Background Information: "Pretty Little Liars" Is Based in A Town Named Rosewood. The Show

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Assignment One

Pretty Little Liars

Ashley Lewis
**These observations were of the first four episode of season 3. The observation took place
during the first 30 minutes of each of the episodes. I chose season 3 because I did not want to
choose the beginning of the series due to them trying to reveal character stories and getting to
learn about them. I did not want to chose the latest season since I just recently watched it and
have good memory of it so I would be less likely to pay close attention to it.**

Background Information: Pretty Little Liars is based in a town named Rosewood. The show
is focused around four best friends Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and Emily; and the death of their
friend Alison. All of the girls are teenagers in high school. The point behind the show is there is
a person, or multiple people named "A" who have been harassing them and trying to set them up
for the death of Alison. "A" is exposed in this season as one of Hanna's friends Mona who has
been stalking the girls and tried to kill Spencer in a car accident at the end of season 2. Emily's
girlfriend was also murdered by another "A" at the end of season two, so most of this season is
trying to figure out what happened to Emily's girlfriend Mia and why Mona turned on the girls.

Rules and Conventions for Behavior:

The town of Rosewood is where the show, Pretty
Little Liars, takes place. The purpose of this figured world is to find out what exactly happened
the night Alison disappeared and who this "A" person is who is harassing the four main
characters, Hanna, Aria, Emily, and Spencer. The figured world is very social and suspenseful
place, a lot of creepy things go on and so this is expected. An example of this would be Allison's
body magically appearing after missing for a year. Or how A releases random evidence that the
four girls know about, however most of the police department are highly confused and do not
realize why this specific evidence is being released. In this show some of the conventions are
don't trust the police, many of them are double crossed and have other motives and might not
actually be working for the greater good like everyone thinks they are. Another would be go
along with "A's" game if you want to find out the truth. "A" likes to play games with the girls by
sending them witty text messages that hold threats within them, "A" uses this strategy the most,
another one that "A" loves to use is sending the girls packages with creepy notes and or writing
on mirrors in red lipstick. Everyone has deep dark secrets and if you don't spill, "A" will. Some
of the rules for the show are do not try to outsmart A, every time the girls have attempted to do
so there have been some serious consequences including some being so serious other characters
have died. There are several communities of practice in the show. There is obviously the main
characters in the show are considered one. You have the police department, who have been
working to find out what really happened that night. You have "A" and all its little helpers, who
along the way have tortured the girls. The parents of the four main characters make up their own

community of practice, they all go together and are completely clueless and have their own set of
secrets and ways to do things.
*Figured World: A specific social system with certain expected social norms and rules to go
*Social Norm: An appropriate way to behave within a particular figured world and or
*Actors: People who hold specific roles in the figured world to make it work, they are
significant to making the figured world function the way they do.
1. Hanna is the wild card. In the figured world she keeps the balance, you need an underachiever
to balance out the overachiever. Most of the time she is confused or slow to pick things up. Over
the time passing in the figured world she has began to pick things up and sometimes she can
keep up with Spencer, you just never know when that will be.
2. Emily is the emotional one. She likes to play on the weak side and was always known to fall
for Alison's tricks and believe her when she was telling one of her many lies due to her hidden
feelings she wouldn't admit before she declared herself as a lesbian to the world. Her tendency to
be emotional have a large effect on her after Alison's body is found. When "A" is texting the
girls with clues and or threats, Emily is quick to fall for "A" 's tricks and not realize what is
happening in the bigger picture.
3. Aria is the middle man. She holds all over the girls together. She is very level headed, despite
her affair with her English teacher, Mr. Fitz. Aria serves the purpose of keeping all the girls
together and keeping them focused on the task at hand, finding out what happened to their best
friend Alison.
4. Spencer serves as the brains behind the group. In her family environment she always has to be
number one and best at everything. Spencer is extremely competitive, which comes in handy
with dealing with tracking down A and trying to beat A with the games A likes to play with the
5. A, A is the major antagonist in the show. However A is not just one person, A is everywhere
all the time. So therefore A is multiple people and has many helpers. A knows all of the girls
secrets and exposes them to the world at all the wrong times. A brings each one of the girls
deepest and darkest fears out of them and makes them vulnerable. Previously the girls thought
they identified "A" to be one of their friends, or they thought they were friends, Mona. Very
quickly into my observations the four girls realize that they were wrong and Mona was just a
helper of this "A" and not the actual person behind "A".

