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Berossus on Late Babylonian History

Paul-Alain Beaulieu
( University of Toronto)


Allu the o( Alexandcr the

at Babylon in 323 BC, Ma c:onqu..,.
felJ in tbe h&nds O am.bltiQU& gonera\$ who prooeeded to Cllcve their O\''n k.ingdoms OUl o
the: CAl'Ci\.U of ihc defwu;l Pmia.o eropire. Two of the mo&t suoceMl'ul diadocftl and
forma c:ompaniona o Al=tclcr we<e Plolemy, ..t.o quicklr es!Ablitl>od himself Nler oi
Egyp~ OJ1d Seleucus, who entually lell her to lhe bulk ol Alcxander' realm,
inc:luding Syria., Mesopotamio. and Lhe Pc11-sian heartland wltli itt GXte11sion 1owa.rda
=tnl Asia. Allhoo,gh thcsc generals .,.,., like Alexandet. MaeodoniAn, their eulwre
was moentially Crttk, and the dynastiea they eotahli<h.d tpread C-1: 1811!""&'0 and
civilitnlion over A vasl are.a 8l111tc:hing from Egypt to Bnclria. Hf"llcni.iation, ho\fCVcr.
waa 1chiC'cd in 11 significant measure only in thc re.gona s.ituated &long lhc: ca&t
Meditmranea.n. and CTen 1here it competed witb nath1e civilirationt whicb ahowed
remarkable res1Hcnce throught>ut the HeJlenistic and Roman ens. This reailence
mnnicatcd itseJr quite eatly in the 6gur6 of Manctho nnd BcroMut. Manetho,
~ prieol



ftom Scbc:nn)'loa.
in Creek a hi.tory o Egypt Cor lhe l'u>lern;c
rula" at lhe ~nn;ng ol the thhd eentury BC a _.,.,_.,. ol M.n<lho,
crcat<'.d a sirnilnr work on Bubylonia and ckidict1led il to thc Seleucid ru.ler Antiochut l,
po11tibly on lhc oc:ca.!lion of hia ulJ acoes&ion lo the tllronc in 28 1 BC.
L.ike the wol'b of l\1anetho, the BabylortiQ.CCJ. o Be'""us no longer exi$t in thei.r
original fonn. liowcver, s.uL&IOJlljal fragmenta cat1 be rcc:o,ered from quolttlion$ fovnd In
t.he worb of anclon1 writcrs. 'Je Bc.bylon.iM.a enjoyed lintited circuloliC>n in Ant.iquily.
"'""' ..tcr& who quoted Be-.., did "' not om lhe orilrnal. bol r.., ei<c:e:rpu ..
lhey c:ouJd gl~u1 frorn thCl work of othe:r authot3. A& ti l'C$lllt, 1hc Oabylon.uJ.ea tire
known largely rron1 1hird and fourth h.a,nd quulations. 1'hi mak~ nnc suspect lhtll the



aller sw:ceuivc cilation1 and ahridge.ment5, has not alwaya ruchod os

cJ ttatual tra~n1Wion ol the 8alr,lo"""4 i1 abo

in i1:$ most accur11e (onn. Tho bj~lOt)'


,,,,.. n

.....,,. dilroeult co tho P"'h u...ioc1 ,,.

tho Ullennedoary ....n.. bel- O.. onp..,. ...S
also ..... n... .,.., ,,.
"'11<'1We and ......... "' 1hc ....... d.ll"OOllll to
....., ,i..,, oo i.....t ..,_ l1tc ..,.,,;,,.,, ,_._..,, - - Nboo

_..wt111 compl'*<d. At

1...,,_, ..

;,.&a....... "'" _ , "

"' -


== -"""' thi-oc boab. Boolc o... -..,,.. .. -


.......... "'tho -d""" thc ~"'4 "'aYilintion l sw,i-.. lloolc Two Ntold
dte QOl'f ti ntod1lt0n klrtp, r:I lh Flood. ud el ruleft o/ 8ab1lont0 clown IO tho
.,...,; or H.i......., In 747 oc. llil< nu.. OOered the ....... h..,..,. or O..b7loa1a
ron1 the lime at N11htu1UMLr untd pte&umably the <le:CCS5ion o( Antiochua l. llhough vc.rY liulc j. prmi0-1Yt1d Cor the pcnod ufic:r thc capture o( Babylon by thc 1'cf1i1tn1 In 539

ne.Ontl RlUfjl

nwro thllt a11cie111 aulhors <1uoced the /Jall)'lQ,1iaro only ln110nl' 111
it n1im>rtJd lhuir own lnltJtlOMll. MoMlilceJy the e~tan1 do no1 rt n&c1 1he o,.erall
n.8n't.lhe intcn1 uf' IJc1UWut, ror ln.S.anoe1 slories o( lite creadon and thc J'lot>d ~Un'h'od
11130 l1tt

beeaux o{ tht1r rda,a.noe to Churcb wrileni, whilc tbe "'Orl:-t ol JOAephua proaone
acoounl el lhe ~ipt ol Nohuc:hod....., brgtly ~ ol hit dnonwe tolo In lhe


el lh. ,........ .-ple. A fanol ,;,. maoeriol -

CIUlicc: a !he """"" .,..__ _,. tnlnl

!he tnodtllon uder
o U"""'-cly matcrUl bebogjllg ,. - or - 9

~..U, plll r:I die~ ruy hno.

... ..,.. <I 8a

S..-.,., u ...... ....i.... and -


.. aclodo -

...... odi4r 6 -

.... J.;ely ... hypolhoo... (!)

The ~n1a of 0ef'ONUI rcmained tht sote ge:nuint aouru (rom &netcnt
1tfesopou1ma 1.1nhl 1he r~lll!Qovery and decipbennent o cu11r:ifotrl'I in lile 1t1odern era.
8vary a.criout dtcu!41lon or ancient Babylon up to that point depended hugc1y on the

ltowovar, tho 1n1u& or in(onnation recovered rorn CUl\elorM 60lll'Cflt in tha

the f9th CIJJllUJ'Y (lud lJ. es.tabli.shntenl arid f;l'OW lh o( lho dhttilJlline O

Brlbylor1M.fl ,

(;0Ul"$0 O

A.ssyrioloSY 11011n l'f!ndnred hit tei;tirnuny ulmosl supr:rOuouL Afier " ~1'iod wl1ich 1ow o
nun1ber tJ JiCu1l1ea on HCl'lllWUt In Ugh1 of new !it)Ur(:rtl ob1ainod ft0rn e.t.uvaaion1,

'1,,,. ,.,,, ............. .r._.p.

...i-,..... r..1lu111 "' "'hola"


a. n--...._._ .......... ...., _ ..

--~. .......... _




... _ _ _ ...,_........., . . _

....... t'1'l:)l ll ... Llliin 1911.)6...4C

.. . . ~_."" ... ' ' $;

.. ....__ 1111 . ......,., ... - - - -


P"id lilllc ............ ,...

- . . i ...1r..i1 ,. 11.,_,. t1.. 20th

1": .....

-.mar.. ....,.......,._,_...,.

.... ....,. ......... - - - J ........._. . . _ . . . . ...


<;M!U1)' remainS f'auJ Sclu\abel's n~r()U()S ~lid die babyfonisch-hefkni-stische'

( Leipt.ig, l 923) . Supplemeoial factora coused Assyriologe.ts to overlook Berossus. One

was 1he neglect of the Hcllenislic pcriod in Babylonia as a tsubjeet worlhy of auention, a

neglcct cau~d pa11)y by the general pauci1y of publishOO cunciform sou:rces !or that
period. 1bc other factor is the aura o unre.Ht1biUt)' tha1 eveotually attaehed itself to the
w<Yrk o Berossus. lt "'' s rcali:zed que early sme tnate:rial in the Bobyloniaro
seemed completeh al variance whh cuneifo:rtn evidence. :\lso, the presence in lhe

Babyloniaco.. of a number of imepreta.o graeca, ine1uding ao uncoi)vincing allegorical

cxcgcsis of the Babylonfr~n Epic-of Creation. aroused suspicion that BcrossU$ occasionally made a transvcstitc o( Babylonian lraditiOn$ in the hope of broad~ning his appeal to ti
Greek audience. In sho11, tbe Ba.bylcnicv:a, have beeo disc~tded altogether as a
hauy patchwork of half-<ljgested and gaxbled fac1s., ;showing no authentic respecl for the
millennia1 traditions of lt1e5opotamia.
One factor in the renewal o inlercSt in t1le '"Otk o( Bero&SO$ iinee the: l 970s bas
been t11e disooveiy by the German cxpedition to Uruk of a text da.ted to
the- Hc1lenistic pcriod wh.ich gives a li$t o antediluv)ai:i sage$ and king1i that clo$dy

parallels 1he one found in Book Two of the Babyl.oniaca.. <l> This proved that the

Bab,.lonioca-, at letist )o this instance. quoted genuine material f.aithful1y. lt hinted
that was immersed in tite cuoeiform e-ultufe o( his age. The publication o! more
cunellorm souree$ fro1n the HeJlenistic pcriod sinee the l970s, and the revj'i'BJ of
scholarship on that perioJ, have greatly fr1cilib led our hl$k of ree\alu.ating Bcrossus a.s

1ypicaJ produc1 o{ age. A number of historians lia,,e addrci;sed the lss.ue f:rom that
anglo (Komorocy 1973 ; Kuhrt 1987; de Breocker2003a) . New English tramtlations
with oommentaries have also be.e.o published ( Burstein 1978; Verbi:ugghe and
Wicker$ha1n 1996 ). ll is tha1 these auidies wcre not produccd by AssyrioJogi.sts.
who saiU SQmehow consider ,Berossu:s a subject

the J>e:J:iphery of t-hei.r di;cipJine.

However, thesc reeenl as:ses&l'.nent.s o Berossus have sel him firmly within lhe

inteUec1ual context of early Hellenj!:itic Babylon, more prcciscJy llic 1ein1>le as eenier <Jf
sciencc and 1carning (de Breucker 2003b). We now know this milieu much hcllcr

thankg to the public:ition of odministnu..ive texts fmm the Esagil archi\'C <lJ1d schola.rly
tcxts froto the librari('.s conncctcd \ith the ternple. Recenl rese~.rch ht1$ d<:monslratcd




Dijlt 11nd t.byer 19'80. ~S>.


Dijl 1961: 114 -~1 . .tlld pi. 27. '!'he 1111Kog11ph copy w1J!. l:Jl(IJ ffllllil1l!.;lic6 by


1hal lhe libr11rie.1 of thc Euagil lemplc opprooched in ,cope and sitc the lihrarieg of' ldng
Aahurbanipal in Ninevd1 ( Clancier 2005: ln - 335 l. The memooy ol Ashurbenipal't
lihrary as cuhur.J tK:hie\emcn1 ac1u-1iy li.,cd on in eariy Helrenistk BabrlotiJ.1, as

d(lmou.')Ua1ad by teeently Jublirsht.d


frotn B11l1ylon a1ld Borsippa ( Pr1une ttnd

CCOJ'gC 2005). and c.lhcr1 rrom Uruk ( Bonulicu J997 .. ) . The

COMidera.LI~ ICientfic

i-:'8.wJ 1enlr,Je Clflle.rd

acli"itf in lhe eaeiy Hclienitlic period, provtdng th.e rncans ol


living or t1undreds o e.peN in varioo& hranches

BALylonian k:holanhip. i~luding
cxorcii;.i.s, hunenLa1icins 11ingcn1 1 divinerl, &<:ril>es, tind1 l!S we now know lh an~& lo a

nowly recovcrcd text. a c:ollegium


fow1.een u lronCNoer$ ( Bt.a.ulieu 2005 ) Tile.

8~ o( ee-us emerg<d out el this culture! - - 0......... him.df.

hcrwcver, rcmuins an eJus.ivc hi$tocal CiguJ-e. Wc canr10C identify hirn conclU!iively with

a.ny individual Appcaring ln 1.:uncifonn 1e.i;:1a, even a.t hla r.runc i&consonant with the
onO<DaSl.ic repcnwy el Babylon in the wiy Helleru.tic peri-O<!. Tu. name Beroosus


rolttts a theophorie
witb 8l tt>. lord, deaignalion el the god ti Babylon,
Marduk, during the late rieriod' of MetoKJlaolian civiliwtioo. The original (orm o the
rwne Berossu.a Is not ccrtain. lt may go l>1ck to ruch na.mes as 86lut udu ( .. O 8e1.
proled biml" ), whichoocw.f~y in lhat pcriod, or Bel.~'Qlunu ( "The gocl 8fl


ia 1heir shepherd"') t a r.nuch rarer namo ( Boiy 2004: 374-375 ). CD


in our knowledge eell fot "'1<i11g fresh loolc "' Seros...., paying
~ mili~ in whicb be

pcarticular attention to the aoun:es avlable to him md

lourished. ) n 1hj9 article } wish




numher O Observation8 Qn lhe



by Berossu&LO wrilc his Bobylonioca. The m&13u:nla of Berossus are too extensive lO be~tinized in dct.ail in u article. The pn.jccl would requ:irc an enlire monograph.

Thcrcore [ will limit myself l bis ie<:"nt oC the hlatory of the Bt&bylonian en1p1re in
Bk 'Three et tl1e Bctbylonir1ca. The 1nl11ft suhs1an1iul fragmenta of lhis acc:oun1 are
qooted in 1wo workt by thc Jewis.h hi51orion Flavlu5 Joscphus, who li,ed in thc fus1
century of our era: lhe Jewi.h AntM)ui&io. and Apinat Apion. Chhcr Cragmcnb are
found in an Aimeni:tn 1ran3lollon ( KatrI 191 l) of the Clironicon o f.:u.seLiu$ o Ce&area
(ca. 260- 339 A. D.). Fr1.1giucnl& rt:1}01Jered from otJ1cr authorg al'c l.iltle rnore thon
itm notic:c:a: and ac:Jd nothing sigficanl 10 whal t... in losephus nd Ecuithius.


v.... s.~ lOCO: 4)9

'"J<Ofllimb .........................d. ~ . .

