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October 2012 - Sakhalin extended-reach well pushes ERD envelope to a world record

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Sakhalin extended-reach w ell ...


Vol. 233 No. 10


Sakhalin extended-reach well pushes ERD envelope to a

world record
To reach reserves in the Odoptu field, located offshore Sakhalin Island,
Russia, ExxonMobil, as operator of the Sakhalin 1 project, drilled nine
extended-reach wells from the Sakhalin Island shore, culminating with
the record-setting OP-11 well. Lessons learned on these wells will be
useful for designing future extreme ERD wells.

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MICHAEL W. WALKER, ExxonMobil Development Company


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Schematic representation of the extended-reach wells drilled from the

Yastreb rig onshore to the Odoptu reservoirs over 11 km offshore and 1,800
m below the Sea of Okhotsk. The subsurface cutaways depicted are for ease
of visualization only. Graphic courtesy of ExxonMobil.
Extended-reach drilling (ERD) offers economical access to reserves that were
previously out of reach. This access can be achieved from existing infrastructure,
with the added benefit of a reduced environmental footprint. ExxonMobil, as
operator of the Sakhalin I project, recently drilled and completed nine extendedreach wells at Odoptu field from shore, culminating with the world record


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October 2012 - Sakhalin extended-reach well pushes ERD envelope to a world record

extended-reach OP-11 well. The well reached a total depth of 12,345 m (1,784-m
TVD and 11,479-m vertical section) in 60 days with less than 1% NPT.
Challenges that were successfully overcome during drilling included wellbore
instability, shocks and vibrations, and high torque. The application of
performance management workflow reduced downhole shocks and vibrations,
optimized hole quality and resulted in the drilling of each hole section with a
single BHA.
Besides stretching the limits of the ERD envelope during drilling, ExxonMobil
also achieved extended performance from a completions perspective, as well.
Significant achievements for the OP-11 well included the successful placement
of a 9?-in. floated liner at 10,758 m without rotation and the placement of
completion equipment at a world-record depth.
The design for such wells typically employs detailed modeling work. However, a
thorough understanding of ERD operational complexities is also required. The
design considerations, techniques and lessons learned that are described in this
case history can be used to provide valuable insight for the drilling and
completion of future extreme ERD wells.
The Sakhalin 1 project is comprised of Chayvo, Odoptu and Arkutun Dagi fields,
located offshore the east coast of Sakhalin Island, Russia, Fig. 1. Development
operations began in 2003 at Chayvo field with the Yastreb land rig and were
complimented in 2005 with development drilling operations from the Orlan
platform. In 2009, the Yastreb rig was moved to the Odoptu field, approximately
75 km north of its previous Chayvo location. At Odoptu, nine ERD wells were
drilled from 2009 through 2011, targeting Miocene sands. Production and drilling
facilities are under construction for the Arkutun Dagi field development, where
drilling is expected to begin in 2014.

Fig. 1. Sakhalin Island map, showing

adjacent offshore fields.
As of January 2011, 15 of the 20 longest-reach wells in the world had been
drilled in the Sakhalin 1 project, with the Odoptu OP-11 surpassing the 2008
Maersk BD-04A well in Qatar (Sonowal, et al, 2009). As ERD drilling techniques
and development needs evolve, additional record-reach wells will, undoubtedly,
be drilled. Planning is underway to drill wells with measured depths in excess of
13 km as part of the Sakhalin 1 development.
Because of the limited exploration drilling data from Odoptu field, the
development was designed to be performed in stages. The first stage of
development was designed to obtain drilling and production performance, thereby
allowing optimization of future development operations. Hence, the project
included drilling a vertical disposal well and seven ERD wells, with two additional
ERD wells subsequently added, Table 1. Production from the field is piped back
to Chayvo field for further handling.
Table 1. Odoptu field wells summary

Following the drilling of a vertical cuttings reinjection well, the first two ERD wells
at Odoptu were designed to ascertain the height of the oil column, thereby better
refining the remaining drilling objectives. The first well, OP-8, drilled an 8-in.
pilot hole that penetrated the reservoir section horizontally in the oil column and
was geosteered updip, to locate the gas/oil contact, measure reservoir
pressures (and determine fluid gradients), and exit the top of the reservoir again
at a 99 inclination. The pilot hole was then plugged, and a horizontal production
hole was drilled and completed. The second well, OP-7, was drilled downdip to



