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Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer

Programming. Volume 3: Sorting and Searching,
second printing, Addison-Wesley, 1975.
Dalia Motzkin, A Stable Quicksort,
Software-Practice and Experience, Vol. 11
(1981), No. 6, pp. 607-611.
Robert Sedgewick, Algorithms in C++,
Addison-Wesley, 1992.
Lutz M. Wegner, Sorting a Linked List with
Equal Keys, Information Processing Letters, Vol.
15 (1982), No. 5 (December), pp. 205-208.
Mark Allen Weiss, Data Structures and
Benjamin/Cummings, 1994.
Niklaus Wirth, Algorithms & Data Structures,
Prentice-Hall, 1986.

Response from Jim Carraway, author of DoublyLinked Opportunities, 3C ONLINE, January 1996:
My purpose in writing the article was to provide a
quick reference (with code, diagrams, and an
example) for instructors whose students ask about
sorting data in the structure of a doubly-linked list.
My students' query was directed to this problem, not
how to sort data with linked lists. I do appreciate,
though, Shene choosing my article for the basis of
his scientific and scholarly approach to this topic.
(Besides, it is always nice to see your name in print.)



By Sandra Brown
and Patricia Nettnin
Finger Lakes Community College
Canandaigua, NY 14424
An integral part of the AAS degree in Computer
Information Systems (CIS) is a course entitled
Systems Analysis and Design. At Finger Lakes
Community College, we have had great success with
implementing a student team project approach to the
course. The approach has been very effective in that
it allows us to augment and reinforce an extensive
amount of comprehensive material learned in the
standard lecture and textbook. The approach also
promotes team dynamics and group problem-solving
skills that are desperately needed by the CIS graduate
in the workplace.
This paper discusses the
advantages to student learning via the team approach
in a Systems Analysis and Design course. The
approach, logistics, activities, and benefits will be

When I stated, "The Sediment Sort is one of the
fastest and most efficient sorts for linked lists. ", 1
thought it would be interpreted in the context of the
article. Additionally, when I chose to call my
masterpiece the "Sediment Sort", I thought the play
on "Bubble Sort" would be obvious. I chose not to
call it the "Carraway Sort" because I did not want
my name inexorably linked with it in the annals of
computer science.
I wholeheartedly agree with Shene's last paragraph.
Does the expression, "If a study is not worth doing
at all, it is not worth doing well" mean anything to
you ?

The Systems Analysis and Design course is required

as part of the CIS degree program and is intended to
be taken in the student's last semester. There are
two reasons for this. First, they must use skills and
knowledge acquired from previous courses, such as
programming and program design. They should also
have knowledge of business communications and
have the ability to use one software desktop
publishing tool. Second, the topics taught in the
course are needed in the workplace by many of our
graduates. Many of our AAS graduates are finding
jobs as computer software developers and computer
support personnel, so they must have an
understanding of the key steps in the systems
development life cycle.
A team approach to problem solving in this course


Volume 3, Number 2

April 1996

Page 9

offers the student a variety of experiences. Many of

our students have never worked as a member of a
This skill is crucial for a successful
professional and encouraged by our Advisory Board.

Organization of the Course

This course is an introduction to systems analysis
and design. It includes such topics as defining the
scope and objectives of a system project,
investigative techniques, feasibility analysis, design
of input/output forms, master file, database, and
transaction file organization. Tools that the analyst
uses are also introduced, such as data flow diagrams
and system flowcharts.
Upon completion of the course the participant will be
able to:
A. Understand the role of a systems analyst and
systems analysis and design in a business today
B. Understand the business information system life
cycle and name and define each phase
C. Successfully demonstrate the use of an analyst's
tools in a project (case study), including:
identification coding
forms and forms design
technical writing and presentations
charting techniques
data flow diagrams
data dictionary
system flowcharts
D. Describe the component parts of the Study Phase
in the systems development life cycle, including:
initial investigation
system performance definition
feasibility analysis
E. Describe the component parts of the Design
Phase in the systems development life cycle,
system design
I/O design
file design
F. Describe the component parts of the
Development Phase in the systems development

Page 10


life cycle, including:

computer program development
preparation for implementation.
Materials presently used in the course:
Textbook: Contemporary Systems Analysis, Gore
and Stubbe
Required Workbook: EcoWaste, Inc., Case Study
and Workbook, Gore and Stubbe or Champion
Sporting Goods, Case Study, Gore and Stubbe.

How the Course is Taught

A. Lecture/Discussion
An important component of the course is to gain an
understanding of the key steps in the systems
development life cycle. Students must complete the
required reading of the textbook to help them
achieve this goal. We also lecture and hold class
discussions on the textbook material. We find that
this is imperative to the student's understanding.
This allows them to take what they have learned and
then apply it to a case study. The case study
assignments will be completed by the teams.