4'fll'Nt""'( :Jml11l.;U-.i*n )u tlo.. f~H 1~m11lt- frum 2.s& \ti 1'J

btl 'Ok-. . . . . . .


Nobopolassar and Nebochadneziar, Founders

of the Babylonian Emplre
Th. .-.. ~.... &.g.eot of Bctown oe eh.e m,. ti Naloapa'c- (626...6()5
BC) , fo.nokr ol lhe .ty....., die would rule !he llab,toni tmpe. i1 known lorgdy
~ tho A,,_oan lt...i..tioe ol lhe Clm>nican ol Eu.ebiuo: CD

Afler hlm ( Sortfatulpol0$) s...ic ~igned ., tho 11..)'TAnl. When

he lci0roed thnt waror pcople whiclt had boen (om1ed fron1 diiferenl
lw1nd1 WCJ'C co1ning up from the sea to 11t111ek hhn, he \1uickly &(lnt
8upal0Marn1 to B...bylon as general. But DualAMtn'.11 1 IQr dc:cidht.g to
rcbcl, rrangod a marriage hetwecn Amuhidin, thc dituh1CI of A&1yage1,
IM chio( ol die )tod... aod b;, soo Nabukodrouoroa. And wi~y acllin&
out he ,,_.,,. 10 onacl< Nino;. 7IW w t:iir (/ Ni,,_, ( "'").
Knowledp ol .U tla reached Kiqg s..u... Ro lulCI boo copotal bwned.
8U1 11~ wuurmded Bab,ton .nth 1 . . . . . wl aAer he ...a.

... "" nilo ol lhe kiogdom

v......, -

i...e in conupc fomt. Scnlonopoloo il Alhwbonlpel. kng aC

""1ria r...... 66S io 630 ec s.m....;. Sin.w-wi. k'"' o1 "-1"" r..... prolooW7 628
10612 BC.~ Bu~ it NabopoJ...., (NabG1pluU1Ur), kln ol &bylon rom


626 10 603 BC, ond Nabukodroosoros bis son and

Neooohadnenar ( NabUku
durtuuJur), who reigoed TOI 60S to 562 BC. The eca mu.11 hl'I t1 ree.rence to 1he Sealand Provlnee of Bo.bylor1lo, loc:aled in lh~ mar$lu~s of 11m11hen l1aq 1tnd borderlng on the
Perti8n Cul(, Piu11Uy. u the g)OS$ lelb U!, Nino8 8l11ndl for Ninevah, lhc copilal o{ Arr
yri from tho relgn ol Sennooherib until i1$ d..truclioo in tl1e yoor 612 BC. Anoiher
P"at o thc Chronioon aC Eu.ebius ,....,. to NabopoJ,_., 1clling uo llutt be """
......,,. lo lhe ol Asty-. 1he !Do.l wl ...,.p o1 die Medeo. in ar

4> ........................... ~.-'71!26..1"6L'ft. ..................... .,.~

lf2J J?0..171, - .............. y~ - ~""
et ""' ........ J ... .._~ hlp .......... ..._..""' . . ..., ............ io



cSer 10 1Jb1a1n 11 daughtcr ol AM)'P Am)'iti.1 as a wife for h1r. wn NaLuk00roMOro5. "'<11

11t , _ . .

tnd""''" lhal llie origmal lelt\ ol llcros;us moy hl,. ,..,,.....,. tlto allnce
..... Babylon- .. ~ 11.... eh_

be<..... !he

lnc>ne ,... -ed.

What wnd:(omi ~


~ Mott or i... .i.. -






uplcil 11)

8el"088UI to write hd AOCOunt ol

as 11- adahle "' ... "'n...,. ind..ic, the building

,...,,,pt;... d cllO kiog. llill in nttd ol - " " " - ed111... ltld 1nnol.1-. ~
Babylonian Cl1runlclc Setiet provldca suL&tanlit1I informinion u 1l tltoe mil11aty evont.t of hia
reign, po:irtlgul1uly thc all rJ Nlncvch.111 N111)opoJassal' , a1&0 1hc aulijoc' o( tlu'Ce
l1111oricallilenry '""' tlie 1\111..,..,unr tp., (Gnrson 197'b: 78-86), 1he Dcolantion
oI War on the A.tyri.,,. (C'.cntdi 19S6). and tbe m:cntly di.._....,.. Lct1..- ol 54n-to:-


Nobopol...,r ( Lambe" 200Sb ). Segmcnts of thc Oy..,tic l'"'!lltocy and thc

24 -37 ; Hunge< lnd Koulman
1m ). n.. _ ..... """odmoNllnri................. daled"' ,,, n:ip ""'" only bogn ..
~dota thal c.on bcuood to-tbe~hio mn.CPf'"1l>1117, Nabo J . _
oppears in a numbor ~ic documctu (Cra)'tOll 1980-1983: 1)1 ) . In
1U lhcse IOUt'Oll we:n: awaa.hle to BCI 11111. excepc. ooonomle: end ldnlinlltlalive

Un1~ l'mphccy lllludc to Naho1>0lt.., (Grey'" 1975a


docwnen... -

of ..ta;di -Id lwm: laoe ' - cliocsrdod.

The majonty of 11- oourua wwld have been rdativcly euy 10 co..ul1 1n Babyloc>
during the li( o( Be.rot!lu. Thetie i.s liule doub1 that a l leeM one complete Mil o{ the

Babylonin O.romcle s.n.. wu ailable m the lih<uy ol the E"!il 1cmpl.e 0< in
pr1..1e holcli..,._ S..rvm" manuoc:npoo o( lheoc a.....1ci.. .,. FerDr laLc
Aohoemenid or lldJenlMic. 11u: 1ingle 1llanuscripL'i o tho Nabopoln881r E:plc and the.
Oor;lumtinn uf WBr on thfJ A11yriun are :tlso or lalc date ~uuJ nloel likclr ro111 llt1b)'lon.

T-a.-t, ..._,. ,m n ... '- <.~ IY"J:no ...,,


.. 11tit:tu:t 111

du, t'Qi.111 .1111 Ni.1..,.,1....., tlllt .._.,>il..-otlt 11111~. \lld 1111~ ... 4"ul1t INe lli.t 11i- ,..,., IV h.~
(J.! a,.,...,.
M 1~ ""P el N"1"'4...,.._ .ud 1Jl...,1!1!11tnJ c4 ~ 110111t .. 1 ,,.14r 111tt ,.,..__ IM1
~- t'i9l..Ul 1 ... ~ ~
tt11eo..11 .........._~ .. - - " ' - P 1 m 1211- J.M ~-.




... 1991 ,J.-.1.

r.........., f.-....191'wi 11 -~ ..__ 2-.)J .. die- ............ ~"" .......... . . .:. . .

a - 2C01 211--'!JO n... "' """-'" . - - t1 .._ ...,._"' o..-....e. .. ,.. ,.. " ~
1~~ ~.t ............... ~~l.... ,~ . . . . . ,.__...~ . . . . . . . 99'7'.-'0.

..... ,.,.,



n.. O,,nulc

P"""*'1 olmousl1 originsled in Babrlon in thc Ice 4tb

thc Ld.1er "'S!n.W-iJbm lO Nebopol- dllCll thc ..........Jl' .. !he reiga
el thc Selcucxl Me Altt=rd., Baloo ( 150-14S BC) wl ...... tluil 11 c:opoed &c..
.. ~ r.....i .. thc Eugil leDlf>le- ;. ""l'1 "' ;, - J.hlr . - 1. die EsogiJ
li.bnrJ' U. tliie u.. ol ~ Some buildif\l;: iw::ripona of Knb S ' r 1 ba1'e
botn .a.ble r- ........ lihrmc., pcrhapo ...... 6- ~al an:tu... .. Bobyloo.
hhou!lh thc ..-plan .U. bo.. come do"1I IO uo W<R d1-.mod 11 lcuncbrioo



depo.u.. a> Laua trad:ilione bout NsbopolMM;r have abo IUtraced la

rrom Uruk.
Tiiit i 1he e""' ol 1he tlruk Propbecy, wi- manu1Ctip1 la dtable 10 die lote
Ach.emcmld or ca.rty Helleniatic period. Nnbopolt1Mar i fuJ1hcr n1c:iritioncd as o{
thc Scolond ln the ooloplion ol a ritual from llmk datcd to 1l1e .Solouoid m ( TCL 6,
38), '11\Clc 1ndition1 1nu1t ha\'e heen common to ali Uahyloni1, hdeed, the Hsl o

1n1adlluvin Jdo.p and 1ages whicb pa:rallel& thc ono in Book rwo o the Bablortio.oo was
1lao dloooftl'Od In Unik, not Babrlon. This swvey showa ihat lere ia er lilde o lhe
d1" we U- dw .... not lh.....bcally poo&ible for &..,... IO know. Anr lnomed man
... dale
Bobrloo and g>a\'alJlg in &he arlnt ni ""' Eootil lOmple .. die
~ ni lho lblrd COllllUJ BC J,.,., bod 10 11.- ....._ fJldoed.
~ .. tnd.tiooo Ba-. tnmlotc:I ................. w '-" .,.........i ....,., grut

u..... ..

..,.. "' lhe Bob,loniw. q,, ..!dirion_ s..- COttl10!y Me! .. - do

"" hite. Onc ..di cumple an the
.! d;.n. -.nog the podocl o/ !he la<e
Auyrian Md BabflonJan empires. Regular compiling ol ti- dilri bqoa in the Sth


(f) Thc ltft-",_ 11r lhe I~ '1. N~ are disll!lw;ecl bt

....,, 197J1lltIM,

NI AlR1wi 19S.S

l~I. Alllhou~ W9 ti.... ~lol<:I !MI ~al inKripllun. 11 N1~1111ln..-11r, N1bo111d111, 11\d .wlltir Nku
wllll jll!Mll,.,.1111111 IW'!!i*M, j'.l&ID116. S1d 1ibruil!5 Mid I~,,_ aqiJ11bk lnf 01111t11IU.I01\, 1W foWflfll.!111 ti " .t.011<11. .
1W l11t )91. h1111 dilf!il,tflld lit 1 til!lilw t:W!~l.


~ \!.l,.1>;gtu1 1md '\\1k.f;111'W111111 JMHS:.40. Alpleel Tl l 111 "lle { fte~11) WJ!d ll1t 1ivl~lo te01ml11 ti n~)' <4
ll.,.. wl111
Mtl~ in IJ111i)>licml1 ~ullr p:cwYed1" 1nd ~). f'11moM J'11 " ll.i11i111111ti t11t0111 Jn 1lwi fll\ll bool: r.I
hit 11.i~IM hlili!Of) tl111 h. - 1 WlllcMpOmy el Ales..,_, tl1t - , fWllp, d ti 1111111 piilllio .._n,_


~ ........ .. """""....., 1$0. coo ~ .... thc ......,. ., lltt ...., """'""" ... -4 ti""' ' .........
...._ "-1 ..._,........ ........ .._. 'Dw::~ ~ti..., fi .... ti
ll.i ..,....._
Se.tfl.IW. ._ ......... _ _ ....,.k
f/ . . l'J
....... .....,_.,


................. J a - . .__. . . . . . _ . J . . a.......-i.-w. ......... ~

................. s....,. ...... ~"-"' .. s--..-u.......


....,,,,._,.me! ... a . 1 , - ' - ...,._. ...,. '- -

t i .._el6e:

u. r..... .. nr....i ......... s...- ~ _, ds 11.- "'~ ._,,_ """,,., ..... ~

......... ...._. .. .._"'._,._..._.__~ .. Ut o e n...-......._ ...... ._
,......, .. -.. . . . - , IC
.--.. . . . . . . ~ ....... z-,.a.

~....... ------~ ................ .

... n..; _,. ..... ..,,. "-"' .... Tlw ~ ... -.. _..,,

,_\l:r.1 ., ........,. Xl:)S.a,_


liOd UCIOUH\l(!(i dl,iv. n lO lhe firal centuty 6C. Tite e>!UllU dlorlet dfll6 tll(' 10 Lhe

Achoe.nten1d nd Se1cueo--Parthaan pcriods. HCtwtvtr. t.he iUlvi\'al o1

t ftw


cxatuplt:i d.ted bct"'ttn the 7dt aod 5tb ctnturies indiic-1.s thlll enlin: ~ were ocwie



woding in &hylon.1 Th.e disnes oonlAin liiJ&oncal daia htc:h

some1ime& prm-idod mntc:nal for t.hc Bahytoniau Cluonide Scrieti (Joouu~ 2000). Wc
nl\l$l also t:ontH:kr the Jli()Mbility U1;a1 8c.rt>MU$ indudcd truditilll\S fro1n ~nciform

&0urces. Ar.ameic.:

t,._J rc:pl1ccd

late: 8 ..LyJonian Akkadia.n as ~crnaeulr h111guagc of

B:JIJylu11i.:1 by thc 1itt1~ ul Bcrossu~ h hod ako lx:come thc miain ln11gu11gc: ur lav. o.nd
admine.tration. ohhough il uow surrered Compt:titiun fro1n Creck. How rnuc:h Ammaic
lil et~turei continuad MeM> traditions cannot casily he 11~tc1kd, u Ammaic
w-riting.s rom McM1poltunit1 l111vc- tilmost c:ntirely di.suppc:asi::d. 'l11a Ariuuoic popyrus in

Demolic sc.ript diit00,c:1'Ctl in E:;)'pl, huwever, contains ti VtJl'Si(l o( lho <1011Ricl l>elwce11

Ashurb1tnipl and Sotnti&-lumu_ktn whie;h prol>ably ca1ne ronl Onby1011in und 1noy h.a\e
Leen used by Bf!:rQMUJ, 111is 1rti,dition will be discuMed below.

