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Training Course for

TANK Software (Based on API 650, 11th Ed., Add.1)



Rev.1: AUG. 2009

Page 1 of 100 (Rev.1)

API-650 11th Ed. TANK v3.1 .



)Page 2 of 100 (Rev.1













11-3 Anchor Bolt




)Page 3 of 100 (Rev.1


API-650, 11th Edition, Add.1


Guide to Storage Tanks and Equipment

By : Bob Garner & Bob Long


Aboveground Storage Tanks

By : Philip E.Myers


Tank Manual
By : Chevron Research & Technology Co. Richmond


Roarks Formulas for Stress & Strain



Handbook of Storage Tank Systems



D. Digrado & A. Thorp

Design of Welded Structures



B. Geyer

The Aboveground Steel Storage Tank Handbook



C. Young & G. Budynas

W. Blodgett


10. ASTM
11. NFPA

Page 4 of 100 (Rev.1)

ASME Sec. VIII Div.I: Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels

American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Internal Design Pressure 3000 psi


: ASME Sec. VIII Div.I
Subsection A :
UG (General Requirements)
Subsection B :
Methods of Fabrication
3 UW : Welded
3 UF : Forged
3 UB : Brazed
Subsection C :
Classes of Materials
3 UCS : Carbon and Low Alloy Steel
3 UHA : High Alloy Steel
3 ULT : Materials with Higher Allowable Stresses at Low Temperature
3 UCI : Cast Iron
3 UHX : Rules for Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers
Mandatory Appendices: 1, 2, 3,
(i.e. App.9: Jacketed Vessels, App. 12: UT of Welds, App.26: Expansion Joints, )
Non-Mandatory Appendices (Good Practice): A, C, D,
(i.e. App.E: Corrosion Allowance , App.F: Linings , App.EE: Half-Pipe Jackets )

API-660 TEMA Shell & Tube

API-662 API-661 .
. AD-Merkblatter BS-PD:5500 -

Page 5 of 100 (Rev.1)

API-620: Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks

American Petroleum Institute
Internal Design Pressure 15 psig
Design Temperature 250 F
1) Basic Rules: Lowest Recorded 1-Day Mean Atm. Temp. = -50 F
2) Stainless Steel (App.S): without limit on Low Temperatures
3) Refrigerated Tanks (App. R, Q):
1. Single Wall Insulated
2. Double Wall (Insulation Between Walls)
App. R: Low Pressure Storage Tanks for Refrigerated Products
40 F Design Metal Temperature -60 F *
App. Q: Low Pressure Storage Tanks for Liquefied Hydrocarbon Gases
Liquefied Ethane, Methane & Ethylene *
Design Metal Temperature -270 F *
API-620 NIOEC-SP-41-06 IPS-E,M,C-ME-110 prEN-14620

BS-7777 : Flat-Bottomed, Ver., Cyl. Storage Tanks for Low Temp. Service
British Standard

. Cryogenic
Internal Design Pressure 140 mbar
External Design Pressure 6 mbar
Operating Temperature -270 F

Seite 1

Liquefied gases with evaporating temperatures*

-11 C
Vinyl chloride -13 C

-33 C


-34 C


-42 C


-47 C

-11 to -47 C
-88 C


-103 C


-163 C

* at ambient pressure

Page 6 of 100 (Rev.1)


Single containm ent

Suspen ded deck insulation

Suspended deck insu lation

Shell insulation

Tan k sh ell

Fou nd ation

Suspen ded deck insulation

Shell in su lat io n

Shell in sulat io n

Tan k sh ell

Tan k sh ell

Cup shell

Found ation
Botto m insulation

Full containm ent

Double containm ent

Cup shell

Botto m insulation

Fou nd ation

Botto m insulation

Single containment
Suspended deck insula tion

Shell insulat ion


A single containment is a single

wall tank and has to be
surrounded by a low bund
wall (retaining wall) to contain
any liquid leakage

Reta ining w all

Bottom insula tion

Page 7 of 100 (Rev.1)


Double containment

The inner cup and the outer tank have

been designed to store the cold liquid.

Shell insulation
Inner cup
LT- steel

- 104 C

In the event of failure of the inner cup,

the liquid will be kept in the outer tank.

Outer tank

The outer tank will also accommodate

the insulation. In the case of leakage
the outer tank could not keep the gas
product when being heated by the
contact with the outer tank.

LT- steel

Bottom insulation

Stored liquid: Ethylene at -104 C

Full containment
Suspended deck insulation

Shell insulation
Tank shell
Cup shell

With regard to the cup in tank

system a non-polluting storage
tank with insulated collecting
space has been developed.
ln the event of failure of the inner
cup, the outer tank can
accommodate the product so that
no liquid or gaseous product
comes into contact with the

Stored liquid: Toxic liquids like ammonia at -33 C

Page 8 of 100 (Rev.1)

BS EN 12285 : Workshop Fabricated Steel tanks - Hor. Cyl. Single & Double
Steel Tanks for the Underground & Aboveground Storage of
Flammable & Non-Flammable Water Polluting Liquids
BS 2594:1975 *
. ) (

Nominal Diameter: 800 mm up to 3000 mm

Max. Overall Length: up to 6 x Nom. Dia.
Max. Liquid Density: 1.9 kg/l
Max. Operating Pressure: 1.5 bara.
-20C Normal Operating Temp. +50C

AWWA-D100 : Welded Steel Tanks for Water Storage

American Water Works Association

a. Ground Supported, Flat Bottom Tanks
o Reservoir ID Height
o Standpipe ID < Height
b. Elevated Tanks (Supported on a Tower)


4.9 D h p G

+ C. A. (mm)

Page 9 of 100 (Rev.1)

s (Mpa) = Allowable Design Stress

hp (m) = The height of liquid to the bottom of the shell course being designed.
D (m) = Nominal Diameter
E = Joint Efficiency
G = Product Specific Gravity

Potable Water: With Roof
Non-Potable Water: may be without Roof
API-650 ) .*

(ASME B96.1 App.G

API-653 : Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

. API-650

2.6 DG ( H 1)
+ C. A. (in.)


2.6 DHG
+ C. A. (in.)



s (psi) = Max. Allow. Stress (see table 4-1): =


for Lower 2 Courses


for Upper Courses

Page 10 of 100 (Rev.1)

Y (psi) = Min. Yield Strength of the Plate

T (psi) = Min.(Min. Tensile Strength of the Pl.,

API-2000 : Venting Atm. & Low Pressure Storage Tanks

)Normal & Emergency Vapor Venting
Aboveground liquid petroleum tanks
Aboveground & Underground Refrigerated tanks
Operating pressure from Vacuum through 15 psig.
nor for Ext. Floating Roof neither for free-vented Int. Floating Roof

Page 11 of 100 (Rev.1)

1) Normal Venting
The venting required because of operational requirements or atmospheric changes.

Page 12 of 100 (Rev.1)

2) Emergency Venting:
Relieve excessive pressure caused by exposure to fire. It can be met by using blow-off
manholes, rupture disks or a roof to shell connection which will fail before the bottom to shell
joint fails (Frangible Roof).

