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6/28/2013 12:44:00 PM

Best times to travel in south America
can visit peru year-round since near equator
but Machu Pichu and Inca trail have wet and dry season (rainy novfeb) (inca trail closed feb)
june-august is tourist season = expensive/busy
best time to go: april and may
June-aug is tourist season

Good times: april and may; dec-march (best time to visit

Dec-feb is tourist season + carnival, easter, xmas, new years
Jun-aug is winter, but Rio and coastal towns still warm
Amazon or pantanal wetlands best time is june-dec; but rainy
season =best wildlife
Wide range latitudes = region for each season

North is desert, mid is Mediterranean, south is glacier-filled

Tourist season= dec-march
Dec-feb = warmest but strong winds
Shoulders oct/nov and march/april has lower temps, less
wind and fewer travelers
Northern chile can travel year round
Best for Santiago: jan, feb, march, april, oct, nov, dec
Sunny year round
June-aug is tourist season in Galapagos/Ecuador?
Best sept-nov
Dec-march many festivals
Jul-aug summer
Avoid april and may
Dec-jun/jul is tourist season

best times to travel to south America
dry season is best jan-march (shoulder months dec and april
vary by country)
Belize and panama, season begins later, in feb
Nicaragua and Honduras season begins dec
outside dry season = mosquitos, rain, storms, hurricane


Best time is dry season dec-april (nov and may shoulder)
tropical weather Colombia, French guinea, Guyana, suriname,
if hike or visit high elevation like Venezuelas angel falls, travel
during rainy months in the late fall to avoid cold mt peaks during
cooler temps of dry season
Ecuador (dry season cool and misty) best jun-sept

Rest of central south America (Bolivia, Ecuador, brazil, peru and

Paraguay) summer is easily over 100 degrees
Best is winter april to sept
Argentina, urugay, varying terrain
Mostly temperate, dry, high heat summers and cool winters
Best Patagonia in summer
Best beach time shoulder seasons, October to dec and march

So we should generally move from north to south

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Rio de Janeiro: white beaches, nightlife, dramatic views

Christ the Redeemer
Feb carnival
Cariocas (native from Rio) known for easy-going demeanor
Polite to tip, but more already include 10-percent gratuity
Many restaurants do not accept credit
real (BRL) = currency ~0.50 USD
Buenos Aires
paris of south America
porteos are Buenos aires residents are friendly and welcoming
Argentinian peso (ARS) ~ $0.25
Southeastern peru; capital of cusco province and inca empire in
13th C -1532
Elevation 3,400 m
Historical capital of inca empire and world heritage site 1983
Indigenous name: Qusqu, originates from phrase rock of the owl
according to myth that Ayer Awqa got wings and flew to the site of
the future city and transformed into a rock to mark the possession
of the land by his aylle lineage
Argentine Patagonia
Region at southern end of south America shared by argentina and
chile; encompasses southern section of andes mountains to
southwest towards pacific ocean and east of mt range

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Dont book accommodation in advance or online unless there is a big

event. Arrive, scout the area, ask the locals and bargain
Charles shwab bank doesnt incur transactions fees in foreign
countries/with atms from other banks
Dont keep all money on one card or set limit for withdrawals

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Katitawa School
experimental elementary school (I think in that many of the teachers are
volunteers and non permanent)
located in Salaska, Ecuador (right in the middle of the continent)
Private donations from all over the world helped make the school. Built by
99.9% volunteer efforts
Reflections by past volunteers available to read

So far, it does not say that there is any time requirement

Breakfast and lunch are provided (M-F) and dinner is usually a communal
or individual effort of the others volunteers
Housing provided
They ask for donation of 10$ a week to help pay for their costs
Many areas to volunteer. Key area is to teach math or English. But also
maintenance, gardening, construction

Minadores de Sueos
Foundation that holds projects on education, recreation, nutrition, health,
and environment
Located in south eastern part of the capital, Quito (sounds like very poor
More structured than Katitawa school
Basic language requirement of Spanish or attend language course in
quito. Class can be before trip or four hours in the morning and then
volunteer in afternoon. Or online

Accommodation not included (~3$ USD/day) (includes furnished room (2

persons max), lunch M-F, TV, internet, laundry)
Says apartment is located out of town and that its difficult to do leisure
time activities during the week. Host family also available (14$ USD/day)
Minimum stay of 2-3 months depending on project
9-530 daily schedule that follows the child and revolves around hw and