Before ~urnin lO 1he pas:se;ge quoced sbo"'-e J wtU exa.mtne one use ~ here we can
almo.1 ccrlanlr idontify ohe toW"Oe uted by Beros.ut. Hu accoun1 of 1he end of die
n&n ol NabopoWu.r ...d of the begirung of the reigo of Nebuchodneaur con1&1ns
striking ..,..otblan... wilh ''"' Bobylonan Chroode Series. n,_ ......,blaneeo ..nnoi
be acciden11I. They indtcaie th.a1 the Chronicle was ava.ilable in s.bylon 11 1he rime of
~ ond tllal he lncluded dala &om i1 in hi woti . The rtlevan1
preserved in Ag1an11 Apo_,, by Josephus: ~

"""" ;.

His (Nohoukho0000M)ros' } athcr, Nabopa1t1sst11~. he11r<l 1ha1 1he &alrnp

flppoi r11od or Egypt, Coelc Syria, and Pho-enicio hod rebelled. Sine.e he


wns 1101 olJle 10 loud un unny. os he

ill, he Ol)fX>irncd his ~n
N11IJC1u ~hr1clC1n<lf)(lr", 1hcn in 1he prime o his Lie, rus co1n11uuult.:1 ovor
f1<1l'I o{ hi~ nl'n1y ond i,en1 bien ngai ~l 1he relJel. N;:;buukl.cidon<RS<>'U drew
UfJ hi~ rort.:tl) und jfJ1ned lwiule with Lhe 'e.lid . He Ol'Jll4 Ulilcc.l lhe rol>el
~ nd lnllug.111 uoonll')' undcl lhe ruk o lhe Bahyluni11nfi:. lt hn1:,.>e11 ~
al tl1is lin1~ tl1I hi~ folhcr ... ~....,~ tdl i!J anJ Jicd in Rallyk,n.
ha.Y-in Nkd 1wen1y~1~ ,~. NaboolcbodoOOtiOJOS lcamcd 110011 alter vi
'.L ._... .... lh. . t"Z-M ,_...._ ___ llr OQD-{d). -'67.
AD....._...,.,.,,._,,,..,.. 1WMI .,, 1hr- 41t.


-t63. -.:.~)

......o ..,,._..,

- !

''"o"11Qlw ....... 'k..!! 19%: " f : 0.IW:'ia.1978: :!6-211 Srllll...C t~,J 211- 1?).


hio Calhet't death Md ICl!lcd tbe .ir.... "'


Md die -

-ur He pve -u.1 o/ tbe pn- laken f..., Judea.

"' &he

and SJria, and EcJpt lO _ . . af hi fonda ond onlolecl lhem with o/ hia .,..., od 1h<I ..., oC tbe spoils oC ~-.. 10 man:h 10 Bobylon. n..,. he
with r.... "' hia r.11o...,. ......, <1~11 ro. Babrlon ..,... .... - . ..
He IOOI: ovu !he ....,,._,,, o/ tbe ci.aldcan1, wlrich dorioc hlS ..i...Me bcc:n .i.17 edmwotered and rulecl by tbe ...,,.,. el U.-. Ho
_..,... .-moncl el !he wbole o/ tu. fllher't nielm. lle ooler.d dw the
- ouitlble pont ol Bahylonia be found lor the pn.-.. when the7

h ia dillcuh nol 10 noilcc d1e similarities be1w6d'll 1hll1 Cragn1e111 1.nd lhc entry of 1be
Babylonian Chronlde 5or1.,. (., the 21 &I ( and lMt) 1egnal year ol Nabopolauar, which

alao !he---... ,..., o(

n (e,.,..., 197Sa: 99- IOO):

[Tbe - rlril ,.....): Tbe kin& tL AUad ( L Nabo~:'"m) 1ta7ecl

hocno ( while) Nebocbodnezm ( 11), bit eld<ol - ( and ) !he c.-n
pri-. mUll.,..f ( the umr el Aliad) . He tool< hio armr' l60d end
""'1Ch<d to Can:hemi.h whi<h is .., dio bonk ol the wphre\40. He
a-.d the n..r \{ to enmunrer tbe anny o/ EvJi<J whic:I> WU neamped
01 c...i.-.t.. ( ] Tbey clid battlc .....hw. Tbe aimy ol Ecrpi
reo.....i beforo hu... Heinflictecl {de< ) upon thcm ( and) Gn..i..d
meno olI compla1d7. In die disoict el Homotli tbe ann7 el Ak bd
overiook the remainder of the army of [ Egyp< which J managed to
[ 1'0 1n J lhc dcJcnl and wh.ich was n(ll ovcrcon1c. 1lu,y ( th1J "" Y o
Akkod) inOlctod o defeat upon lhom (10 lhI) a alngl ( El!)'pli11) "'""
[ did not '"'"m J hcimc. Al that time Ncbuehodncuor ( 11) 0011qucred ll
ol Ha( ma] lh. F 1.-ent7-onc yc:an rulod Bab7I001. On 1he
tipih ciar ol lho ._th Ab be dicd. In 1he ......J. Elul Ndiuchadnenar
( u ) -mcc1 to &byloo and .. ~ lltl de7 ol E!vl ... -oded ....
ioyaJ 1hrone in &bylo<i In ( his) ...,..... yur l'l.buchadnemor ( U)
rctumed lo lUu. Unul the: month Shd>c he niilrChed 1bou1 victonoully
in Kauu. In the month Shebes he 1DOk thc NI boocy o H.auu 10
Babylon. I tbe mocnh Nisao he took !he i....d el lkl and thc OOTI o( ll<I
( and ) celtbnuecl !he Al:u !..u.aJ.



Thc IWO _ . . , .... .,. ... KlentM:al. How._, thcr ...........

poiol>. '"" ....,. ..... ..... t1.. """'1ict in thc ._.... damlnotod thc ............
N.I t'e ' ' ~ Thc,. Uso a;n::e thlil N 1 '=r iLtrecf .. &.bt1ia thr i.a '!-'o/ ... tt:egn. opwllg 10 scnd bis son. ~ aown pnnce Hebt t f=m=r.
to ti.. bouklidd Thq llolh .....d ti.I l!aMpolmar di<d dlonoe tllat
tha ~t. 1111 In tho Waiuo pU1 of the ....,U.. hum.el beok IO Bab,lon to
tate h&. C.1h.:r" tut4..r:Mwn 'fltey abo botb make ~me:n1 abou1 takin bocM7 or




prit.oneN ~ck 10 OalJy-hm. llcf'08Ml.1S, or one ~ h:i:s ollowen, en1bcll1hed the "''>' w1th

additional dc1oilt tuoh M 1he illnf!l5l of Nabopolassa.r or the 11olf1Cdon ol IGnd by

Nel.tuehndnezr.u.r for die ell.iled pri8<1nCJ-t fro1n 1he \\7est . Such deu1ilt werc likcly n04
present in 011116lorn1 l!riOUl'CCI, 'l'he &election of lnnd hy Ne1:huc:h111lnop1u H1lloct1
J0&0phuii' in1 e1~t 111 1he ati:lll~tncn l of 1hc Judean cxiler. in Bt1bylonl11 J11\rl n1ty be 1 latnr

&ddirjon, 1lic formuJatlon of IOtne passages reveals lhe dcpendcnco tf Bcro1tut on 1h~
Ouonicle. Pot ,..,.ru, kio .,.lemont lhat Nabopola...,... fell oll nd died in
Bairyl. haing Nled IW<rr- r-" n:calk lhe trylo el thc O..oruclo. "1>ich
.,.... tila Fw
N1bopohsv mled s.bylmi. On the llhd> doy el tho

->...,. ,_.


""'"'"' '"""'

widi the ~ el the Alllwkol

Car .... ,..,~ ..... _ , ..... tiroilat - - ond

_,, Al> be diod. No ..i...

ud with ..... pot1o<vl.v .,i.. lbcnlon:.

the a-clo thal u llalile in

I ....,.

-.w .........

c:ertain "'"'

s.-. .... "'P1 "'

BabrLm ai t:hat timc.

Thit be1ng uid, d one really irnportant dilrerence becw..n 1he two accounta.
The Chmniclc rcpoH& 1 conteal betwecn Babylon and Egypl Cor oontrol o( the (Av1nt,
wi1h 1he imrnint.111 l'iOIOI")'

or 1he

Dnhylonians on the hori10n. Oe.ro11u.1 1r1uttor111 1hi1

ll.OOOol1n1 lnlu " felw,lliou uf 1l1e 1111trap uf Egypt, Syria, anti Phocnlol ognlntt Oabylonl11n

rule oVtJ;r 1hu orci.u. 'Jl1l1 ~lit to imply that Nabopolassar had 1>1'(lviwtdy conquercd

Et;ypa and 1hc l1.1v1tnl. Yet, CrYcn 11 cunwy reading of lhe Chmnlcln wouJd l111ve 1rw.e
dear, 110! onlr thal Ecr1~ nccr Jcll undcr BabyJoojan conuol, bo1 al.o d11 1h~ J>harwh
ranaiMCI a 11enO!fl'.# in 1he aJU until thc baule af c.rchcMi.ft, and e~en
ll'hy ci- U..-.. d~ oudo .-..hmg i - - el 1he p<Aiual .,, .._ 11 tNI

n..? 9-ld ... ""--""' loe rnod tite Ouamde mp<ftmUy ....i t:\'<11 .............i
. . . _... ,........ vi ,,. lh....... han! to ~ , _ -body .,....., the

'"""''"" """"*' '""""'"' ._ ...

.. """ ..............

.n,,_ .._ "' the

-..ipulcd 1h" '"'' t mu..iw ooc. w &he coodusion dmt Rttoi.iw h.inw.elr n.1nwpresed
llM: d~a r~urdrcl 1n lhic Cf1l'Ofuc.-le. ths purpose r:rr.ty ha~ hrcn
drmomtrtlte lhe



glorioui> pail o hit nativo tlly by N1owlt,fj, d11lte 100 1 llke die AM-,rians. lhe Penial\$,
od AJ.,.ndu the C,..t, ht d oonqucrod E11p1. TI1it in facl would lui"e appealed
gretiidy to tlM. Sclcuc-1d p1t1on1 fil llen>M1u1 At lhe be:ginnin,g o thc third ocntwy the
Sdcucld& oonuollod
.J dio landa th., luid provlowly bclongod 10 the Babylonian


cmpi..,, W><JJ' Sou1hOl'll Syn., Phoenic... 1nd l'oleobne. The la- bdongtd ' the
P!ol.mi... who nilod P.ypo nd poeecl .....,. - - el the Seloucids U. !he
Le.-. ... unlile the """""""' el die 26th O,.....y ..loo hod G>pOO<d e.by1ooiaa
orprwioa in dt.c mu. " ' - P.!Cltlllne pwecl .clcr Sdeud dt .._ .. &be beginoini
"' the ..,.,... - . , . the Solouad ._,. r...n, .......s.d ... ...,.,. .... .n the land.
'lm hwl
i.d Nl<d. o.! S.J-..1 ,,..... 11 lhll ~ loolt bocl 10 the famed
~... ~ ....i.I! Qu11e
-r ... the ~ Dieiy"' the
ye>r IS7 ( a IU BC) whJdo ...... duo AObOChol W .i.ow. a..,
.i _ _ , .

.._..te .. .,

the u- "' 11.0.och+ - """"' r.n..i ... the ogil ....... ( Sacho .,,,
Hun;;or 1989:330-3331DelMOlllc1997 66 - 68 ) . 1M .., ioot pboe afta bis
resw. &vnt
-., &n &he: Eall. On11 n.o d.:ada latcr. ll dte: titDe of tbe
M.,,..,,,..n r-i. in Pllleorin.. 1ti. ...S.C... el d>o Book .I Donicl poruaJOCI

N........wl"""' 11 an .......,., and dol..,...W, no clou.bc led ollusioo ID

A>chua IV, ' - ,.,upo... polici.. P"'*ed the ..,..,, el mon1 pious i - . Thesf>
th....i. el .. idonce
indttd 1h.. 1he ~leucicla e<>nalclcml lhemoel... bein to the
dynasly 11141 had ruled lhe Bbylonion mplte In the 61h cencury. Thcso notions <rJ
likcly origin111cd in the lbte 41h cctHu.ry AJ1d bt.longed 10 1he oundation mythology ot. the
Seleuoid kingdom. TI10 comp1aon botwoon tbe dyrwat1 ow1dcd by Seleucus in Babylon
and tht: one oundcd by Ntihof10l4UIMr in 1he 11une city thr~c hund.rcd ywn. eorljer would
have socrncd nuti.uul. ond o\l&tl pollticnlly Dtiul e for Ocro1,1us.


