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Our Long Days Journey into More Fights

The days are turning longer and longer for Bangladeshi people due to the political
blame game. Whenever any social, political, or natural calamity occurs the
political parties jump into the race of blaming each other. This perilous chase has
come to be familiar for the citizens of our country. Now we wait religiously for our
political leaders to condemn each other. Recently the senior vice chairman of BNP,
Tareq Rahman stated some unpleasant comments about Bangabandhu Seikh
Mujibar Rahman. Whatever the reason might be it does not represent the
Bangladeshi solidarity. On the other hand Awami League does not sit behind in the
contest, Suronjit Sengupto replies instantly for that comment. This pursuit has
become a form of entertainment for the common people like us. With its grave past
the blame game has turned our bright days into long waits.
Whatever the past and the ground might be, this risky business is hampering the
development of our dear little developing country. The difficulties in our social and
infrastructural developments are not only rising higher, but also becoming
challenging more than ever. The corruption in our education system, traffic
problems, scarcity in electricity and water supply, issues in medical care system,
invasion of alien cultures, and degradation of Bangladeshi ethics in our society- the
list of challenges goes on. Despite acknowledging the issues our political leaders
are busy in their own pursuit of happiness, happiness of condemning one another.
For the past few years we have seen and read the news of leaked question papers of
major public examinations. This year the corruption broke all record and the HSC
2014 examinees complained of massive question leakage. The situation created
annoyance among the mass; and prominent educationist, columnist Dr.
Muhammed Zafar Iqbal wrote columns addressing the education minister. He also
claimed of having collected evidence regarding his complaint. The education
minister however dodged this allegation. The educationist sat against this
corruption with many other at the Central Shaheed Minar , the protest went four
hour long. This is only a concurring example of the quagmire we are living in.
The political parties come and go with time, they promise, they raise hope, but they
crush them as soon as they climb the power ladder. Progression in many aspects
was achieved by every government that was formed, but there still lies many

unattended issues in our relatively new country. The issues are well recognized but
dodged in the blame game by our political heads. Rebuking one another seems
more important to them then accepting our national hurdles. They cling and refer
often to the glorious past when leaders like Bangabandhu Seikh Mujibar Rahman,
Ziaur Rahman worked relentlessly for the betterment of our country. No one is
accurate, but they were significant leaders with their own faults. Sadly the majestic
past cannot help us much without teaching us lessons of life. We have to move on
to the present, consequentially to the future. As John F. Kennedy would say- For
time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look
only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future
The quarreling days are prolonged with the passing time. The contest of staining
each other with criticism between the political parties, feel like everlasting to the
general mass. But the crowd is getting exhausted and annoyed with these tiring
long days of fights. Let us all learn from our pasts, and move forward. Let our
pasts not become the present, and the future too. Let the future be a different and
marvelous one. Let us call it a night and work towards a new beginning, not a night
leading to a combat of badmouthing.

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