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1. Watson Website

Sitemap for Watsons.

a) Web Hierarchies Structure for Watsons


Special Offer

& Services

Care Tips









Make up


Contact us

Hair Care

About Us


Eye and

Membership Home



Go to

Diagram 1

membership home


Sitemap for membership Watsons.

b) Website Structure for Watsons membership Card.



Continue to membership area

Exclusive Offer
Basics Offers

About Watsons Card


Member Area
Card Activation

Welcome Offer
Members Offer
Bonus Point



Benefit FAQ




First Login

Card FAQ

Member Login

Members Event

Points Saving And

Redemption FAQ


Online FAQ

Diagram 2

These website structures are suitable for Watsons in promoting and give information for their
product that shows in a Hierarchy Structure for Watsons and also for Watsons membership. As
stated in diagram 1 and diagram 2.
Hierarchical structure website elected for Watsons because I find out the structure most
suitable especially when navigating from one topic to other topic. Example for 'Special Offer'
which is under 'More Information about product sales. So customers just need to click the
mouse once to lead. Beside that, the Watsons always make products sales every months. So the
customers can choose all product that they have dreaming.

Based on structure provide, I could be safely say that it more user-friendly like it only involving
three levels navigation. Easily customers can get necessary information before buy some product
in the product menu. If the customers want to get information about skin or make up they can go
to Beauty Tips menu. Just like that. Its very easy without getting lost inside the website.
The Watsons appreciated all their customers who loyal in its product by giving deduction in
special price. But the customers need to register first before get to the product. All need to do just
go direct to button membership in Watsons website and follow the instruction. Then the
customers will get the cheapest price.
Element Website
The website has a personal page, which will give the people a reason to stay on the website.
Example is membership site. It could be a useful website because the website has information
about products, their utility such as bulletin board, search engine, and etc. At the same time have
an entertainment and slot for advice in Beauty Tips and also Health care Tips and help with a
problem. This website has links to useful sites. Example change country goes to . and it information is fresh (updated regularly)
Overall Look
It can say that the website is like store front. It creates immediate impression on customers. It is
attractive and professional. Not flashing lights, just one animation on the home menu. Colors, no
drop down boxes but has a scroll bar because have much information and distracting. This
website has many graphics because of e-commerce website.
The customers will spend not more than 30 second go to certain page. It loading tones of images
slow. Maybe we can say that about internet bandwidth. Sometimes good sometimes slow.

Graphics and Lay-out

The graphics and lay-out of this website contribute to that first impression-. I think the image
this site is trying to convey and make sure everything on the site contributes something towards
that overall image.
Color is also an important part of the website; colors have different effects on emotions. So this
website has combine blues plus greens. It shows that more restful. Certain image color using
yellow reminds customers of sunshine and is a happy color.
However, the effect that created and the color has choose is appropriate in the website. The eye
contact important when reading Western texts, the eye travels from the top left of the page,
across and then down to the bottom right.
Text Readability
This website has a concept of the billboard. In home page, the advertising using the bigger text to
attractive customers and the surround them with plenty of white space.
There have no dark backgrounds and the text easy to read not dazzle the eyes. The text not
divided by two columns as newspaper.
Another element that contributes to text readability is the font. This website using verdana font.
That is the easiest to read.
Structure each page
The page as easy for visitors to read as possible breaking it up into little 'chunks' which divide
the page vertically through the use of headings and sub-headings.
The font for all headings and sub-headings using the same font. And sub heading using the color
font then no bold on sub-headings.

This way it's easy to recognize which is a heading and which is a sub-heading using color (same
This page will attract the visitors by using colorful font on heading in some news. The font will
draw attention to other important points and attract the visitors to stay and keep reading.
Navigation is one of the most critical aspects of any web site and the most important. No matter
how good a site looks, and no matter how much useful information it offers, without sensible
navigation scheme, it will only manage to confuse visitors and chase them away.
In Watsons website all news added in the home page. Visitor can choose either ones that they
interest. Its simple, logical, understandable navigation scheme can increase number of page
impressions, boost return visits, and improve conversion rate.
In the website, it tells the visitor about the promotions every month. Visitor just clicks and they
can get what they want. The visitor also can get more information on the links store locator. Its
very easy.
The page read from top to bottom and from left to right. It gives the visitor comfortable to read.
There is not too much page long in this website just only one. Thats because the web page have
full information. Greater consistency leads to better readability and ease of use.
Privacy Statement and Testimonials
Credibility is an essential part of any business site, especially in the anonymous world of
Internet. I found that when search the website I feel confident. I can register and go to the interest
page. My password is confidential and Watson has protecting my password. I feel save free to
access any web page in the website. Especially to get information or to be customers Watson. .
It's worth having a separate page which sets out, in detail, my policy towards email addresses.