Page 13 of 100 (Rev.1)

European Standard
Part 1: Steel Tanks (with the following requirements)
Part 2: Aluminum Tanks

* )
:( API-650 BS-2654

Design Pressure 0.5 barg

-20C Design Internal Negative Pressure
-40C Design Metal Temperature 300C
Max, Design Liquid Level = Top of Shell
Max Design Stress of steel = 260 MPa
For 100C Design Metal Temp., the reduction factors for Allow. Stresses to be applied.


Impact Test is not required for Bottom Plates.

Impact Test is not required for Annular Bottom Plates, if impact test is not required for 1st
shell course.
Impact Test is not required for shell plates considering the limits of Table 6.1.6.
Roof plates do not normally require impact testing, but may be required for very high
pressure tanks where thk. > 6mm. (Figure 6.1.1)
Weld Metals shall be impact tested when the materials they are joining are required to be
impact tested at temp. 0C.

Page 14 of 100 (Rev.1)

Page 15 of 100 (Rev.1)

DIN-4119 :Deutsches Institut Fuer Normung

German Institute of Standardization

BS-2654 : Vertical Steel Welded Non-Refrigerated Storage Tanks

Design Pressure 56 mbar
Design Metal Temperature -10 C
1. Non-Pressure Tanks:

Internal Design Pressure: 7.5 mbar (4 mbar for column-supported roofs)

Vacuum Design Pressure: 2.5 mbar

2. Low Pressure Tanks:


Internal Design Pressure: 20 mbar

Vacuum Design Pressure: 6 mbar

3. High Pressure Tanks:


Internal Design Pressure: 56 mbar

Vacuum Design Pressure: 6 mbar

Page 16 of 100 (Rev.1)

(1.1.1 & 1.1.2).
a. Vertical, Cylindrical, Aboveground, Open/Closed Top, Welded, Steel
b. Entire Bottom: Uniformly Supported
c. Non-Refrigerated Services (for refrigerated services: API-620, App. R,Q)
d. Max. Design Temperature: 260 C (500 F)
e. Max. Internal Design Pressure: 2.5 psig. (17.2 kPa gauge)
f. Max. External Design Pressure: 1 psig. (6.9 kPa gauge)
g. Storage of Petroleum, Petroleum Products & other Liquid Products
h. This standard does not present a fixed series of allowable tank sizes.
(1.1.2). " " -

. API-650 App.F : F.1.6

Page 17 of 100 (Rev.1)

Page 18 of 100 (Rev.1)


AApppp.. AA:: O
maalll TTaannkkss
Oppttiioonnaall D
Deessiiggnn BBaassiiss ffoorr SSm

" )
( ) 12.5 mm (C.A.
(API-650, A.1.1).
DMT = -30C ) Killed & FGP
-40C ()(A.1.2
4.9 D ( H 0.3) G
+ C. A.
E 145

= tmin

)G = Max. (1, Liquid S.G.

)E = 0.85 (A.5.3) or 0.7 (No Radiography
)Page 19 of 100 (Rev.1

* ) (Max. Design Temp. > 93C App. M

145 MPa .
* Basic Design .

AApppp.. BB:: R
Deessiiggnn aanndd C
meennddaattiioonn ffoorr D
Coonnssttrruuccttiioonn ooff FFoouunnddaattiioonnss

0.3 (API-650, B.3.1).

)Page 20 of 100 (Rev.1

AApppp.. C
Rooooff TTaannkkss
C:: EExxtteerrnnaall FFllooaattiinngg R
a. Pontoon Type (Single Deck)
b. Double Deck
c. Pan Type ( C.1.2 )

Page 21 of 100 (Rev.1)

AApppp.. D
D:: TTeecchhnniiccaall IInnqquuiirriieess

AApppp.. EE:: SSeeiissm
Deessiiggnn ooff SSttoorraaggee TTaannkkss
miicc D

AApppp.. FF:: D
maalll IInntteerrnnaall PPrreessssuurree
Deessiiggnn ooff TTaannkkss ffoorr SSm
. 17.2 kPag
AApppp.. G
mee R
G:: SSttrruuccttuurraalllyy--SSuuppppoorrtteedd AAlluum
(G.1.1). 93C *
(G.1.3.1) . Open-Top Wind Girder *
AApppp.. H
H:: IInntteerrnnaall FFllooaattiinngg R

AApppp.. II:: U
Deetteeccttiioonn && SSuubbggrraaddee PPrrootteeccttiioonn
Unnddeerr TTaannkk LLeeaakk D

Page 22 of 100 (Rev.1)

Tanks Supported by Grillage (I.7):

.( C.A. ) 12.5 mm
Butt-weld :

. 93C
tg = (

b 2 P 0.5
) + C. A.
F y 1.5

0.0284b 4 P
(tg C.A.) / 2
E s (t g C. A.) 3

tg = Min. Thk. of the Bottom Pl. Supported on Grillage (mm)

b = Max. Allow. Spacing (C.L./C.L.) between adjacent or radial grillage members (mm)
Fy / Es = Min. yield Strength / Modulus of Elasticity of the Bottom Pl. (MPa)
P = Uniform Pressure (incl. the weight of bottom pl.) acting on the bottom resulting from X (MPa)
X = Max.(Weight of the Product + Int. Press. , Weight of the Hydrotest Water)
d = Max. Calculated Deflection of the Bottom Pl. at Mid-Span (mm)

Page 23 of 100 (Rev.1)

AApppp.. JJ:: SShhoopp--AAsssseem

mbblleedd SSttoorraaggee TTaannkkss

) (6 m
* A.4.1 (J.3.3.) :

AApppp.. KK:: SSaam

Deessiiggnn--PPooiinntt M
mppllee AApppplliiccaattiioonn ooff tthhee VVaarriiaabbllee--D


AApppp.. LL:: AAPPII--665500 SSttoorraaggee TTaannkk D


AApppp.. M
Oppeerraattiinngg aatt EElleevvaatteedd TTeem
meennttss ffoorr TTaannkkss O
M:: R
93C < Design Temp. 260C

* 93C
App.C (M.1.2). App.G

AApppp.. N
Maatteerriiaallss tthhaatt aarree nnoott iiddeennttiiffiieedd
Ussee ooff N
N:: U

AApppp.. O
meennddaattiioonnss ffoorr U
O:: R

AApppp.. PP:: AAllloow
waabbllee EExxtteerrnnaall LLooaaddss oonn TTaannkk SShheelll O

) ( .
. 5-6.
36 . ) (WRC 297 .)Page 24 of 100 (Rev.1

AApppp.. R
R:: LLooaadd C

. API-650, 5.2.1 *
AApppp.. SS:: AAuusstteenniittiicc SSttaaiinnlleessss SStteeeell SSttoorraaggee TTaannkkss
For Material Grades: 304, 304L, 316, 316L, 317, 317L
Not for S.S. Clad Plate
40C max. Design Temp. 260C

