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I. Match the parts of the text and their subheadings

1. professor of Physiology, whose name was Floyd, was out visiting one winter night, and the people
at the house showed him goldfish that had died because the water that it was in had got frozen. he
professor looked at the fish and said, Let me take it home and I think that tomorrow I can treat it in
the laboratory and revive it.
2. So when he started for home they wrapped the goldfish in bit of paper and professor Floyd put it in
his overcoat pocket. It was cold night, very late and with lots of deep snow along the street. On the
way home Floyd put his hand into his coat pocket and accidentally flipped out the goldfish and it fll
into the snow.
3. Floyd knelt down to pick it up, but he couldn't find it and stayed there on his knees looking for it. Just
then policeman came along. stopped and said, What are you doing there? Professors hate to
be questioned. Floyd just looked over his shoulder and said, Im trying to find goldfish.
4. he policeman then understood that he was dealing with madman, and he said,
Now you just come along with me and I'll take you to pl where we've whole lot of goldfish all
you want. All right, Floyd said, only just help me to get this one first.
5. please him the po1iceman knelt down and began looking in the snow and out came goldfish!
was very much surprised. Great heavens! he said. Are there any more? Maybe whole lot,
Floyd said. As the professor started off for home again, the policeman was still on his knees looking
for a goldfish.
a) The Policeman Helps the Professor.
b) Professor of Physiology is Out Visiting.
c) Dealing with the Madman.
d) The Policeman Looks for the Goldfish.
e) The Go1dfish Falls into the Snow.
II. Mark if the following stateets aret re or false.
1. professor of biology was out visiting one winter night.
2. The professor took the goldfish to treat it in the laboratory and revive it.
3. Just then policeman came along.
4. he policeman wasn't surprised to find the goldfish.
5. Professors like to be questioned very much.
6. The policeman then understood that he was dealing with very clever man.
7. he professor put the goldfish into his overcoat pocket .
8.n the way home the professor put his hand into his pocket and found out that it
9.he professor's name was Hornby.
10. was out visiting one spring night.
III.Match the word with the correct defiitio.
1. torevive
2. toflipout
3. totreat
4. todealwith
5. to kneel down

) to bring smth back

b) to move smth with quick sudden movement
) to be in or move onto position where your body is resting on your knees
d) to deal with regard or consider smth in particu1ar way
) to take the necessary action in order to solve the problem
IV.Mark the correct syoy of the word 'accidetally'.
) very often
b) sometimes
) always
d) without being planned or intended
V.Put in the following words to complete the passage:
Overcoat along




a bit of




So when he started ____home they wrapped the goldfish in _____paper and professor Floyd put it in his
______pocket. It was ____night, very late and with lots of ____snow ___the street. On the way home
Floyd put his ____into his coat pocket and ____flipped out the goldfish and it fll ___the snow.
VI.Match to complete the word-combinations:
1. winter
a) the snow
2. a bit of
b) heavens
3. overcoat
c) a madman
4. to fall into
d) paper
5. to deal with
e) night
6. great
f) pocket
VIIComplete the following sentences:
1. A goldfish died because
2. The wrapped the goldfish in a bit of paper and
3. Floyd knelt down to pick it up, but
4. The policeman then understood that
5. As the professor started off for home again,
VIII.Arrange the following sentences in the correct order:
1. He was surprised to find a goldfish there.
2. The goldfish fell into the snow.
3. The policeman asked Floyd to come along with him.
4. Professor Floyd was out visiting one winter night.
5. He suggested taking it to his laboratory.
6. The policeman knelt down and began looking in the snow.
7. Professor couldnt find it and stayed there on his knees looking for it.
8. The policeman was still on his knees looking for a goldfish when the professor started off for
home again.
9. A policeman asked him what he was doing.
10. A goldfish died because the water that it was in had got frozen.

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