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This question is about the Rutherford model of the atom.


Most alpha particles used to bombard a thin gold foil pass through the foil without a
significant change in direction. A few alpha particles are deviated from their original
direction through angles greater than 90. Use these observations to describe the
Rutherford atomic model.

IB Questionbank Physics

IB Questionbank Physics


The isotope gold-197 (



Au ) is stable but the isotope gold-199 ( 199

79 Au ) is not.

Outline, in terms of the forces acting between nucleons, why, for large
stable nuclei such as gold-197, the number of neutrons exceeds the
number of protons.


A nucleus of 79 Au decays to a nucleus of 80 Hg with the emission of an
electron and another particle. State the name of this other particle.

(Total 9 marks)

IB Questionbank Physics


This question is about nuclear fission and fusion.


The graph shows the variation of binding energy per nucleon for nuclides with a
nucleon number greater than 40.


Define binding energy.



On the graph, label with the letter S the position of the most stable nuclide.


State why the nuclide you have labelled is the most stable.

IB Questionbank Physics


In a nuclear reactor, a nucleus of uranium(U)-235 fissions into barium(Ba)-141

and krypton(Kr)-92. The equation for this fission is


U 141
56 Ba 36 Kr x 0 n .

Use the graph to show that the fission of one nucleus of uranium-235 will
release about 200 MeV of energy.


State the value of x in the equation.




The mass defect in this reaction is 3.1 10 kg. Calculate the number of
uranium-235 nuclei that must fission in order to release 1.0 kJ of energy.

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Outline how this fission reaction can lead to a chain reaction.



Intensive scientific effort is devoted to developing nuclear fusion as a future

energy source. Discuss what could be the social and environmental benefits of
using nuclear fusion as compared with nuclear fission as an energy source.
(Total 15 marks)

IB Questionbank Physics


This question is about alpha () particle scattering.

An experiment is carried out in which alpha () particles of initial kinetic energy 5.0 MeV
are fired at a piece of gold foil. The proton number of gold is 79.
Determine the distance of closest approach of an alpha () particle to a gold nucleus.
(Total 4 marks)


This question is about nuclear physics.



Define binding energy of a nucleus.


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The mass of a nucleus of plutonium ( 94 Pu ) is 238.990396 u. Deduce that
the binding energy per nucleon for plutonium is 7.6 MeV.



The graph shows the variation with nucleon number A of the binding energy per

Plutonium (

IB Questionbank Physics

94 Pu

) undergoes nuclear fission according to the reaction given

94 Pu

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01n 38
Sr 146
56 Ba x 0 n



Calculate the number x of neutrons produced.



Use the graph to estimate the energy released in this reaction.



Stable nuclei with a mass number greater than about 20, contain more neutrons
than protons. By reference to the properties of the nuclear force and of the
electrostatic force, suggest an explanation for this observation.
(Total 11 marks)

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IB Questionbank Physics



This question is about -particle scattering and nuclear processes.

Radium-226 decays with the emission of -particles to radon (Rn).

Complete the nuclear reaction equation.

88 Ra

Rn +


The decay constant of radium-226 is 1.4 10

has an energy of 7.6 10 J.


and each emitted -particle

Calculate the half-life of radium-226.



Determine the rate, in watts, of emission of energy from 1.0 g of radium226.



Experimental evidence that supports a nuclear model of the atom was provided
by -particle scattering. The diagram represents the path of an -particle as it
approaches and then recedes from a stationary gold nucleus.

IB Questionbank Physics



On the diagram, draw lines to show the angle of deviation of the -particle.
Label this angle D.


The gold nucleus is replaced by another gold nucleus that has a larger
nucleon number. Suggest and explain the change, if any, in the angle D of
an -particle with the same energy and following the same initial path as in


Estimate the distance of closest approach to a gold nucleus (Z = 79) of an particle with an initial kinetic energy of 4.0 MeV.
(Total 13 marks)


This question is about nuclear physics and radioactive decay.

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Define the decay constant of a radioactive nuclide.


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Plutonium-239 (Pu-239) has a half-life of 2.4 10 years. Show that the

decay constant of Pu-239 is approximately 3 10 year .


Calculate the time taken for the activity of a freshly-prepared sample of Pu239 to fall to 0.1 % of its initial value.
(Total 4 marks)


This question is about nuclear processes.


A nucleus of radium-91 (
of radon (Rn).

91 Ra

) undergoes alpha particle decay to form a nucleus

Identify the proton number and nucleon number of the nucleus of Rn.
number: .................................................................................................
number: ..............................................................................................