(S.1.5). Basic Design *

AApppp.. TT:: N
meennttss SSuum

AApppp.. U
miinnaattiioonn iinn LLiieeuu ooff R
Ullttrraassoonniicc EExxaam
U:: U

. 10 mm *
AApppp.. VV:: D
Deessiiggnn ooff SSttoorraaggee TTaannkkss ffoorr EExxtteerrnnaall PPrreessssuurree
0.25 kpa < Normal Operating Ext. Pressure (Uniform) 6.9 kpa
(5.2.5). App. V Pe 0.25 kpa *
AApppp.. W
meennttaattiioonn R
meerrcciiaall aanndd D
W:: C

Page 25 of 100 (Rev.1)

API-650 :
ASTM Specifications
CSA Specifications
ISO Specifications
National Standards

API-650 N.2 . ) ( 45 mm . A-283 Gr.C 25 mm A-573 Gr.70

40 mm A-537 Cl.2 45 mm Plate
BS-2654, prEN-14015 40 mm . ) ( 40 mm :Quench Tempered or Normalized
Fine Grain Practice
Impact Tested
) (4.2.2 A-516 Gr.70 A-537 Cl.2 ) Insert Plate Fig. 5-7B ( -

100 mm .
) ( 0.25 mm .
) ( ) . ASTM

A20 ASTM A370 (.

)Page 26 of 100 (Rev.1

) (C.A. .
Insert Plates Shell .
* Fig.2-1 Fig.4-3 .

)Page 27 of 100 (Rev.1

Design Metal Temperature = (Lowest 1-day mean. Amb. Temp.) + 8C

(API-650 3.4)

: BS-2654
Design Metal Temp. = Min. (lowest daily mean temp. + 10 C, min. temp. of contents)

Page 28 of 100 (Rev.1)

): (4.8
(1 ) Tensile Strength < 550 Mpa :(A-283 Gr.C E60 E70 AWS A5.1
(2 ) Tensile Strength 550 Mpa :(A-537 Cl.2 E80xx-Cx AWS A5.5


= )Min. Size of Fillet Weld on Plates (

If (Plate Thk. = 5mm) = Full Fillet Weld
)If (Plate Thk. > 5mm) = max. (1/3 Thk. of Thinner Plate, 5mm

Single-Welded lap joint ( . Continuous Full Fillet . overlap )( Overlap = 5 x Thk. of Thinner Plate

) (1 Double Weld 50 mm .
) (2 Single Weld 25mm .

1. Manual Welding: Fillet Leg or Groove depth > 6mm shall be Multipass.
2. Semi-Auto. or Auto. Welding (Except: Electro-Gas Welding): Fillet Leg or Groove depth > 10mm
shall be Multipass.

2 .-

) ( 300 mm -1 -2 -3

butt -4 annular bottom annular ) .

bottom annular 3 (
)Page 29 of 100 (Rev.1

Note: In three lap-welded joints, the upper plate shall be hammered down & welded. Cutting back the upper
plate if the upper plate overlaps the intermediate plate.

Annular Bottom
:API-650 (

. 6mm Square Groove . Metal Spacer

3mm Backing Strip (permanent or temporary) . tack weld

Page 30 of 100 (Rev.1)

Shell to bottom Joint

A) Thk. of Bottom/Annular 13mm

Thk. of thinner part Weld size 13mm :

B) Thk. of Annular > 13mm

API ) (Fig. 5-3A BS prEN Overlap .
overlap 25 prEN-14015 .)Page 31 of 100 (Rev.1

) ( Butt Double-Fillet .

) ( Self-Supported Roof Top Angle .

) ( 5 t ) t (.
IPS-G-ME-100 13mm Double V-Butt Weld .

) : ( Seal-Weld . Intermittent

Wind Girders

)Page 32 of 100 (Rev.1

: Bottom

1:120 Cone Up NIOEC API-650 5.4.4 & B.3.3, IPS : Bottom

1:100 prEN-14015 :

:(5.5.1) Annular Bottom

For C.S.: Min. Thk. of Bottom Pl. (mm) = 6 + C.A.

For S.S.: Min. Thk. of Bottom Pl. (mm) = 5 + C.A.

Butt-Welded IV, IVA, V, VI


. Annular Bottom Pl.

(M.4.1) . Annular 30


Annular BS-2654 IPS-G-ME-100


. API-650 .
: Annular Bottom

.( 5.5.4) Annular Bottom

: Annular Bottom


Min. Width of Annular Bottom Pl. (mm) = 50

+ ts + Max. (600, 215 tb / (HG)0.5 ) + 60

tb (mm) = Thk .of the Annular Pl.

H (m) = Max. Design Liquid Level
G = Design Specific Gravity of the Stored Liquid


Page 33 of 100 (Rev.1)

: Annular Bottom 5-1 .

: BS-2654, prEN-14015, IPS


500 Annular .
12.5m Annular Bottom .

: Foundation Drip Ring

5.4.5 ) 3mm
75mm ( .

)Page 34 of 100 (Rev.1

(Para.5.6.2 & Table 5-2) : Allow. Product Design Stress: Sd = Min. (2/3 Syield , 2/5 Stensile) (MPa)
Allow. Hydrostatic Test Stress: St = Min. (3/4 Syield , 3/7 Stensile) (MPa)
( Shell Thk. = Max. {tshell , ttest , Table in (C.A. is included)}

( 5.9.7) buckling ( *

. Int. Wind Girder
.Top Compression Area *

1-Foot Method: D 61m (200ft) (5.6.3)

) (
. 1 ft

td =

4.9 D ( H Wi 0.3) G
i =1


+ C. A.



4.9 D ( H Wi 0.3)
i =1



i = Course no.
Wi = Course Width
G = Liquid S.G.
H (m) = Design Liquid Level
D (m) = Nominal Diameter
C.A. (mm) = Corrosion Allowance
Page 35 of 100 (Rev.1)

(S.3.2) :

)+ C. A. (mm

4.9 D ( H Wi 0.3) G
i =1

ES d

= td

)4.9 D ( H Wi 0.3
i =1


ES t


})E = Joint Efficiency {1(sec. 8.1.2), 0.85(sec. A.5.3), 0.7(No Radiography 1800 mm for CS Materials
1200 mm for SS Materials


)(all rectangular & sketch plates

5.4.1: 1800 mm for CS Materials
S.3.1: 1200 mm for SS Materials

)Variable Design-Point Method: (5.6.4



L/H 1000/6
L (mm) = (500Dt)0.5
)t (mm) = Bottom Shell Course Thk. (Excl. C.A.
H (m) = Design Liquid Level
D (m) = Nominal Diameter

) (5.6.5 L/H > 1000/6 .

1-Foot .

App.D C.A. .