Wi1h lhis in nilnrl, wti cun now rmnm 10 1h ~ mgnu~nt ro1n the Chron.icon o
Eusc:Liul <1uo1cd !lbovo and oon1pA1"6 11 wllh lhe aooroe AWtH.ttblc lo UI or the reign or
Ni1bopol11MJ1u, RMM.ut mu11 l1ve rclicd on thc Uobylonian Chroniole for lhe description
o{ die caplUJ'CI and ac:.k
Nlnevoh by NaLopol&tN.f and bl1 l'r1cdian allie&. However,
the cxccrpl foond in lhc Chronioor1 la mueh fur1 hcr Jemovod fron1 the a.han



lhe J>m>8'" quo1ed b7 ..,.phu. 'l11i1 "'fl&C'll tl1111 il hed heen w.botantially
abhnmo1od. h 1\ou howt
IO>lual C<lfl\OplJOrl, 1or """"""' lhe !ann Bu~
,,,..., m1he ,_..
llabo>aluu..,. found 10 )-pinos. New:nhclcss, Ibero ...e


....,. lllO!$

puulong 1MA1C111..i... wh1di

..p cell ...., q...._ lhe ol.1U m"""""5 as

r.,.. M'OC .t Allliwb&nipol

complor A&w..cd1lai ,. ....p.i.17 ""'"" ..


glorioui> pail o hit nativo tlly by N1owlt,fj, d11lte 100 1 llke die AM-,rians. lhe Penial\$,
od AJ.,.ndu the C,..t, ht d oonqucrod E11p1. TI1it in facl would lui"e appealed
gretiidy to tlM. Sclcuc-1d p1t1on1 fil llen>M1u1 At lhe be:ginnin,g o thc third ocntwy the
Sdcucld& oonuollod
.J dio landa th., luid provlowly bclongod 10 the Babylonian


cmpi..,, W><JJ' Sou1hOl'll Syn., Phoenic... 1nd l'oleobne. The la- bdongtd ' the
P!ol.mi... who nilod P.ypo nd poeecl .....,. - - el the Seloucids U. !he
Le.-. ... unlile the """""""' el die 26th O,.....y ..loo hod G>pOO<d e.by1ooiaa
orprwioa in dt.c mu. " ' - P.!Cltlllne pwecl .clcr Sdeud dt .._ .. &be beginoini
"' the ..,.,... - . , . the Solouad ._,. r...n, .......s.d ... ...,.,. .... .n the land.
'lm hwl
i.d Nl<d. o.! S.J-..1 ,,..... 11 lhll ~ loolt bocl 10 the famed
~... ~ ....i.I! Qu11e
-r ... the ~ Dieiy"' the
ye>r IS7 ( a IU BC) whJdo ...... duo AObOChol W .i.ow. a..,
.i _ _ , .

.._..te .. .,

the u- "' 11.0.och+ - """"' r.n..i ... the ogil ....... ( Sacho .,,,
Hun;;or 1989:330-3331DelMOlllc1997 66 - 68 ) . 1M .., ioot pboe afta bis
resw. &vnt
-., &n &he: Eall. On11 n.o d.:ada latcr. ll dte: titDe of tbe
M.,,..,,,..n r-i. in Pllleorin.. 1ti. ...S.C... el d>o Book .I Donicl poruaJOCI

N........wl"""' 11 an .......,., and dol..,...W, no clou.bc led ollusioo ID

A>chua IV, ' - ,.,upo... polici.. P"'*ed the ..,..,, el mon1 pious i - . Thesf>
th....i. el .. idonce
indttd 1h.. 1he ~leucicla e<>nalclcml lhemoel... bein to the
dynasly 11141 had ruled lhe Bbylonion mplte In the 61h cencury. Thcso notions <rJ
likcly origin111cd in the lbte 41h cctHu.ry AJ1d bt.longed 10 1he oundation mythology ot. the
Seleuoid kingdom. TI10 comp1aon botwoon tbe dyrwat1 ow1dcd by Seleucus in Babylon
and tht: one oundcd by Ntihof10l4UIMr in 1he 11une city thr~c hund.rcd ywn. eorljer would
have socrncd nuti.uul. ond o\l&tl pollticnlly Dtiul e for Ocro1,1us.


Wi1h lhis in nilnrl, wti cun now rmnm 10 1h ~ mgnu~nt ro1n the Chron.icon o
Eusc:Liul <1uo1cd !lbovo and oon1pA1"6 11 wllh lhe aooroe AWtH.ttblc lo UI or the reign or
Ni1bopol11MJ1u, RMM.ut mu11 l1ve rclicd on thc Uobylonian Chroniole for lhe description
o{ die caplUJ'CI and ac:.k
Nlnevoh by NaLopol&tN.f and bl1 l'r1cdian allie&. However,
the cxccrpl foond in lhc Chronioor1 la mueh fur1 hcr Jemovod fron1 the a.han



lhe J>m>8'" quo1ed b7 ..,.phu. 'l11i1 "'fl&C'll tl1111 il hed heen w.botantially
abhnmo1od. h 1\ou howt
IO>lual C<lfl\OplJOrl, 1or """"""' lhe !ann Bu~
,,,..., m1he ,_..
llabo>aluu..,. found 10 )-pinos. New:nhclcss, Ibero ...e


....,. lllO!$

puulong 1MA1C111..i... wh1di

..p cell ...., q...._ lhe ol.1U m"""""5 as

r.,.. M'OC .t Allliwb&nipol

complor A&w..cd1lai ,. ....p.i.17 ""'"" ..


( Sudanapalos ). Berub\1$ ilnmedia.t~y aiak~ 1he llMitwn to S1'n-W1Jkun

(Sorakot). rue. cuneiform evidence confirms ths.1 t.he l11ucr Nlcd A:;srria al che 111ne
of NolJo)()lb&~ar's rebeJJion ( 626 OC). aod slill r.i(;eu picd llic 1hrone when Ninevth wa11
de1!1'0}'<td in 612



1he )ljlUt)' lh3l Sin j,t.r~1~lt un /Sa rakos urdered 1hc

bo.irning of bis capital finds no eorrobara.Lion in Ll1e Chroniclc. Ohviuusly 1.hi:. epi10tJJ c


bom,"od lrom the Jc~d of SardanapaJos ( Ashurha.11ip11I) 11iit legend. howevcr, d0t:t
vcputu- (tsble ror
gcnenuona. probably in 1he Anma.K langua;e. it wu pic:ked up by C1cs&as and
not in the t:Uncifonn treditioo. h had circulatcd u

othcr Creelc writers who transot111ed h into the a.n:hctypal 111le ol Oriental d espotism and

cffeminocy i1 Luer beca~ in W.,ste.rn consc iousn~ss ( fmh1n 2003 : Lenf.anl 2004: xlv
xlviii) .

TI1e hls.toea.l background of the legcnd o Sard.a.nnpalOI must bt soughl in tJ1c


poflcal 1ituatioe ol Asoyria at lhe end ol lhe reign ol Eum.dd..,. l>Wrous to

IM aulOnomy ol Babflonia within 1hc i\Jayriu empire. arh.ddoa ensured lhat a\er hit

de1th lhe empire would be roled by cloublc monm:hy ( Fromo 1992: 93- 97 ). S.m
~1.1muldn would be ins1aUed 111 king o Babylon, hut rcmain t uhordinate to hi5 othcr
son, AtJ1wbarUpal, who woold aucc:eed h.lrn on 1he;yri11n throne ( Brinkn\an 1984: 8.S
-92). Tu;, arran;emem held llil from 669 - 668 uncil 652 BC, wben S.mMo1n
u~ln rebelled against hi broiher In bid for Babylonian independence.. Titc rcbellion
cndcd in dnmatic failurc, and .. it dmr co a cloae, S.,,,1Hum-uktn clied in thc
buming ol bis capital (Brinkman 1984: 100). The Anm.11c f"'prtUS in Demccie 8Cript

diaco..,e1ed n Egypt and da.ting lO thc beginning of the Helltnislic period pre&ervea 1ht:
la.le o lhe rival_ry het-wcen the lWObrotheJ'!S, who appe1u in g_uJ'Lled fotm as. Sarbohanol
Nineveh ond Sermuge o( B"bylon. Surmuge ends his life by (;Ommitting suicide wilh his


.tOns ond duughlcrs in a hoolh filltid "''ith aromalic& 1ha1 it ~ lo ire ( Stciner 1987:
326} . 1'hc. motif of Smnug:ea tuit.:ide airead)' appeat1 in 11 1tM.lified ters:ion in tl1C
Pmib J Qesias.. N(r'ff i1 ii S..nlan.updos ot' NincYCh who oonwnib suictdc hilo hi1
aJlir11 eopil41 burns. This pve r1111a lO the fegend o( So.nJn~ in Creek traditiun.
BcrtH!i&UI ut a l"ter :author tru.n11cm:d lhe stu.ry 10 Sin-5ari'Lun/Sarukt15. In 1f1t t;n{I, the
legend o Sartlanopalos dying on o 1>yrc in the hurnin; uf hi& pahu;e l1(~1.:nn1e l:f(lt;(:Jy
not witJ1 thc cnp1ure o( tl1n 1e Lt llictu$ l311b)'1on. l1ut with 1ln: o1ll o Niucvt!h
nnd her cn1pire ( Lenf~nt 2()1)4: 6 1- 62). 'rl.e <icl th;1l l\(l1'(1811us claitned tl1u.1 S11t11k1J11
~l iS!ilC: ill<-.d .

w.) Lhe l~t king of Nint:ld1 cxphuRll -.11)' the nllllif b thc lr..11i~.ged king CJ1dering the

l1t1ming o{ Ns c:apilal


atu.ehcd lo h1.s o~n-e,. Pc:ritnl"!' tlM": ori~nal (:Al ol ~.


alrud1 1ncluded 1ho otory of 1he ..cide and placed il in 1~ limo of Mhwi>onipol and

s.m..a..w.. 11ktn. lM a later writer ...,..nsed du.5 mal~ rth ll~ acc:ount ol tbc rcign

ol Sho.WtAun/Sonltao. ~
la lhc r._... q.....i n !he ol l:mehim. ae.-i. ..Leo .. .-u,g
obou< 1lic ,_ c llol hvn. fl elo1W lhM wh.n Sln...,_lllum "loomed
lhos a "'""' .,..,,le wlud> bad beeo r.....ed &o- cidro""' bando .,. ~ up from
dio W IO oaadi Jwn. he quiddy ..... ll"P"'""''"OO 10 8""71oa .. " Thac is
111110 cloubt lhai 1hia mcmion ol lhc ,.. relen io <he Sulud prov111n e( llahylonia. 1he
M4J T...i. ute11du'I rom the area a.round Ur.Jlc. and pc>Mibly (urther 1iorth. down 1<J
1hc Pct'filttJ Cl1I(. The Seflland was still a signiJiunt 11dmini.Jlroli11e divaion o the
Mltro,>y or Onbylon In thc late: Achaemc nid period ( Jo\lnnN l990: 117). Thc colophon


of " fhunl ror tho lt rnpte o( lhe god Anu in Uruk, 1ho
111011110111 that Lhc
copiad on tlle u1blct had been plundered rom UnJlc. 1Jy NhOJJOl1tM1tir, king o the
Seal1n1i (lor m4t i/Pn1i) , and were. rediseovered much l1tcr in Lho ncighborin province
c Elom and brou1h1 back 10 Uruk by !GdinAnu. dcoc.iHl1J1I e( El wukh, ltlgl> priest
c lhe Rei 1..,.Pe, dwing tbe regns c Scleocus and AnllochUI ( H.,,.. 1968: no.



101). ....m ..
bcgimDn "'""' tbird ........,. lh LObl.a:.daie
- . ! 7 IO <he penod ol tbe w-ttgCDCJ i....,...., S.S...... 1 and A.-i.. L wldi
t- 291 uDlil 281 BC. This is richr"' U.. paiI wboo S..... ..,... 1W
..,.,.,,eee n.. ldic:lllca th.t ttaditioa usoc:Yti:na N.t>aJia'rce' W\lh cbc Se.1end..
. _ ....,,. hun kirie c lhat atea. cimlbted in 8""71M" "' lhc eod7 lleD
~riod, and wu u1c:Mled bJ ea-u. a his Bob,loniot-


Tho othcir eourc:e which aMOciate:s Nabopol1SM1.r whh thc Se11l1nd. the Declarotion
o( W11r on dio Auyriru:11, c11ir1nt be so closely dated. 'fh t1 oopy ol thc ~t probably
origln1110~ in Ur1hylot1 nnd mu5t date to the late Achnenl~nlrl or JJeri<:>d&. lt
dot:ill; 1h1> ,,._..1111<111 why thc Uahylonians :started nn ln"urroo1lnn 11nd lhon W41UCd 11 war of

rcllllitlon oalnM lhe Ayrlans. Allhougb t1le name of 1ht llllurgcnt ~byl11uiA11 i.s
not J>tcitel'\'~, 1herc ia no possible candida:te 001.ide NabopnlNto&t. 11c lta:l tpoetiie5
CD ,.. .... ....._......,._.dkS-nM.::. .. .....,.fl6t~~J~

.. ... _,.,,5 , ...



n.-"' ,

~ ~

::4 _..,.._,__...........,.......,._ O.w

........ a...-t1r....... ........ ~~......,-~,..,.,._, ........


: P ' CS-.-) -

........ ...._

........ "s


<-. ..,.,

~ llw~ ...,.__U..~

o '), ._ biJ s-Ao... n.s

( 6f1-Q& IC), ......, _ _ ..._

1u :A..~ .. ~__.._. ..................

th.t1 thc "'ho kd the in.wrrcclioo onginatud froin 1be- Sealand &nd wu dtOrien by

M1:rduk lO M\ln~ ndetship ol thr land. n1e kjn& iJ' quettion speAb in 1he fins pcraon
( Ctardi 1986: 3S): a;.

F'ron1 tho 1ojd$l of the Land o 1he lnwcr &e ( KUR<U /llp-litu 4 )
Mbrduk, the grcat lord, direc1oc.I i., g1nN. tJJ me and, in ordcr to ovcngo
the l1111d of Akk.11d, he in.speclcd 1ny 0111Cn& uud ex"1n1led 1ny loyel henl1 .


100~ me for ( exerting}

lordship of thti lands und cnl!Usted into rny

ha'Kll 1he peoples. of aU the land.