Watsons didnt have testimonial site to discuss about the products. But they have provided the
FAQ in the helpdesk membership page. So I can find the suitable question same with my
problem in the website.
Now it is one of the most important elements. If this part is wrong, the rest of efforts are largely
wasted. The website has no spelling error or careless grammar and punctuation.
It will reflects badly if something error on the site owner and indicates that whoever is
responsible for this page is sloppy, careless, lazy, unprofessional or all of the above.
OKU Help
This website does not have high contrast theme that the visitor can adjust the pages whether
more or less contrast.
Also no function for modify the writing size on website. The function makes the visitor
comfortable with the text. If want to make bigger size just click the button plus and if want to
small text just click the smaller button plus.
And no color function is providing for blind color. The colors stated in the website are blue,
green and red. So it make easier for blind color using the website.

2. GiatMara Website

Simple hub and spoke structure

The simplest form of hierarchical site structure is a star, or hub-and-spoke, set of pages arrayed
off a central home page. The site is essentially a single-tier hierarchy. Navigation tends to be a
simple list of subpages, plus a link for the home page as below stated at diagram 3.


Contact Us

Corporate Information


Staff Portal

Training Information

Diagram 3

The Home page Giatmara is the first page where the website visitors land when they type the
website URL. In a hierarchical website, the Home page Giatmara contains the most general
information about the website, including an overview, news and links that lead website visitors
to other pages on the site.

The main sections of a hierarchical website are accessible by the Home page and display either
alphabetically or by popularity. For example, common main sections include About, Information
training, Corporate information, Staff portal, Contact, and Links.
The disadvantage this website does not have FAQ or FORUM which is visitor give opinion or
comment about the course or information.
This website user friendly and the hierarchy just have two levels only. So visitor just random
click the website not follows the many links. Once click the page links visitor can back to home.
The Hierarchical structure website has link to Berita Giatmara in the right place which is the
information about Giatmara. It is most suitable for visitor to navigate the topics. All to do just
click the link then the visitor get the all the information about Giatmara.
Based on the structure provide, all visitors want to get information about the course they can go
to the page training information. The training was dividing by place of state and by cluster. Its
very easy without getting lost inside the website. The Giatmara provide the online advertising for
intake. All visitors can see in right place on the website structure.

Element Website
The content has more info about Giatmara such as bulletin board, search engine and directory.
Its content about training information and also about staff portal and etc. When look at the
website structure visitor no longer in the website. Thats because this web just for education not
for e-commerce.
No entertainment page, no advice page, but the problem can help visitor by using the contact us
page so that they can ask the entire query about Giatmara. The content also has the links to
useful sites such as berita Giatmara links. And then the information is always updated regularly.

Overall Look
The website looks clean, uncluttered and no attractive and have a flashing light. No animation,
colors are distracting and no music background. So when visitor get the information they want to
get out fast.
In the website, an average visitor will spend no more than 15 seconds to decide the worth of the
site. Thats because they dont have too much graphic and dont have more links to other
website. Speed also change when the bandwidth low.
The website also doesnt have statistic, tracking and google analytic. So the webmaster dont
know how much the visitor have visit the website and also the past visitor came again visit the
Graphics and Lay-out
The graphics and lay-out of the home page is simple. Not too much graphic. The website use
HTML code with CSS style. The graphics loading time of this site not take long time.
Color is also an important part of this site; colors have different effects on our emotions. The
website is using red and orange colors that excite the senses and increase heartbeat.
Consider the effect you want to create and choose a color that is appropriate. When reading the
texts, the eye travels from the top left of the page, across and then down to the bottom right.
The image set amidst page then putted in the home page section. And has no graphic in other
pages. The image places on the centre of the page.
The navigation bar down putted in the bottom of the page. So visitor can link to the other website
as stated in the website. It make easier for visitor.