October 2012 - Sakhalin extended-reach well pushes ERD envelope to a world record

determine the pressure and fluid gradient in the aquifer leg of the reservoir. It was
subsequently sidetracked horizontally through the oil column and placed into
production. Using the pressure and fluid contact data from these two wells, the
height of the oil column was determined, and vertical placement of subsequent
wells in the reservoir sections was high graded.
At Odoptu (including OP-11), the typical well design includes 30-, 18?-, and 13?in. casings; 9?-in. liner; 8-in. hole to TD with 5-in. completion screens; inflow
control devices; swell packers; and 5-in. tubing to surface. The 30-in. conductor
is driven to a depth of approximately 90 m. A 24-in. hole is drilled with waterbased mud to 800 m, where the inclination is 40 to 45. An 18?-in. casing is run
and cemented to surface using the stab-in cementing technique. A 17-in. hole
is then drilled to 3,800 m to 5,250 m, MD, with non-aqueous fluid (NAF), building
to an 80-to-87 angle, and the 13?-in. casing is run and cemented. Below the
13?-in. casing, a 12-in. hole is drilled, building to a final inclination of 90 and
reaching section TD just prior to entering the objective hydrocarbon zones. This
allows the 8-in. production hole to be lined up horizontally to the objective
sands and minimize well positioning risk. The 9?-in. liner is run air-filled (floated),
utilizing a mud-filled 6?-in. drill pipe landing string, to add additional hookload for
pushing the casing or rotation as a contingency. Once in position, the liner is
cemented, and a liner top packer is set. The 8-in. production hole is drilled
horizontally through the objective sands. At TD, the drilling mud is displaced to
filtered NAF, to allow running of the production screens without plugging. The
lower completion is then run into the open hole as a liner using a swivel tool that
allows drill pipe (landing string) rotation to overcome axial friction, while not
rotating the screens in the lower completion. Once the completion liner is in
position and the liner hanger is set, the upper completion is run, consisting of
5-in. tubing, downhole pressure gauges, gas lift mandrels, and surfacecontrolled subsurface safety valve.
Drilling rig specifications. The Yastreb rig package includes a top drive rated
to continuous drilling torque output of 91,000 ft/lb at 130 rpm; high-torque range
three drill pipe (6? and 5? in.); four mud pumps; six shale shakers, and highvolume mud and base oil storage capabilities. The rig does not rack any drill
pipe in the derrick. It has an attached pipe barn used to make up stands
(including BHAs), and feed pipe or casing to or from the rig floor in range-3
doubles. This eliminates racking limitations and provides a structure that
removes many physical barriers that might otherwise hinder efficient
construction of world-class ERD wells.
The first few wells at Odoptu produced several lessons learned, resulting in slight
well design modifications. Use of high mud weights in the 17-in. hole section
eliminated wellbore instability and enabled smooth, low-friction 13?-in. casing
runs (Dupriest et al., 2010). In the 12-in. hole wellbore instability was
commonly noted, which resulted in raising the mud weight up to 12.5 lb/gal (the
point at which the 47 lb/ft, 9?-in. floated liner becomes neutrally buoyant). To
minimize the risks associated with the instability in the 12-in. hole section, the
13?-in. casing setting depths were extended to deeper depths. Initial well
designs set the 13?-in. casing at 3,800 m MD, but the OP-11 was the deepest
at 5,254 m MD (1,543 m TVD). Typically, setting the 13?-in. casing deeper also
allowed the 9?-in. liner to stay either entirely or mostly within the secure
confines of the 13?-in. casing, while crossing over to the 6?-in. drill pipe landing
string. An additional benefit realized with this modification was that it provided a
better split between the 17- and 12-in. hole sections, which then allowed for
the improved potential for shoe-to-shoe BHA runs. The drill team also noted that
buckling loads on the 5?-in. drill pipe began to limit the amount of weight-on-bit
that could be applied in the 12-in. hole section. The 6?-in. drill pipe was used
to mitigate these buckling concerns, while also providing improved hydraulics
and hole cleaning benefits.
Performance management workflow. An integral component driving the well
designs and operational practices is ExxonMobil' s Fast Drilling Process global
performance management workflow. This practice has been well documented
(Dupriest, 2006; Bailey et al, 2008), but is noted again, due to the continuing
significant impact on drilling performance. The workflow ensures that limitations
to drilling performance are continually identified and eliminated, and it also
recognizes that the quality of the hole being drilled is of paramount importance.
This all-encompassing approach touches on almost every aspect of the drilling
operation, from the base well design to the driller' s brake handle. Prior to every
drilling or completion phase, the drill team performs a pre-section review to
discuss the upcoming operation. The purpose of the review is to discuss
performance limitations, recent lessons learned, and recommendations and
differences from the previous similar operations, and ensure team alignment on
the forward work plan. In addition, upon completion of each section, a section
debrief is performed to capture and document items that worked well during the
operation and should be continued on future wells, as well as document items
that did not work well or required further improvement. The debrief also provides
specific recommendations for future wells and a plan for future analysis.
Details regarding the various specific optimizations that led to the outstanding
drilling performance on the OP-11 well are the topic of a separate publication. A
high-level summary of those items would include performance optimization
processes, bit design, vibration modeling (pre-job and hindcasting) and
optimization, flat-time reduction initiatives, and actions to extend operational
The OP-11 was the eighth ERD well drilled at Odoptu. Lessons learned from the
prior seven wells were incorporated into its design. The drill team recognized that
to reach all the objectives, the well plan would result in a world record well, Fig.
2. The wellbore schematic is provided as Fig. 3.