Thc mpleotlons < this 161 are cleu. N1bopolas!ar oripnaid lrom 1he S..'-1
.,-ncc {...U "6mal 1iopl1so "land ol tbe lowtr 1<1 ) and tbe gocl ldmluk MloelI him
to expel the 11..yriatJS (roro Babylonia ( Akkad) and ,.,..,. an ind-dont Babylonian
moru1.rchy. TI1e 1uotif of avenging Akltd (&lm AkW turru ) recurs se:vcrol 1ime1 in the
in&eriptioM or NitbopolaSM.r and histoiical lilcrary Ctunpositfrins related 10 him. In thc

1}u:oloSiOt1J viow of history espou&ed by ele.rica li~e BaroMu.s, this duty of nvenging a.rose
as noceunry relaliation for the desecratio111 ""'rought hy the Assyriao king Sennaehcrib al
the beginning of tbe 7th ccnlury agoioM the holy ch7 of Bahylon and lhe cul1 or Marduk
( B~I ) . No.bopol1eisar neer claimcd that he om the Se.ala.nd. Howcvcr.
.-bncd 01udr o( duonopphic :oou,_ ...i da1cd ecoooaUe aod admlnillnuJve
doc:umonll thon thal lhe ..,,,tbem cily o{ \INk wu 1urdy in his bands in 1he early
ye.,. ol Ms reip ( Beaulieu 1997 b) . Thi1 ;, podcctlr compatible wilh 1hc noti<>n 1hal
the nd provincc omled b.i$ ogit1al ba,,e ol operation, although it doet n0t per ee
prove il.

Bero&11u1. howeYer, doeis no1 say 1h11t Nal,1o0po1oissar in iti~ted the re:hellion in lile
SelaJld. R.ilhe r, he slates lhol 81 firat Stn ~R. 1..18,kun senl NabopollWillr lO Bllbylon a&

in charge of Wppre!ising th.Bl rd>ellion. lhi& , by fJO mean an impouihle 1he inscliom ol Nabopolasw mNin .;:uriolWy J>ilcnt on h is backpund.

fb 'rt.< Utdtv.t- J y_. a>ai:rU d a &,.. ...... h. tfw. ft'l~-- ~ k:ins to M ..........
,_,,....,",.,. 111 !Is nltrio l"itittp. C6iirlfi id-...l'itif.ri l'h" llol?""'' ld"l 11& K~..J~. onol t.he iel1"'Tlillll!llW lht
A>ll-1"- t..l.,g $111.i.t.rilt'"' ( 1936: 38) 1"8 h l-t:"" \"T<l4i~ ih\liottl} b)" lb.; m::cnt pvhlia l1111t J l\. l.dw rl
S!1:1 b1.IC~1u1 .,\ N'..t11,M1!; - l,1m1l,.,.tt :!:Ol>Sl1t lOJ, 21)fi 'l "~lulff 111111 lh" IA h:r miljllt l~ 11ply 10 lhr
l>:l1ml!i<n, 111 1111" 11i11til ~ 1b111 l>oto1b LCJ.U Ulllm! nm11 llk"j' (f':ln lfoli1t<-111 .a.11J ar..- w1iui;11"'ld110irnll111 t1111tl,., n,.,11

11111M ll"lll'll '

,,t ti!<', ll('dilt1ilk011 r.m1.ld ab11 l1c IM11,

Jiill~ fnn

tllC' ""1,'l,!11(1 ~"")' Hkt- thl" m11n1111cnpl vi 1h11 Ltti1er.


Thr rild no 1nfcnnaliM on lhe ol bis powcr bue belort be .........i d.. roraJ
mle. They onlr ..... 11111 1"1bopol-' wa< "die ooo ol e nobody. " Acoonlin& 10 di.e
_, ol llle ~ ol dw pcnod. Nahopolv-"" woliohlr ,.,. Jan aa SbHax-iA:.., , nc1a1 .i.. 11uw .. 1ue,n.
( 9-1,.. l 997b). ,\-"u UDlJ>O' ol A..,n.. erip. St
.,;.,, .,

.. Babrlon

.-.m;... ....

p ,_.,

1 8abyto.o ahortJy bec... Nabopo'- buo C..lod 10 -plish ha pi

(T..i- 1991 ). In lhe _,,....,,, ol d>at period it _,,. peifec:dy
tbat SI


&ArlQ:un, onct hov1ng the throoe~ com:miioncd NabopolAJNt, lhitn largdy

unknown fiure,


11thJ1ah control over Sabylonia on hlt by tJ1mltWJng other

c:llllmt1n11. Once in ohurge of cnililary uperaljon1, N8bopoll'tl4r would ht1ve teixed lhe
opponunhy 10 nu1ko hit ow11 hi<1 or the Babylonian 1hronc. 'l'hit recK1nlruetion of cverlls
a.t.onll pl11u111Jle. llowcvor, lhc cunciform Lradilion o{ thc late Aol1t101ncnid and carly
Hc.llcnt1'c porloclt fl8i0tiates. Nabopolass#r with 1he Scsaland ln 1& 1nannor which quite
cJear1y 1dcnlillea him N the: leader wbo instigated that rebetlion.

S..-.. rt!m


lhl'"'""' "" .. a ,....,,.., h.irlliog lhll hit lnhlol pooitiaa in

8abyioo ....lar IO e pleniP""'itry.


a liad ol - - Thlt -

a ....i..n

- - ol ,..,. .... """"" paYieatioa ol die ...... ol 5191.-ilklla ..

N ; 'tr ( r....ben lOOSb). T1le ~ s:::ttiffic IDUIUKl'ipt ti Uu.t Leca-~' 1he
2od CC11Wty 8C alld ,,_ J'OIU ~ Yel)' J)<Ohobly fn>m ... llbnoy o/ lhc t..gil
. . .. Be-... ,._,,,.,1, lmew do. U!XI. Unlonunatoly tha ....... io ID ,...,, poar
u.tti o! pt...rv1dun t.bai twdly a single complctc line be rcad, ao the coolenl$ of
the mMM&e AN!I lmpolt6lble to :166e55- However, in the inapi1 Stn...11-iAltun add.resses
Nabopolt1l'IM1r "govc:rnor oI Babylon, mighty kng" (la.hltanalt Rdblll 14rru. ),
1~11d 1ho col(l1Jhon doacriLtl':I the taxt as a lettr.r o Stnlurllkun, kJ ng of Asayria,
whioh [ ...... ) he. Wrle lo NaOOpolB$S8f his lord . ThlA ln1hn"1ion lhc suhordinate
1u.1u1 o Stnlr1,ku11 h1n.Uy lalUes 1"ilh l:s:tocilll factt, 11.hhwgh lt rnlghl rc:locl lhe
1il\Jll1@n o( the A11yfian U.Le Bl hay in the )'eart prceMlng thc c.ap1ure a.nd &aet= of
Nin....Ji. Ner<l1hcl.... tbe l..euer , the """"".,. ol "" .,,.;,.. tnditioa lhit


,.. 1ho """""'l' ol a ...n.lxntiaa, a1 ' """' ol und...a.1acl111c ol ...., bol...,..

ti.. ,.., Nlen. Sln......a.un . _ ad,j,_ Nobopolr lho .,,,.... ol AUa.d .., an

,.....,.,i..i -

- - and .. cloulri
.... rtbdlion .... - k apWt AaJria.


ol _.,...J ol lhe rdoolop:el J'bl'-tioo ...


~ !,"6\ci'l\OI u(

s.1,,lon . .. U.le ..\s.$yria.11 Md Babyluntan L:ing' DCC1ton1Uy bcar thc

1itJe Jaklraflakl.ll u upnhct. l 1bc more spt:t'ifie til1t iakl.'dnnX 841.n'li, howen~r. is

limi1.d '"" 1..ocl al 1he So.go.11d d)'l851y, wben the kinp or .-l>oyria dai111cd
nilership al Balwb1ia. S..,.,..n. Eoarliaddon, snd A$hwbonipol ali be., the tille
~ 8bili. S.1na!-4un1ukln also tak.cs up 1hc tille a

rew 1mct.


claims il in onc ol hlt iAtCripeiuns.. ollowcd l,y lh.e lide o( Sumer and Alckad( iltlranalr


J11r 1ntJI Sunw!ri u

Akkadi ) . 'l'bc titlt. Jailo.nok 84bJi

lf lhtn

11b(u1dc1nc:d, ohlloogh IJOlh NaOOpolns~a..r and Nebuchi.dnenr adop1 d"' relattid tille
Jtka11ulc rndt Sw1'1tri u AJ..kndi "go,emor of Sumcr tind Akkad 1 al:l'.'enrly (aund a
cen tury earlier in lho. lnll(~riptions o "iardukapla~iddina U. One tUIJ1 nrguti thtll tite
l)dop1ion uf 1ht1 1hle .r,J:~1u11i.k /Jcibili. hy Nabopo)assai si:;nals 11. oontinuily wi1l1 A111syran
practice and rnigh1 evon poin1 to l1le survhal o( the nmion o poliLieol 11ubordint1Lior1 of

Babylon 10 thc A51yritu1 e1npi1t in lhe ear1y years of hia reign. lncJood. lhe tille is
forfeitOO as fiOOn N BahylQn Leco1:ne1 a.o indepe:ndent power poiscd to ASl)'a u
hegt1nonle JUte. Ren11.rk1.hly. NaJJOpo1a.sssr does 1w yet clajm tJ1e till" lar Babi.U ~ing
ol Bab)'lon" in one ol hit h1i'O early inscriptions record hi1 cxpu_laion of lhe
Assyri1UU frnm e..b)lonio, only 1he tille w mBari "l:ing al ju.Uce. "12lTI1it. el cou....
does 001 ,,,.Uy P""' tMI llabopol...., iniu.Jly coruK!ttcd bitmdf an Af4ytian .....1.
Howevcr, l rMY reflec1 lhe uncertaint7 of the political Eituation in the earl.y pan of his
r<ign, copeciall, in the >"""' 626- 620 BC, bel-. his aecesoion lO tho throne and tbc
expulsion o the A"Yriant.
The discovery o new documenLs ma.y CYCntually 1$hed Uglu on lhis quc8lian. Whal
\li htre i1 how Uc1m!lu& inte11,reted bis sources. Like t.vcry Bahylonion
scholor, Bel'Oll6llg lniastcirt:d tJ1e 1exical lr.1dition o( t u ne ifonn. No do1.1b1 he kncw thAt thc
word .<okk"11rJlo. though usc:d a& 'O)u) epithe1 jn the h'lle period&. ctiS<lntioUy mcnnl
"gov:lllor'. Onc c11nnot i::xcludc dw.t lle eve1) knew 1he 01;ginal 1nfA.ning of l ttkka1t(1ltku
a& "111ili1tuy &le1Y111r. " Thc fa11I lha1 Nahopolus~'IJ' Leisrs thc 1i1Je ,(f1Jd(ft11<1k BbbiU 1'u1J1c-. r
thon Atu' IJ1l11Ui in the IA:ilC!r 1n11y h111e in~pircd B1:1XtSWS 10 f1>1-ge. t his1oriC1Ll thal



1\or ...._

,....Q...,tl a.,

!o- 19&7: ~16-!SO. s..-.1 1...~ -

r...,.-a. (

..,i1d t CAIJ .YI. 174 17' ., ...

.......,w .....

': 1\b ._,.... - - - ........~ J

~ ba..s ..
r.,1..... 1. i ""~,......_ ~ .. .....,.,, 1tn: 1J6 ... 1.n. ~ -.
~ ,...._.._ _, ....,....-. n..tidrr . .,......... ~ .... ~ Jtfw. ~1- .........
Ki~ ........... 'r\... ..


q1-.i... ..-lolr.hid J.., ,\lM.. ,,l lt;S.'\ 1.... ;.....,'llllnlf .....l<lll... f'~ ...~ dw- t11lr -u.11 J }"'"-"

l<Ut ll11-

'''" "t!n; ul i.,. ,.,...... r......i.. ol-.11 "' 1hio- l~111i11g ...S ~



lil!ltfb ~........


StnMr1Aun had i1uuaU) tcnl N.tbopola5sar u mdtta:y goYcn'IOr in O.bf4on 10 tuppres&

lhe rcbclllon In lhe Sealand. .'Jl tbe .,.;Jence 158"' that N1Lopo1...., hiU11CI! IArted

th rdJeU-, end S..-1


w.U haYC l'o>octod lhal. WhJ th... Wd be giff

porticWat - .. the m.knce Kuhn I* 1

N1bopoloooer w Ncbudiadnazar in


u.. Be.-.. ...... dl!Od "'" r.,,..... oi

ame."'..- 11-

modolt for Sdw 1 and

Antioohut I, d\O
lw11d..,. oi lb. Sdcucid ernpire (Kuhn 1987:56). She al.o
.-.oted th11 the hi5toritn Mcgoslhcnc., oonlelltporory ol S.leucua and
wd the srwnc1 r... wch in~laliorl!> in hi1 /ndit:G by includ1na Nobuchednesw
the pMI --iu<1011 wllo poettdod Alcuodet. <ll By maling ffol 1 ' - 1
gcncl"l.I n1tl11lly appoin1cd plenipoa.emisry in B1bylon. who l11ter tei'Cd royal powcr and
fou11ded lhe greatell empire ever ruled from Hnbylon , 8etol!6UIJ o&tbliahed on irrMitiblc





1~1 wee n

him and Se.leucu.s, who 1'08e from o ver 1i111llor posi1lon 10 l;euorue

o( tho lorgcot kingdom to ns. out of the Mbes of Alundet'a empire.


