Message From Ian Roberts, Head of Schools Service: Autumn Term 2014

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School &

Governor News
Autumn Term 2014



In this edition . . .
Welsh in Education
Strategic Plan (WESP)
Diwrnod y Ffynnon
Schools Causing
Mandatory Training

I would like to thank headteachers and

governors for the many messages of support I
have received since my appointment to the post
of Head of the Schools Service. It has also been
humbling to receive congratulations from past
There are many challenges to providing high quality educational
services in a large geographical area such as Powys. It is important
to value diversity and to ensure that provision is of a high standard,
affordable and sustainable for all of our learners.
It is my intention that through developing a climate of mutual trust and
respect that the Schools Service works in partnership with schools to
ensure that the Local Authority, our schools, our children and young
people are amongst the highest performing in Wales. As we move
forward together, there is a need for good communication, clarity,
transparency and engagement to ensure that there is a whole system
approach to improvement. It is important that we work together as
one education community to a common goal of high performance. It
would be unrealistic to expect full agreement on all matters but through
positive relationships I am confident that the aims as outlined in the
One Powys Plan of All children and young people are supported to
achieve their full potential can be realised.
As we enter a new academic year I look forward to working with you


Since 2011, the authority has been preparing Welsh in Education Strategic Plans (WESPs) for the
Welsh Government, outlining how the authority will increase the number of pupils taught through
the medium of Welsh in Powys, in accordance with the Welsh Governments Welsh-medium
Education Strategy (2010). In December 2013, new regulations were introduced which made it a
statutory requirement for all authorities to prepare and submit a WESP.
The Welsh in Education Strategic Plans and Assessing Demand for Welsh Medium Education
(Wales) Regulations 2013 require all authorities to regularly submit plans to the Welsh
Government, outlining how they will contribute to increasing the number of pupils educated
through the medium of Welsh. The regulations required all authorities to prepare their first statutory
WESP for the period 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2017. This plan was to be submitted to the Welsh
Government, who had the power to either approve, approve with modifications, or reject the plan.
Consultation on the authoritys draft WESP for 2014-17 was carried out in the spring, and the
WESP was submitted to the Welsh Government as required. The authoritys WESP has now been
approved by the Welsh Government, and it has been published online. The authority will now be
required to report annually to the Welsh Government on progress, and will be required to produce a
new WESP when the current plan expires.
The regulations also include a requirement for all authorities to carry out work to assess the
demand for Welsh-medium education if less than 50% of pupils in the authority are taught through
the medium of Welsh. Powys County Council will be carrying out this work in the autumn term.
A copy of the authoritys WESP for 2014-17 is available on the authoritys website at http://www. Alternatively, copies are available by contacting Sarah Astley, WESP Co-ordinator, sarah., or (01597) 826265.


Welsh Government at the end of July, approved its share of the funding for the new Welsh medium
primary school in Newtown to replace the current Ysgol Dafydd Llwyd buildings. The new school
will have up to 300 places and will be built on part of the existing Newtown High School site on
Dolfor Road. Following submission by the council of a business case to support the investment,
Welsh Government has approved a contribution of 50% of the estimated 7.8m cost of the project.
Work by the councils appointed contractor Willmott Dixon will begin as soon as possible with a
planned completion date of December 2015.

On the 24th June, Welsh-medium pupils from mid and south
Powys took part in Diwrnod y Ffynnon, a day of Welsh-medium
activities, at Builth Wells High School. The aim of the day was to
celebrate Welsh-medium education in the area, to raise the profile
of Welsh-medium education and to provide valuable opportunities
for the pupils to take part in activities through the medium of Welsh, in
an area of Powys where these opportunities can be few and far between.
Since September 2013, the 8 primary and secondary schools that provide
Welsh-medium education in mid and south Powys have been meeting as
Clwstwr y Ffynnon, to share good practice and raise the profile of Welshmedium education in general. As part of the clusters work programme for 2014
it was agreed to hold Diwrnod y Ffynnon, to give pupils from these schools the
opportunity to use their Welsh outside the classroom, and to meet Welsh-medium
pupils from other schools.
The event was very well supported by the schools involved in Clwstwr y Ffynnon, with nearly 300
year 3 7 pupils attending. This included pupils from Ysgol y Bannau in Brecon, Sennybridge
Primary School, Builth Wells Primary School, Ysgol Dolafon in Llanwrtyd Wells, Ysgol Trefonnen in
Llandrindod, Rhayader Primary School, Brecon High School and Builth Wells High School.
In the weeks leading up to the event, all pupils had taken part in a competition to design a logo for
Clwstwr y Ffynnon, and the event provided an opportunity to launch the winning logo. The winning
logo was designed by Emily Proudman, a year 4 pupil from Ysgol Trefonnen, Llandrindod, who
received a certificate and a book voucher. Certificates were also presented to winners from each
year group.
During the event, pupils had the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities, including Gemau
Potes (fun games) led by the Urdd, Street Dancing led by Powys Dance,
activities with presenters of the S4C programme Stwnsh, an art and
craft activity led by the Art department of Builth Wells High School,
and a singing session led by Emyr Jones, Headteacher of Ysgol y
The day was a great success, and it is hoped that similar
events will be held in the future, to continue to raise
the profile of Welsh-medium education in the area,
to give pupils valuable opportunities to use their
Welsh outside the classroom, and to increase
pupils confidence in using their Welsh.