Text Readability
The texts color using blurring red for topic and grey for the texts. Its not depressing the mood
The topic make bigger than texts. The website has one column not as newspaper. Beside that, the
texts easier and quicker to read thats because the website has a few texts.
The website is using plaint fonts such as Arial. Its easier to read. The eyes not tire of font effect.
The visitor can choose either to still in the page or leave to reach other link.
Structure each page
The page has not too much text. So it appears in horizontally through the use of headings. And
has no sub heading.
The website is using the same font as heading and texts. Then heading is using blurring red and
bigger than text. And the text smaller than heading and using grey color not bold.
Its easier to recognize which is heading and texts. Not same size and difference color.
This website has a bulletin board. All news has included there. The visitor can get the
information in there and if interest they will stay and keep reading.
No highlight text in the website and easier to read.
The navigation one of aspects that is most critically any web site. The website has a simple,
logical and impressions. But the number of the boost return visit unknown. Thats because the
website has no statistic or Google analytic to collect the return visitor.

The good of this website has promoted the college by using advertising and on the bulletin
board. The visitors no need to reach many links because the webmaster has prepared the bulletin
board on the right site. So the visitor can grab the news quickly.
I found that this website has also a search directory to find information. So its make it easy to
request the additional information.
In using well structured navigation of web pages theyre accustomed to read from left to right
and from top to bottom. No navigation bar on the left web page.
No long page in this website and when visitor found the system theyre happy with. use it on
every page so that your visitors know where to look for the information. Greater consistency
leads to better readability and ease of use.
Privacy Statement and Testimonials
They have no privacy or testimonials in this website. This is website for education not for ecommerce. No privacy for password or email needed. The website has not the forum so all
visitors or return visitor cannot give the comment or opinion about this college.
The most important element is word. This website has no spelling error, punctuation or careless
grammar. This is website using Malay language. If this part is wrong, the rest of the words are
largely wasted.
OKU Help
This website does not have high contrast theme that the visitor can adjust the pages whether
more or less contrast.
Also no function for modify the writing size on website. The function makes the visitor
comfortable with the text. If want to make bigger size just click the button A plus and if want to
small text just click the smaller A button plus.

This website has no color function is providing for blind color. The colors stated in the website
are blue, green and red. So it make easier for blind color for using the website.
3. Farmers Organization Authorities Website

Sitemap for Farmers Organization Authorities website

Overlapping Between Hierarchies for Farmers Organization Authorities website


About Us
Director Generals Message
History & Background
Vision & Mission
Function & Mission
Corporate Goals (2011-2015)
Roles of LPP
Corporate Plan
Quality Policy
Interpretation of LPPs Logo
Corporate Culture
LPP list of Awards
Clients Charter
Client Charter Achievement
Organizational Structure
Senior Officers of HQ
Board Members
Formers Advisory Council Members

Form Production Div
Management Service Div
Farmer Entrepreneur Development Div
Supervision Div
Agribusiness Div
Engineering Div
Corporate Affairs Div
Planning & Evaluation Div
Finance Div
Human Capital Development Div
Information Management Div
Audit & Enforcement Division
Internal Audit Unit
Legal Advisor Unit
State LPP
Farmers Management Institute
LPP Langkawi
LPP Sg Petani
LPP Johor Bharu
LPP Rompin
LPP Machang

Annual Report
LPP List of Awards
Formers Association (FA) Procurement
Year 2012
Year 2011
Year 2010
Year 2009
Act 110
Directive Register Circular
Director General Circular 2012
General Circular 2012
Director General Circular 2011
Director General Circular 2010
Director General Circular 2009
Online Services
Total Online Services Usage 2013

Form Download
Success Stories
Theme & Location HPPNK
Result HPPNK
HPPNK Year 2012
Sambutan Hari Inovasi
Perutusan Raya 2012
HPPNK 2011
Anugerah Inovasi LPP 2011
LPP Corporate Video
Ekspo Agro & Makanan Johor 2011
Pertubuhan Peladang

Year 2013
Year 2012
Year 2011
Year 2010
Year 2009
Year 2008
Year 2007
Year 2012
Year 2010
Year 2009
Agriculture Transformation News
Year 2011
Year 2010
Year 2009
Year 2008

Year 2007
Year 2006
Year 2005
LPP Voice Magazine
Annual report
Result HPPNK
Year 2011
Year 2010
Year 2009
Year 2008
Year 2007
Year 2006
Year 2005
Successful Farmers Organization
Successful Male Farmer
Successful Female Farmer
Successful Young Male Farmer
Successful Fisherman
Successful Fisherman Association
Successful Fishery Entrepreneur
Successful Livestock Entrepreneur
Successful Cluster Project