8abylon ~...rr had n.... out <I the ruins <I grat eo>pore, the A~. nd in onte.
to .,..,, hit power Sd..1cu1 bid "' oount.,- the riV1ll cloi'"" o( Antipiua
li~e lhe
A11yrin klr'll Sln-aritkun. p1e<ended IO rule Bobylolo 11 an lmptrial ovtrlonl.


a..-. .,., ..... be """""""' -n. po<allel ~..... Sdeu<Mll and die
N.o~ k -

IA i . . - . . <bal l(el>.,hod....,u'1 wi!e - oi Modiaoo ..P., a

maniap whlch had tlkgtdly been amnJ<>C1 by ls Wh N~ ro. political
l'CUOllt. WhiJe
cann04 ex.elude tha1 thia l1 ~ on hl,1orical reeord1 lmown 10


- tbe parollcl w;th thc SeJeu,c;d d)'!Wly u again in....1>able. The n... .;r. "
Sdcucu1 f, Apa- - .. lnuan pri.... , Anhoclou. 1
1he cl&pina el ihal
union, 1nd latc:r Se~cid rulen evcn !ostored 1 po1icy o/ dynatt1c m.aniagot WLtb the
5mllll1 lr1tnian royal hou..e1 ol Anatolia. 11\c~ore I i r1ulte poe"ible tlrnt Boroa.&ua
.invcnle;icJ thit M<>ry, ()r roln1orpreted sourc:c.1 which cou)d 1uggeel lhe ffili!l"lt:inC",e of that
marrigo, 1n orda lO pr'Oject. SeJeucid dynutic x.ilicie1 baek into Lhe lime o( the
Babylon..,. ...,p;.., pi_,,... the modcl far die new G.-MOdonian cnopir... Sodt
cycloal ...cJ1np ol bitory had pined c:ommon cum:ocy MnOng Bobylonitn derioa by
lhe "'"o( u.,_... Thcy pov;ded the background r.. ,,,. , .... o( ra...,, pn>pbecies
U.. t.ccame quu poput.r in late Achaemenld ond HcUcmttlo llabylonia.




c....__......... ,.... 1.-c"

... s......- ........ .....,. "

u.di ., wt.d1 M N"nW. ............,,. ~ ' Nft..m.dnt:..., A ~ ___.... al tlw

.,...,, ... '"""' .. ..,_..,.. tt96.


~'1 '9

.wdii lw-

Nebuchadnezzar and the Legend

of !he Hanging Gardens
Tl1e a<:Cllnl CJ lhe reign (J Nc~tiu<:hlldnerar in 1hc- surviving frawu enl.S of Bc rosi>ut>
ooti<:entratcs on l1i$ construc.liQll wo1;; in Bab~l<.11l, m~1-e pa11i<;ularly the Nor1h Palace

in tht Ka!\r Atound jursl 01,11Side

lh~ nliln

fottificalion \Tall. The NtJrth PaJaoe

IJecn111e 3 1:111bje(:t of inu::.rt:SI t<.> Bt:ro~us a nd the- auwrs wl10 tuoled hi1n becaui:;e il

;tllcgedJ)' hous(:d 1hc fa1ned Httnging Cardcns, o traditi1J1l tluu O))J)ealed lo the Greek$ bul
Jid 001 resonale vt<,ry J eep n1nong the Babyk>11Jans. f1. Be1'QIS$(1$ re1n,ins to 1hii> <lay 1he
onl)' Babylonia11 $0\u~-e Lhut descril>es 1he Hanging Gardens. Evcn the numerous

inS(:ri>liOl\'5 of Nebu(:had11w .."lr fail to 1n~ntion even thcir existcnL:. However1 Berost.u&'
ae(;c)Uhl uf 1he huilding of thc North Pulsee disp)ays Olie slriking corre.~pondence wilb a.
~on e taL1et of NtbuchAdnemr in whic:h 1he building of the i;.ame palac:c is
commemorate..d. 1'he LeXl of 8el'05et1-'$ A$ foU ows, as preservt:d by Josephui in

Agains:t .A.pion:~

After he ( Naboukhodonosoros) hod ortified the eity and deoorated it<J

g.ate!l a5 if t.h~y werc h()ly, he had 3 new palo.ce buHt near the old royaJ
pa}Jee of bjs fol'e.fatheJ'$. h wCJuld :ake a long lime lo descbe this
palace. its heigh1 and Lhe of its d i1nension&. ll took. however, 0t1ly
fifteen days to build it. evtn thoog,h it


splcnclidl)' deoora1ed. In tbi$ ptllace he had hig

e.xceedingly large and


tert3(;es buih that

ga\t tlie appea~ance of being 1nountains pl.anted wilh ali kinds of trt:es.

He had OOn$l111c1.ed and preparcd "''hat are c:aUed the Hanging Carden$
for hs wife, who had a )ove o the 1nountains sint:e sbe had grow11 up ln

n 1e Stonc Tahlet





o N1!lJut:had1,euar, rulgina1ly


puLJ i ~hed ;\$

IR 53- 58, contains

of lhe building of 1he N<>rlh PoiJa<:e: ~

11~ <tXitl,.l)flf' m1tJ ,.,.'111.,.., uf 1l1r H.-:u;,io" Cuuki lu,1~" ' ""'" ,1.,.,,,.~,., .,


1111tid~ ia thl' om( (o:,.:

rt'-""" 'll:.11 ""~ ''''011 ,.,_., i> tti~h.l~t m1d 1i.:.lli11111:r 2IX!S. ,.lltO Pfl-"iI im o:~h;au1li l',. JoililOcg:1p)1y "'' 11"!' j\11,;lion
u11d ...,i,,.,1111ti1ol ,; ,..,,~.,., uf 1111: lc-.<li111.,uy .,f I~

V11l ..11ffJ ir J111d 'A'kk1:r.ilN1111 1996;$11 l

t,f T n"':Ji tc:r,l\iQI) :ool(!

dt,, ..,,,.,;,,... , ,,


= l<urdl\iJo 1?78: i1 ; ~1~!.d 19!}: 111..27'.l.

t.._.,J ,,.,., .J lli> I'"'"""!>.,.



Jk,--..lw u 2<.J(t!i lo, lto!\"lll'o;~ 11) lot\'1i('1J 1111Mir:1(im., :.liiloJ

19iJ :31(.l..J l2 .


tht R.,d Seu. and IJuih tht: 1.1il~ 1'eredon


the place of the incursiona o

the :\1'3.l1t. liis pah1~t 100 he adorncd \\' ilh tree&, ilnd glh'e jt the name of

lht Han;Jog Caidens.

The allfiliution o-f Ll1is fr11sn1e111 rcn1t1in1 uucerlain. In <..:hapter 4 l

reproduc:cs 1h1'6C 1wsages of Abyde.nus on Nc:bucha<lnell.llr, of "''l1it h 1hi1 one is lhe
1hrd. In tite- lirae pRSMge: Abydcnus doim1 10 quotc llJcguahmcs.. t..u1 he does. not
1epe~11 1bjs c::ltiim in the sccood 1nd third Jl4-~~CJ. The.rc:{on: in the laSJ two p8558gi::S
Abydenus eould fQllOY.' anothc:r soutee, po3ti"ilJly Ik:roosos, lndccd, Sc:linobc:l ( 1923 :
271 ) and Bu"'ein ( 1978: 27) l10Lh a.u.rihutc the 1hird p.assago lO Be1'0QUs., lf Abyd11t.J$
1,.,. foll.....d S.......... he 1ppe1m; io hac mOdifoed 1hc ..;poa1. lf h<I ollo....d
Mega&hCl'lE!$, thttn it raises the que&tion o che. &0urces used by ~legssthene1, becaw.e
the frag1nen1 dofinitely looks ftuft1>iciously &inlilRr lo Berossus. In addition to the (jfteen
dayg, both suurc.ct show an inlcrcst in the fat i that Nebuchadnci.u:r proeeoded 1.0 huild
1he volls a( Btbylon immedltelr aft ..... mlng ..,..i iowa. Eilher Ah)'dcnUI oneiged
the accountt. o( 8eros.sus. ond 1'tegathen.e or confused thcm with one another, or
Mcgastbene$ bon'Owcd <lirectly fro1n Berossu&. Mcgasthcnei was Gree.k, and tbereore he
Jllu.M relltd on native n{ol'Jnant.s like Bc:J'Qat111 for B1b1lonian n1a1ori1l.
'Ibe history o Ibis. rnocir hecomes even more complex es we oons.ider thc Penilt.a of

Ctcsia.s. Like the Babyloniact1, 1hc PerJi/m At'fl no longer oxttt.nt. The ollowin.g fragmen1
..,.,.. from 1he Library or lftol')' by Diodorut of Sicily, Book n, S. 7-9. 3. ln this
~ c..;.. dcombes lhe building activili. . "'lhe ~ Senriramis in e.bylon.
The ollowing pa~ge oonduJca lhe .oceount of her building ol 1he royal palM:ta. <l>

Now tbis p&lace far t\.IU'J'lll.~ in ho1h ii.ite :.nd detaila of exe<:uliC>n tllc
onc on d~ other hank o tl.C' river. For thc cin::uil 11 o( the lau.ct. made

'1 hurn.:11 hck. wM only thirty 5tade1 long. :uuJ infitc~d ol tbe 1ngeniou~
pC1rtnly11I of uni1n11Js il lit'* !Jron~ ~tnlu e11 uf Ninu' (lncl Smninunis on
1!.eir 11ffi1.reni.. a nc} CllH' 11l11U of

and un t1





\\l101n the Buh)'1onians i.:lll 1lttl1.u1~

l.iolh halllc"IM%0C.'S and hunlt of a-uy l:ind,

whith lillcc:I I~ who ~7.t'd lhcr~"' w11h ntOO cn1otium o plea1urt:.


{llQnd llll'11 1._ J..,., .Jil;... 1., tlld...IW'l 19611: )'1&lSI .


Frr.....-h ...tilio:111 I'!' tAir.,11

200-4: 36-..1 7.

, .... ~ ..16 ww-:ald.o....iJc.i-lA~1'5191.


Arw th;. s.m.n.... pod:ed oui he lo..est -

11a1>y1,..... ond bullt

..,..._,....... . .. liw<>o liandr.d """ .. cac:li a.d.:

,... ..............i <I bMed bncl: ....t ltmnen, ond had clei<li al tlurt1G.e r.... n..... diTUft& tho ri~ n.o ;~ .i.. wh .. adergroot>d


r........ polacc .. the .,...,; and maJ:;ng "o( bum..t brick,

lhe """ted cbo aullI chamboro on both 1id.. with hoc bnumen until .he
had rnedc lhe th,k:k.neM of thi c:onting foor eubitf.. 'The aide walla o thc
poMO.p..way were 1wen1y briclui and twelve (ect high, u clule i:J the
bendvnuhy and che wid1h ol thr: paMAge--way ._lineen fMt. Aftd at\cr
1}111 conlillUcllOn had been finilbcd in ooly s.even d)'I ahe lt!1 die -rcr
btck pin in10 ta okl channcl. and ao. tince che 1tre.m Oow.d lte

lho pMM&.C-wa7. Seminunis wu able: to tJ> tcrOlt rom one pebioe to 1he

ocher withow peuing cwcr the "'et

n.1. P

JCKrihoa lhe building ol an underground J>6M"SC"'W)' belWM:n the 1WO

palaoM In Babylon. lt gjvca an extnordinary ahort amount of cb71, acvcn, in which this

MOOume.W 7 r...i..d complrlion. lt J)f<)boble thaJ o..;.. ~ed

tho t<adl-. .... tbo building al the North P.i.c., h,. Noucliad..,....,. anributod the
,..,..... Seminmis. ..... chooa-1 the lillC<9 11a,.. al lho ori.,..i ....,. .. - . if ds
been one ev"'- ~ lO
liad""' ol,_y-= m _.i.,. IDC!itioa. !!;. thc llll.tgod ~al lit-+ 1 iA [mdrim, the drrmifto( tbe riT<r, ohoenl 6e..-. a> ~ aocoum <I the h~ <I Assyrio Md Bsbylon conW... W.-


nochina which can be lnlccd to Meoopc>W!'.ian oouroe1. h

largely o a
hodgcpodgc of legend he pn:.umebly plcked up hetween 404 1nd 397 BC, whcn he
wnt re1ldent J)h)'sicjan '1t t.hc Por&iian court. Semiromit flg.i,1 re.t 1)rur11incn1ly in hi$
nnrrAtivc o( die history o UnbyJon. Th1, accordng 10 J0Wi11hu1, gro111l_y in/uriated
8t:irouu11 anti may havc (or'mcd one af Lhe motive& prornpti11g hirn to write his
80/,yloniaco: <


s.r-. gn

bis -

111-t lho kmcs ...,......,.. aboYe and

..,.... othct lhiop bt..dcs ;. lho boclt " ha OWdeae

h....,.. ., ..tdo he aleo blaaw !he Cr..a ..,;,.,. far thvr "'"Y""""'
(J) -~..wdr.11 i'f+ '

.. ltrl;MM .-.! ,._,., "' M



.. '4 .... blod.JI

t w~ M _ . . . lile b1t.lldtas of !he ~ N..

(11 V11_tlinig;be tind Wl1!lmllom 1996-'9 ( liln11M 1911: 21 $::~ lnt 271- 2?))


tn MI) i111


..mi" IO ....

Ben.-. (a,'-:f

fl lhe !issyri&os foundcd S...h)l c. and

m ....ndruo1f l..ildiug..


tl1 . . . lllllt91pl.