*Communities of Practice: A group of people with similar ideas or practices within the figured
1. The girls, they each serve a small portion into making them a well rounded group when they
are combined. The wildcard, the emotional one, the level headed middle man, and the brains.
These girls do not trust the law enforcement in the show. They chose to do their own
investigating and end up knowing a lot more about what really happened that night then the
planted background story the police were told.
2. The police, The police force in Rosewood work together to prove what happened to Alison
and the other crimes/murders since her death that are all connected in some way. Although some
of the law enforcement have other motives as to why they want to figure out what happened to
Alison and not just because of justice. They still strive to work together as a team in to making
their theories become facts and finding out who the person is behind these crimes.
*Practices of the Community: Agreed or shared goals and ideas of how to accomplish tasks
within the communities
1. The main goal is to find out what exactly happened the night Alison went missing and how
she died. With the girls they use the information they can get from the police department with the
clues they have discovered from A being sloppy or with things that were left behind in Alison's
possessions to piece together. Many of the skill the girls pick up on when finding clues is
experienced based, they have been dealing with A for awhile and are beginning to recognize
certain traits or ways A does things so when something is out of the ordinary they know it was a
mistake and find what A did not mean for them to find.
*Artifacts: Emotion or physical objects that serves a purpose into making the figured world
1. Fear, "A" takes the fears that Hanna, Aria, Emily, and Spencer have and uses them to their
advantage. "A" turns their fears against them and use them to hurt the girls or scare them into
getting what they want. For example in one of my observations "A" text Aria and says that if she
doesn't come clean to her dad about something she did and soon, "A" will and it will not be
pretty when they do. "A" does not always use texting when they are trying to make the girls
fearful, however it is the most common. The fear is the only thing A has that can keep the girls

from digging too deep to find out the truth and discovering A's true identity. Which would put A
in jail.
*Literacy Practices: A way for the people or actors within a figured world to communicate
with each other, can be written, verbal, or nonverbal.
1. Texting, A uses their phones to send the girls anonyms messages all throughout the series.
Besides A using texting as a scare tactic every time the girls hear their phones buzz, texting is
also used as a main source of communicating between Emily, Hanna, Spencer, and Aria. It is a
social norm to use their cell phones as teenager much more frequently to text one another rather
than talking face to face. It also helps that it is much more secretive in keeping the private
information private.
2. Rosewood Newspaper, The newspaper has much effect of how the public in the town of
Rosewood find out information. It covered information of Alison's disappearance and eventually
the discovering of her body to at one point in the show, when the girls themselves are being
accused of killing their friend Alison. It is one of the only things that "A" hasn't manipulated to
mess with the four girls.

*Domain: Having the same amount of want or commitment for the particular goal within the
community to be achieved within a figured world
1. The girls' desire to find out who A is and what happened to their friend Alison the night she
disappeared. All four of them are equally interested and devoted and are willing to lie and do
whatever needs to be done to find out the truth. Each of the girls have made connections with
other people outside of their circle of friends, who they use to draw information from when
needed and bring it back to share with the group.

Observation One Notes:

02:00 Minutes - The four girls, Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and Emily are sitting in Spencer's
living room by the fire drinking alcoholic beverages discussing what each of them did
over their summer vacation while they all went their separate ways. Emily is depressed
from her girlfriend's death which happened a few months before and its drinking a much
larger amount then the other girls. They are making a cheers to making it to their senior
year of high school, and Emily makes the comment that "Not everyone made it". The
girls are trying to pretend as if their world is almost normal or ordinary for a moment and
that they don't have to constantly deal with A and police and that they are normal 17 year
old girls about to start their senior year of high school.
07:00 Minutes- Emily wakes up to find herself at the grave site of their dead friend
Alison, holding a shovel, she is very confused and disoriented, not sure what is going on
and how she got to the cemetery. Last thing she remembers is passing out in Spencer's
living room. She looks down to see that the body of their friend has been dug up and the
casket is open and empty. Spencer calls her on her phone, Emily answers in a panicked
voice she tells them to come get her. When they arrive to the grave site the girls quickly