Successful Womens Group

Year 2004
Successful Farmers Organization
Successful Male Farmer
Successful Female Farmer
Successful Young Male Farmer
Successful Farmers Unit
Year 2003
Successful Farmers Organization
Successful Male Farmer
Successful Female Farmer
Successful Young Male Farmer
Successful Farmers Unit
Successful Fisherman Association
Successful Fishery Entrepreneur
Successful Livestock Entrepreneur
Successful Cluster Project
Successful Womens Group
Year 2002


Farmer Organization
Farmer Organization Introduction
Farmer Organization Structure
PP Logo Rationale
Contact PP
Pulau Pinang
Negeri Sembilan
Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan

AJP By State
Pulau Pinang
Negeri Sembilan
Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan
Act 109
PP Rules 1983
PP Constitution
Administration and Management Procedure of Famers Organization Members Units
Registration Members
Yayasan Pelajaran
YPP Governance Committee

YPP Funding Sources
Adoption Programme
Reward Excellence Education
YPP Education Loans
YPP Prime Award
Courses and Motivation
Human Resource Management
Farm Mechanics/ Automation
Farm Infrastructure
Farm Supply
Farmer Organization Introduction
Expansion and Advisory Services
Post Harvest Technology
Food Processing Technology
Cybertani Resources Centre
Online Services

Form Download
Berita Transformasi Pertanian
Form Download
Year 2012
Farmer Magazine
Suara LPP Magazine
Buletin LPP
Training For Famers
Year 2012
Year 2010
Year 2009

Sambutan Hari Inovasi 2012

Perutusan Raya 2012
HPPNK 2011
Anugerah Inovasi LPP 2011
LPP Corporate Video
Ekspo Agro & Makanan Johor 2011
Video Pertubuhan Peladang
LPP Info
History & Background
Vision & Mission
Function of LPP
Organization Structure
Farmers Advisory Council Members
Farm Production Div
Farmers Entrepreneur

Agribusiness Div
State LPP

Act 110
Director General Circular
Director General Circular 2012
Director General Circular 2011
Director General Circular 2010
Director General Circular 2009
Online services
My Meeting
Web Intranet
LPP Library
Checking of Examination Result LPP
LPP Calender

Corporate Affairs Div
Information Management Division
Farm Production Division
Farmer Entrepreneur Development Division
Engineering Div
Legal Advisor Unit
Internal Audit
Form Download
Unions / LPP Association
Training For LPP Officer
Year 2012
Year 2010
Year 2009

Schedule and Examination Syllabus LPP 2011
Public Services Department Exam Schedule

PTK Examination Curriculum Specialized Competency

Exam Measurement PTK
Exam Result
Head Quarters Level Year 2012
National Level Year 2012
Head Quarters Level Year 2011
National Level Year 2011
Head Quarters Level
National Level
Head Quarters Level
National Level
Head Quarters Level
National Level
Head Quarters Level
National Level

Head Quarters Level
National Level

Diagram 4

The diagram 4 shows the relation among hierarchy. In the envelop, that has the hierarchy set
Public, Farmer, and LPP Community. Sub envelop is one of the information about
farming and the application aspects are loaded within it.
This website structures are suitable for Overlapping between hierarchies for farmers
organization authorities website as stated on diagram 4. The website is to promote the web and
to give the information about farming. Its to develop farmers' organization as an effective
services provider towards the creation of commercial farmers.
Hierarchical structure website is choosing farmers organization authorities because I find
out the structure most suitable especially when navigating from one topic to other topic. Example
about the website, all news can find in the bulletin board. So, the visitor no needs to go to other
page to get the information. Usually the news or highlight is putted in the home page.

This is website government, I could be safely saying that it more user-friendly because all the
pages is provided mapping on the left website. So the visitors can go through to the links. The
website involves at least five levels navigation. If the visitors get to know about updated news
they can go to announcement board on the right home page. Its easy.
Element Website

I could say that, the website give more information about farming, society and to provide a
professional and quality service to achieve the visions of the Farmers' Organisation Authority
(LPP) to become a leader in the development of a successful Farmers' Organisation with
excellence and to carry out the mission to develop the PP as an efficient service provider to the
members of the commercial farmers
The website has utility such as bulletin board to publish the news, search engine to add the
additional information.

This website also gives the entertainment to visitor such as to display the photo, audio and video.
Its also giving some advice about farming to visitor. If the visitor has a problem they can go to
help on the top website. Some goes to e-complaint. If the visitors want to complaint about
farming and etc. This website has more links to useful sites. The information is always updated
and the information given is unique.

