Answer Keys For EL171 RW U6

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Answer keys for EL171 RW U6

Comprehension Check
Exercise 1
F 1. The antioxidants in blueberries optimize the berries' flavor.
T 2. Antioxidants help fight free radicals that destroy human cells and DNA.
F 3. Low-bush blueberries can only be found in the United States.
F 4. Originally, high-bush blueberries were almost only grown in the United States.
F 5. A study shows that blueberry intake improves the brain function.
F 6. People must avoid keeping blueberries below 0 degree to preserve
T 7. There is difference between concentrations of antioxidants in organic blueberries and
those in non-organic blueberries
Directions: Answer the following questions.
Exercise 2
1. Compared with other fruits, what makes blueberries so special?
Blueberries are the second most popular berries in the US and among the fruits with the
highest antioxidant capacities.
2. Why are free radicals dangerous to people's health?
Free radicals can damage cell structures and DNA.
3. What should people do if they cannot get fresh blueberries?
They should get frozen blueberries instead since antioxidants are not damaged when the
berries are frozen.
4. What kind of illnesses can blueberry intake help alleviate?
Brain illnesses linked to aging and memory loss, high blood pressures, and high blood sugar

Exercise 3
Word Definition

1. constantly d. (adv.) happening all the time, continuing without pause

2. essential i. (adj.) absolutely necessary; indispensable
3. optimize c. (v.) to make as effective as possible
4. exclusively e. (adv.) used or owned by only one person or group
5. cultivate k. (v.) to grow crops
6. onset a. (n.) beginning; start
7. restricted m. (adj.) limited
8. organically h. (adv.) naturally; produced without the use of chemical fertilizers,
pesticides, or other artificial chemicals
9. intake (f. (n.) the amount of something someone takes into the body
10. significantly g. (adv.) notably
11. maintain l. (v.) to keep; to sustain
12. obesity j. (n.) the state of being unhealthily overweight
13. favorable b. (adj.) positive; promising
Exercise 4
1. When you cook cream soup, stir constantly. Otherwise, the soup will be lumpy.
2. People need essential minerals such as calcium and iodine to stay healthy.
3. To optimize your capacity to work, you need to get enough sleep every night.
4. The famous singer agreed to meet exclusively with members of her fan club. Everyone
else had to wait outside.
5. Thai farmers can cultivate a wide variety of tropical fruits and vegetables.
6. It was found that patients survived two months after the onset of an influenza caused by a
newly found virus.
7. In order to keep Bhutan unpolluted, the number of its visitors is restricted each year.
8. Regular vitamin C intake helps prevent common colds.
9. People with high blood pressures need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid heart
10. As snacking in front of TV has become a common habit, obesity in pre-teen kids is now a

health problem in many countries.

Reading Skill
Exercise 5
1. What does Tom mean?

Tom implies that Sarah loves buying shoes despite the fact that she already has many pairs.

2. What does Jack imply?

Jack implies that he needs to go to the toilet. He will catch up with Wendy in the theater

3. What does Helen want George to do?

Helen is not sure if it's going to be sunny all day. She wants George to take an umbrella

with him just in case of rain.

4. What does Freddy think about the painting?

Freddy thinks the painting does not look like what a great artist would have painted. He

believes it looks like what his child (a four-year-old) would paint.

5. What do David and Linda imply about Max?

They think Max is very strong. They even make fun of Max by saying that he is stronger

than Superman.
Exercise 6
Directions: Read the following texts and tick ()the statements that are inferences from the
a. Which statements can we infer from the passage?
To maintain good health, people should consume apples regularly.
b. Which statements can we infer from the passage?
The hybrid strawberry was created by chance.
c. Which statements can we infer from the passage?
Blackberries may help prevent cancer.
A low carb diet probably puts blackberries on the list of food that aids weight loss.

Grammar Focus
Exercise 7
Directions: Combine the sentences using the pronoun provided.
1. Adam works at the university from which Linda graduated in 1980.
Adam works at the university where Linda graduated in 1980.
Adam works at the university which/that Linda graduated from in 1980.
Adam works at the university Linda graduated from in 1980.
2. I know the lady whose son works at the post office downtown.
3. I remember the day when my husband asked me to marry him.
I remember the day on which my husband asked me to marry him.
I remember the day that my husband asked me to marry him.
I remember the day my husband asked me to marry him.
4. The woman who/whom we met in a conference last December is my friends sister-in-law.
The woman that we met in a conference last December is my friends sister-in-law.
5. Turkey is the country in which people drink the most tea.
Turkey is the country where people drink the most tea.
Turkey is the country which/that people drink the most tea.
Turkey is the country people drink the most tea.
6. Apples contain antioxidants which/that help prevent heart diseases.
7. Employees want a team leader who is specialized in international finance.
Employees want a team leader that is specialized in international finance.
8. The students who cheat in an exam will be heavily punished.
The students that cheat in an exam will be heavily punished.
9. The boss who/whom we invited from Singapore to talk in a symposium last June
is looking for a secretary.
The boss that we invited from Singapore to talk in a symposium last June is
looking for a secretary.
The boss we invited from Singapore to talk in a symposium last June is looking for

a secretary.
10. The farmer is hunting down the wolf which/that injured three chickens and a pig
last night.

Exercise 8
Directions: Complete the following sentences. Use your knowledge of relative clause.
Suggested answers
1. I love to eat fruit that/which are high in calcium. (that/which)
2. Nobody wants a friend whom they cannot trust. (whom)
3. The province where my mother was born is in the north. (where)
4. I just met a woman whose children went to the same school as I. (whose)
5. The time when I bungee-jumped for the first time is my best memory. (when)
6. People who drink and drive will be heavily penalized.
7. The museum that we went to yesterday just announced its new exhibition.
8. The graduate student whose car was stolen last week filed a complaint about the
universitys insufficient guards.
9. My husband and I plan to go back to where we met.
10. I accidentally broke the vase which my boyfriend gave me last Christmas.

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