realize it was a set up and they have to disappear and cover their tracks so they can't be
blamed again for something happening to their friend Alison. They make Emily promise
that the night never happen. The girls burry the shovel, burn the clothes Emily had on and
head to Spencer's lake house to make it look like they were out of town for the night.
They leave a note for Spencer's mother who has not been home all day that they headed
up to the house that afternoon and spent the night there.
15:00 Minutes- Hanna is asking sneaky. Tells Emily she can't hangout after school
because she has an appointment with a psychiatrist Dr. Sullivan. She is really going to
Radley which is a insane asylum under a fake name to visit Mona. Hanna tries to small
talk with Mona. Mona stares blankly at the wall showing no emotion for what she has
done to the girls. Hanna demands to know why Mona did this to them.
17:00 Minutes- Reporters banging on the door of the Emily's home asking questions
about the news breaking of their friend Alison's body missing from the grave the next
morning. Emily's mother is use to the reporters being outside her home and trying to
hassle her daughter and sends the reporters away.
24:00 Minutes- Aria goes to the bathroom at school. After entering stall and closing the
door she notices someone dressed in all black come in the bathroom through the crack in
the stall. The person is pacing, as if they are doing something. Aria gets nervous and tries
to escape, yet fails to get the stall door to open up. The person comes towards her stall
and Aria begins to scream for help. Few moments later her friends enter to find her in the
corner shaking and crying, Aria had a panic attack because she knows that was A and A
was coming after her.
25:00 Minutes- Spencer is receiving blocked calls, this is the third one and she continues
to press ignore. She is frightened when she sees this pop up on her phone, you can see the
terror in her eyes. Earlier in the episode when Emily was found next to Alison's grave
Spencer searched through her phone and discovered a call from a blocked number on
Emily's phone, however she did not remember the conversation or who it was due to the
amount of alcohol she had drank that night. Spencer knew it was not something that
happened by chance and it had to be related to who attempted to set Emily up for stealing
Alison's body out of her grave.

Observation Two Notes:

1:27 Minutes- Girls are sitting in their English class, Emily is searching through her
purse. She finds a necklace with letter beads on it that says "dead girls can't smile"
with real teeth on the ends of it. Emily is frightened. She stands up and runs out of the
classroom down the hallway. Hanna, Spencer, and Aria follow her out of the room
and into the girls bathroom. They hear someone coming so they hide in a bathroom
stall to talk. Emily shows the girls the necklace. The girls discuss how A is attempting
to frame them for digging up Alison's body. Aria suggest taking the necklace to the
police. That idea is quickly gone when Spencer points out they would have to admit
about not being at the lake all afternoon and night. The girls begin to fuss about what
to do and the necklace gets dropped into the toilet. The girls attempt to retrieve it,
however the automatic flusher goes off and the necklace is gone.
4:20 Minutes- Emily, Spencer, and Aria find out that Hanna has been lying to them
about going to visit Mona in Radley. They are no longer mad about it, this time they

are asking her to go back and visit and try to find out who else is messing with them
now that Mona is locked up.
10:15 Minutes- Hanna decides to visit Mona. Mona stares blankly at Hanna as if she
is looking right through her. Hanna gets upset Mona won't respond to her questions.
Hanna throws her chair at the wall, the doctor hears the noise, comes in the room, and
demands Hanna get out.
19:00 Minutes- The four girls, Hanna, Aria, Emily, and Spencer, walk into school
together. Aria goes to her locker to get her books. When she opens it she notices an
envelope taped at the top. Aria opens it and finds an earring in it, as soon as she sees
these earrings her face freezes. Aria has a flashback and tells the girls about the
earrings. Before Alison disappeared her and Aria were searching through Aria's dad's
office when they found these earrings in a couch which they knew belonged to the
colleague he was suppose to not be seeing behind his wife's back anymore. In a rage
Aria and Alison trashed his office and wrote all over the walls making it seem like it
was the mistress that trashed the office, so he would think she was crazy and finally
break it off between them two. When the flashback is over Aria tells the other girls
she hasn't seen these earrings since the day of Alison's funeral when she put them in
her casket as a keepsake. They girls now realize the earrings were also stolen from
Alison's grave.
25:00 Minutes- Hanna is having dinner with her boyfriend Caleb. She barely touches
her food and continues to look up at the clock as if she is trying to rush him or either
slow down time. Caleb asks Hanna what is wrong with her and why she is acting so
strange. Hanna admits that she wants to go visit Mona at Radley, but not that she has
already previously been visiting her on an almost regular basis and lying to everyone
about it including him. He is furious and states how dangerous Mona is and how she
doesn't need to see her. When Caleb calms he says that she can go if he is allowed to
go with her.
25:41 Minutes- Aria is sitting in her room thinking. She receives a text saying "Daddy
needs to know. Or I let the other one go. To the police. Night-Night. -A". It is
Referring to the earring and telling him the truth about destroying the office and how
it wasn't the mistress' fault.
26:34 Minutes- The following morning Aria calls her dad into her bedroom as he
walks by. She tells him to sit down and that she has something she needs to tell him.
She tells him all about how it was her that trashed his office. Her dad wants to know
why she waited till now to fess up about the office, Aria says it just came up. Her dad
is upset because he said harsh things to the mistress and accused her wrongly when it
happened a couple years ago. He tells Aria they both owe her an apology and he is
not going to say hers for her.
28:48 Minutes- Hannah and Caleb go to Radley to visit Mona. Caleb tells Hanna he is
going to wait outside in the lobby while she goes in the room to talk to her. Hanna
enters the room and sits in front of Mona. She apologizes for throwing her chair the
other day. Hanna pulls out expensive makeup they both use to wear and love, and
attempts to bribe her into talking.
31:10 Minutes- Emily is in her English class taking a makeup test. She is doing well
and is moving through the test pretty quickly. She looks up and sees a girl at the front
clipping her hair back. Emily freezes and goes into a flashback. She starts to

