, Leonid, 64
Jaruzelski, Wojciech, 214
Jasiewicz, Krzysztof, 215

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Cambridge University Press

0521853613 - Democracy Derailed in Russia: The Failure of Open Politics
M. Steven Fish
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Javeline, Debra, 189190
Jensen, Donald, 229, 269270
journalism in Russia, see media in
Jowitt, Ken, 94
Kadyrov, Akhmad, 55
Kaliningrad, 60
Kapustin, Boris, 164
Karachaevo-Cherkes Republic, 68
Karatnycky, Adrian, 85
Kasimov, Mikhail, 180181
Kaufmann, Daniel, 2122, 83
Kazakhstan, 206207, see also
postcommunist region
Kazantsev, Viktor, 63
Kekic, Laza, 259
Khakamada, Irina, 79, 232, 269
Khamadeev, Rashid, 56
Kharitonov, Nikolai, 80
Khasbulatov, Ruslan, 162163, 164,
217, 218
Khatuev, Rashid, 68
Khetagurov, Sergei, 63
Khizha, Georgii, 164
Khodorkovskii, Mikhail, 132, 259,
Khudaiberdin, Ravil, 57
Kirienko, Sergei, 204205, 232
Kirov, 60
Kitova, Olga, 69
Klaus, Vaclav, 173, 235
Kokov, Valerii, 71
Kopstein, Jeffrey, 185
Korolev, Oleg, 65
Kostov, Ivan, 235
Kotkin, Stephen, 168
Kovalev, Sergei, 80, 232
Kraay, Aart, 2122
Kuchma, Leonid, 215216
Kudrin, Aleksei, 262
Kursk oblast, 62
Kwasniewski, Aleksandr, 215
Kyrgyzstan, 206207, see also
postcommunist region

Law on Joint Ventures, 160, 161

Law on State Enterprises, 161
Lawson, Robert, 143
Lebanon, 25
Legislative Powers Survey (LPS), 201,
242243 passim
Levada, Iurii, 190, 191
Liberal Democratic Party of Russia
(LDPR), 42, 52, 78, 79, 175,
life expectancy, political openness and,
anti-alcoholism campaign in Russia
and, 106107
political and economic change and,
linear regression analysis, 1213
Linz, Juan, 16
Lipetsk oblast, 6566
Lipset, Seymour Martin, 78
Lisin, Vladimir, 6566
Lithuania, 225, see also postcommunist
Liukzaeva, Valentina, 55
Locke, John, 184
Luebbert, Gregory, 252253
Lukashenko, Aleksandr, 96,
Lukianov, Anatolii, 220
Lukin, Alexander, 260
Lukin, Vladimir, 229
Luong, Pauline Jones, 115
Luzhkov, Iurii, 44, 228, 269
Lysenko, Nikolai, 219
Madrid, Miguel de la, 79
Mainwairing, Scott, 18
Makhachkala (Dagestan), 35, 41
Kirovskii district, 41
Makarenko, Anatolii, 61
Makashov, Albert, 218
Malaysia, 25
Malyshkin, Oleg, 79
Markevich, Eduard, 6869, 71
Marks, Gary, 78


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Cambridge University Press

0521853613 - Democracy Derailed in Russia: The Failure of Open Politics
M. Steven Fish
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Marx, Karl, 11, 157, 183, 184
Maslov, Viktor, 61
Mastruzzi, Massimo, 2122
Matvienko, Valentina, 269
McFaul, Michael, 2, 3, 28
media in Russia, 30, 3435, 4748
passim., 46, 60, 6875, 187188
civil society and, 187188
Internet and, 69
journalists, repression of, 60, 6870
Moscow Times, 3435, 4748 passim,
television and, 7172, 7374,
Menon, Rajan, 115
methodology, 614, 2023, 8283
Mexico, 79
Migdal, Joel, 238239, 240
Mikhailov, Evgenii, 59
Mill, John Stuart, 9, 184
Mironov, Sergei, 79, 268
modernization effect, 116, 123127,
indicators of, 124125
Moldova, 206207, see also
postcommunist region
Mongolia, 214, see also postcommunist
monocracy, 20, 2627
Moore, Barrington, 157, 183
Mordovia, 55
Morocco, 25
Moscow, 44
Moscow Times, 3435, 4748 passim,
Motherland Party, 78
Motrich, Dmitrii, 69
Motrich, Lada, 69
Murashev, Arkadii, 44
Murmansk, 69
Murtazin, Irek, 43
Nadezhdin, Boris, 265
Narantsatsralt, Janlav, 235
Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 238

natural resource endowment, Russia

and, 84, 114128, 129130,
134138, 247248, 251, 254,
corruption and, 127128,
129130, 134, 247, 259,
democratization and, 247248, 254,
diversication and, 258259
Economic Freedom Index (EFI) and,
economic policy effect and,
political openness and, 115118,
135136, 137138
postcommunist region, 117
state control and, 260261
transfer pricing, 84
Nazarbaev, Nursultan, 244
Nazdratenko, Evgenii, 60, 62, 269,
Nechiporenko, Taisiia, 39
Nemtsov, Boris, 235236
neoliberalism, 140141, 150155, see
also economic policy in Russia;
shock therapy
public welfare and, 151155
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 184
Nikolaev, Mikhail, 6465
Nilsen, Thomas, 44
Niyazov, Saparmurat, 186, 206
Nizhnii Novgorod, 5657
North Ossetia, 63
NTV, 187188, 271
ODriscoll, Gerald, 135
oil and gas in Russia, see natural
resource endowment, Russia and
oligarchy, 20, 25, 26, 29
British empire and, 29
South Africa and, 29
Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE),
4750, 8081