Overall Look
The home page is like billboard. It creates an immediate impression on visitors. This website is
professional, clean and attractive.
The website not flashing lights so no distracting, have some animation, colors; no drop down box
and have some graphics and no background music.

The website speed about 20 second loading and it depend on the computer bandwidth visitor.
Sometimes it quick loading and it takes long loading if have some graphics, audio or video.
All the information is display on the home page and that suitable for visitor that have no time to
read. It makes immediate impression for visitor.

Graphics and Lay-out

This website are using CSS layout and using Java Server Page programme. The graphics and layout of home page is good impression.
Colors have different effects on our emotions: This website have using green and blue for the
color background. It gives more restful for eyes visitor.
The text color is navy blue. When reading the texts, the eye travels from the top left of the page,
across and then down to the bottom right.

The graphic image placed on the most important section page on the left of the bottom. The
image is display on home page menu.

Text Readability
The texts color is navy blue. So its not very difficult to read. And also not depresses the mood
effect visitor and dazzle the eyes.
The website has not column just like the newspaper. However, its easy to read because the
paragraph is simple. And not take long time to read the entire page.
Another element that contributes to text readability is the Arial font. Its plain font and easy to
read. So the eyes not tire and the visitor will stay longer on the page.

Structure each page

This website structure has to break it up into a little chunks. Its divide the page horizontally
through the use of headings and sub-headings.

The heading and sub-heading using the same font. For the heading using the navy blue color but
the tracking map using the striking green color, small and make dazzling. The size font for
heading and sub-heading also texts paragraph are same. The site has a button to make size font
bigger. So the visitor Select whether wants the smaller size or bigger then use bold on the title
This way it's easy to recognize which is a heading navy color and bold and which is a title texts
same size but bold.
This website structure draws attention to other important points, by putting a whole sentence in
black color. And the heading, sub-heading with the same color which is navy blue.

The website is logical, understandable navigation scheme and professional. The website
tell the people news update everyday and it can increase number of page impressions,
And also the boost return visits, and can improve the conversion rate"
This website has already told the visitor about events, news and highlight in the home
page. So it can help visitor to go every parts quickly. It has also search directory, so the
visitor can request additional information.
This website also have navigation to prayer time, calendar, have e-complaint, help menu,
sitemap and also to links to other website. It also provides links to other government site,
and for visitor like to website social, they can link to facebook, or twitter.
Privacy Statement and Testimonials
This website doesnt have privacy for visitor. Thats because this web for to give information to
visitor not for business like e-commerce. It just provides the privacy to their workers only. And
every worker who are using intranet need to log in to the website. So the worker will confident
to use the website. Thats because the website is protecting their password and have a safeguard
to their interest or privacy.
The website has no forum. so the visitor can give opinion or comment among visitor. But the
website provides the FAQ, e-Complaint and help menu. So visitor can find the solution about
their product or give a comment and explain in the website. This will make visitors satisfied

This is the most important element in website. The website is free careless grammar, punctuation
or poor spelling. If this part is wrong, the rest of the efforts are largely wasted. The website
element is professional no careless or sloppy.

OKU Help
This website does not have high contrast theme that the visitor can adjust the pages whether
more or less contrast. But it provides the function to change the background. I am impressing.
The website has function for modify the writing size on website. The function makes the visitor
comfortable with the text. If want to make bigger size just click the button A plus and if want to
small text just click the smaller button plus.
Its also has color function for blind color. The colors stated in the website are blue, green and
red. So it make easier for blind color using the website.
The website provide changeable language whether Bahasa Melayu, English or other language.
So its easier to all visitors to read.

4. Wikipedia Website

Tree Structure (Matrix) for Wikipedia website







Traditional animation
Full animation
Limited animation
Live-action/ animation

Stop motion
Puppet animation
Clay animation
Cut-out animation
Silhouette animation
Model animation
Go motion
Object animation
Graphic animation

Computer animation
2D Animation
3D Animation
Cel-Shaded animation
Motion Capture
Photo realistic animation

Other animation techniques

Drawn on film animation

Paint on glass animation
Erasure animation
Pinscreen animation
Sand animation
Flip book

Other styles, technique and approaches

Animatronics & Audio Animatronics

Character animation
Special effects animation
Stop motion


Academy Award for Best

Animated Feature
Academy Award for Best
Animated Short Film

See also

12 basic principles of animation

Animation software
Architectural animation
Tradigital art
Avar (animation variable)
Computer generated Imagery
International Tournee of animation
List of movie genres
List of movie pictures topics
Wire frame model
Motion graphics design
Model sheet


Further Reading

Further Reading

External Links

Diagram 5

This website structures are suitable for Wikipedia to give information. Diagram 5 shows in
a Hierarchy Structure for (Tree Structure Matrix).
Hierarchical structure website elected for Wikipedia because I find out the structure most smooth
navigating from one topic to other sub-topic. This website very clear and given just information
to visitor. So customers just click the mouse once to lead.