New Statutory Guidance for Schools and Local Authorities was published in February 2014, which
provides information on legislative requirements for intervening in schools causing concern. It
states the reasons that a School would be eligible for intervention, for example, if a School has
been deemed by Estyn to require significant improvement or special measures. A Warning Notice
may be presented to the Governing Body based on the following circumstances.
If the standards of pupil performance are unacceptably low;
If there has been a breakdown in the way the school is managed/governed;
If the behaviour or actions of pupils/parents at the school are severely prejudicing the education
of any pupil at the school;
The safety of pupils and staff are threatened;
The Governing Body or Headteacher has failed to comply with a duty under the Education Acts;
The Governing Body or Headteacher has acted or proposing to act unreasonably in any of his
or her functions under the Education Acts.
A copy of this Document is available online at

As a key element of School Improvement Strategies, Classroom Observation is considered a vital
way to improve learner outcomes and to raise standards through the development of high quality
teaching. Observation provides an opportunity to share effective practice and to impart support
and guidance. All visits for classroom Observations should be arranged in advance between
Governors, Class teachers and Headteachers. It is considered good practice to provide feedback
through either a verbal or written report to the Governing Body. It is also vital to remember that the
purpose of the visit is not to judge the lesson, but to gain a better understanding of the classroom,
teaching and the schools initiatives.


The Governors Annual Conference will this year be held on Saturday 22nd November 2014 at
County Hall, Llandrindod.
The main speaker at the conference will be Paul Charman from Fischer Family Trust who will
deliver a workshop on the use of Governor Dashboard.


Induction Training

All governors newly elected or appointed since September 2011 are required to attend the training
within one year of their appointment or election.
Governors who do not attend the training within the required training period are automatically
suspended. If the governors do not complete the training within the six month suspension period
they are automatically disqualified from continuing in office as a governor.

Understanding School Data

All governors newly elected or appointed since September 2013 are required to attend the training
within one year of their appointment or election. All governors re-appointed since September 2013
will also be required to attend the training within one year of their re-appointment or re-election.
Governors who do not attend the training within the required training period are automatically
suspended. If the governors do not complete the training within the six month suspension period
they are automatically disqualified from continuing in office as a governor.
A governor who has completed local authority data training in the year before the regulations came
into force on 20th September 2013 and is being elected or appointed for a further term of office is
not required to attend the data training. Any governor who has therefore completed local authority
data training prior to September 2012 will be required to undertake the mandatory data training.

Chair Training

All new chairs of governors elected with effect from September 2014 must attend training within six
months of their election as Chair.
Any Chair who does not do so within the prescribed period will immediately cease to hold office
as a Chair. If that governor wishes to stand again for election as Chair of governors they will be
required to complete the Chair training before they are eligible to be elected as Chair. This includes
Chairs of shadow governing bodies.
It would also be considered good practice for vice-chairs, or anyone who expresses an interest in
becoming a chair, to attend this training to assist with succession planning.

Clerks Training

All new clerks to governing bodies and clerks to the statutory committees (the
pupil discipline committee, admissions committee (for voluntary aided and foundation
schools only), staff disciplinary and dismissal committee and staff disciplinary and
dismissal appeal committee) appointed with effect from September 2014 must attend training within
twelve months of their appointment as Clerk.
If a clerk to the governing body does not attend and satisfactorily complete the
mandatory training the governing body must remove the clerk from office.


Thank you to everyone I have met for the wonderful welcome since starting
on June 1st. Over these first few months I hope to learn the views of as
many of those involved with supporting children and young people who have
additional learning needs in Powys as possible.
This last year has been difficult for all concerned, but Powys now has an ALN Strategy and is
developing a staffing structure that will deliver better services to learners in the context of national
drivers such as the ALN White Paper. This is not to underestimate the challenges ahead, but I am
clear we shall do so from a position of shared understanding and partnership working.
The role of governors, and in particular mainstream school ALN governors is critical in supporting
the head teacher and SENCo/ALNCo to develop services and systems in schools that will deliver
inclusive learning and positive outcomes for those with additional learning needs.
As mainstream and special schools continue to develop capacity to meet the needs of those with
ever more severe and complex learning difficulties and or disabilities, the LA will facilitate and
support schools through, training, advice and clear statutory processes as well as strategic access
to quality enhanced and specialist provision.
I look forward to working with schools and governors wherever possible in what is the truly
wonderful county of Powys.


Powys Healthy Schools is delighted to announce that four schools in
Powys have become the first to achieve the National Quality Award
in July. Llanfyllin High School were the first to gain this accolade demonstrating excellence in all
seven health themes through leadership, curriculum, ethos and community involvement.
They were closely followed by Llangorse C in W and Newbridge on Wye C in W Primary School
and then Carreghofa C.P. School. A key factor in the assessment day for all schools was the
importance of pupil voice as a key presentation was given by pupils about what makes the school
Also important was how supportive governors and the community were working in partnership and
the fact that that schools continue to develop. All schools have wellbeing as the underlying element
and a strong PSE curriculum but they had to compile specific evidence files after completing an
extensive audit, they should be congratulated for their extensive hard work and ensuring pupils get
the best healthy starts in life.

Tel: 01597 826402


Schools and Inclusion, Powys County Council, County Hall,

Llandrindod Wells, Powys. LD1 5LG

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