The half-life of radium-91 is 1600 years. Determine the length of time taken
for 87.5 % of the radium to disintegrate.

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Immediately after the decay of a stationary radium nucleus, the alpha particle and
the radon nucleus move off in opposite directions and at different speeds.

Outline the reasons for these observations.



Outline why a beta particle has a longer range in air than an alpha particle of the
same energy.

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(Total 10 marks)

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Radioactive decay

Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 5500 years. It is produced in

the atmosphere by neutron bombardment of nitrogen. The equation for this
reaction is


N 01 n 146 C X.

Explain what is meant by isotopes.



Identify the particle X.




Each gram of a living tree contains approximately 4 10

atoms of carbon-14.

On the axes below, draw a graph to show the variation with time of the number of
carbon-14 atoms in one gram of wood from a tree. Your graph should indicate the
number of atoms for a period of 1.8 10 years after the tree has died. (Half-life
of carbon-14 = 5500 years)

IB Questionbank Physics




The activity of a radioactive sample is proportional to the number of atoms in the

sample. The activity per gram of carbon from a living tree is 9.6 disintegrations
per minute. The activity per gram of carbon in burnt wood found at an ancient
campsite is 1.9 disintegrations per minute.

Estimate the number of atoms of carbon-14 in the burnt wood.



From the graph you have drawn in (b), estimate the age of the burnt wood.
(Total 7 marks)


This question is about unified atomic mass unit and a nuclear reaction.

Define the term unified atomic mass unit.


IB Questionbank Physics




The mass of a nucleus of rutherfordium-254 is 254.1001 u. Calculate the mass in

GeV c .


In 1919, Rutherford produced the first artificial nuclear transmutation by

bombarding nitrogen with -particles. The reaction is represented by the following



N 178 O + X

Identify X.


The following data are available for the reaction.

Rest mass of

= 3.7428 GeV c

Rest mass of


Rest mass of


= 13.0942 GeV c


+ X = 16.8383 GeV c

The initial kinetic energy of the -particle is 7.68 MeV. Determine the sum of
the kinetic energies of the oxygen nucleus and X. (Assume that the
nitrogen nucleus is stationary.)

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The reaction in (c) produces oxygen (O-17). Other isotopes of oxygen include O19 which is radioactive with a half-life of 30 s.

State what is meant by the term isotopes.



Define the term radioactive half-life.


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A nucleus of the isotope O-19 decays to a stable nucleus of fluorine. The half-life
of O-19 is 30 s. At time t = 0, a sample of O-19 contains a large number N0 nuclei
of O-19.
On the grid below, draw a graph to show the variation with time t of the number N
of O-19 nuclei remaining in the sample. You should consider a time of t = 0 to t =
120 s.

(Total 10 marks)


This question is about the de Broglie hypothesis.


State the de Broglie hypothesis.


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Determine the de Broglie wavelength of a proton that has been accelerated from
rest through a potential difference of 1.2 kV.


Explain why a precise knowledge of the de Broglie wavelength of the proton

implies that its position cannot be observed.
(Total 6 marks)


This question is about radioactive decay.


The decay constant for a particular isotope is = 0.048 s . A sample of the

isotope initially contains 2.0 10 nuclei of this isotope.

Define decay constant.


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Estimate the number of nuclei that will decay in the first second.


The graph shows the variation with time t of the activity A of a sample containing
radioactive material that consists of two different isotopes. Each isotope decays
into a stable daughter isotope.


Use the graph to explain how it may be deduced that the sample contains
more than one isotope.

IB Questionbank Physics



One of the isotopes in the sample has a half-life that is shorter than 0.20 s.
Use the graph to estimate the half-life of the other isotope. Explain your
(Total 6 marks)


This question is about decay of radium-226.


A nucleus of the isotope radium-226 (Ra) undergoes -decay with a half-life of

1.6 10 yr to form a nucleus of radon (Rn).
Define the terms isotope and half-life.
Isotope: ...................................................................................................................
Halflife: .................................................................................................................

IB Questionbank Physics



Using the grid below, sketch a graph to show how the activity A of a sample of
radium-226 (Ra) would be expected to vary with time t over a period of about 5.0
10 yr.
The activity of the sample at time t = 0 is A0.



The nuclear reaction equation for the decay of radium-226 (Ra) may be written
88 Ra



State the value of the proton number and neutron number of the isotope of
radon (Rn).
number: .................................................................................................
number: ...............................................................................................

