Regulations For Hotels

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General Framework
General Tourism Law (Law 29408, 17.09.2009): Contains the legal framework for the development
and regulation of tourism, the basic principles of tourism and objectives of state policy, declaring
MINCETUR as the governing body to competent national level in tourism.
Regulations of the Tourism Act (Approved by Supreme Decree No. 003-2010- MINCETUR of
Modified (RM No. 155-2001-ITINCI / DM) on operating activities of Tourism Service Providers
(Ministerial Resolution No. 224-2005 - MINCETUR-DM, 7/27/05)
List of providers including boating Tourist Scales.
Coordinating Mechanisms Tourism Advisory Committee
Regulatory Standards on Tourism Advisory Committee, DS No. 002-2008-fit MINCETUR
Regulations of the Tourism Advisory Committee (Ministerial Resolution No. 155-98-MITINCI / DM)
The Tourism Advisory Committee is a coordination between the private sector and MINCETUR
agreements and conclusions have the status of recommendations.
Lodging establishments
Regulation of lodging establishments Supreme Decree No. 029-2004-MINCETUR, 27.11.2004,
establishes rules for classification, categorization, operation and monitoring of accommodation
establishments; also establishes the competent bodies in this matter, as well as the obligation to
file an affidavit of compliance with the minimum conditions for the service. Sets the rating for
Hotel, Apart-Hotel, Inn, Resort and Ecolodge Hostel, which may be held by the etablecimientos
that meet the requirements of infrastructure, equipment and services as the class and / or
category requested.

Form F-010 Establishment Hosting, Affidavit.

Annex VII Form F- 013. Establishment of Lodging.

Regulation of lodging establishments Qualifiers (Ministerial Resolution No. 151-2001-ITINCI / DM
30.07.2001) defines the functions, procedures for assessment and designation of qualifiers lodging
establishments, Qienes has the function of issuing technical reports with in order to apply for the
status of establishment Hosting Rated and / or Classified.

Form F- 012. Establishment Registration and Hosting Qualifier

Register Qualifiers lodging establishments.
Private accommodation and schools
Regulation Authorisation and Registration of private houses and private houses (DS 010-95-ITINCI,
05/04/95) schools. This device establishes the minimum requirements to be met by private
homes, universities and colleges, to provide the hosting service.
Conditions to be fulfilled by establishments that provide accommodation services (Ministerial
Resolution No. 0011-95-MITINCI / VMTINCI / DNT OF 05/16/1995) This device establishes the
minimum requirements to be met by private homes, universities and colleges, to provide the
hosting service.
Travel Agencies
Regulation of Travel and Tourism Supreme Decree No. 026-2004-MINCETUR establishes the
requirements and procedures for authorizing the service of Travel and Tourism Agency, defines
the concept of Travel and Tourism, lays Conditions by you shall meet for the service. Sets
Classification as Retailer, Wholesaler and Tour Operator, and precise obligation to submit a Sworn
Statement of account compliance with minimum requirements.

Form F- 009. Travel and tourism Affidavit.

Under the Memorandum of Understanding with the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of
Foreign Trade and Tourism held the rating process and registration of Travel and Tourism Agencies
authorized to facilitate travel of Chinese tourist groups organized to Peru.
List of Travel Agencies and Tourism Facilitator Recommended Tours Travel to Peru Chinese
Organized Groups.
Documents to Submit to Join the list of Travel and Tourism to facilitate Chinese Organized Groups
Travel to Peru
Rules of Restaurants Supreme Decree No. 025-2004-MINCETUR establishes the requirements and
procedures for authorizing the service Restaurant, as well as the obligation to file the affidavit of
compliance concerning the conditions of their service calidada and in the preparation of food and
beverages. Establishes requirements for infrastructure, equipment and services for categories 1-5
score holders and Tourism. applicable for restaurants for restaurants ue ostentn holders 3 to 5.

Form F- 011. Restaurants, Affidavit

Provisions Establishments that sell Food and Drink (RM No. 081-94-ITINCI of 8/12/94) Ministerial
Resolution stating that establishments that sell food and drinks included in their price lists the VAT
and surcharge on consumption.
Tourist Guides
Tourist Guide Act 2005 (Act No. 28529, 25.05.2005). Sets the Service Tourism Guide is provided by
those who hold the official title of tour guides and tourism graduates in colleges.
Rules of the Law Guide (DS 004-2010-approved MINCETUR of 16.01.2010)
Annex no. 1. Registration in the Register of Regulations of the Law of Tourist Guide
Annex No. 2. Registration Renewal in the Regulation of the Law on Tourism Guide
Mountain Guides
Rules of Mountain Guides (Supreme Decree No. 028-2004-MINCETUR, 26.11.2004).
Estabece standard functions and the procedure for accreditation and supervision of the delivery
of the Mountain Guas Nationwide.
Repeals and amends provisions of Regalamento Mountain Guide Supremo No. 004-20078Decreto MINCETUR, 12.04.2007).
Excludes requirement Accident Insurance Policy.
Tourist boating
Supreme Decree No. 004-2008-MINCETUR Approves Regulations Tourist Canoeing
Vice Ministerial Resolution No. 057-2008-MINCETUR-VMT / Relationship Boating Equipment Technical Features to Provide Service
Tourism Event of interest
Supreme Decree No. 019-2010-MINCETUR (22.10.2010) approving the Regulation for declaring
events of interest to tourists.
Tourism Trucking
By Supreme Decree No. 017 - 2009 - 2005 - - MTC MTC National Regulation, National Tourism
Trucking Regulation, published 22 abil 2009, which became effective on July 1, 2009, Supreme

Decree No. 003 was repealed tourism Trucking amended, to date there are no provision that
allows the MINCETUR to issue an authorization for the sectoral provision of tourist land transport.
In that sense, any queries directamemte efectuarla the Ministry of Transport and

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