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Newsha Sajadi

CHEM 101
26 Jan 2014
Chapter 1 Homework: 17;40;41;48;49;60;72;74;79;82;87;103;112;119;132;137
A physical change rearranges molecules but does not affect internal structure. Some examples
of physical change include:
dissolving sugar in water (sugar molecules are dispersed in the water, but individual sugar
molecules remain unchanged)
boiling water (water molecules are forced away from each other when the liquid changes to
vapor, but the molecules are still H2O)
potato dicing (cutting separates molecule without changing them)
A chemical change is any change that results in the formation of new chemical substances. At the
molecular level, chemical change encompasses breaking or making of bonds between atoms. Some
examples of chemical change include:
bread rising (yeast converts carbs into carbon dioxide gas)
eggs cooking (fluid protein molecules uncoil and crosslink to form a network)
iron rusting (iron oxide forms)
a. The molecular diagram represents a pure substance and is a compound. This compound
composes two different types of elements.
b. The molecular diagram represents a mixture and is heterogeneous mixture because the
composition of the mixture is not uniform throughout.
c. The molecular diagram represents a mixture and is homogeneous mixture because the
composition of the mixture is uniform throughout.
d. The molecular diagram represents a pure substance and reflects an element in pure form.
a. When sugar burns, it reacts with oxygen to convert carbon dioxide and water vapor. Change

in chemical composition of sugar, therefore chemical change.

b. Crystals of sugar change their physical state but chemicals remain intact. This is a physical
c. Color of the ring becomes dull due to continued abrasion. This is a physical change.
d. Discoloration from tarnishing of metal is due to oxidation or corrosion. Silver undergoes
oxidation to form silver oxide. This is a chemical reaction and a chemical process.
a. No change in the composition of reactions and products, only an increase between molecular
distances. A physical process has taken place.
b. There is a difference in the composition of reactions and products as new molecules are
formed in the reaction. This is a chemical change.
c. No change in the compositon of reactions and products, only an increase between molecular
distances. A physical process has taken place.
a. (i) 355 km/s >> cm/s
I. One km = 10^3 m, and one cm = 10^-2 m
II. 355 km/s = (355 km/s) x (10^3 m) (10^2 cm)
II. = 355 x 10^5 cm/s
a.(ii) 355 km/s >> m/ms
I. 355 x 10^5 cm/s = [(355 x 10^5 cm) x (10^-2m/cm)/s]
II. (355 x 10^3 m/s) x (10^-3 s / 1ms)
II. 355 m/ms
b. (i) 1228 g/L >> g/mL
I. 1228 g/L = (1228 g/L) x (1 L / 1000 mL)
II. = 1228 x 10^-3 g/mL
b. (ii) 1228 g/L >> kg/ML
I. (1228 g / L) x (1 kg / 1000g ) x ( 1 L / 1000 mL ) x ( 1 mL / 1000 ML)
II. = 1228 x 10^-9 kg/ML
c. (i) 554 mK/s >> K/s
I. (554 mk/s) x (10^-3 K/ 1 mK)
II. = 554 x 10^-3 K/s
c (ii) 554 mK/s >> K/ms
I. (554 x 10^-3 K/s) x ( 1 k/10^-6 K)
II. = 554 x 10^-3 K/s
III. = (554 x 10^-3 K/s) x (10^-3 s/1 ms)

IV. = 554 x 10^-6 k/ms

d. (i) 2.554 mg/mL >> g/L
I. (2.554 mg/mL) x (10^-3g / 1 mg) x (1 mL/ 10^-3 L)
II. = 2.554 g/L
d (ii) 2.554 mg/mL >> g/mL
I. (2.554 mg/mL) (1g/1000 mg)
II. = 2.554 x 10^-3 g/mL
72.) 0.918 g/cm^3 = d, 10.0 lbs = m, find V
I. 10lbs x (453.59g/1 lb) = 4535.9 g
II. v = m/d
III. v = 4535.9g/0.918 g/cm^-3 = 4941.0675
IV. = 49.4 x 10^2 cm^3 = v
(a) 4.57 in ~ 3 signiicant figures
(b) 7.24 in ~ 3 significant figures
(c) .837 g ~ 3 significant figures

b, d

82.) (a) 798 x 10^2; (b) 1.55 x 10^7; (c) 2.35; (d) .0000454
87.) (a) (24.6681 x 2.38) = 58.710078; 58.710078+332.58 = 391.290078 = 391.3
(b) (85.3 - 21.489) = 63.811; 63.811 / 0.0059 = 10815.4 = 1.1 x 10^4
(c) (512 / 986.7) + 5.44 = 5.9589 = 5.96
(d) [(28.7 x 10^5) / 48.533] + 144.99 = 59135.0215 + 144.99 = 59280.01 = 5.93 x 10^4
103.) Intensive or extensive
(a) volume = extensive because dependant on amount of substance
(b) boiling point = intensive because it is independent of the amount of substance, it depends on
the nature of the substance
(c) tempearture = intensive because it is dependant on type on matter type but not mass
(d) electrical conductivity = intensive because measure of material's ability to conduct electricity
(d) energy = extensive because it is dependant on the amount of matter
112.) proton radius = 1.0 x 10^-13 cm, mass = 1.7 x 10^-24 g. Determine density. Sphere V = (4/3)r^3
Volume of the proton = (4/3) x (1.0 x 10^-13cm)^3
= 4.19 x 10^-39 cm^3
Density of the proton = (1.7 x 10^-24g) / (4.19 x 10^-39 cm^3) = 4.057 x 10^15 g/cm3
52 mi/gal. How many kilometers can the Prius travel on 15 liters of gasoline?
1 mile = 1.609 km; 1 gallon = 3.785 L; 1 mi/gal = 1.609km/3.785L = 0.425 km/L
52 mil/gal = 0.425 km/L/1 mil/gal x 52 mil/gal = 22.1 km/L
22.1 km/L x 15 L = 3.3 x 10^2 km

Radius of the sun = 7.0 x 10^5 km; 7.0 x 10^5 km x 1000m/1 km; = 7.0 x10^8 m
Volume of the sun = 4/3r^3
= 4/3 x 3.14 x (7.0 x 10^8)^3 = 1.436 x 10^27 m^3
Mass of the sun = densityxvolume; = 1.4 x10^3 kg/ 1m^3 x 1.436 x 10^27 m^3
= 2.01 x 10^30 kg
Black hole has a mass of 1x10^3 suns, hence mass of black hole...
=1.0 x 10^3 x 2.01 x 10^30 kg x 10^3g/1 kg = 2.01 x 10^36g
Diameter of the moon = 2.16 x 10^3 miles
Radius of the moon = 2.16 x 10^3 miles/2 x 1.609 km/1mi x 1000m/1km x 100cm/1m
= 1.74 x 10^8 cm
Radius of black hole = x radius of moon = x 17.4 x 10^8 cm
= 8.69 x 10^7 cm
Ergo, volume of black hole = 4/3 r^3
= 4/3 x 2.14 x (8.69 x 10^7 cm) ^3
= 2.75 x 10^24 cm^3
Density of black hole = mass/volume
= 2.01 x 10^36 g/2.75 x 10^24 cm^3
= 7.3 x 10^11 g/cm^3
137.) No because the molecules of the vaporized liquid are still present within the flask. The overall
mass remains unchanged.

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