remember pieces of the night Alison's body was dug up. She sees a blurred brunette
girl driving her. From the position you can tell Emily was in the backseat. When she
finishes her flashback, the teacher tells them they have five minutes remaining in the
test. Emily's focus is completely disappeared and she can't finish her test. Time runs
out and she must turn in her test incomplete.
Observation Three Notes:
1:00 Minutes- Emily finally remembers who the brunette was that was
driving. She discovered it was the blind girl, or so they thought she was blind,
Jenna. Jenna had a surgery months back that was suppose to give her, her
vision back and she claimed it failed. But Jenna has been lying
4:42 Minutes-Aria decides to offer to play in a musical piece with Jenna as a
fill-in on piano along with Jenna. They are walking down the hall at school
together discussing it. Aria has been put up to this by her friends to find out if
Jenna is lying and is no longer blind. Jenna tells Aria to meet her at her house
after school to practice. Jenna walks off.
6:08 Minutes- The four girls are sitting at a lunch table eating. Emily gets an
email on her phone about test grades being posted online. Emily goes to look
up her grade and discovers she got a 94 as her grade. She tells the other girls
this must be a mess up because she did not even finish her test, Emily assumes
A is trying to tamper her grades to use it against her later.
7:54 Minutes- Emily goes to her English teacher's classroom. Emily ask the
teacher if her grade is accurate. She tells the teacher this grade is impossible
due to her not finishing the test and that she thinks someone altered the scores.
The teacher just repeats multiple times that the test was completed and that
her grade is accurate. Emily stares blankly confused until at once it hits her,
and them Emily leaves.
14:47 Minutes- Aria is over at Jenna's house practicing for the musical
rehearsal. Jenna tells Aria they should take a break, Jenna its down and begins
to ask Aria questions. Jenna ask how Emily is, referring to her girlfriend being
murdered before summer started. She then mentions to Aria about how the
four girls must be happy that Mona is now locked up in Radley. Things pause
and there is an awkward silence between the two girls. Jenna gets up and
heads to the kitchen for a snack while Aria stays in Jenna's room. Aria starts
to search through her things and only finds a written note for a meeting time
with someone unknown scheduled for the following day at 4:15.
17:02 Minutes- The four girls meet back at Spencer's house later that
afternoon to find out if Aria discovered anything while practicing at Jenna's
house. The girls discuss and decide to follow her and find out if she really is
18:50 Minutes-Hanna returns once more to Radley to see Mona. Mona is
much different, she is sitting in the day room talking to the other female
patients an d showing them a magazine. Hanna is very shocked. Hanna walks
in and her and Mona go sit on a couch, Mona keeps talking nonstop. Hanna
mentions that Mona is acting much different, Mona says that they have
changed her medications. She tries to talk to Hanna about the latest high

school gossip and Hannah immediately shuts her up. Hanna gets sturdy and
ask Mona why has A not stopped, who else is torturing them. Mona just
smiles and laughs and says you can't trust anyone nowadays. Mona looks at
Hanna and ask if the police have found what's left of Alison.
24:24 Minutes- Emily's English teacher has been asked to have an
appointment with the principle after school. She says that a student sent up an
anonymous note stating that she has been favoring students and altering test
scores and the principle wants to look at her grading system. When asked
what she is going to say, the teacher states that she will be like Emily when
the situation came up and be completely honest.
27:24 Minutes- Hanna and Aria are waiting in Hanna's car outside of Jenna's
house the following day. They are waiting for her to leave and go to her
meeting. The girls are planning on following her to find out the truth. Hanna
and Aria make small talk with each other while they wait on Jenna to leave
her house.