Qea5 n::a:ai:ocd thc authomcid M1WCC wt b

llobybo "' .... e~ lliodoN. _ ...................,. wb.le
he .,.....,. IO ..... o.,.._i S . - aJ._i.e.. Jl;odon,s. ~cr. - - Wwed
gcnuine iftlt"~ lft &1,,.1..-w.u_n cullure. 1kd a ol his l.itw-.,., ol lltttory ..... .
;MetJ.lly 01.eunrte poru11t o U11t Chatdearu4 lhc clcritaJ c:ailc o 8.ab1lollMl Here
OiodorUI f.1Lv1oul1 rel1ctl fJn tin.1 hand &ourccs, acc:ounUi ol 1r&1.\'elt11t or pe1lwipt fl'ltn hit
own peMOM.I t1cx1uoi1111u1t1:1 wilh &OltlC 0 1aldcans. One nlso noces tht11 OlodorUJ, noc~k rr.
10. I, d<'H:lf 1u" 11111'i hut"' 1he l'ln11gi11g Ga.rd~ns to Se-mi1n1nif. ( Oldflttl1or 1968: 383 ...384 ):

111cro w& IM1, booldc ~1e acropoUs, ~1e Hsng;ng Glllden, 11 11 ..Ucd.
t,-bK<h ......, hu!h1 "31 by S!, bua by a 1-ff S)'rian ki"I to p)dlie one
"' ... ""'"""- ,., ..... lbepay. ~ Pe.sian by tlCo and qrc r..
lho m!lldoooo o/ I -.ins, ..t.d che king 10 . . . _ , "-'gli iJ.e
arur... o1 sUnied ..,-. lbe diolioctn. Lm.lsrapc o1 ......,._

'lll 1- S,nu kinc e<rideclly Nebndw!........ Dooclon. . . _ dom

lmlition o the Medo (h<re Pct>ian) ~ of ls wU<, ed .i.o ......t. thal oh. Lag
bull lhe c..d... IO aJi...a1c Iocr _ . . C< che hndoepe o/ hor ...... laod. , , _
elemenu pn>bobly onin..ecl on e.,.....,.. We do 001 kwh<ther CleOI.. ~nd"ed
the Hnngin.g C.u'flont in h11 Pmll:a. Al the point when: OiodonH bc&in li1 llCo..IUnl ciC
the Cordent lu1 no l<1ngcr o11owa the Periika. but pick up h8 narrative lrorn i.n
unknown &<111rc:c 1h111 uvldurllly de1"1eJJds on the Buh kuritu:a. <D In d1>ng llO Ita hootl11
Rero5iw~ -~ril lf!I Mn or Chi&lm~ lOld uthet Creek aulhorli who a11ribu1ed tlir, Lull1ll11g Y1'1)tk 1
of In Oubylon lo thc leg.entlary 5<-:mimmi.
ltow rAn e fl"(.t1nflil.N1J 1be IIlory o/ thts u..;f? h ori11na1ed "' lhe 1une


l'ld.ud1..i..,...,, ho 1-..n "' oin:ul.., .. oll"Jcial c:laim 1i.. 111< Honh Paleoe


Bai.rlon ..... ,_,. '"'"""""" r.o- ...,,.. """-'"' ;,, .... luldtog ............ o(
4 [~~ ........... ~4-~.....-.~s.-


c..-. ........... ..,..... ....,._. 0 . - .J. ...... .._. ............ ,...._ - - . . ........__.
s.:-. - ......... ................. ,. ...,.. ............ --. ....
-- ..... """!. . . . .....,....



lhc 1ung, 1.hi1 cbna ewtuallr p:t"C rise to a popular lcgie.od ltor tioUoc:tod by
and funho1 di...,.,, bf lum. Ocsi3s ~ lhe ory eulit""" ol lile BobylooiM
....,.,. ,. ha P...J.o Accoidi" IO Iris _ . . , ol l'loar C..- i....o.y. lhc

-ie -

follow.d br !be Mee!;.._,,,., lucio nal,,d B&bytonia 1DC1e
......,,__ C - lllllihuc..I lhc ol Babylon wl "11 11> ardulCCtW'al mar<eb 10 Wa do "" . _ lhc arigin ol lhc lqoad ol lile """""' C.nluo. 11.. can
e opooily lila 111.. whcn dm legmd ,... jcimd IO lile llOfy O the buildinc ol lhc Nri

k&end simply rcllects lhc INth, ..... Ncbuchadn....... wd build

H1ngln ( i. lenaccd) Cardem in the North Palace. 8ett1Uu1 recdflcd lhe clajJns of
Pa!Kc PclhlflO ....

Ctcsint and anr1hulCd the grandiosc rebuilding o( B11byle>1l to Nebuchndnoiuu-. led
hlm lo uon1uh ,ICK1u111e11ll which probitbly included enuinc l;ulldit1g ln itCJiplioniS.
Oo10&1u1 1nAy hA\'C CJ'ltultcd thc Stone Tablct o Nehuoh1dl\O~tt1r. whloh ce>nloins tbe
ol1jJn of fincen day1. Megasthenes did much to propag.a1e lho legcnd of Nebuchadneitac
h hoglnningol1he Selcueid period (5""k 1991 :93-97 Botwonh 1996: 122- 124).
11 die 6-t111 quO<od by Euoebius is io be auribu1cd hlm, then ,.. ""'" ....,me dw


... lollo....t 0 . - ... ........... - 11-P lile r......,.,m in quesion also

_ . . 10 i.o.- .Jemma &.m ~ <Dlndeed, M_,t.....,. ...d Ba "t h.d eme
.... ia - - 1bey oliued .. ioterell io p
.ocW lar lhe StJ.eca d1


u.. Ggw.. "' Nabuc:h.ulaazar ..

The Succcssors or Nebuchad neuar

and the Fall or Babylon
.lo&t)\ho& prtt1t1rvee
of tho

11uocitt11K1r1 u(


subetantial fragment nl 1h11 llabyl(}l1oca dovotod to thc rcig;os

Ncbucbod1)ettar uJrtil Lbe dcn1i.flt uf Dilh~l_u 11 in SJS> OC:~

1%> U.I 11.I,. tlW: q119!lllMmcil&l1"' d.lingJthc /Nhc. and iM &li1'-4M

l .... ..,. t111bllitho4 ...utttl 310 8C. ~ tllll gcncnlr _ _, 111

. . _. . . ._.,...._. . . . . . . .

Ui.;ollfllit 19%1 121 ..,_ Lhlll.lbe


.a.. ... w fJ.._.. ~

titJ.ot ~

........ ....,, ...... '"-1.otfott . . ~. i f - ................... .., ~-. ".-..211 IC.

lThltWlllh-W ...

......._ _., ... ~ .... - a-~ lipa r - ..,.__.....,.. ......... ..a. as- ...
...._, ..... -b a..w- ..... ..,.. ..., ~ ..-.. ............... _...__....,.......
........... ..,..J ... ....,.,.._...,..........,. . . . . .., . . . . . . . .,,. c..- ....... Ccdl
u h=r ... ~_,..
...... ,
clrmc. ...

_,e...-.e ..




......... No '

h=... ....
_..i..._ .. .., ......
.. .,....._.....,....,....._._._._,._.....,..



~ '~ ... ~ 1996.60>41 ( .. ....._ 1911 1'1 ~........ lt'U

1'. -.Sil).

f\al.u..L.hodone111oft.-, aflcr he had Lt-gun !he- building fJ lhe alh

mt":ntion~d ho,e, fcll Mc....ok tld d~. lito bid n:ignod fony-1hrec: )'e&l1.
Hs -<J,.. ( = A~l-Monluk) ~ 10 lhe lmpliip.
Ht Nled apN::H1wJy and had no ~ k:.r thc laiw. Hit ..Mer't

lnOOend. ~...,.. ( ~eq;a1.w..,,., ) , plou.J "P'"" "''" ..d

lilkd him ful-.dolho. bad rukd
l"U'i M 1lwo n-c ..Cu!
plol and ~~lftlhon.. Nerigla!&IU'OI rulcd OUt
H aon
l..aLo.rot;u.-11.kiLl10eJ ( IAa.L.M1udul), 3tiU e child, aut..cetdt.d l(I lhc
thrunt a.nd rv1tid for n1ne toonlhs. 8:111uM: uf hi e"U wy, hit fricndt
ploud aiplnM hl1n, 1nd he u l>ea1en 10 deat.h. Aer l..lill101woarc,k1kho1



been l.1U.t.


1he p&oucm CIMIC lo M greetnenl lhal


Nobonnodo- ( N.t.o ...J) fu>m Babylon should rule. He wot onc of

1he ploUel"I. Undcr lll1 rule, the wallt o Dabylon along thc rive.r wcre
1-einforccd whh b..k.ed bricks itncl bil1unen. In 1.he sc\entccn1h yur of hit
reigo C)'NI 1narclied .a.p;nst him from Pe~ia with


lhe oC loo lm.,lo. and _..,. ogirut Babrlon NolMedoo

learned .,/ CJ"NO OOllg atlac:k and ordcwd ls U"'f 10 -ble and
- ..... bui he looa die boule and had IO lloo wilh 1 (cw WJowen IO
s-;ppo. w!.uo he blmcadecl hmel. Cyrus capturul R..l17lon nd kwl
the wallJ ol the outer chy ,azec1, boeautc they preacntcd too .irong a

dcfense ro.. the chr Cynis wcn1 10 llon.ippo to boalese Nobonnodoo.

Nobonnedo. dJcl noo woh r.. !he qie IO begin bu!
rc.ived him p>lciouoly. eiled hi.. ,.,,... llollylonia.
but pve him Karn10.n1a nalead. Nabonnedos apent the rctt o hl1 tite 1n



that c:ountry 11nd dlod 1here.

111e tihroooloy .lvcsn fur,:h n:isn ia: aocura1e, wid1 die c.1t1~hvn ol Liahll
Mrduk who rt1gnf<i or1ly al ..1 two mcwsths.. nol 1riu.t hl\le olJl&incd hit

et.u ... the lcnh ol eoch ltgn r..... king listf ,...,.,.!han d'"''""' lodttd .,....,..,.
to h1 MX-"flUnl el Nat.11pu~r. he appcan. hiere to havc: ~ ti~ Babylon.. n

ChnmK'.'I., St:nns. whuh g.lttw gruficantly d11Tcrcn1 dctaili>


lhe cnd o NabunidWi

{ Cra'"""'" 197$a: 109- 110 ). IJ 1h....y divf"..rp- nirn 1hc <lunniclr, lht hiNuric:al dellil

t. "-'-' _,

O t ' ...._


IJ ........,_. ............ ..,. ..._. _...,. ._ 6r -

---. A..,.,_.,.. r l ' " - ......,! c...d. n.....S. a... ..... ..._, ........ .__... _ ......
... ........ ..... ,, .................. ~ ... ... . ,, u,. ~.. "' l.{ .?..... M..M.f..


lrnlshect by Ber(l$1UlS agree l':Hher well with thc Oynastjc Prophecy. Tbi& is quite
iutertSting Lcause the Prophecy originales &om Babylon and datc.-s alnlosl certai.nly to
thc early years o die Seleucid period. 11-iereforc it is probable. that Bero!!Sus was familiar
with the tradilions re<::ordcd in it, if no! ,.,ith that very same tcx<. A i the rule for this
literary genn:, the Prophecy <loes


i~ d~cri bed

refer clearly


specifieaUy allude


Naboojdus. Howe,er, hi.s

in non r..quivocal tem:is a:od is i11ee11ed betWeen two p&ages whieh

10 La-abS~Morduk

and Cyrus: <I>

Column ll

9 '. Af..r h;m ( = NerigH,.ar) his son ( = l.-al>l!-Marduk) will s[ il]

< on > the lhrone.
JO'. He w;ll no1 [ bt """'" af U.. land] .
11 '. A re[ hel J prince ( = Nabon;~\ls) will ori,.[ J
12' . Thedyoa>1y o!Harran [htwill J

13'. For seventeen years [ he will exercise kingship) .

14'. He will opprcss thc land and [ cancel J the festi\'al of tite Esog[ il J.
15'. A wall in Babylon [he will build ).
16'. He will pl[ot ) evil ogainst the land o! Akkad.

17'. 1lle king. of Elam (

= Cyrus)

wilJ arise. He wi ( U !Jei?.e ) the

scepter of the king..

18'. He will 1-emove billl !ro1n hjs throne and

19' . he will i;ei1.e thc throne. And a& for the king who wiJJ be removed
< from > 1.he throne,
king or Elrun will chM ( g) hi place
21' . and settle him in aoothcr country.

strikint co:rresp0ndenOC& bctwcen BerQS.Sus and the Prophecy.

For inst.ance, they show tlle same intcrest in the work undt.i.13ken by Nabooidus on
Babykln's fonification wall. 'l'hc Prophecy and the Babyloni(J.C(J are a.loo Lhe only sources
There are sorne


recording t.h<'l t C>rns sent Nabonidus into cxile after his downfall. In addition, both
narrali\Cs ignore the tenyeM long stay of Nabonidus in Teima. 'fhe Propheoy, on the


ather h.imd. dtieS mcmion tf~ fl::\'Ult1ng 1n1.erruption ul thc !'llt"' Y ear f::baJ in Hab~lon.
'nii Is c:on:!ie.n:tiltll "''ilh the intcr~t.1 u:f 8al1ylooian chronic:lct. whi(h often put ht:11vy

enlpha.'1 l1 on C'U hic di:sn.1pljoui\, f:ll.f1Ctiwlly iti lhe capilt11.