)Page 36 of 100 (Rev.1

: BS-2654 *

t =

(98w( H 0.3) + P) + C. A. (mm)

w = Max. (Liquid S.G., 1)

S (MPa) = Allow. Design Stress = Min. (260, 2/3 Sy)
P (mbar) = Design Pressure
H (m) = Height to the top of the shell or to the overflow. When
the shell height includes a wind skirt with overflow openings
and/or seismic freeboard, H shall be the overflow height or the
height less the seismic freeboard.

S.G. < 1 C.A. 0 BS API . API BS

: prEN-14015 *

If Max. Design Metal Temp. 100C:

Max. Allow. Design Stress: Sd = Min. (2/3 Syield , 260)


Max. Allow. Test Stress: St = Min. (3/4 Syield , 260) (MPa)

If Max. Design Metal Temp. > 100C:
Max. Allow. Design Stress: Sd = 2/3 Syield (MPa) @ Max. Design Metal Temp.

td =

D [98G ( H Wi 0.3) + P]
i =1

20S d

+ C. A. (mm)

tt =

D [98Gt ( H Wi 0.3) + Pt ]
i =1

20S t

+ C. A. (mm)

0.3 prEN-14015 BS .

Page 37 of 100 (Rev.1)

) :(5.9.1 roundness "
) ( (Fig. 5-24) .

Z 5-20 . < 16 x 24
Compression Flange (5.9.5).

) ( . 25mm 2400mm .

150mm .

Rat Hole 20mm

) ( .

:Top Angle

: - Supported Self-Supported Top Angle :

)Page 38 of 100 (Rev.1

: Ext. Floating Roof Open-Top . 65 x 65 x 6 (mm) Top Angle : . 6mm

0.6 m top wind girder : : Top Angle
65 x 65 x 6 (mm) : Shell Thk. = 5mm


76 x 76 x 6.4 (mm) : Shell Thk. > 5mm


:(5.9.6) Top Wind Girder

Z min . =

D2 H2
V 2
) (cm3)

Zmin. (cm3) = Required Min. Section Modulus

V (km/h) = Design Wind Speed (3-sec gust based 5.2.1(k))
H2 (m) = Height of the Tank Shell (Including any freeboard)
D (m) = Nominal Diameter
( . 60 Z D > 60m .1
(Top Angle ) 710mm Handrail Fig.5-24, Detail e " .2

Top 1100mm Walkway

(5.9.4). Angle

:(5.9.7) Intermediate Wind Girder

Max Height of the Unstiffened Shell: H 1 = 9.47t (

Wtr = W (

Z min . =

t actual


t 3 190 2
) (
) (m)


D 2 H1
V 2

(cm )

Page 39 of 100 (Rev.1)

H1 (m) = Vertical Distance between the Intermediate Wind Girder & the Top Angle of the Shell or
the Top Wind Girder of an Open-Top Tank
t (mm) = As Ordered Thk. (unless otherwise specified) of the Thinnest Shell Course
tuniform (mm) = As Ordered Thk. (unless otherwise specified) of the Thinnest Shell Course
tactual (mm) = As Ordered Thk. (unless otherwise specified) of the Shell Course for which the
Transposed Width is being Calculated.
Wtr (mm) = Transposed Width of Each Shell Course
W (mm) = Actual Width of Each Shell Course
( . Int. Wind Girder 2 H 1 > Wtr > H 1 .1
( . 150mm .2
( . Z 13.4 (Dt)0.5 .3
D (m) = Nominal Tank Diameter
t (mm) = Shell Thk. at the Attachment

EXERCISE 1: A floating roof tank with the following specifications,

Diameter = 95 m
Height = 20 m
Design Pressure/Temperature = ATM. / 85C
Liquid Density = 850 kg/m3
V = 65 m/s
Shell Material = C.S.
Course Width = 2.4 m
Corrosion Allowance = 3 mm
1. Shell Courses & Annular Bottom Pl. Thickness
2. Qty., Size & location of Wind Girders (if any)
3. Seismic & Wind Loads.

Page 40 of 100 (Rev.1)

Frangible Roof

Frangible :
D 15m
Roof Slope 1:6 -1
-2 Top Angle Single Continuous Fillet Weld 5mm.
-3 .
Top angle -4 .
-5 :
= Amax
1390 tan
DLS (N) = Total weight of the shell & any framing (but not roof plates) supported by the shell & roof
= Angle between the roof & a horizontal Plane at the roof to shell junction

-5.1 Insulation Ring .

-5.2 Compression Ring a-e Fig. F-2 .

Self-Anchored 15m > D 9m

Tank Height 9m -1
Roof Slope :12 -2
-3 ) (D 15m .
-4 Butt-Weld.
-5 100mm .
Self-Anchored 15m > D
-1 ) (D 15m .
-2 Butt-Weld.
-3 100mm .
-4 :
)Shell to Bottom Joint Strength 1.5 x Top Joint Strength (Tank is Empty
)Shell to Bottom Joint Strength 2.5 x Top Joint Strength (Tank is Full

Anchored :
-1 ) (D 15m .
Anchorage -2 ) Failure Press. (F.6 .
)Page 41 of 100 (Rev.1

Flanged Roof
Top Angle ( .


Supported Cone Roof if D 9m

)Self Supported Roof (if Amin. is considered

)Self-Supported Cone Roof (5.10.5


9.5 37 :
" 8m .


)Page 42 of 100 (Rev.1

)Self-Supported Dome/Umbrella Roof (5.10.6




BS-2654, prEN-14015 1.5D .

Rafter-Supported Roof

) = 9.5 (Slope 1:6) : BS-2654, prEN-14015

" 15m .
)Roof Plate Thk. = 5 + C.A. (mm

Column-Supported Roof

= 3.58 (Slope 1:16) :

)Roof Plate Thk. = 5 + C.A. (mm
AISC BS-449 .

* ) ( ) 6 mm ( .

)Page 43 of 100 (Rev.1

) ( :
1. For Columns: L/rc 180
2. For other compression members: L/r 200
3. For all other members (except tie rods whose design is based on tendile force): L/r 300
L (mm) : Unbraced Length
rc (mm) : Least Radius of Gyration of Column
r (mm) : Governing Radius of Gyration

)External Floating Roof (App.C

) min.(0.7,Liquid S.G.
(1 250 24 .
(2 pontoon .

)Internal Floating Roof (App.H

) min.(0.7,Liquid S.G.
(1 .
(2 pontoon .

