St. Mary's Catholic Church: Mass Schedule

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Marys Catholic Church

November 16, 2014

P.O. Box 70
Malta, MT 59538

Fr. Cory Sticha-Pastor

(406) 654-1446
RE Center : (406) 654-1311
(406) 654-1467

Mass Schedule:
Nov. 17:
Nov. 18:
Nov. 19:
Nov. 20:
Nov. 21:
Nov. 22:
Nov. 23:

Malta 8:30 AM: For all par ishioner s

Malta- 8:30 AM: For Ter esa Yeomans BD r /b The Maynar d LaFonds
Malta- 8:30 AM: For St. Mar ys Par ishioner s r /b The Ulr ichs
Hi Line -10:00 AM: For Tim Smiths BD r /b The Maynar d LaFonds
Malta 8:30 AM: For Ed & J anet LaFonds Anniver sar y r /b The Maynar d LaFonds
Malta 5:30 PM: For the r epose of the soul of J im Golik r /b Laur a McKeon
Dodson- 8:30 AM: For J ulie Howell r /b The Ulr ichs
Malta 10:00 AM: For newbor n Paul Van Houdt r /b KC Council #2124
Saco 12:15 PM: For Poor Souls in Pur gator y r /b Helen Depuydt

Saturday, November 22- 5:30 PM

Mike Er eaux
Volunteer s
Altar Servers: Don Nevr ivy
Dar lene Fr oman & J ulie Howell
Don Nevr ivy
Hospitality: Volunteer s Needed
Gift Bearers: Volunteer s Needed

Sunday November 2310:00 AM

Riley Mortenson
Volunteer s
Parker & Pierce Mortenson
Ken & Lana Ulr ich & J ill Hould
Lana Ulrich
The Mortenson Family
The Mortenson Family


Sacred Heart Ministries

Lector: Iris
EHMCS: Ter r i & Ryan
Gift Bearers: Don Wilkes
Church Cleaning for Nov: Tammy Wyse
Lay Ministers, please come early and greet.

Email Addresses at St. Marys

(just like the parish website):
Parish office: office@SaintMar ysMalta.or g
Fr. Cory: fr cor y@SaintMar ysMalta.or g
Lana: lana@SaintMar ysMalta.or g
Brenda: br enda@SaintMar ysMalta.or g

Quotes by Pope Francis on the

Sanctity of Life

Prayer of Thanksgiving
O God, of Whose mercies there is no number, and of
Whose goodness the treasure is infinite; we render
thanks to Your most gracious majesty for the gifts
You have bestowed upon us, evermore beseeching
Your clemency, that as You grant the petitions of
them that ask You. You will never forsake them, but
will prepare them for the reward to come. Through
Christ our Lord.

All too often, as we know from experience, people

do not choose life, they do not accept the Gospel of
Life but let themselves be led by ideologies and
ways of thinking that block life, that do not respect
life, because they are dictated by selfishness, selfinterest, profit, power and pleasure, and not by love,
by concern for the good of others.
As a result, the living God is replaced by fleeting
human idols which offer the intoxication of a flash
of freedom, but in the end bring new forms of slavery and death.
from homily at Mass for Evangelium Vitae Day
June 16, 2013

Scriptures Readings
Nov. 17 Rev 1: 1-4; 2: 1-5, Ps 1: 1-4, 6, Lk 18:

New to the Parish?

Welcome! Were glad youll be joining us! If you
would like to register with the parish, please fill out
this form and drop it in the collection basket. You
can also bring it by the parish office or send it to us.
Phone number:
Email address:
Current parishioners: you can use this form to notify
us of any change of address or phone number.

Nov. 18 Rev 3: 1-6, 14-22, Ps 15: 2-5, Lk 19: 110

Nov. 19Rev 4: 1-11, Ps 150: 1b-6, Lk 19: 11-28

Nov. 20Rev 5:1-10, Ps 149: 1b-6a, 9b, Lk 19:4144
Nov. 21 Rev 10: 8-11, Ps 119: 14, 24, 72, 103,
111, 131, Lk 19: 45-48
Nov. 22 Rev 11: 4-12, Ps 144: 1-2, 9-10, Lk 20:
Nov. 23Ez 34: 11-12, 15-17, Ps 23: 1-3, 5-6, 1
Cor 15: 20-26, 28, Mt 25:31-46

Pope Francis Prayer intentions for


Lonely people. That all who suffer loneliness

may experience the closeness of God and the
support of others.
Mentors of seminarians and religious. That
young seminarians and religious may have wise
and well-formed mentors.

Religious Education Schedule

Please keep in your prayers:

Gary Schlieve, Celya Salsbery, Darlene Simms,
Gloria Cooms, Sandy Lett, Mike Matthews, Jory &
Skyanne Schipman, Julie Howell & Family,
Kuzmaul Family, Golik Family, Laura McKeon,
Mark Newby, , Eli Murray, Doug Goodheart, Linda
Berg, Terry McKeon, Nate Simon, Kenny Ulrich,
Gerry Williams, those from our local area serving in
the military, and the Poor Souls in Purgatory.
Anyone who needs to have prayers said for someone
can call: Brenda Rummel at 301-0936; Jean Niebur at
654-2822. Names will be listed in the bulletin for
one month unless specified.

Every Sunday
8:45-9:45 AM, Pre K 5
Every Wednesday,
6:00 PMMeal
6:30 PM, ClassMiddle l & High School
For more information or questions about religious
education, please contact
Brenda Rummel301-0936 or

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

9 AM to 4 PM
Join us on 1st Friday, Dec. 5, 2014

Can you not spend one hour with me?