Observation Four Notes:

0:30 Minutes- The four girls are sitting at the Rosewood Coffee Shop having a drink and
discussing their new knowledge of Jenna being able to see and being the person who
drove Emily to Alison's grave site the night her body remains were dug up. There is
tension between them, they are eager to find out answers. All of the girls are throwing out
ideas of possible answers.
3:00 Minutes- The four girls walk outside of the coffee shop and notice Alison's brother
Jason posting a poster. Jason looks angry, he staples it to the post and walks away. The
girls walk up to see what is on the poster. It is a rewards poster offering $50,000 to
anyone who knows information about the missing remains of Alison. Immediately after
reading the poster all four of the girls phones ding with a text message that reads "
Imagine what I could do with fifty grand -A". The girls all look up at each other in fright.
4:39 Minutes- Aria and Hanna are at their high school walking down the hallway
chatting. Aria is discussing how she is upset that she recently found out thanks to her
telling her dad the truth about her trashing the office and he is now going on a lunch date
with his ex mistress. Aria is worried about her mom finding out, and Hanna expresses
that Aria needs to be the one that tells her mom. Aria walks into her mom classroom and
makes awkward small talk. Aria's mom catches on and ask what is on her mind. Aria
can't tell her so she makes an excuse of asking her to get dinner later and then quickly
6:20 Minutes- Hanna enters Radley, she goes up to the desk to sign in as a visitor and is
quickly stopped by the desk clerk. The lady tells her Mona is not allowed to have visitors.
Hanna is confused and tries to go in to see her anyways. A guard quickly stops her and
the lady informs her that Mona has lost her visiting privileges and doesn't know when she
will get them back, Hanna is angry and storms out of Radley.

8:24 Minutes- Hanna is at home, still angry about not being able to see Mona. Caleb, her
boyfriend walks in and talks to her about the situation. Caleb admits that he knows the
reason Mona is not allowed visitors. Hanna is extremely confused. Caleb continues to
explain that he went to visit Mona and demand that she leave Hanna alone for good.
Mona started to scream and act crazy and flip a table over, she was taken away by guards.
Hanna is furious when she learns this, demands to know why he didn't tell her he went
and why he went without her. Hanna and Caleb get into a huge fight and Caleb storms
out of Hanna's house.
13:27 Minutes- Later the same day Aria is over at Hanna's house. They are sitting in the
kitchen by Aria's computer. Aria is looking through dating website profiles to set her
mom up with someone, and they decide to make her an online profile. They make her
mom's username Hotmama. Hanna's mom walks in and discovers what the girls are up to
and laughs.
15:50 Minutes- Hanna goes back to Radley to try to see Mona one more time. Hanna
hides behind the door while the workers pass, and right before she enters she notices a
cop. One particular cop, a crooked one named Wilden who they know has something to
do with Alison's murder. Hanna notices Wilden talking to Mona's doctor saying that he
has a court order to talk to Mona. He enters Mona's room and closes the door.
18:25 Minutes- Hanna goes to get a drink and wait Wilden out, so that she can see Mona.
An hour passes and Mona's doctor enters the area where Hanna is sitting telling her that
he is still not gone. Hanna is mad, she begs the doctor to sneak her in so she can just talk
to Mona for one minute. Hanna says she only has one question to ask her. The doctor said
he has already gotten in trouble for extending Mona's visiting hours so that Hanna could
continue to talk to her on other nights and he can't do anything about this. Hanna is
highly upset and leaves Radley even though she does not want to.
20:19 Minutes- Hanna's mom is at the local shop getting some food when Aria's mom
walks in. Aria's mom walks up to her and attempts to make some small talk. Hanna's
mom remembers what the girls did the day before and ask her if she is there to meet a
date from the online website. Aria's mom is extremely confused on what she is talking
about and Hanna's mom decides to fill her in on exactly what the girls have been up to.
Aria's mom is shocked and when she sees this online dating profile she demands it be

For my interview, I chose to interview my sister-in-law Ashley. Like me Ashley is also a religious
watcher. She did not start watching it on TV from the beginning like I did. She discovered the
show about a year and a half ago and watched all the previous seasons on Netflix, and now
watches it every Tuesday it comes on. Ashley is quiet invested into the show, she even spends
some of her free time searching on line and reading interviews from the directors and or other
peoples theories as to who "A" really is.
Q: Tell me about why the girls are always portrayed as sneaky?