October 2012 - Sakhalin extended-reach well pushes ERD envelope to a world record

Fig. 2. Extended reach nose plot. Red points represent ExxonMobil wells
drilled at the Sakhalin 1 project. The blue line represents the Odoptu OP-11
well directional profile. Black points represent all other wells.

Fig. 3. Wellbore schematic for Odoptu OP-11 well.

Batch operations. Batch setting operations were utilized to set the 30-in.
conductors, as well as to drill the 24-in. hole section and run the 18?-in. casing.
This process allows efficiencies to be gained from repetitive operations, and it
minimized the mud system swap-outs from water-based to NAF. Using the
Yastreb drilling rig, the 30-in. conductor was driven to refusal at 81 m, with one
intermediate cleanout run with a 24-in. BHA. The operator has discovered that by
drilling a partial 24-in. pilot hole, the conductor is driven more effectively. Below
the 30-in. conductor, a 24-in. hole was drilled using a mud motor with a 1.15
bent housing and gyro MWD survey tool, using water-based mud. The hole was
kicked off from vertical, beginning at 180 m, and built to 41 by section TD of
800-m MD/ 739-m TVD. Build rates ranged from 1 to 3.5/ 30 m. The 18?-in.
casing was then run and cemented to surface, using stab-in cementing
equipment. For OP-11, these batch-setting operations took 7.1 days.
17-in. hole and 13?-in. casing. After installing and testing the BOP stack, a
17-in. drilling BHA, consisting of the drill bit, push-the-bit rotary steerable
equipment and MWD, was run on 6?-in. drill pipe. The drillstring incorporated the
latest BHA and bit design learnings from prior Odoptu wells and resulted in
dramatic improvements in vibration reduction, steerability, and overall rate-ofpenetration (ROP). Once the BHA was in the hole, the water-based mud was
displaced with 12.0 ppg (lb per gal) NAF, the float equipment was drilled out and
an integrity test was performed to 14.5 ppg. The hole was then directionally
drilled, building to 81 inclination by 1,250 m MD. At 4,700 m, a second build
was performed, reaching the planned 87 inclination by 4,900 m MD. The hole
continued to section TD at 5,254-m MD/1,543-m TVD. This was 46 m shallower
than planned, and was a result of the BHA continuing to build angle. After
reaching 5,254-m MD, the hole was backreamed with no indications of
instability. The bit was graded 2/3/WT, but one stabilizer in the BHA had
significant wear (which had resulted in the build tendency). As wear on the
stabilizer continued, it became increasingly difficult for the rotary steerable
system to overcome the build tendency. Higher lateral vibrations and stick-slip
were observed at the end of the run, as control drilling for directional purposes
destabilized the bit.
This 4,454-m section was drilled in a single run, and was a 17-in. assembly
distance record for the directional drilling service provider. Typical operating
parameters for this section were a 1,270-gpm flowrate, 40 klb weight-on-bit
(WOB) and rotary speed of 160 rpm. The maximum observed drilling torque was
45 kft/lb with average ROP of 100 m/hr (150 m/hr in the beginning of the run).
The rig' s six shakers were screened to minimize sand content in the mud,
which had led to erosional tool failures in previous wells.
The 13?-in. casing was run mud-filled to TD without incident, and the casing was
then cemented conventionally. This section took 10.9 days to complete (drill and
set casing).
12-in. hole and 9?-in. casing. Design considerations. The 9?-in. liner is
designed to be set horizontally just prior to entering into the hydrocarbon-bearing
objective sands. The 12-in. hole section in the offset wells experienced
instability, so mud weights were raised to 12.5 ppg early in the program. This
action placed the 47 lb/ft 9?-in. liner in a neutrally buoyant condition, when it
was run air-filled. Any additional mud weight would result in the casing trying to
float out of the hole and would increase the force required to push the casing into
the hole. Heavier casing could have allowed additional mud weight to fight the
instability, but it was not available for this program. Hence the plan was to
continue to utilize 12.5-ppg mud and deal with any residual instability by
backreaming the hole prior to running the neutrally buoyant floated liner.
When running the liner, hookloads are typically very low, and pushing with the



