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Oracle 12 Finance Training

Web ADI - Journal Wizard

Quick Reference Guide

UK SBS Training Services Team

Web ADI - Journal Wizard

1 Journal Creation using the Web ADI Journal Wizard

Web ADI Journal Wizard enables the creation of Journal entries using Microsoft Excel.
Web ADI journals can be created for:
After entering journals in excel Web ADI allows them to be uploaded to Oracle General Ledger
Learning Note:
Web ADI is a function within the GL Journal Entry responsibility, and therefore is
accessed in the same way as all other oracle functions.

Caution Note:
Only when the Journal has been uploaded & approved will the changes specified be
reflected on Oracle.


Journal Creation using Journal Wizard

Responsibility Your Organisation GL Journal Entry

(N) Journals > Launch Journal Wizard

1. The Find Journal Wizard screen is displayed:

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Version 2.1

Web ADI - Journal Wizard

2. Click on the drop down list in the Layout field, and select Functional Actuals Single
New from the displayed list:

Template Name


Budgets - Multiple

To create Multiple Budget Journals - NOT IN USE

Budgets - Single

To create Single Budget Journals - NOT IN USE

Encumbrances - Multiple

To create Multiple Encumbrance Journals - NOT IN USE

Encumbrances - Single

To create Single Encumbrance Journals - NOT IN USE

Foreign Actuals - Multiple

To create Multiple Foreign Currency Actual Journals*

Foreign Actuals - Single

To create Single Foreign Currency Actual Journals*

Functional Actuals - Multiple

To create Multiple GBP Actual Journals

Functional Actuals - Single

To create Single GBP Actual Journals with no Journal Header

Information - DO NOT USE

Functional Actuals - Single New

To create Single GBP Actual Journals with Journal Header


Learning Note:
Foreign Actuals Journals require the foreign currency, conversion type, conversion rate
and conversion date to be specified.

3. Leave the Content field as None

4. Click on Create Document

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Web ADI - Journal Wizard

5. The Information screen is displayed:

6. Click Open
7. Once the Journal Template has successfully downloaded, a confirmation message will be

8. Click Close
9. The ADI Journal worksheet template screen is displayed:

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Web ADI - Journal Wizard

10. The contents lines on the Spread sheet are displayed:

11. To start entering a journal, enter the relevant information into the Journal Header:



Select as appropriate from the List of Values


Select as appropriate from the List of Values

Action Note:


When using Web ADI to create a Journal then the source

should always be selected as Spreadsheet.

Select as appropriate from the List of Values

Accounting Date

Select as appropriate from the List of Values


Select as appropriate from the List of Values

Batch Name

Enter the appropriate Batch Name

Batch Description

Enter the appropriate Batch Description

Journal Name

Enter the appropriate Journal Name

Remember to follow the agreed naming convention

Journal Description

Enter the appropriate Journal Description

Journal Reference

Enter the appropriate Journal Reference

Action Note:
You can enter the Information in the Journal Header by double clicking into the relevant

Caution Note:
The recommended Journal Naming Convention is as follows:

Oracle 12 Finance Training

Quick Reference Guide



Financial Year
(First 2 Digits)





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Version 2.1

Web ADI - Journal Wizard

12. Once the header information has been completed, click into the lines section.

13. Enter the appropriate Journal Line Information:

Action Note:
If the Journal represents a transaction with a Government Counter Party (Inter Entity)
then you will need to enter the code assigned for that organisation.

14. To upload the journal to oracle, click the Oracle drop down menu and select Upload:

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Web ADI - Journal Wizard

15. The Journals Upload screen is displayed:

16. Ensure the following options are selected:

o All Rows
o Automatically Submit Journal import
o Import with Validation

17. Click Upload

18. A Confirmations message is displayed; detailing the number of lines successfully uploaded
to Oracle, and a unique Journal Import Request ID number

Learning Note:
It is recommended that you make a note of the Journal Import Request ID number to
resolve any issues/errors on the upload.

Action Note:
As per the Journal Entry process using Oracle forms, you will need to inform the
individual with Journal posting responsibility for your group/directorate of the journal
name to enable them to locate the journal in order for them to review and post journal.

Caution Note:
Failure to advise the nominated individual with the Journal Post responsibility could
result in the journal not being posted.

19. Click Close

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Web ADI - Journal Wizard

20. The completed Journal template screen is displayed again:

Learning Note:
A Green Happy face is displayed against all the lines that have been successfully
uploaded to Oracle

Lines which have failed to upload to Oracle will have a Red Sad face
displayed and
therefore will require amendment before the journal can be successfully uploaded.

Action Note:
It is highly recommended to save your Journal to a local folder.
Therefore if your Journal fails or is not posted by your approver, you can simply amend
any errors and upload again.

21. Click Close

to exit the template screen

22. To return to the Navigator click Home

Action Note:
Remember, you will need to inform the individual with Journal posting
responsibility for your group or directorate of the journal name, to enable them to
locate; review; and post the journal.

Learning Note:
You will need to view requests within Oracle to ensure upload has completed

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Web ADI - Journal Wizard

2 WEB ADI Internet & Excel Settings

1. Click on Internet Explorer
2. Click Tools Internet Options
3. Click on Security Tab
4. Click on Custom Level Button
5. Scroll down to Scripting area of Security Settings Internet Zone
6. Allow status bar updates via script Enable
7. Allow websites to prompt for information using scripted windows Enable
8. Click OK
9. Are you sure you want to change the settings for this zone Yes
10. Click Apply
11. Click OK
12. In Microsoft Excel
13. File Excel Options
14. Click Trust Center
15. Click on Trust Center Settings
16. Click on Macro Settings
17. Check Enable all Macros
18. Check Trust Access to the VBA project Object Model
19. NB If Protected View option is available on left hand side click on this, uncheck all
20. Click OK
21. Close Excel
22. WEB ADI should now be able to be run

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