)Page 44 of 100 (Rev.1

EXERCISE 2: A fixed dome roof tank with the following specifications,

Diameter = 7.5 m
Height = 7.29 m
Design Pressure/Temperature = 100mmwc / 105C
V = 44 m/s
Liquid Density = 780 kg/m3
C.A. = 3.175 mm
Shell Material = KCS
Course Width = 2.43 m
1. Roof Pl. Thickness
2. Qty., Size & location of Wind Girders (if any)
3. Seismic & Wind Loads.
4. Anchor Bolts (Size/Qty.) (if any)

EXERCISE 3: A fixed roof tank with the following specifications,

Diameter = 43.89 m
Height = 14.63 m
Design Pressure/Temperature = 50mmwc / 98C
V = 60 m/s
Liquid Density = 950 kg/m3
C.A. for 1st Shell Course & Annular Bottom = 3 mm
C.A. for other Shell Courses & Bottom = 1.5 mm
Shell Material = CS
Course Width = 2 m
1. Shell Courses Thickness
2. Qty., Size & location of Wind Girders (if any)
3. Roof Structure Arrangements
4. Anchor Bolts (Size/Qty.) (if any)

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Pr (kPa): total design external pressure for design of roof
Pr = max.{DL + (Lr or S) + 0.4 Pe , DL + 0.4 (Lr or S) + Pe}
DL (kPa) : Dead load, the weight of the tank or tank component (including C.A.)
Lr (kPa) : Min. roof live load on horizontal projected area of the roof (default= 1 kPa)
Pe / S (kPa) : Specified external pressure / snow load
D / R (m) : Tank nominal diameter / Roof dish radius
E (MPa) : Modulus of elasticity of the roof plate material
f (MPa) : Min. allowable tensile stress of (roof, shell & stiffener material) at the max.
operating temperature
JEb : Joint Efficiency of bottom plate (=1 for bottom joints)
JEs : Joint Efficiency of shell plate (=1 for full RT , =0.85 for spot RT)
JEr : Joint Efficiency of roof plate (=1 for butt-weld , =0.35 for single lap-weld, =0.7 for
double lap-weld)
JEst : Joint Efficiency of splice of stiffener sections (=1 for 100% RT , =0.85 for spot RT,
=0.7 for no RT)
ts1, ts2, , tsn (mm) : Thk. of cylindrical shell courses (from top to bottom)

1.1 Self-Supported Cone Roof (V.7.2)

The required thk. of roof plate, including C.A. (mm):
(Max. thk. = 12.5 + C.A.)
The total required cross-sectional area in the roof-to-shell joint area (mm2):
The length of roof within the top region (mm):
The vertical dimension in the shell (mm):

The required cross-sectional area of the top stiffener (mm2): (Min. Astiff = Atotal)

Page 49 of 100 (Rev.1)

1.2 Self-Supported Dome/Umbrella Roof (V.7.3)

The required thk. of roof plate, including C.A. (mm):
(Max. thk. = 12.5 + C.A.)
The total required cross-sectional area in the roof-to-shell joint area (mm2):

The length of roof within the top region (mm):

The vertical dimension in the shell (mm):
The required cross-sectional area of the top stiffener (mm2):

Page 50 of 100 (Rev.1)

(min. Astiff = Areqd)

2) SHELL (V.8)
2.1 Unstiffened Shells (V.8.1)
Elastic Buckling Check :


Ps (kPa): total design external pressure for design of shell

Ps = max.{Pe (excluding Wind) , W + 0.4 Pe}
tsmin (mm) : Min. thk. of thinnest shell course
HTS (m) : Transformed height of tank shell
W (kPa) : Max. wind pressure = 0.0000333 V2 Kg Kh
Kg : Wind gust factor = 1.1
Kh : Wind height factor = 1.1
V (km/hr): Specified design wind velocity (3-sec gust)
h1, h2, , hn (m) : Height of shell courses (from top to bottom)
L1, L2 (m) : Distances between adjacent intermediate stiffeners or intermediate
stiffener and top/bottom of shell, respectively.
Ls (m) : (L1 + L2)/2
Ns : Number of intermediate stiffeners
Hsafe (m): Max. height of unstiffened shell permitted, based on the transformed shell thk. (ts1)
N : Number of waves into which a shell will buckle under external pressure
Q (N/m) : Radial load imposed on the intermediate stiffener by the shell
V1 (N/m) : Radial load imposed on the stiffener by the shell
H (m) : Shell height
Wshell (mm) : Contributing width of shell on each side of intermediate stiffener
fc (MPa) :

Page 51 of 100 (Rev.1)

Unstiffened Tank :

V.8.2 .
) = (ts1
HTS . buckling .

)2.2 Circumferentially Stiffened Shells (V.8.2


Ns + 1 = HTS / Hsafe

Ns 0 . Ns
. :
)Spacing = HTS / (Ns + 1

2 N 10

)2.2.1 Intermediate Stiffener Ring (V.8.2.2


)Page 52 of 100 (Rev.1

:(cm4) ( 1)

Iact = The combined moment of inertia of the intermediate stiffener & the shell within a
contributing distance on each side of the stiffener

:(mm2) ( 2)

(min. Astiff = Areqd)

2.2.2 End Stiffeners (V.8.2.3)

:(cm4)( 1)

Iact = The combined moment of inertia of the end stiffener & the shell within a contributing
distance on one side of the stiffener. Roof portion shall not be considered, however a portion
of bottom plate (max. = 16 tb) may be taken.

:(mm2) ( 2)

tb (mm) : Thk. of bottom plate under the shell, including C.A.

Xbtm (mm) : Length of bottom plate within ring region = 16 tb
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Overturing Stability


Design Wind Pressure (5.2.1(k)) =

0.86 x (V / 190) kPa (on vertical projected areas of cylindrical surfaces)
1.44 x (V / 190) kPa (on horizontal projected areas of conical & doubly
curved surfaces)
V (km/hr): 3-sec gust wind speed ( 1.2 x fastest mile wind speed)
. ASCE 7 (wind exposure Category C) *
. ASCE 7
.( F.4.1 )1.6 ( +* )
: Anchorage

Page 54 of 100 (Rev.1)

Anchor Bolt:

= )The Velocity Pressure (

)P = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2 I G = 1.48 kPa (V in m/s


Sliding Stability

) API-650 (5.11.4 0.4 .

)Page 55 of 100 (Rev.1


ASCE 7 :
) :SUG (Seismic Use Group SUG I ) .
:Site Class D ) .
A F (
ASCE 7 :

Sp = Peak Ground Acceleration

SS = 2.5 SP
S1 = 1.25 SP
SDS = 2.5 Q Fa S0
SD1 = 2.5 Q Fv S1
Q = 2/3 (for ASCE 7 methods) , otherwise equals to 1.0
S0 = 0.4 SS
TS = SD1 / SDS
T0 = 0.2 TS

)Page 56 of 100 (Rev.1

Av = 0.14 SDS : Vertical earthquake acceleration coefficient

Ge = G (1-04 Av) : Effective S.G. including vertical seismic effects
Tc = 1.8 K s D (sec.) : 1st mode convective (sloshing) period

)tanh(3.68 H D

= ks

Rwi / Rwc : Force reduction factor for impulsive/convective mode

K = 1.5, unless otherwise specified : Adjusting coefficient

)TL = Regional-Dependent Transition Period for longer Period Ground Motion (E.4.6.1

G.W. Housner .