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0521853613 - Democracy Derailed in Russia: The Failure of Open Politics
M. Steven Fish
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Orlov, Vladimir, 182183
Orlova, Svetlana, 62
Orthodox Christianity, 76, 87, 88, 89,
94, 9597, 112
democratization and, 97
political openness and, 87, 88, 89,
94, 9597, 112
Ostrenko, Viktor, 30, 59
Our Home Is Russia (OHR), 5253,
Paksas, Rolandas, 225
Panov, Vladimir, 68
Parker, Edward, 262
parliamentarism, 194195, 196,
197198, 222224
parliamentary elections in Russia, see
elections in Russia
parliamentary power, 198220,
221224, 225226, 228,
241243, 251, 256257,
constitutional choice and, 210224
democratization and, 256257,
Legislative Powers Survey (LPS),
201, 242243 passim
Parliamentary Powers Index (PPI),
201204, 207, 221224, 251
political openness and, 205212
Russia and, 204205, 209, 216220,
semipresidential systems and,
199200, 204209, 225226
state strength and, 212213
superpresidential systems, 205,
Parliamentary Powers Index (PPI),
201204, 207, 221224,
Parshukov, Aleksandr, 190191
Party of Russian Regions, 80
Pasko, Grigorii, 68
Pastukhov, Vladimir, 169171
Pavlov, Nikolai, 219

Pochinok, Aleksandr, 191

Poland, 206207, 214215, 225, see also
postcommunist region
political class in Russia,
superpresidentialism and,
230237, 249, 268269
political openness in Russia, 19, 2027,
83113, 115118, 135136,
137138, see also civil society in
Russia; democratization in
British colonial heritage and, 86, 88,
89, 93, 112
Catholicism and, 87
Communist heritage and, 8687, 88,
89, 9495, 112
economic development and, 83,
8889, 91, 98105, 112
ethnic fractionalization and, 8586,
88, 89, 9091, 97, 112
Islam and, 87, 8889, 9293
life expectancy and, 105108
monocracies and, 26
natural resource endowment and, 84,
8889, 113, 115118, 135136,
oligarchies and, 25, 26
Orthodox Christianity and, 87, 88,
89, 94, 9597, 112
parliamentary power and,
popular orientation toward political
regime, 88, 91, 108109,
tolerance and, 88, 91, 108109, 111,
trust and, 88, 91, 108109, 112
political parties in Russia, see All Russia
Party; Communist Party of the
Russian Federation (CPRF);
Fatherland Party;
Communists-Working Russia;
Democratic Choice of Russia
(DCR); Fatherland-All Russia
Party; Forward Russia; Iabloko


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M. Steven Fish
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Party; Liberal Democratic Party
of Russia (LDPR); Motherland
Party; Our Home Is Russia
(OHR); Party of Russian
Regions; Union of Right Forces
(URF); Unity Party; United
Russia Party; Women of
Politkovskaia, Anna, 68
Polity scores, 23
Poltavchenko, Georgii, 62, 65
polyarchy, 17, 21, 3031, see also Dahl,
Ponomareva, Ksenia, 30
popular orientation toward political
regime, political openness and,
88, 91, 108109, 111112
postcommunist region, 1, 6, 8, 11,
9495, 9899, 168, 169,
196198, 200201, 206207,
presidential elections in Russia, see
elections in Russia
presidential power, 266
democratization and, 266
presidentialism, 195, 196198
press in Russia, see media in Russia
Pribylovskii, Vladimir, 77
Priiutovo (Bashkortostan), 4142
Primakov, Evgenii, 56, 228
Primorskii krai, 60, 62
privatization, 166168, 174
loans-for-shares privatization, 167
nomenklatura privatization,
probabilism, 1112
professional organizations, civil society
and, 179180
economic liberalization and, 179
Prokhorov, Aleksandr, 61
Prokofev, Aleksandr, 72
Przeworski, Adam, 18, 151
Pskov oblast, 59
public welfare, neoliberalism and,