IB Questionbank Physics



Outline why the binding energy of Ra is less than that of Rn.



The following data are available.

mass of Ra = 226.0254 u
mass of Rn = 222.0175 u
mass of = 4.0026 u
Show that the energy released in the decay of a Ra nucleus is 4.94 MeV.
(Total 10 marks)

IB Questionbank Physics



This question is about radioactive decay.


A nucleus of a radioactive isotope of gold (Au-189) emits a neutrino in the decay

to a nucleus of an isotope of platinum (Pt).
In the nuclear reaction equation below, state the name of the particle X and
identify the nucleon number A and proton number Z of the nucleus of the isotope
of platinum.
79 Au Z Pt

X v

X: .............................................................................................................................
A: .............................................................................................................................
Z: .............................................................................................................................


The half-life of Au-189 is 8.84 minutes. A freshly prepared sample of the isotope
has an activity of 124 Bq.

Calculate the decay constant of Au-189.



Determine the activity of the sample after 12.0 min.

(Total 5 marks)

IB Questionbank Physics



This question is about atomic and nuclear spectra.

Atomic spectra

The diagram represents some of the energy levels of the mercury atom.

Photons are emitted by electron transitions between the levels. On the diagram
draw arrows to represent the transition, for those energy levels that gives rise to,

the longest wavelength photon (label this L).



the shortest wavelength photon (label this S).



Determine the wavelength associated with the arrow you have labelled S.

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IB Questionbank Physics


Nuclear spectra

A nucleus of the isotope bismuth-212 undergoes -decay into a nucleus of an

isotope of thallium. A -ray photon is also emitted.
Draw a labelled nuclear energy level diagram for this decay.




The activity of a freshly prepared sample of bismuth-212 is 2.80 10 Bq. After

80.0 minutes the activity is 1.13 10 Bq. Determine the half-life of bismuth-212.
(Total 11 marks)


This question is about nuclear fission.


A possible fission reaction is



U 01 n 92
36 Kr 56 Ba x 0 n .

State the value of x.

IB Questionbank Physics




Show that the energy released when one uranium nucleus undergoes
fission in the reaction in (a) is about 2.8 10 J.
Mass of neutron
= 1.00867 u
Mass of U-235 nucleus = 234.99333 u
Mass of Kr-92 nucleus = 91.90645 u
Mass of Ba-141 nucleus = 140.88354 u


State how the energy of the neutrons produced in the reaction in (a) is likely
to compare with the energy of the neutron that initiated the reaction.


Outline the role of the moderator.


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A nuclear power plant that uses U-235 as fuel has a useful power output of
16 MW and an efficiency of 40 %. Assuming that each fission of U-235
gives rise to
2.8 10 J of energy, determine the mass of U-235 fuel used per day.


Describe how some reactors are used to produce plutonium-239.



State the importance of plutonium-239.


IB Questionbank Physics



Some nuclear reactors have a heat exchanger that uses a gas that is kept at
constant volume. The first law of thermodynamics can be represented as Q = U
+ W.

State the meanings of Q and W.

Q: ...................................................................................................................
W: ...................................................................................................................


Describe how the first law of thermodynamics applies in the operation of

the heat exchanger.

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Discuss the entropy changes that take place in the gas and in the
(Total 25 marks)


This question is about radioactive decay.


The alpha particles produced in alpha decay have discrete energies. Suggest
how this observation provides evidence for the existence of nuclear energy


A nucleus of the isotope fluorine-18 decays into a nucleus of oxygen-18 by the

emission of a positron and neutrino. Outline how the nature of the -decay energy
spectrum of fluorine-18 suggests the existence of the neutrino involved in the

IB Questionbank Physics




A freshly prepared sample of fluorine-18 has an activity of 1.12 MBq. Its activity
four hours later is 0.246 MBq.

Show that the decay constant for fluorine-18 is 0.379 hr .



Calculate the half-life of fluorine-18.



The energy of a beta particle in the decay of the sample in (c) is 8.4 10
Show that the de Broglie wavelength of this particle is 5.3 10 m.



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(Total 11 marks)

IB Questionbank Physics



This question is about radioactive decay and binding energy.


Describe what is meant by radioactive decay.



A nucleus of potassium-40 (K-40) undergoes radioactive decay to a nucleus of

argon-40 (Ar-40). In the reaction equation below, identify the proton number Z of
argon and the particle x.
19 K

40Z Ar x

Z: .............................................................................................................................
x: .............................................................................................................................