B. Team Dynamics and Team Assignments

Early in the course, we establish membership of the
teams. The teams will complete the projects together
in the system case study and will also be assigned
questions to be answered during review time in the
normal lecture. We have found that students have a
greater chance for success in the course if they are
assigned to a team by the instructor. We usually
have 20-25 students enrolled in a section, and we are
fairly familiar with each student's academic ability
level. Team membership usually includes a mix of
personality types and ability levels.
The first assignment each team receives is to
introduce themselves to each other, exchange names,
addresses, phone numbers, work schedules, and times
available for meetings. They are to determine the
role of team leader and team scribe. At this time,
the team should ascertain that there is a least one
member who is adept (and willing) at using a highlevel word processing package, desktop publishing,
or presentations software package. It is required that

Volume 3, Number 2

April 1996

each assignment will be completed using one of

these. All of this information is to be kept by the
team (not the instructor) for future use.
It is vital that some rules of team dynamics should
be covered in class at this time. We try to stress the
importance of reliability to each student, that each
member contributes and is a responsible team player.
Teamwork comparisons and analogies are made to
the professional work world.
Each semester a case study book is used that will
allow the students to practice the concepts, etc.
learned in lecture. There are approximately 12
assignments in one case study.
Initially the
assignments are straightforward and not too complex,
but they grow in complexity and length throughout
the semester. Each team will submit one finished
product for each assignment. The finished product
must be professionally presented.
Most work on the projects occurs outside of class;
however, we have been flexible in that we allow
some use of class time for the teams to get together
for work on the projects. It is sometimes very
difficult for members to get together outside of class,
as many of our students are returning adults who
have many outside responsibilities. Class time is
also used to answer any questions that the teams
have regarding the projects. It is imperative that
every member of the team understand each project
and its outcome, as some questions on the tests will
come from concepts leamed in the group

C. Grade Determination
We use a point system to determine the final course
grade. We add up earned points and divide by the
total possible points for a percentage grade.
Although this may vary slightly, we administer
approximately 4 tests
(taken by students
individually) at 50 points each, and 10-15 projects
(team) at 20 points each.
Upon completion of each case study assignment,
each individual is responsible for submission of a
grading sheet to the instructor. Before submission of
the project and grading sheets, the students are

given class time to complete a portion of the grade

themselves. This individual contribution grade for
each student should be discussed by all members of
his/her team. We have given the students flexibility
in the grade they assign themselves. We recognize
that, at times, outside demands on a student's time
may not permit him/her to contribute equally to
completion of the project. However, for the most
part, every student is expected to be a good team
member. The times and dates that the team met to
discuss/complete the assignment should be listed on
the back of the team leader's grade sheet.
Attendance at the meetings should also be indicated.
The following is the grade assignment strategy that
we use based on a 20-point scale for every

Case Study Assignment

Grading Sheet
Possible Points
(Use of word processing, correct spelling and
grammar, neatness, and sharp presentation)
(Submitted to the instructor on time)
(Is it correct, thorough and complete?)
Individual Contribution
0-6 **
(Have you contributed your fair share to the project's
** this portion of the grade is completed by the
student as follows:
0 - you did not contribute at all to completion of the
2 - you did a small amount of work
4 - you did some, but not as much as the other team
6 - you did your fair share of work
Total Points

Volume 3, Number 2

April 1996


Page 11

We have found that, at the beginning of the
semester, some students are reluctant to work in
groups or teams. Many of them have never been
taught team dynamics and have had bad experiences
(or no experience) with group work in the past. For
these reasons, it is imperative that class time is spent
in the beginning establishing a good setting for the
teams, including an explanation of all the rules and
Occasionally, an individual student will not accept
the responsibility and will not perform well on a
team. It is the responsibility of the other team
members to make this individual contribute. We, as
instructors, do not want to get involved in team
dynamic problems. It is important as part of the
overall learning process that the teams work out any
problems themselves. Sometimes the team must
complete projects without 100% effort by every team
member. This, we explain, is reality; it is sometimes
like this in the working world.

problem. We will require and/or suggest its use in

future semesters. We may also use the DEC VAX
NOTES system, which will allow the teams to work
on and post answers to questions assigned in class.

We will continue to evaluate and enhance the
instructional approach to "Systems Analysis and
Design" as the need arises. However, we are pleased
with the overall learning environment and results that
the team approach has provided us.
We have
received excellent products from all types of
students, from the very capable to weak students
alike. Weaker individuals teamed with the more apt
students seems to produce good results. The stronger
students enjoy the challenge of preparing a
professional-looking assignment, and competition
among teams for the best prepared project is not
uncommon. By utilizing the talents and efforts of
every member, the projects submitted are
exceptional; much more so than projects submitted
by individuals. Furthermore, we enjoy teaching the
course and know that the majority of the students
look forward to enrolling in it.

Feedback From the Students

We administer a student evaluation of the course
every semester and are pleased to report that the
response to the course has been very favorable. The
students learn a great deal from each other, and
many are surprised at the satisfaction they get from
working on a team. We have also received some
favorable reactions to the ability to achieve an
individual grade on a group project (as opposed to an
overall group grade).

Improvements in the Future

In the future, we are planning to require the groups
to orally present to the class (as a systems analyst
would) the final assignment which is a culmination
systems design phase report. This oral presentation
would be graded as another assignment.
Students seem to have problems meeting and
communicating outside of class.
We have all
recently learned to use the E-Mail system on our
campus DEC ALPHA minicomputer and believe its
use by the teams will facilitate the communication

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Volume 3, Number 2

April 1996

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