Putin, Vladimir, 3435, 40, 42, 43, 53,

56, 57, 6465, 7173 passim,
7677, 132, 182, 187188, 225,
228, 234, 236, 243, 249,
258259, 261263, 266268,
269270, 271
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
(RFE/RL), 73
Radkevich, Staneslav, 219
Raikov, Gennadii, 56
Rakhimov, Murtaza, 57, 269
Rakhmaninova, Irina, 40
Reftinskii (Sverdlovsk), 6869
regulation in Russia, 169172, 248
change of address, 171
humanitarian aid and, 170
Remington, Thomas, 2, 3
rentier effect, 115116, 118122, 134,
tax revenues and, 119122
Repnevskii, Andrei, 263
repression effect, 116, 122123,
Federal Security Bureau (FSB),
military expenditures and, 122
military size and, 122
restorationism, 163164
revolution, denition of, 15
Riker, William, 156
Roeder, Philip, 28
Romania, 213214, see also
postcommunist region
Rose, Richard, 20
Ross, Michael, 115116, 118119, 122,
Rostov, Igor, 60
Rostov oblast, 64
Rudnikov, Igor, 60
Rumiantsev, Oleg, 220
Russian Union of Industrialists and
Entrepreneurs (RUIE), 162,
Rustow, Dankwart, 246247

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Rutskoi, Aleksandr, 62, 162163,
Rybkin, Ivan, 269
Ryzhkov, Nikolai, 217
Sakha (Yakutia), 6465
Salinas, Carlos, 79
Samara, 4546
Saratov oblast, 35
Satarov, Georgii, 265
Satiukov, Sergei, 261
Schmitt, Carl, 184
Schumpeter, Joseph, 16
Semenov, Vladimir, 68
semipresidentialism, 195, 197198,
199200, 204209, 222224,
Shaimiev, Mintimer, 33, 42, 56
Shamanov, Vladimir, 70
Sheinis, Viktor, 55
Shelamydova, Iiulia, 70
Shevchuk, Vladimir, 4243
Shleifer, Andrei, 28, 105
shock therapy, 156160, 164169,
172173, 175, see also economic
policy in Russia
Shoigu, Sergei, 267
Shtyrov, Viacheslav, 65
Shvets, Dmitrii, 69
Sibneft, 259
Skliarov, Ivan, 5657
Slovakia, 206207, see also
postcommunist region
Smolensk, 61
Sobchak, Anatolii, 219, 235
Society for the Defense of Glasnost, 71
Soros, George, 174
Soskovets, Oleg, 167
South Africa, 29
Soviet Union, 27, 58
SPS, see Union of Right Forces
Squier, John, 241
Stankevich, Sergei, 235
Stepan, Alfred, 9697
Stepashin, Sergei, 229

Stawrowski, Zbigniew, 215

Sterligov, German, 80
structuralism, 252254
superpresidentialism, 205, 224244,
248252, 263, 268270
corruption and, 241243, 250
legitimacy and, 224226, 248
political class and, 230237, 249,
political parties and, 226230,
postcommunist region, 244
Russia and, 239, 243244, 263,
state power and, 237241, 249250,
263, 269270
Surzhikov, Viktor, 62
Tatarstan, 33, 4243, 46, 56, 9293
Drozhzhanovskii district, 43
Kazan, 43
Naberezhnye Chelny, 46
Terekhov, Stanislav, 218
Tilly, Charles, 239
Titov, Konstantin, 42
Tiumen, 5556
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 184
tolerance, political openness and, 88,
91, 108109, 111, 112
homosexuality and, 88, 111
trade unions in Russia, 188190,
democratization and, 265266
Transparency International (TI)
Corruption Perceptions Index,
Travkin, Nikolai, 229
Treisman, Daniel, 28, 105
trust, political openness and, 88, 91,
108109, 112
Tsukanova, Liubov, 66
Tumanov, Vladimir, 67
Tumusov, Fedot, 65
Turkmenistan, 186, 206, see also
postcommunist region


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Ukraine, 215216, see also
postcommunist region
Ulyanovsk, 70
Union of Right Forces (URF), 5556,
78, 79 passim, 229, 234, 268,
United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP), 105106,
United Russia Party, 78, 176, 178, 261,
United States, 3132, 5758
Unity Party, 176, 178, 228, 261
Ustinov, Vladimir, 69
Venezuela, 132133
Veshniakov, Aleksandr, 39, 44, 62, 79,
Voice and Accountability (VA) scores,
2125, 83, 94, 95, 116, 146,
148149, 207, 221, 252
Volgograd, 4344
Volskii, Arkadii, 162163, 164
Wale sa, Lech, 215, 225, 244
Walker, Edward, 224

Weber, Max, 11, 96, 193, 230232,

235238, 245
Weiner, Myron, 86
Weinthal, Erika, 115
Wilson, Pete, 58
Women of Russia, 53
World Values Survey, 8788
Yates, Julian Peel, 81
Yeltsin, Boris, 33, 7374, 162, 163165,
173175, 183, 186188, 204,
209, 216219, 224225, 229,
236, 237, 244, 249, 263, 266,
Yukos, 259
Zambia, 25
Zaripov, Alkhat, 43
Zeman, Milos, 235
Zhelev, Zhelyu, 244
Zhirinovskii, Vladimir, 42, 175, 229,
Ziazikov, Murat, 64
Ziuganov, Gennadii, 33, 42, 43, 53,
74, 163164, 175, 183, 205,


Cambridge University Press

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