A: I think they are portrayed as sneaky to the audience because they aren't even 100% honest
and forthcoming with each other, so to the viewers it raises questions about what else they might
be hiding.
Q: Reflect on Ali's disappearance and why she left.
A: Ali disappeared when someone was harassing her and then she was attacked outside of her
home. She apparently still felt afraid of this person and threatened by them and someone with
ulterior motives helped convince her that the best thing for her to do was to leave town.
Q: Give an example of how life is different in Rosewood compared to a normal town.
A: Rosewood seems to have a lot more crime than your average town. Also none of the girls
ever seem to have a birthday and the only holiday they celebrate is Halloween.
Q: Tell me about how A communicates with the girls.
A: A communicates with the girls through different messages and is usually threatening the girls
or setting them up to be blackmailed.
Q: How does A evade capture or suspicion?
A: A evades capture or suspicion by intimidating people as a means to stay one step ahead of
them and A is more than likely a person who purposely appears to everyone else as an
average person and therefore isn't questioned.

I decided to write a paragraph about other peoples opinions on what they think is going on or
happening in my figured world, Pretty Little Liars. I did not only want to leave my readers
with mine or the person I interviewed opinions. I wanted to give my reader a wide variety and
give them the chance to form their own opinion. And if the person is not a viewer hopefully this
would help to hook them on the figured world and give them the push to become a fan. For the
readers that are not very familiar with the figured world I chose to do, Pretty Little Liars, I
also decided to add in a small paragraph giving an example of another figured world that it is
similar. I did this so that I could give a more board sense to what my figured world is about and
it would not be so limiting to just Pretty Little Liars viewers.
Other Viewer's Ideas on the Figured World

The main thing about Pretty Little Liars that other viewers like to do, is start blogs and
websites dedicated to theories they have for who this "A" really is. I usually try to stay away
from these as it is quite easy to read one or two and next thing you know its two hours later and
you're questioning everything you have ever thought about the show, I've been there. I've
searched through some of these blogs and read what people have to say about it. One blogger

suggested the idea that "A" isn't even a real person, that we the viewers are "A". We are always
seeing everything we are everywhere in the show, just like "A". This was a very interesting idea
and made it hard for me to wrap my head around. I don't see after all these seasons and the
seasons o come in the future the writers just ending it like this, although I don't know how they
could possibly reveal the one true "A" once the series is over, I just do not see them ending it this
way. Other bloggers posted that they saw an interview with one of the writers that stated that "A"
was in the first episode, so naturally after that the blogger listed all of the characters that
appeared in the first episode and marked off the ones that have been exposed as not being "A" or
have already been killed off. I could sit here and write you at least ten pages of all these different
theories people have been coming up with. Certain viewers have even spent so much time on
this, they re-watch episodes and find scenes in them where certain character are standing near or
in front of a sign with the letter "A" and claiming it is a hint from the writers that this person is
the real and true "A". This is just a couple of some of the other fans views on the show and what
is going on.

A Similar Figured World

A figured world that is extremely similar to mine, Pretty Little Liars, is the show The
Vampire Diaries. I am also highly obsessed with this show. The Vampire Diaries is about a
town named Mystic Falls that is filled with vampires and witches and werewolves. At the first
look it doesn't sound anywhere close to Pretty Little Liars, because in that figured world there
is no such thing as supernatural creatures; just some lurking anonymous killer. In both of these
figured worlds there are murder cover ups, with Pretty Little Liars someone has been covering
up Alison's murder, and in The Vampire Diaries when the vampires get a little too hungry they
tend to drain the blood from them they had to cover up the murders and claim they were animal
attacks by bears. Other similarities in the two figured worlds is just the creepy vibe that both of
the atmospheres give off and they both have a lot of mysteriousness behind them and keep the
viewers on their toes. Both of the shows have crooked cops. In The Vampire Diaries the sheriff
is a vampire's mom and the mayor is the mother of a werewolf, so therefore they tend to lead to
helping the super natural people more and are a lot more likely to help out cover things up. Like I
said earlier in my assignment some of the law enforcement in Pretty Little Liars have something
to do with Alison's disappearance and have ulterior motives.

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