(Mt 26:40)

World Youth Day

will be held in Krakow, Poland. The dates are July
19, through August 1, 2016.
Cost of this pilgrimage is $3,800.00 leaving from
Great Falls, MT.
Mandy Bell from Glasgow is organizing the trip for
the Diocese of Great FallsBillings. Please consider joining this pilgrimage .

Albertson Stamps
For cookware
Please donate to the KCs for

Further information is available at;
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Lasagna Pans.
Thank you for your generosity.

Twitter: @SaintMarysMalta

Care and Share 2013/ 2014

Prayer of Thanksgiving
O God, we thank you for this earth, our home;
For the wide sky and the blessed sun,
For the salt sea and the running water,
For the everlasting hills
And the never-resting winds,
For trees and the common grass underfoot.
We thank you for our senses
By which we hear the songs of birds,
And see the splendor of the summer fields,
And taste of the autumn fruits,
And rejoice in the feel of the snow,
And smell the breath of the spring.
Grant us a heart wide open to all this beauty;
And save our souls from being so blind
That we pass unseeing
When even the common thorn bush
Is aflame with your glory, O God our creator,
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

(Received by Diocese as of Sept. 2, 2014)

From Living Gods Justice: Reflections and Prayers, compiled by The Roundtable Association of Diocesan Social
Action Directors

$ 12, 956.36
$ 1, 527.00
$ 1, 680.00

Thank you for your support of

Care and Share!

Collection Totals For Last Week


Walter Rauschenbusch

$ 24,401.00
$ 2,469.00
$ 1,680.00




$ 2, 184.50

$ 2, 721.58







Confessions: Satur days 4 - 5 p.m., 1/2 hour before

daily Mass (Mon.- Fri.) or by appointment
Anointing of the Sick: Please contact Fr . Cor y as
soon as possible for anointing.

Parental sessions are required.

Marriages: Six month couple pr epar ation per iod

required. Please contact Fr. Cory before scheduling
marriage date.

Baptism: Normally celebrated at Sunday Mass.

To reserve the Parish Basement or other St. Marys

facility, please contact Fr. Cory or Lana at the Parish
Office (email

Any announcements for next Sundays bulletin need

to be in by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday

Stewardship Thoughts
November 16, 2014 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
"Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been
faithful over a little, I will set you over much..."- Matthew 25:21
God expects us to nurture and develop the gifts He has
given us and then generously give back with increase.
He doesn't want us to waste or hoard the gifts He has
given us; He expects us to grow our gifts, use them
wisely and be generous with them.

Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Bake Sale
We will be having a bake sale on Sunday November 23, 2014 to help with our fuel bill. Please be
generous by baking & buying.
Christmas Food Drive, November 30th 1st Sunday
of Advent

Job Opening:
The Diocese of Great Falls-Billings seeks a Major Gifts
Officer. Successful candidate must exhibit excellent
skills in building positive donor relationships and successful fundraising track record. At least five years of
nonprofit fundraising experience preferred. Candidate
must be a fully initiated, practicing Catholic in good
standing. Bachelor's degree required; Master's preferred. Salary commensurate with experience; benefits
package included. Full-time position with location flexible within the Diocese. To view the full job description, visit To apply, send cover
letter, rsum and three professional references to Application deadline is
December 1st.

Catholic Womens No Host Luncheon

Every second Friday of the month
1:00 PM at the Great Northern
Dining Room.
Next Luncheon December 12, 2014
All Catholic Women Welcome

Mass Intentions
As Catholics, we have a long tradition of having Masses celebrated for those we wish to offer up in prayer.
The Mass is the ultimate form of prayer, and each Mass is celebrated for an intention. We ask $10.00 per
mass intention.
Please consider having Masses celebrated for family and friends on special occasions and anniversaries, as
well as those who are in need of prayers. Masses are also encouraged in memory of those loved ones who
have died, especially on the anniversaries of their deaths. Contact Fr. Cory for more information!

World Youth Day Fundraiser

Poland 2016
Starting November 1st-16th, it is our privilege to offer you an opportunity to purchase beautiful imported hand-made Italian, Czech, and Mexican rosaries
and a large variety of Catholic medals, crucifixes,
necklaces and bracelets.
All items are being offered at very reasonable prices.
Even as you are blessed by the beauty of these sacramental, our group will be blessed by your generosity.

Knights of Columbus
KC Meetings : Every Second Tuesday Evening
6:30 PM Rosary
Next Meeting Dec. 9, 2014 supper provided
Christmas Church Decoration Sunday Dec. 21st

Please help.

Please come past our display after Mass and see

what we are offering. Whether you need a new rosary for yourself or as a gift, or want a crucifix to
wear, saint medal, bracelet, necklace or other expressive reminder of your faith, we have a
variety to meet your needs.
Your purchase of these quality items supports our
parish youth activities and programs. We need to
raise a large amount of money and appreciate your
help. Our fundraiser offers a way for you to show
your support of our youth and share your faith.

Brenda Rummel/DRE

Dec. 13-Sat.Church cleaningsign up sheet in the
back of the church for groups, families and individuals.
Dec.17-Wed.PCCW Christmas Party @ Ton Zeiglers-please bring a friend & 2 dozen cookies from
each band.

Great Falls Big Sky Cum Christo

Dec. 21SunChurch Decoration for Christmas

upcoming weekend dates:

Sock Drive for For t Belknap Youthbasket in

back of church for donations.

Mens & Womens Weekends: November 20-23,

Ursuline Centre, 2300 Central Ave., Great Falls, MT
For more information:
Rector: Kevin OConnell (799-4435)

Rectora : Barb Schlecht (750-0551)

Your donation of your time and your talents are


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