The Impulsive Component (1) = Wi

The Convective Component (2) = Wc



)Page 57 of 100 (Rev.1

Total Design Base Shear, V: V = Vi 2 + Vc2

Ai = max.(SDS I/Rwi , 0.007) : Impulsive spectral acceleration parameter

For site classes E & F : Ai 0.5S1 I/Rwi
Ac : Convective spectral acceleration parameter
If TC TL : Ac = KSD1 (1/TC) (I/Rwc) Ai
If TC > TL : Ac = KSD1 (TL /T2C) (I/Rwc) Ai
WP (N) : Total weight of content
Wi : Effective impulsive weight of the liquid
If D/H 1.333 : Wi =

tanh(0.866 D / H )
0.866 D / H

If D/H < 1.333 : Wi = (1 0.218


Wc : Effective convective weight of the liquid

Wc = 0.23

tanh(3.67 )WP

Wf (N) : Weight of the tank bottom

Ws (N) : Total weight of tank shell & appurtenances
Wr (N) : Total weight of fixed roof including framing, knuckels, any permanent attachment &
10% of the roof design snow load
Xs (m) : Height from the bottom of the tank shell to the shells center of gravity
Xr (m) : Height from the bottom of the tank shell to the roof & roof appurtenances C.G.
Xi : Height from the bottom of the tank shell to the center of action of the lateral seismic
force related to the impulsive liquid force for ringwall moment
If D/H 1.3333 : Xi = 0.375 H
If D/H < 1.3333 : X i = (0.5 0.094


Xc : Height from the bottom of the tank shell to the center of action of the lateral seismic
force related to the convective liquid force for ringwall moment

cosh(3.67 ) 1

X c = 1
3.67 sinh(3.67 H )

Xis : Height from the bottom of the tank shell to the center of action of the lateral seismic
force related to the impulsive liquid force for slab moment
Page 58 of 100 (Rev.1)


If D/H 1.333 : X is = 0.3751 + 1.333
1 H
tanh(0.866 D )

If D/H < 1.333 : X is = (0.5 + 0.06


Xcs : Height from the bottom of the tank shell to the center of action of the lateral seismic
force related to the convective liquid force for slab moment

X cs

cosh(3.67 D ) 1.937
= 1
3.67 H sinh(3.67 H )


Anchorage Ratio: (E.

: wa :1
wa = 201.1 HDGe , L = 0.035 D
wa (N/m) : Resisting force of tank contents per unit length of shell circumference
wt (N/m) : Tank & roof weight acting at base of shell
Page 59 of 100 (Rev.1)

wrs (N/m) : Roof load acting on shell including 10% of the specified snow load
Fy (MPa) : Min. specified yield strength of bottom annulus
ta (mm) : Corroded Thk. of the bottom plate under the shell (This term applies for self-anchored
tanks only).
L (m) : Required min. width of thickened annular ring measured from inside of the shell
Ls (m) : Selected width of annulus (bottom or thickened annular ring) to provide the resisting force
for self anchorage, measured from inside of the shell

: wa L Ls :2
wa = 5742 HGeLs

Dynamic Liquid Hoop Forces: (E.6.1.4)

:( 1)
If D/H 1.333:
If D/H < 1.333 & Y < 0.75D:
If D/H < 1.333 & Y 0.75D:

For all proportions of D/H:

(AvNh)2 = 0 :

Page 60 of 100 (Rev.1)

Nh (N/mm) : Product hydrostatic membrane force

Ni (N/mm) : Impulsive hoop membrane force in tank shell
Nc (N/mm) : Convective hoop membrane force in tank shell
h (MPa) : Product hydrostatic hoop stress in the shell
s (MPa) : Hoop stress in the shell due to impulsive & convective forces of the liquid
T (MPa) : Total combined hoop stress in the shell
Y (m) : Distance from liquid surface to analysis point (positive down)
t (mm) : Thk. of the shell ring under consideration

: E.6.2.4 ( 2)
Max. allow. hoop tension membrane stress = min.(1.33Sd of shell plate , 0.9FyE)
Fy (MPa) : min. (min. yield strength of the shell material , weld material)
E : Joint Efficiency

Max. Longitudinal Shell-Membrane Compression Stress: (E.6.2.2)

1) E. For Self-Anchored tank
If there is no calculated uplift (J<0.785):
If there is calculated uplift (J>0.785):

2) E. For Mechanically-Anchored tank

3) E. Allowable Longitudinal Shell-Membrane Compression Stress (Fc)

If GHD2/t2 44 :
If GHD2/t2 < 44 :
Fc (MPa) : Allowable longitudinal shell compression stress at the bottom of the shell
c (MPa) : Max. longitudinal shell compression stress at the bottom of the shell
Fty (MPa) : Min. specified yield strength of shell course
ts (mm) : Corroded Thk. of the bottom shell course


Page 61 of 100 (Rev.1)

Anchorage :

: E.7.1.1 SUG III SDS 0.5g Butt-welded

Annular plate .

) (1 anchorage .
) (2 PAB .
1.273M rw

= w AB
) wt (1 0.4 Av ) + 0.4 uplift * (N/m of shell circumference

) (N
Anchor Seismic Design Load: PAB = wAB
* uplift . 0.4
wAB (N/m) : Calculated design uplift load on anchors per unit length of circumferential length
nA : Number of equally-spaced anchors around the tank circumference

=)Anchor Attachment Design Load (PA
)Min.(3 PAB , min. specified yield strength x as-built cross-sectional area of the anchor

)Page 62 of 100 (Rev.1

Freeboard: (E.7.2)
The height of the sloshing wave above the product design height:

s = 0.5DA f


Af (%g): Acceleration coefficient for sloshing wave height calculation

Tank Uplift: (E.7.3.1)

The max. estimated uplift displacement at t he base of the tank shell for a self-anchored tank:
yu =

12.1Fy L2


Page 63 of 100 (Rev.1)

Sliding Resistance: (E.7.6)

0.4 ) .
The max. seismic base shear for a self-anchored tank:

Vs = (Ws + Wr + W f + W p )(1 0.4 Av )


For self-anchored tanks: V < Vs

Local Shear Transfer: (E.7.7)

0.4 ) .
The peak local tangential shear per unit length:
Vmax . =



Vallow. (N) = 80% of the weld or base metal yield stress

Page 64 of 100 (Rev.1)

11-3 Anchor Bolt

Anchorage :
.1 ) (1) 25.4 mm ( 3m
) API-650 (E.7.1.2 6 ) API-650 (5.12 4 .
.2 ) J-shaped (L-shaped

.3 C.S. Anchor Strap 6 1.5


Anchorage .4 . Anchor
tb = U / N

tb (N) = Load per Anchor

U (N) = Net uplift Load
N = Number of Anchors
.5 Anchor 5-21
ASME Sec.VIII, Div.2, App.4 .

)Page 65 of 100 (Rev.1

): (5.7.1
: Insert Plate 5-7B . 3mm Taper Transition 1:4 Insert Pl. .

)Page 66 of 100 (Rev.1

) (App.S :

)Page 67 of 100 (Rev.1

Page 68 of 100 (Rev.1)

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Combined water draw-off & clean-out sump:

As per prEN-14015, this combination shall not be used in tanks where the shell plate thickness
exceeds 20 mm.