The mass of a K-40 nucleus is 37 216 MeV c . Determine the binding energy per
nucleon of K-40.

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State why the binding energy of Ar-40 is greater than that of K-40.
(Total 9 marks)


This question is about radioactive decay and binding energy.


Describe what is meant by radioactive decay.



A nucleus of thallium-206 (Tl-206) undergoes radioactive decay to a nucleus of

lead-206 (Pb-206). In the reaction equation below, identify the proton number Z
of lead and the particle x.
82 T

Z Pb

Z: .............................................................................................................................
x: .............................................................................................................................

IB Questionbank Physics



The mass of a Tl-206 nucleus is 191 870 MeV c . Determine the binding energy
per nucleon of Tl-206.


State why the binding energy of Pb-206 is greater than that of Tl-206.
(Total 9 marks)


This question is about the decay of radium-226.


The nuclear reaction equation for the decay of radium-226 (Ra) may be written
88 Ra


= Rn +

State the value of the proton number and neutron number of the isotope of
radon (Rn).
number: .................................................................................................

IB Questionbank Physics


number: ...............................................................................................

IB Questionbank Physics



Compare, with reference to the nuclear reaction in (a), the binding energy
of Ra with that of Rn.


The following data are available.

mass of Ra
mass of Rn
mass of

= 226.0254 u
= 222.0175 u
= 4.0026 u

Show that the energy released in the decay of a Ra nucleus is 4.94 MeV.


An -particle of energy 4.94 MeV emitted in the decay of a Ra nucleus, travels a

distance d in air before coming to rest.

Show that the initial speed of the -particle is 1.54 10 m s .


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IB Questionbank Physics



State the relationship between the magnitude of the average force F acting
on the -particle, the change in kinetic energy EK and the distance d.


Use your answer to (c)(ii) to calculate F given that d = 4.20 10




Estimate the time that it takes the -particle to come to rest.

(Total 15 marks)

IB Questionbank Physics



This question is about the Rutherford model of the atom.


Most alpha particles used to bombard a thin gold foil pass through the foil without
a significant change in direction. A few alpha particles are deviated from their
original direction through angles greater than 90. Use these observations to describe
the Rutherford atomic model.


IB Questionbank Physics



The isotope gold-197 (



Au ) is stable but the isotope gold-199 ( 199

79 Au ) is not.

Outline, in terms of the forces acting between nucleons, why, for large
stable nuclei such as gold-197, the number of neutrons exceeds the
number of protons.


A nucleus of 79 Au decays to a nucleus of
other than -photon, emitted in this decay.

80 Hg .

State the two particles,

(Total 10 marks)


This question is about electrons.


In 1924, Davisson and Germer carried out an experiment in which electrons were
accelerated through a potential difference of 54 V. The electrons were scattered
at the surface of a nickel crystal.

Outline how the results of the experiment suggested that electrons exhibit
wave properties.

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Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of the electrons.



Explain how the de Broglie hypothesis is used with the electron in a box model to
understand the origin of atomic energy levels in the atom.
(Total 10 marks)


This question is about -particle scattering and nuclear processes.

-particle scattering

IB Questionbank Physics


Radium-226 decays with the emission of -particles to radon (Rn).


Complete the nuclear reaction equation.

88 Ra

Rn +

IB Questionbank Physics



Experimental evidence that supports a nuclear model of the atom was provided
by -particle scattering. The diagram represents the path of an -particle as it
approaches and then recedes from a stationary gold nucleus.


On the diagram, draw lines to show the angle of deviation of the -particle.
Label this angle D.


The gold nucleus is replaced by another gold nucleus that has a larger
nucleon number. Suggest and explain the change, if any, in the angle D of
an -particle with the same energy and following the same initial path as in


The diagram shows the initial path of an -particle that approaches the gold nucleus
along a line joining their centres. On the diagram draw the subsequent path of
the -particle.

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IB Questionbank Physics


Nuclear processes

The main nuclear process that gives rise to energy emission from the Sun may
be simplified to
4H He + energy.


State the name of this nuclear process.




The total mass of four hydrogen (H) nuclei is 6.693 10 kg and the mass
of a helium (He) nucleus is 6.645 10 kg. Show that the energy released
in this reaction is 4.3 10 J.


The Sun has a radius R of 7.0 10 m and emits energy at a rate of 3.9
10 W.
The nuclear reactions take place in the spherical core of the Sun of radius
0.25R. Use these data and the answer in (d)(ii) to determine the number of
nuclear reactions occurring per cubic metre per second in the core of the
(Total 12 marks)

IB Questionbank Physics


IB Questionbank Physics



This question is about radioactive decay.