October 2012 - Sakhalin extended-reach well pushes ERD envelope to a world record

top drive (5-8 klb) is common to speed the run. Once the liner hanger is
installed, 6?-in. drill pipe is made up, and the running string is mud filled, which
allows hookload to build, thereby providing additional push force for the air-filled
liner. A sub in the liner hanger service tools provided the necessary separation of
the mud-filled drill pipe from the air-filled casing below. Rotation of the liner was a
contingency option, but it was not utilized for the successful placement of the
liners at Odoptu. Preferably, the entire 9?-in. liner would have remained inside
the 13?-in. casing, until the liner hanger was run. Hence, when the liner entered
the open hole, it could be rotated on the drill pipe landing string using the top
drive. In actuality, on OP-11, approximately 400 m of 9?-in. casing extended into
the open hole during the 2-hr period that the liner hanger was being installed.
Actual operations. The 12-in. drilling assembly consisted of the bit, a pointthe-bit rotary steerable system and MWD. The bit had a 6-in. tapered spiral
gauge with depth-of-cut features in the nose area. Above the BHA, heavyweight
drill pipe and jars were run, followed by 3,500 m of 6?-in. drill pipe, then 5?-in.
drill pipe with premium high-torque connections at the top of the string. The 6?in. drill pipe was run on the bottom of the string, as this is the location of the
highest buckling loads, and it had the additional benefit of increasing the annular
velocity, which assists in hole cleaning. As per plan, the section was drilled with
12.5 ppg mud, with a flowrate of 1,150 gpm. The directional assembly drilled as
per plan, holding the tangent angle of 87, then building to horizontal by 10,500
m MD, reaching casing point at 10,758 m MD/1,774 m TVD. At 9,900 m MD, onbottom drilling torque approached 60 kft/lb, and lubricants were introduced into
the system. By section TD, drilling torque was approximately 5962 kft/lb.
Except for some sand/shale interfaces early in the section, vibrations and stick
slip in the 12-in. hole were extremely low. The 5,504-m section drilled with an
average ROP of 46 m/hr.
After reaching section TD, the hole was backreamed into the 13?-in. casing with
only minimal indications of cavings (wellbore instability). The bit graded 3-2-CT,
and several stabilizers had noticeable wear (up to ?-in. under gauge). The 9?-in.,
47 lb/ft floated liner was then run on mud-filled 6?-in. drill pipe without rotation.
For casing strings with light hookloads, surge effects should not be ignored as
they can result in a significant hookload reduction that might otherwise be
captured as higher friction or otherwise written off as modeling error or hole
Once the liner was on bottom, the entire casing string was filled with mud, the
liner was circulated, the hanger was set and the casing was cemented. The liner
top packer was then set by rotating the drill pipe (to overcome axial friction) with
60-kip compression force. The liner top packer was pressure tested to 3,700 psi,
and the service tools were then pulled out of the hole. The 12-in. hole took 20.6
days to drill and case.
8-in. hole, lower completion and upper completion. Design
considerations. This hole section is designed to be drilled horizontally and
