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zxTL-1 6A

IZE i 260X'170x40mm

ZXSJ:E0A] r'.:." '



r250X1 30X90mm




zxs J-0 6 A
ZE:260X1 70X40mm


:220X1 20x70mm



s IZE r250X'130X90mm





ZE:250X1 30x90mm




A. FunctionalAbstract

1 ) Displays with Month, Day, Week, hour,minute and

temperature. Years is in hidinq
2 ) Setting function in a 12-hourday ora Z4-houday
3 ) I sectoin of music alarming
4 ) Snooze
5 ) Talking clock
6 ) Auto- chimes on the hour
7 ) Continuing rotation while being run out

I ) Auto-adjustment in brightness (half-value

brightness during 22:00 pm-7:00 ah)

9 ) Automatic measurementintemperature ( -g-Sob)

) I section of music for birthddy reminded
'l ) Calendar for 50 years to inquiry


B. Operationlnstruction

) The name ot key: RESET, SET, SHtFT, t\rODtFy

(Up adjustment), ALARM. END (ceasing the alarm, tatking).

2 ) The nameof indicatorlighta: AM ( Morning-), pM

(Afternoon ). ALARM, HOUH NdTtCE.
3 ) Year, Month, Date and Time set
Plgs-s-qEI fgyrthe four number of year btinking,then
press MODIFY ( Ul ) key for changing ( only upward);
afterthat. press SHIFT key, the Month btinking . then press
MODIFY-.AS p,e1!he abovir, you can setting Eate. hourand
minute . Press SET again, finish the setting. '
4 I Setting in i1 2-hour day o r a[4-hour day

With the normal time displ'aying, mutual switch can

be done between a 12-hour day imdining and afternoon
indicator lights !or a '12-hor,r diy) and a I4-hour day by
pressing key of SHIFT till 3 seconds.
5 ) The set in opening and closing fuciion oI integral
poi nt
With the normal time displaying, the key of MODtFy is

pressed to arouse integral point functions of Open/ Close

(HOUF NOTICE indicator Iight/dark). lt is not in using f rom
PM 10:00 to AM 6:00.
6 ) The setting the eight section of alarming and setting
nine section ot birth day alarming
With the normal time displaying. ALAHM key is pressed
for querying alarming time. There is A1 to show that means
it is first alarming time (il there is -: - - indicates that the
parl of alarming-bell time is void, otherwise valid. To alter
such a function between void and valid, the MODIFY key is
tie way to deal with it.). lfyouwantto adjust it, you can press
SET key and hour flickers. And then you press MODIFY key
to adjust hour of alam: by p ress SHIFT and MODIFY key,
you set the minute oI alarm.Pre$ALAFIM key again, you can
set the second section of alarm in this way. There are goals
of I sections to set.
After the setting of alarming, you pressing ALARM key
again for birth day setting. There is B'l to show that it is first
alarming ot birth day (if there is -: - - indicates that the part
of alarming-bell of month and date is void, otherwise valid.
To alter such afunction between void and valid, the MODIFy
key is the way to deal with it.). lf you want to adjust it, you
can press SET key and month flickers. And then you press
MODIFY key to adjust month of alarm; by press SHIFT and
MODIFY key, you set the date of alarm. Press ALAfit4 key
again, you can set the second alarm for birthday in this way.
There are goals of I sections to set. Finally. you could see
the normal time by pressing ALABM or END key.
The alarm indicator is ight il there is one section of valid
alarming time orilwillbe dark.. When it's valid, press END key
for 3 seconds to start or close the alarm (ALARM indicator
ighti dark).

C. The alarming way

1 ) When toryr is on ai betin,nc. you can hear mus'c
and talking lir-re.
2 ) lnregral point reminded: HOUB NOTICE indicalo"

is bright when the remindful integral point function is open;

there is alarming ring and a music song during the integral
point of 7:00-2 1 ;00 per day and it can't work diing the pbint
of 22: 00 - 6: 00. Press any key to stop music. . 3 ) Talkingtime:pressENDkey,youwitthearthetalking
time f or blind man.
4 ) Snooze: on condition of ALABM indicator lioht.
when alarming bell ringing. press END key to start sno;ze,
the alarm will ring in I minutes. press any key to end alarm
ilng and do not start snooze. After alarming ring off, press
any key to stop snooze and alarm.
5 ) The chimes of birthday: when birthday come. the
chimes will ring at 7:08. 8:08, ..-'2'1 ;08, and you will hear the
music. Press any key to stop it.

D. Other instructions

1 ) The normallime displaying means there are month,

date, week,hour, minute and temperature showing on
2 ) lt willturn to normal time displaying iI exceeding 3O
seconds without any key pressed in any setting condition.
3 ) lt will turn to normaltime displaying by pressing the
END key tn any setting condition.
4 ) ln special condition. the key of BESET+ END coutd
be pressed if screen can't display anything. and theil loose
FESET key first and END key later .reset it.

5 ) There is no way to adjust the week. lt is changed with

year month and date setting. Please check the year settin g
when month and date setting are correct.
6 ) ZXIL-13A,ZXTL-1 38 the key of the top used as
same as END key.
7 ) The item(ZXT:.- 1 3A)'s patent number:200630008994.8,
the item (ZXTL-1 6A)'s patent number:200630008995.2.
I ) Our product has the CE cerlificate, our company
has passed the lSO9001:2000 certilicate.

I J There ar so many f orged signature


lnlriilgemeniproCucts,so pls purchase seriously with item NO.

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