Page 71 of 100 (Rev.1)

)Rectangular Roof Openings (5.8.6

24 x 36

)Page 72 of 100 (Rev.1

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* prEN-14015 :

2.5 x (Nozzle inside radius x Nozzle wall thk.)0.5

)Page 74 of 100 (Rev.1


Tools/Configuration Configuration .
Roof Projection in Wind Moment

Generate Message File

. Variable Design Point
. Tools/File Review/Message File
Corroded Nozzles

API-650 App. P .
653 Corroded Hydrotest Case
API 653 Hydrostatic Test

Modify Fluid Height by Pressure

Full Shell Weight in App F

App. F .
Shell Thickness Convergence Tolerance
.Variable Design Point 0.005 in.
Cosine Curve Tolerance
. API-653 App. B
Cosine Curve Iteration Limit
API-653 App. B
Wind Girder Shell Thickness

Wind Girder
Max . Design .
)Page 75 of 100 (Rev.1

Shell Settlement Method

FOURIER SERIES LEAST SQUARES Out-of-Plane Shell Deflection

.API-653 App. B
Thickness Roundup to Nearest

0.2 mm 8.613
8.8 mm 0.2 .
Plate Material Density

) ( 0.2836 lb/in
Round Anchor Bolts by ...

4 4 .
Wind Moment in App F
) App.F (F.4.2 .
)- Section Wind Girder Design (default
- Section 5.11: Overturning Stability

General Tank Data 2-4

API Design Code

: 650 Design Analyze

: 653 Analyze
Run Objective
: Design mode .
: Analyze mode .
Design Temp./Design Press. at Top

/ 260 C 17.2 kPa

Tank Nominal Dia./Shell height
Design Liquid Level

Weight of Attachments/Structures
Uplift .

)Page 76 of 100 (Rev.1

Distance Down to Top Wind Girder

5.9.4 1.1 .
Joint Efficiency
API-653, App.A, App.S . API-650
1 .
Default Shell Course Material/Number of Shell Courses

Shell Courses
. .
Include Annular Base Plate
Include Wind Moment Calc. in App.F.4.2

)App.F (F.4.2
API-653 Min. Thk. Preference

:API-653, 4.3.3 D 60 m
: Entire Shell Course Evaluation
: Local Area of Shell Only ) (
D > 60 m Variable Design-Point .* Wind Details 10-3 .

Roof Specification Parameters 3-4

Roof Type

1. Column-Supported Cone Roof

2. Rafter-Supported Cone Roof
3. Self-Supported Cone/Dome/Umbrella Roof
Angle Between Roof & Horizontal
)Net Area at Roof/Shell Junction (A
)Page 77 of 100 (Rev.1

Thk. of Roof Pl. / C.A.

) ( / .
Live Load/Weight of Snow
/ .
* General Roof Data-No Design Self-Supported .

Preferred Rafter/Girder/Column Type

database Tools/Conf. .

Max. Allowed Rafter/Girder Length

Rafter Girder 20-24 24-30 .
Girder Girder .
Rafter ):(

)Page 78 of 100 (Rev.1

Seismic Data Specifications 4-4

10-3 .
Min. Yield Strength of Bottom Pl./Weld Material
/ " ) (.
)Bottom Plate Thk. (tb
" .
Friction Factor
0.4 .
Initial Anchorage Type
Earthquake Type/Site Class
" E.4.1 Mapped .
** F Site-Specific E.4.2 .

Appendix I-Grillage Review 5-4

2-3 .

Appendix P-Nozzle Stiffnesses 6-4

Delta Temperature

T = Normal Design Temp. Installation Temp.

Modulus of Elasticity/Expansion Coefficient

)Page 79 of 100 (Rev.1

?Reinforcement on Shell or Nozzle

. Shell
Nozzle RePad Thk.
App.P . .
Nozzle Weight
)Applied Ext. Radial Force (FR)/Circ. Moment (MC)/Long. Moment(ML
App.P .
API-650, P.2.7.2 .

Use PVP-1279 for Stiffness


Appendix M-Cycle Life 7-4

) (App.M
. :

)Page 80 of 100 (Rev.1

Fill Height Difference

H = Full Level Low Level

Temperature Difference

T = Max. Design Temp. Min. Amb. Temp.

Factor B
Foundation Factor
= 2 (tanks on earth foundation) , 4 (tanks on earth foundation with a concrete ringwall)
Factor C
= 0.85 (if not specified by the purchaser)

Factor K

Page 81 of 100 (Rev.1)

External Pressure 8-4

9-3 .

API-2000 Data 9-4

Emptying/Filling Rate
Liquid Flash/Boiling Point
Venting . Flash Boiling
37.8 C .148.9 C
Environmental Factor
4 API-2000 :

)Page 82 of 100 (Rev.1

Floating Roof Tanks
Roof section is floating on the stored product, and
sealing device is installed on the peripheral space
between roof and shell plate to prevent the stored
product from vaporization. This type of tank is
suitable for storage of high volatile products such as
crude, gasoline, naphtha, etc.

Cone Roof Tanks

Tanks with conical fixed roofs are commonly used for
storing low volatile products such as heavy oil,
kerosene, diesel oil, water, etc.

Dome Roof Tanks

Reference and characteristics of dome roof tank is
the spherical surface of roof which have severe
strength to the tank internal pressure. This type of
tanks is applicable to volatile products, and N2 gas
blanket system is commonly installed when highvolatile product is stored.

Spherical Tanks
Products which are gases at normal atmospheric
temperatures and pressures, such as butadiene,
butane, and many other petrochemical products are
stored most economically in spherical pressure

Double Shell Spherical Tanks

This type of sphere consists of inner sphere and
outer sphere, is used to store liquefied gas such as
ethylene, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. at cryogenic
temperatures. The space between inner and outer
sphere is insulated with perlite.

Page 83 of 100 (Rev.1)

Horizontal Cylindrical Pressure Vessels

This type of tanks is used to store the liquefied
products which are gases at normal atmospheric
temperatures and pressures, and suitable for
relatively small capacity(less than 100m3).
Commonly, this unit is fully assembled at fabrication
shop and delivered to the site.

Flat-bottomed Cylindrical Double Shell Storage

Tanks with PC/RC Outer Wall
This storage unit consists of an inner tank with 9%
nickel alloy steel or aluminum material, and an outer
tank with Pre-stressed Concrete or Reinforced
Concrete. The space between inner and outer tank is
insulated with loose perlite and fiberglass blanket.
This type of tank is suitable for the cryogenic storage
product such as LNG, LPG and Ethylene. Storage
temperature is under -100 Celsius.

Flat-bottomed Cylindrical Double Shell Storage

Tanks with Metal Outer Wall
Basic structure is same as the above, but carbon
steel plate is used for outer tank. This type of tank is
suitable for the low temperature storage product such
as LNG, LPG and Ethylene.