contact multiple hydrocarbon objective sands, while making an azimuth turn
from 125 to 90 (to facilitate future well placement). Near the end of the section,
inclination was lowered to 87, to reduce overall section length. Equivalent
circulating density (ECD) is a significant concern in this section, as the operator
uses 5?-in. drill pipe inside the 9?-in. liner and 8-in. hole, with 6?-in. drill pipe
above the liner top. This design provides robust buckling and torque resistance.
ECD can add 4 to 6 ppge in this well design, depending on the flowrate. The use
of liquid lubricants is commonplace to reduce rotating torque, improve weight
transfer and reduce axial friction.
An additional phenomenon was documented in the OP-11 well that can
potentially impact well designs and drill pipe buckling loads, as well as ROP
performance. In many of its ERD wells, the operator has noted a reduction in
hookload when the pumps are turned on, especially while drilling smaller hole
(i.e., 8-in.). Hydraulic forces (pressure and shear) acting along the drillstring
combine to reduce the hookload and place additional compressive loads on the
drill pipe. For extreme ERD applications such as this, we have noted a hookload
loss of 40 to 50 kip, merely by turning on the pumps to the drilling flowrate.
Depending on the well design and the drill pipe in use, drillpipe buckling, higher
surface torque, and poor weight transfer to the bit (reduced ROP) can result. The
operator has documented that as buckling limits are reached, relatively minor
flowrate reductions can improve weight transfer and significantly improve ROP
Of paramount importance at these depths is the need to keep the BHA in the
hole and functioning properly. A round trip to replace a failed BHA component at
extreme depths can take five to six days. The operator' s emphasis on vibration
reduction (by design and operating practices) is critically important in extending
the service life of downhole tools. The directional drilling service provider must be
properly aligned and actively engaged, to ensure that the downhole tools are
maintained to their highest state of preparedness, support necessary up-front
redesign, and actively participate in real-time vibration mitigation efforts.
Completion designs for Odoptu field were carried over from the highly successful
Chayvo field drilling campaign. Lower completions, comprised of screens, inflow
control devices and swell packers, are run as liners in filtered NAF and
positioned into the 8-in. open hole. Because of the shallow TVD and ERD
profile at Odoptu, the lower completion equipment could not be successfully run
into position by slacking off, alone. Thus, a swivel tool was utilized to enable the
landing string to be rotated above the screens, which removes axial friction and
provides the additional force needed to push the non-rotated lower completion
into position. The upper completion is then run without rotation. Previous papers
have discussed completion methodology (Helmy and Veselka, 2006; Walker,
Veselka and Harris, 2009). Other than the use of the swivel tool, the completion
philosophy remained essentially unchanged from that previously presented.
Actual operations. The 8-in. drilling BHA consisted of the bit, point-the-bit



October 2012 - Sakhalin extended-reach well pushes ERD envelope to a world record

