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Secondary Sources

AA&E Television Network. "Martin Luther and the 95 Theses." n.d. 4 September
A very important source that I used as a reference point and foundation for my research.
Provided mostly summaries and broad descriptions of events
"The Reformation" n.d. 4 September 2014.
An important source that I used as a more broad description of The Protestant
I used this source in order to know what subjects to research more extensively.
Bryant, Mark. "Bryant, Mark. "Lutheran Lampoons." History today 60.3 (2010): 44. MAS UltraSchool
Edition. Web." 27 August 2014.
A more intellectual account of events, used as a more focused and specific source of
Lengle, James I. "Reformation." Worldbook. 2007. 195-198.
Encyclopedia Entry.
I used this source as a broad account of what happened during the protestant reformation,
and who began it. Also, this source introduced me to the timeline of Luther's life.
"Martin Luther." 2013. Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. 4 September 2014.
Online Encyclopedia entry on Martin Luther. This source further informed me on the life
of Martin Luther, and what he did during his life.
"Martin Luther." n.d. 2 October 2014.
This short biography of Martin Luther. This biography explained Luther's reasoning
behind his Theses and why he turned on The Church.
The Five Solas Introduction to Protestantism. N.p. N.d. Google. Web. 15 Sept. 2014
The Five Solas were five Latin phrases important during the Reformation. Early
reformers used them to describe what absolute Christianity was to them.
Martin Luther Brittanica. N.d. Google. Web. 7 Sept. 2014

Another biography on Martin Luther. This specific source provided a broad framework of
Luthers life and accomplishments
Martin Luther Excommunicated. A&E Television Network, n.d. Google. Web. Y
Sept. 2014
An important source that explained the events following the Leipzig Debate. Provided a
difficult to locate account of Luthers excommunication.
How the Protestant Reformation Changed the Lives of Millions. My German City. N.p. n.d.
Google. Web. 15 Sept. 2014
Explained Luthers accomplishments after his excommunication, as well as the
establishment of the Lutheran Church.
Primary Sources
Holy Bible: English Standard Version. N.p.: Crossway, n.d. N. pag. Print.
ESV Holy Bible, used for a quoted verse. Also, I used some specific verses as context to
the formation of Luthers views.
Luther, Martin. "The 95 Theses." N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Oct. 2014.
Martin Luthers 95 Theses. This was a necessary and crucial source, and had a huge part
in Luthers action against the Catholic Church.
Luther, Martin. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Oct. 2014
Website provided many quotes by Martin Luther. These quotes spanned across his life,
helped give insight to the development of his ideas. Also, for primary source quotes on
the web
Lambert, Francis. N.p. n.d. Web. 3 Oct. 2014
An important quote by Luther. It was his response to the Diet of Worms, and used as a
primary source in my Works under Prosecution paragraph.
Cranach, Lucas. Martin Luther. 1472-1533. Martin Luther. By Theodore Knessing. N.p.: n.p.,
n.d. Library of Congress. Web. 7 Nov. 2014.
This source was a famous painting of Martin Luther. I used it for my Thesis page, to give
the reader and idea of what Luther looked like, as well as a connection to the time period

[Martin Luther]. 1628. Print.

Image from the time period of the Reformation depicting Martin Luther as a cartoon.
Luther finds the Latin Bible in the University Library at Erfurt. Portrait of Martin Luther,
1483-1546. Print.
Early portrait depicting Martin Luther reading a Latin Bible. Used for the Works Under
Prosecution page.
Martin Luther / D. Edwin sc. Portrait of Martin Luther, 1800. Print.
Later portrait of Martin Luther. Head and shoulders, facing left.
Luther verbrennt die ppstliche Bulle und das canonishe Recht vor Witteneberg, am 10
December 1520
/ v. Lwenstern exc. 1830. Print.
Image depicting the 1520 scene where Luther flagrantly threw the papal bull threatening
his excommunication into a bonfire.
Greg, Copeland. Martin Luther: A Man Who Changed the World. 2010. Art.
Late Painting that depicts Luthers posting of the 95 Theses on the door of Wittenberg
Castle Church. Used for header.

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