Flat-bottomed Cylindrical Single Shell Storage

This type of storage tank has the basic construction
of ordinary dome roof tanks. The outer surface of
shell and its adjoining area is insulated against heat
leak and humidity penetration with polyurethane
foam, foamglass or similar materials. This unit can be
used to store liquefied gases such as butane and
ammonia, which have a relatively high critical

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Page 89 of 100 (Rev.1)

Page 90 of 100 (Rev.1)

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As-Rolled Plate:
It refers to the unit plate rolled from a slab or directly from an ingot. It does not refer to the condition of the

Annular Bottom Ring:

Butt-welded plates under the shell that is sometimes thicker than the remainder of the bottom. It strengthens
the structural area of the bottom in order to prevent bottom-to-shell seam failure.

Annular Space (Rim Space):

Horizontal space between the outer rim of floating roof & the tank shell. It must be wide enough for the roof
to move up & down without hanging up on the shell.

B/SD @ 60F:
Barrels per Stream Day: This is the throughput during a 24-hour period when a unit is operating at its design
Throughput: The volume of feed stock charged to process equipment per unit of time.
Stream Day: A 24-hour operating day of a refinery process unit.

Backing Strip:
A thin strip of metal placed on the backside of 2 plates to be butt welded, where a full penetration butt weld is
required & access is available to one side only.

Bleeder Vent:
Device incorporated in a floating cover to permit release of gas from under the floating cover during tank
filling & to allow air to pass back through the floating cover when draining product when floating cover is
stationary on its support legs.

Brittle Fracture:
It is the tensile failure of a material showing little deformation or yielding. It is so important in material
selection considerations.

Bund Wall:
A low construction of earth or concrete surround the storage tank, at a considerable distance from the tank, to
contain spilled liquid.

Cathodic Protection:
Use of the electric current to inhibit corrosion Most common uses are to prevent stockside pitting &
underside corrosion on the bottom.

Charpy V-Notch Impact Test:

CVN Test is a dynamic test in which a notched specimen is struck & broken by a single blow in a specially
designed testing machine. The measured test values may be the energy absorbed, the percentage shear
fracture, the lateral expansion opposite the notch, or a combination thereof.

Corrosion Rate:
It is specified as mils per year of metal loss and is applied to both pitting & general thinning. Typical
corrosion problems are controlled by additional corrosion allowance & by coatings (i.e. pitting rates for crude
oil tanks can be as high as 50 mpy). High temperature accelerates the corrosion rate.
Page 97 of 100 (Rev.1)

Differential Settlement:
Settling of one part of a tank shell more than another part. From a stress standpoint, larger differential
settlements can be tolerated by the cone-up bottom.

Earthquake Rods:
Steel rods installed between rafters (circumferentially) on a cone roof for the purpose of preventing the roof
from twisting.

Elevation above Sea Level:

It directly affects the true vapor pressure limitation placed on stocks stored in atmospheric tankage. At sea
level, the max. allowable true vapor pressure is 13 psia. For each 1,000 ft elevation above sea level, this value
must be reduced by 0.5 psi.

Flash Point:
The min. temperature at which there is sufficient vapor generated to allow ignition of the air-vapor mixture
near the surface of the liquid.

Floating Roof Seals:

To close the annular rim space for controlling evaporative loss, to center the floating roof & permit the
normal roof movement.

Floating Suction:
Mechanical device, sometimes jointed, which floats on the liquid surface & only permits product to be
withdrawn from this point (commonly adopted for Aviation Fuel Storage Tanks).

Gauge Hatch:
The opening in the top of a tank through which dipping (gauging) & sampling operations are carried out.

Guide Pole:
A device used in floating roof tanks to prevent rotation of the roof.

The portion of the base metal that has not been melted but whose mechanical properties or microstructures
have been altered by the heat of welding or cutting..

Internal Pressure:
The difference in pressure between the liquid vapor pressure & Atmospheric Pressure. When this difference
is negative, it is simply called a vacuum.
The pressure is measured at the top of the liquid in the tank because the liquid itself exerts hydrostatic
Internal pressure is caused by several potential sources such as vapor pressure, inert gas blanketing system,

Killed Steel:
Steel deoxidized (i.e. by vacuum treatment) to reduce the content in order to omit any reaction between
oxygen & carbon during solidification.

Lowest 1-Day Mean Ambient Temp.:

The lowest 24-hour average air temperature recorded at the site for the last 50 years.

Low Temp. Service:

Service in which the fluid temp. during normal contingency operation is below the lowest 1-day mean
ambient temp. for a particular location.
Page 98 of 100 (Rev.1)

Any material in liquid form that is composed predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons or of a
mixture thereof: Propane, Propylene, Butanes (normal Butane or Isobutane) and Butylenes.

Min. Design Metal Temp.:

Temp. used for determining the material toughness requirements.

Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether.

A heat treating process in which a steel plate is reheated to uniform temperature above the upper critical
temperature & then cooled in air to below the transformation range.

Refers to the misalignment of the shell plates from the vertical axis.

The existence of gas pockets or voids in metal.

Indicates that the shell radius is not constant around the circumference at the same elevation.

Quenched & Tempered:

Plate is heated to a specified temperature and held for a time then cooled at a rate sufficient to increase the
strength and hardness of the steel. The quenching process produces hard, brittle material. The tempering
relieves the residual stress resulting from tempering & improves ductility.

Refrigerated Storage:
Storage in a tank artificially maintained at a temperature below the nominal ambient temperature.

Rimmed Steel:
Steel containing sufficient oxygen to give a continuous evolution of carbon monoxide while the ingot is
solidifying, resulting in a case or rim of metal virtually free of voids.

The part of the foundation that supports the tank shell & prevents excessive settlement (usually concrete or
crushed stone)

Sacrificial Anodes:
Usually Aluminum blocks (Zinc or Magnesium may also be used) installed on the tank bottom to protect a
surface against corrosion.

Semi-Automatic Arc Welding:

Arc welding with equipment that controls only the filler metal feed. The advance of the welding is manually

Semi-Killed Steel:
Incompletely Deoxidized Steel Containing Sufficient Oxygen to form enough carbon monoxide during
solidification to offset solidification shrinkage. The grain structure here is larger than Fully-Killed Steel.
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Set Pressure:
Pressure at which the pressure relief device first opens.

The material that settles to the bottom of crude tanks & which can not be removed by normal pumping

True Vapor Pressure:

The actual vapor pressure exerted by a liquid at a given temperature, when the liquid is in equilibrium with
its vapor. It is expressed in psia or kPa absolute.

Cycle of emptying a full tank & replacing its contents.

Underground Tank:
A tank all parts of which are completely buried below the general grade of the facility.

A groove melted into the base metal adjacent to the toe of a weld & left unfilled by weld metal.

Vapor Pressure:
The pressure of the vapor space above the liquid in a closed container. It increases with increasing

Wire Mesh Screen:

These screens may be used for free vents to prevent the ingress of foreign matter. Because of the danger of
blockage, fine mesh is not recommended. Also the possibility of corrosion should be considered.

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