In hir. lra1tl:f.h1Lion 11.nd (lt:1t1u1iotthuy on lhe Babylnnit'loo., Huni.iein nv1ed tl1ut ll1c
u.uoounl <J .Nllhonidus ri!e lti fl(>'Wcr auunds

\'ety ~iuUlar

to 1hc tinc Cound io a tenuin.e

'""'""'""'a( Naborudus. !he '"nbul Stm (Bumein 1978: 28, n. 111 ). lndccd. l.otl1

imply lh 1.J-af>oU-lnluk w~ killt:d by COMpu'llon who d'eo agrt:ed

' pUl

N1banidut on the thronc. Ahhouh th1s <loes not ncc."eliiarily imply that Bcrossu.s had

knowh:t.l15c ol' tlKll in$(:.riplietn, ll"ic (lOMiLilit)' tha1 ht: did 'A>en fltO llg given the foc' th1H
1he l.su1nbul Slela was found In 1he re.inaitu; of 1hE'! No)'th P11lac:e, ari arco o BnlJylon in
...hich "''as cvidcntJy inlcroAltd s.inoc h~ mcntiona thc building of thai pa.luct In

tlMo Bob~onil=. do TI1e unfavorable po11tai1 of Aml-Marduk 1nd Li-~-Mmulc in 1he

Bah,.lonioao aJso tthoos lh,.. l~"hul S;.da ami may ultin.altly depend oo i1. Ho.f'\'ftlr.
late litermy ""'' publisbed by Gnyson somc thiny yean otP and now thaugl11
io be a pitte al pro~t1da commiuioncd by Nabonidua aleo coola.ins a .somewhac
negativo ovaluatlQTJ of Am!lMarduk which may havc l>een the source of 8eiw1u1'

aooounl o! thi& king. <f>Tiwreforo, il aeerr1s probable 1ha1 Botouu.s rtlied chiely on tho
Oynailic J>rophccy or sou'le J)Arftllal tradition for hi.i brief AOOounl o Nahonidua, and

posldbtr tito

Std Jld other bisaorical-li1erary le>.:1$ originating in the

cMncery el Nabooidus. The . _ -.ble ..,. remaln lhll - . Wgely ;_... in
tJiia c:ase 1he. e"idencc from thc BabyJonian Chronicle Scriet. and did not follo"' che
on lhe lstanbul

11rancf o( 1n.,lition which viewed Nabonid1.1s negavely.


"" consider 1his rng,.1ent,

we rnusl also

concludc tluu Bcrossu&


genui11i1 hif!.loric11I infonnalion wl1lch hu not hccn reoo,ercd by 1nodern scholarship. One
we;h cx11m1lc is hi$ (;)aiin 1ha1

NcrigJ~r w~

lhe bu,;.b1nd u(


Th.t1 i111portanl piece cJ in(ONNtion oppcars only ll BerolialS, bol

conohonaliun in c uneifonn sounin.


~~ t'lfili1111

ul di!' SLd.



A Neo-&byfonimn tul rotn Uruk men1inn1 D

t,~ Sd'941tll~ 2(lO I : )14-!i'.!9.

1btt 1 ~11111INI ~IJt or N11l.0Alid1111: ....~ prtilmblr ,, ~l:w

dll" /frof\11 1111!.u:1t. i1. ...., ,1;,.,.11,.t1tI 111 11'w \.,1i;hu1iri; u t.l1i 2()11i rfllluty.

'I ~ .~,jt"-b m,md iu d">t 11rt11 of lhi

l"l!f11it 1'11111111 '"" 1i...1~ i11 Uny.r 19ll :l~.t -1:l$ ( wlllo ''"'" ls1m'11I Sk.111 '* I~ ), lloe uk u tl!t t:1:W111tr, u ,,
l';d- >u-~ (Stiih~). ,., .,,.,.,. 111;~ 111..- all....... 11t11111im1111,I) .t...ul..it1~.

'11 111111 tc1C1...., Ut.iWl1 ..,tolltOlo..d lo



pi..,..,~ "1 ,,_

19?Sb:S)- 9l IW--

__.. .,.u-.....

"111 1, ~ 20(tJ, 589-S90.




d>ught<? rL Nehodi.>d_, nomcd KaUaya alonp;dc.,,., Bcl-lum-i!!l:un,

oC N4b0tpir-1a'i. et TI~e Ho}kt,ikndu o N'ebuchodneuar lisL& 11 Btil-ltu:tii~kun with lhc sarne
father a& shoikh of' ll1e Aranu:11n 1rib11l of PurIJdu nlongiside une Nerpll1truaur . appea19 whh 1he oflicia} Litle $.imnwgir. lt seemJ 1nOll likcly that this Norgal--iarvs.ur U. none othcr thc Cuturt. ting of the SilJUe n1.1iwi, wbo appean: undcr the fonn
Nerigjissu ( Norigli>a"" N.ngi.....,.. in Bcrossus. Norisll- clams in hi& boildi~
iresc.riptions to be ll!On o( a princ. n1uncd _B)~uni - ~kun. h acems therefore probable that

6 61-~u m - ilkun

is lhe sanle 111 the onc mentioned uloogside


Nerigliss1u in tl1e l/ofkalenJer. Si1nllnrly. 1hc: mcntion of Ko.S5aya next lo Be.llu1ngkun

in OIP 122, 120 ntay imp]y somo family link be1ween the lwo indi'1iduals. lf wo follow
lho inomohon pn>ded by 8 - , it ....,,. ..........,le to oandud lhat K.dioya

appears Itere alonpide her f.ather1n-law. Tbc ~idence remains ror the rnomenl
inconelusive. btn Kagga.ya may have been the wifc o Negli&S.'.lr. Vlhere did Bero~us
find bis informatlo11? fwo po&sihilitica oome to mind. One note& lh::il the cntrie1 o the
Dynastic Prophoc:.y dcvoted LO Lht

r~ign& o( A1nc1 ~Mo:rd uk

nnd Neriglia&Ar aro not

preoerved. Simlariy, lhe ..ant menttteripa rL lhe Bob11o<1;an Chronicle Serieo bw<k
clf a!ier the elc-=!h yw oC Ncbuchadneuar IO , _ only ,.jtJi the 1hird ,ur o
Nerig!issar. The 14milr rel.ation o( Neriglissar to predec:cs:sot$ mlghr becn
recorded in une o these sourcea. Futn~ discoveries will hopefully shcd ligj11 oo this





u hiRorian. in tpite ol the faet rhat hit. boolc: l.!

known only toUl ftaginents, none o( wbjch is appa-rently (irsu1nd? Berouut h.andled
sources i11 n l1iglily i;e}tctjve and ec:lcclic manner. There ie not a single <:unc:ifonn te.d
which can be &ho~n Lo form tite boekbone o his account o{ l:ilO Babylonian hi&tory. He
even ~ 10 ht"e ignorcd mucb of lhe da1a reoorded in lbe Babylonillft ChR>nicle
Serico, cxoept lor l& occounl rL On lhe Olher hand, he
relev11nt sourc;ea qu11e accuratdy lo clcirlfy poi.nUJ of lntcrCll lO him. His di1Cus1ion of lhe
building o Nubucl1udoez:utr'$ Nor1h Palo.ce 1..estifies t lhi&. He also adr,ip1cd a11d
w metin1cli djs1011\ld ovidenoe 10 1>rcuno1e llis views, (or in~tn nce in l1is duJ)ic1ion of


<D ....._..,,,.




120( fr'~'200J ). ,,.., ....... ""


~~ll')&n.liit.1'91.Ullllht ..Ww:c:&..h~ht

~.l~auer ~.rntnJ t.'<Mnmi.aontd by the \;,.s-y~n1 tu


1ht St.Jand

td>cllion. lk!..m U...i "' aa .,,,;'""""' ~ .,..,od Lnowl ..... anc1 pnnodod
to -.hh ol wnaen MiW"~ untQJ.1..ble dscw~ 1n \tOOfMru ,. di. how
_,.. dod .... uor. lv ,_. .._., 1t- ....,... .,,.cmohc.lly \nd dod loo (ou ral11
-iu<t ,.,..-h, "' -i,. .,_aoLlod r.:.. he ju>I h'I ....t 10 L.... In.ah pr>enl
tnlAlftl u .01bc ud hular'! 1he l"t:&&.dl ~ seena di.w.ppo1n1u-1 bt t:Onl(:n11IOAI)'

~ ol h1MrKAI ~reh.

and ~'l'etl by anciietll



wu no

'l\uc)dtde. In h"Mlh, lhe l11hel o/ htitoan wbich is still 11arnc-1t1nc. 1111acbod IO hi. n.rne

ttem 1ni1lcodin. Ahhouh 1he contain some hlMorlc11


1he J1J<1J

o( Daro~UI 11P'Jlrt pri1n1ti1) apologe1j~. $1f\'illg 10 dtnl<JUlt'ltc die untit1uity or

B11byloni1t11 l1't1dllion1J

iu 1n

t 11vlru1une-n1 ~l1trt lheir rel twnnce

Wl ll llll



111n11ar o f

c.:ou11>6. \Ve U)UM 11lso koop In n1i_nd that BabrlCJnia nt:vcr h1ul u '1011rh.hln1:1. 11t1dhion of
historiogr1phy. Mott hittoric.:1J "''riliug was suc:cinct a11tl 1hcoJoioal In orit1llAI<Jll,

revoJv;n& l.11'f"ly IJOUnJ .. ,...,. o/ tbe polit;cal and ooon10lopca) !JMlrllil)' o( 801,)'IOO,
The um1 ra'ni ol Ykow (M!"es lhe n alto &he only!on..., wloo lllap<ed 10 oin _,.,.. ahat had pr<oudy CU'OU!ud mdopt1tden1Jy o

.... .....t..... . -... lor die W. limo

snoptlc -

oi llob)loroou lrodo...,. Such

.. .ir... ..ole! i.... -.iled tbe ..........., oi -

""" !he .._

~ whidl dod ftOI - " ' tll-lhe dommant ti..-. ol doc boolt H......,, the
~ beJ111 no~ ex-. ~ is samcbmes dl'o<ub 10 ioolo.. lhoM 1i..-
cm.inty Md IO why lmlitiam appealed IO S..-... _... lhan od-. The
general mpnt&lon 1h.1 BeroMm ollowed a e;apriciou.$ '"pick and c.tlOOlcl .. 1ppro&eh 10

his 1ubjec:1 mr"'1 (n (ll(':I be dMJ l'e5Uh of the &ag:menllU'J' orrn In wh1Lh 11. work hu




J1Sf>(!1.:I uf die /J1&l1Jl.<J11i.o-r:a 1ncts 1.0 he Q1111~hm1l}',od, h i& 1ur1111fk11blc

how n111ch lhn l1ook n10C!Cll nullouk& "liich are sp<~'.irlc to ''Ufl11ol'u 8oun '& 11 11.e
HcUcniJlic: prrioll.

n,. wr.~ 1lcuwu~rated (JUile dr.una1it;;:illy

w11h 1hu\1try i11 die

19601 <l d)( hlll fi ~ ond ku~ rom Hdlenistic Cruk. \ll'htrl lw.i. a lu1f" t1owr111Jt!f' b

~pondrft<'n with 9-amJ.r lis. ooncl ia 8'..-..1. T .. ., ti llW" IW1,lonlla. 'TilC

., tnw M "'"'_.. vf tt~ "'~ ~ in 8hul: nen.,. .uf,h 1ht- unnt't1t"'1

.Nai............nd &hr: Sc.l.nd. and die~ "' ht:!- ,......,.. ___ lh ''"" A.""'nain
\.,. Sl~.,u..,.. 11w '-~~ w.rh ~ ~~J(' l'rl~y ""'' t"'nlil:uaJJr
Pftl"e to bto 11\fl nwi.e .,.,.,rM:ant lo untknlmd Be:rt6sus .,.;.... d hNon .,.... 1.-a1 el 11.,..


Praphcry .. .,.,.,,,, ~f'fl. f.u1 .._....~ to tbe "-' 1f,..,t,k '"U11.,.ru'-hon 1t.

iwmi bcpn ""h thc Call </. Aloyrio mi lhe .,.. < ihc B.uyloruan ...,,.,. and ended
with the C..11 ol Achocmenid p.,.,_ ond lhe oe el 1he S.leucid empiro. IJ> Thenofore 1he

</. d,. Pmphecy may ha.. been to Ollablioh parell"1 l><1Kttn h rite oC
Babyi... .. d.. ...i o( che 71h c:en<wJ ..,. w. ,, ... Scleuclda .._ eucdy llm!e

hwwlr.d y... (Sl>eowii>-Wltc 1987, 10-14) Suclt eycloc.ol ...!iap"' ,_,....,

wdl ..,...od 1a INI pcnod. ...uhly ill lbe Urok "'"'*7 end che Sulg; ~ode. ba'1s
lno"" !mm ma1111t<ripts d.,ing io lhc Hellenisbc pcnod U. Urult. e Die! S..- ,,,.,_
that wtluok 1 A 1 have t1gued M>mc iridieations lcad n thi.t duettW,n, and the llCt chat
his worlc ..-01 t.ltKljcalcd lo Antioehua J n~nkes it evcn rn~re llkcly lhtJJ polhic"1 iiite.nt
... be MCtlbed to che Bubylonia<. 1\i& would add 10 che complexily of hia wodt, and
1.nchor it evc more fumJy id tbe o( earty HeUcnlabo S.bylonia..

oJ.ft.wi. f . 11 11 (1985), Nt .. -~Re

.. e.i.,-.. Oi 47, 1-13 ud pi. l.


W..t .. che

w.n lmpr-blil

aJ.ftM, f . N 11. (1 991 ). " More: Royal ln!Crip<iono 6- 8oJ>rloa,' IJWJl9, 1-

Aubcrp, J. { 1991 ) , Clh..... Hia""' d<l'Ori<N ( Paria) .

8-lku. P.A. ( 1993). 'The lliauiric.l ~nd othc Unik Prophcq,' in M.

E. Coheol mi O. Seell. .i.. , l'llc T""'41 onJ tite Sao/.I, N_. ;,,_,.
S.udia IA ...., o/ll'rla4m ll'. Hallo (Betheoda. Mvybnd) 41 -Sl.
Bcaullu, P. A. ( 1997a), 'The Cult ol AN. SJ.R/ ANlll in Babylonia An11r thc Fall oC
tho A111yrion EinpirCJ. '1 Staw Archives o/ A1.1,ritJ. IJ1JLtJW. 11, SS-13.
lluuliou. P. A. ( 1997b), "Thc f'ourlh Yeor o( lio11ill1lo in che Land," ~~

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200)1)21-12:>, .... 1.- dlllJ ti ... k. . . , . _ VI - -b-

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