Based on structure provide, I could be safely say that it more user-friendly like it only involving
a few levels navigation. Easily visitor can get necessary more information at the bottom of this
site such as see also and reference. The visitors need to key in the keyword and this website
will display the information. Its very easy without getting lost inside the website.
This website used matrix for structuring a document, and call it a managing paradigm. The
word paradigm means a pattern or a structure.

Element website
This website is giving the information for visitor. It also has utility such as search engine and
directory. So the visitor can find any information in the Wikipedia site. Just clicks then the key in
the word then the information display.
This website doesnt have entertainment, and give the advice but it will help a problem and have
links to useful websites.
The information depends on date created. And it not updated regularly. The information that is
perceived to be 'useful' by visitors (community)

Overall Look
The overall look for this website like billboard or store front It creates an immediate impression
on visitors thats because the website give unlimited information to visitor. The website also is
looking clean and uncluttered.
This website has not flashing lights, has animation example, no colors, no drop down boxes, and
has certain graphic.
The website has very high speed because not involve with too many graphics or video. Just have
unlimited texts. It loads as quickly as possible. That means no big, flashy graphics. Its simple
and fast.
Graphics and Lay-out

The website is using CSS and PHP script. The graphics and lay-out of the page is simple. It just
displays the structure just like book content.

Color is also an important part of website. Colors have different effects on our emotions.
But this website has no color background.

When reading Western texts, the eye travels from the top left of the page, across and then down
to the bottom right. The graphic image which has a directional aspect is placed on the right of

Text Readability
The color of your text is just as important The text is using black color. And its not difficult to
read and dazzle the eyes.

The text is using the horizontal and does not have column like the newspaper. Another element
that contributes to text readability is the font to choose. This website is using plain font which is
Arial font.
Structure Each page
The structure this website is easy for visitors to read as possible and this means the page using
horizontally, through the use of headings and sub-headings.
The website is using the same font for heading and sub-heading. And it using the same size for
heading and use bold to the title topic.
The purpose is to make it easy for visitors to glance at page and make out what the key points
are. If what they see interests them, they'll stay and keep reading same like Wikipedia. The
visitor will key in the keyword then the Wikipedia will display the information. when the visitor
get the info the will stay and keep reading.
This website is not using the difference color font and easy to read.
Navigation is one of the most critical aspects of any web site. No matter how good a site looks,
and no matter how much useful information it offers, without sensible navigation scheme, it will
only manage to confuse visitors and chase them away. This website a simple, logical,
understandable navigation scheme and it will increase the number of page impressions, boost
return visits, and improve the "conversion rate".
The website provides the search directory so it will help the visitor to request additional
information and quickly.
Use a well-structured navigational bar. it should run down the left side of your page, for two

This website accustomed to read from left to right and from top to bottom. The website
accustomed the navigation bar on the left of web
The web page has using the long page. It's has navigation bar on the left website. It is has a long
page because the website has unlimited info.
If the visitor found a system theyre happy with, then they know where to look for the
information. Greater consistency leads to better readability and ease of use.
Privacy Statement and Testimonials
This website has no testimonial page. But they have privacy statement for their information. So
the Wikipedia will keep the safeguard information for the authors and protecting their privacy.
Now we come to one of the most important elements. If this part is wrong, the rest of your
efforts are largely wasted. This website free poor spelling, careless grammar or punctuation if it
reflects badly on the site owner and indicates that whoever is responsible for this page is sloppy,
careless, lazy and unprofessional.
OKU Help
This website does not have high contrast theme that the visitor can adjust the pages whether
more or less contrast. No function for modify the writing size on website. The function makes
the visitor comfortable with the text. If want to make bigger size just click the button A plus and
if want to small text just click the smaller button plus.
No function for blind color. The colors stated in the website are blue, green and red. So it make
easier for blind color using the website.
Then this website provide changeable language whether Malay language, English or other
language. So its easier to all visitors to read.

S.Juhana , N. Faidzul (2011) CBWP3103 Web Publishing, Open University

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