Iodine-124 (I-124) is an unstable radioisotope with proton number 53. It undergoes
beta plus decay to form an isotope of tellurium (Te).

State the reaction for the decay of the I-124 nuclide.



The graph below shows how the activity of a sample of iodine-124 changes with


State the half-life of iodine-124


IB Questionbank Physics



Calculate the activity of the sample at 21 days.



A sample of an unknown radioisotope has a half-life twice that of iodine-124

and the same initial activity as the sample of iodine-124. On the axes
opposite, draw a graph to show how the activity of the sample would
change with time.
Label this graph X.


A second sample of iodine-124 has half the initial activity as the original
sample of iodine-124. On the axes opposite, draw a graph to show how the
activity of this sample would change with time. Label this graph Y.
(Total 8 marks)


This question is about radioactive decay.

Nitrogen-13 ( 7 N ) is an isotope that is used in medical diagnosis. The decay constant
3 1
of nitrogen-13 is 1.2 10 s .



Define decay constant.


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IB Questionbank Physics



A sample of nitrogen-13 has an initial activity of 800 Bq. The sample cannot
be used for diagnostic purposes if its activity becomes less than 150 Bq.
Determine the time it takes for the activity of the sample to fall to 150 Bq.



Calculate the half-life of nitrogen-13



Outline how the half-life of a sample of nitrogen-13 can be measured in a



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IB Questionbank Physics



Nitrogen-13 undergoes decay. Outline the experimental evidence that

suggests another particle, the neutrino, is also emitted in the decay.
(Total 9 marks)


This question is about nuclear decay and ionization.


A nucleus of radium-91 (
of radon (Rn).

91 Ra

) undergoes alpha particle decay to form a nucleus

Identify the proton number and nucleon number of the nucleus of Rn.
number: ..........................................................................................................
number: .........................................................................................................


Immediately after the decay of a stationary radium nucleus, the alpha particle and
the radon nucleus move off in opposite directions and at different speeds.

IB Questionbank Physics



Outline the reasons for these observations.



Show that the ratio

initial kinetic energy of alpha particle

initial kinetic energy of radon atom
is about 56.


The initial kinetic energy of the alpha particle is 4.9 MeV. As the alpha particle
passes through air, it loses all its kinetic energy by causing the ionization of 1.7
10 air molecules.

IB Questionbank Physics



State what is meant by ionization.


IB Questionbank Physics



Estimate, in joules, the average energy needed to ionize an air molecule.



Outline why a beta particle has a longer range in air than an alpha particle of the
same energy.
(Total 14 marks)

IB Questionbank Physics



This question is about photoelectric effect and de Broglie wavelength.

The diagram is a representation of apparatus used to study the photoelectric effect.

Light from the monochromatic source is incident on a cathode placed in an evacuated

A variable voltage supply is connected between anode and cathode and the
photoelectric current is registered by the microammeter. The sketch graph shows how
the photoelectric current I varies with the potential difference V between anode and
cathode for two sources of light, A and B, of different frequencies and intensities.

IB Questionbank Physics



Explain with reference to the Einstein model, which graph, A or B, corresponds to

the light with the greater frequency.


The frequency of the light that produces graph A is 8.8 10

of VA is 1.6 V.


Hz. The magnitude

State the value of the maximum energy, in eV, of the electrons emitted from
the cathode.


Determine the work function, in eV, of the surface of the cathode.


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The frequency of the incident light is increased but the intensity remains
Explain why this increase in frequency results in a change to the maximum
photoelectric current (saturation current).


The electrons emitted from the photo-cathode have an associated de Broglie

Describe what is meant by the de Broglie wavelength.
(Total 12 marks)


This question is about (positron) decay.


In a decay, a positron is emitted along with a neutrino, and a -ray photon.

Although the energy spectrum for -rays involved is discrete, the energy spectrum
for the positrons is continuous.

State the difference between a discrete energy spectrum and a continuous

energy spectrum.

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Explain how the existence of the neutrino accounts for the continuous
nature of the positron energy spectrum.


Sodium-22 is a radioisotope used in nuclear medicine that undergoes decay.

The half-life of sodium-22 is 2.6 years.
A sample of sodium-22 has an initial activity of 6.2 10 Bq.

Define decay constant.



Calculate the decay constant of sodium-22.


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Calculate the activity of the sample of sodium-22 after 8.0 years.

(Total 8 marks)

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