rotary steerable tool, density neutron, MWD, formation pressure tool,

GR/resistivity, heavyweight drill pipe (HWDP), jars, 7,900 m of 5?-in. and 6?-in.
drill pipe. When tripping in below 8,500 m, the drillstring could no longer be run
on elevators (due to negative weight), so the assembly was rotated into the hole.
The float track was drilled out, and a leakoff test to 18.0 ppg was performed,
using 12.4-ppg NAF. On-bottom torque ranged from 58 to 65k ft/lb while drilling
the section. Flowrate was reduced, as ECD approached formation integrity, with
the majority of the section being drilled at 500 gpm. This action had the added
benefit of reducing the hydraulic lift on the drill pipe and resulted in better weight
transfer to the bit. Since off-bottom shocks and vibrations can be more severe
than on-bottom, backreaming on connections was limited to 3 m at a reduced
RPM to minimize shocks and vibrations. Instantaneous ROP was limited to 65
m/hr in the reservoir section for formation evaluation requirements. A total of 21
formation pressure tests were taken in this hole section. The 1,587-m, 8-in.
hole was drilled in 10.9 days.
After reaching TD at 12,345 m MD/1,784 m TVD, the openhole section was
backreamed, the BHA was rotated back to TD (negative weight), and the well
was displaced to filtered NAF (required to eliminate plugging of production
screens). The NAF was filtered again after pulling back to the 9?-in. shoe, and
again at the 9?-in. liner top. Additional liquid lubricant was added for the ensuing
completion run.
The 3,740-m long lower completion, consisting of 5-in. screens, blank pipe,
inflow control devices, and external swell packers, was run, followed by a liner
hanger and swivel tool. The assembly was run on a landing string consisting of
5?-in. drill pipe, heavyweight drill pipe, and 6?-in. drill pipe. As modeled, the
assembly could not be successfully placed in the well without rotation of the
landing string. Figure 4 is the actual slack-off plot for the lower completion run,
and shows that at a depth of 11,700 m, rotation of the landing string was
initiated to continue the run. Once the lower completion was at depth, the liner
hanger was set, and the running tool was released. The filtered 12.3-ppg mud
was then displaced above the liner hanger to filtered 9.5-ppg NAF, to aid in
running the upper completion and the subsequent displacement to diesel. The
upper completion, consisting of 5-in. tubing, downhole pressure gauges, gas
lift mandrels and safety valve, was run. The well was then circulated to diesel,
the production packer was hydrostatically set, and the well turned over to
production. The lower and upper completion, and diesel displacement, took 10.1
days and was completed on Jan. 7, 2011. Figure 5 shows the days vs. depth
plot for the entire well.

Fig. 4. Hookload hindcast of the Odoptu OP-11 lower completion liner run.



October 2012 - Sakhalin extended-reach well pushes ERD envelope to a world record

Fig. 5. Day vs. depth plot for the Odoptu OP-11 well.
ExxonMobil drilled and completed the OP-11 well in 60 days to 12,345 m
MD/1,784 m TVD, with a reach of 11,479 m, establishing new ERD reach and
measured depth records, and with less than 1% NPT. The well was able to be
drilled with a single BHA in each hole section, demonstrating what is capable
with careful and relentless redesign, flawless execution, and strong
commitments from service providers. Significant items contributing to the wells
success included:
Detailed up-front modeling that yielded a robust, flexible well design
A purpose-built drilling rig, ideally equipped and suited for ERD operations in
the remote, sub-arctic environment
Well-trained operating staff that was empowered to optimize performance and
flawlessly execute the plan
A global performance management workflow that extended drilling limitations
and highlighted areas for future focus
Lessons learned from this and other ERD operations associated with the
Sakhalin I project will aid in the construction of future record wells.
The authors w ould like to thank Exxon Neftegas Ltd and its partners for permission to publish
this article, and the dedicated operating and contractor personnel that w orked on the Odoptu
proj ect team. This article w as adapted from IADC/SPE paper 151046 paper, Pushing the
extended-reach env elope at Sakhalin: An operator' s experience drilling a record reach w ell,
presented at the IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition, San Diego, California, March 68, 2012.

The author
MICHAEL (MIKE) W. WALKER graduated from Lamar University with a BS in
Mechanical Engineering in 1982. Mr. Walker has been with ExxonMobil for 30
years and has been involved with drilling operations in the Texas gulf coast, Gulf
of Mexico deepwater, West Africa and offshore California. His most recent work
has been as a Technical Advisor for ExxonMobil Development Company in
support of extended-reach drilling operations in Sakhalin Island, Russia.




October 2012 - Sakhalin extended-reach well pushes ERD envelope to a world record


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