Cooperation for organic agriculture and microfinance
non profit that supports social development of the Andean communities of
northern Ecuador, especially rural women to provide job opportunities
and small business support (organic agriculture, biodiversity,
environment, small animal breeding, training and technology transfer,
rural micro-finance, crafts)
located in Pedro Moncayo canton
requires basic level of Spanish and commitment of at least 1 month
projects available: (all live with family)

agricultural: live and work on farm with family

livestock and milk production: milking, maintenance, monitoring
pasture, animal nutrition and health
development of local economy: work in offices and micro-finance
organizations; visiting, supporting monitoring the community
micro-finance organizations
community tourism project: organize viable tourism proposal for
community and environment
technical assistance project: technical activities related to

agriculture, livestock, microfinance, coops

schedule is 9-5 + lunch break
volunteers have single room. Costs $70/month
food not included, $15 weekly or individually organized
visa help provided

Amazon Animal Orphanage & Pilpintuwasi Butterfly Farm
wildlife and temporary custody center located in Padre Cocha, 20

minutes outside of Iquitos the largest city in the Peruvian Amazon

non profit that protects animals affected by poaching and trafficking
many species live in semi captive environment to recover llike monkeys,
coatis, capybara, ocelot, jaguar and butterflies
accept 4 volunteers at a time
positions available to guide tours in English, varied tasks like feeding
monkeys, making monkey toys, walking the animals, , help collect
butterfly eggs, maintain plants, gardening

work 6 days a week from 830-4

minimum of 4 weeks
costs for bed and board ~4$-12$ USD/day
Spanish necessary (but does not specify level)
No internet connection in town

Traveler not tourist
Working in an orphanage
1 month min
VE Global
working with children, tutoring, math, be with them
four month min, six recommended
located in Santiago, capital of Chile
does not include housing, food, transportation, travel
AMA Torres del Paine
period of 11 days or 1 month
volunteer in the following areas:
o maintenance of trails
o scientific studies
o environmental education and training
o fundraising
o web site design
located in Chilean Patagonia

will require tent, sleeping bag, etc

includes accommodation in camping zone, food, transport
work in shifts with 11 days of work for 4 days free

I dont know if we want to try and look into this. The programs that they
provide do seem ideal for building skills and experience in non profit and
business. They include microfinancing, and NGO for women, tahcing people
how to earn income, social workers fundraising etc. The steps to apply
involve taking a questionnaire so that they can match you with a place/
conversation to see what we want from the program. This can take 20 min
and is free. Once a good fit is determined, then we have to pay a $300 info
packet. Then is both we and volunteer director agree, we pay another $300.
$150 to partner org and ~$12 a days
possibly as back up but there are expenses. Are Spanish lessons mandatory?
Does aim for students and graduates seeking professionl experience sounds ideal but very expensive. Although does have
resource for grants and fundraising
Minero, San juan. Marginal poverty. Organization to uplift from poverty to
middle class. Seems like works at all areas of community development
including microfinance and earning living. Does not put prices and fees
online. Offers professional experience, gap year, internship etc. does not
provide food and living
located in Cochabamba, Bolivia
cedesol in a development center for solar energy. They promote ecological
cookers, to provide alternative to gas stoves and cooking fire pits. Partner
with banks, microfinance organizations, surveying, educational workships.
Cost is 490$ a month for homestay and admin costs. But is other info if not
interested in living with host family (I think its pretty cheap to live in this
area, like 3$ a day in an apartment from what I read on another website)
this is a great seemingly structrured organization. The only thing is that their
volunteers require high level of professional experience example medical,
grant writing, monitor and evaluation, ,group coordinator. But I wonder if we
were to contact the, they might have aplace for us. Hopefully besides
teaching English?
primeros pasos is a non profit healthcare organization in Guatemala. They
provide healthcare, dental care and medical education. Position applicable to
us are development researcher, communications/media assistant and and
internship and research position to do things like develop curriculum,
implement, new systems (volunteer coordinator available for discussion).
Costs include fundraising evuivalent of 250$ before or during time with
conservation and sustainable development in high amazon basin in peru
variety of eco projects, farming, water irrigation, compost, animals.
Need tent and sleepingbag
Minimal cost to help pay for gas stove
eco village in argentina
help with everything. Interested to learn the systems
dorm with 4 beds
amazon internship in Bolivia
6 week min, 2-3 month preferred
half in office working on marketing and tourism
half at the site at the eco camp
to learn ins and outs of tourism
and will quanity with google analytics amount of volume produced.
Portfolio building

Work 5 hours a day 6 days a week

All food and accommodation included
voluntario global Buenos aries
********************* perfect!?
NGO to develop programs sustainably, responsible consumption
Research, management, training,attend audits of companies, accompany
visits to primary school for recycling
12 weeks
in depth work with professionals public and private
center of Buenos aires
position: intercambio en ONG de consume responsible
video of volunteer house

Back ups
chile adventure store in paradise

6/28/2013 12:44:00 PM
not a paid job, but could do to build resume while in Bolivia. A travel writing
internship thats includes taking photos and writing about touristy places.
Seems not very structured
2-5 months. Take 4 days tours around tupiza and salt flat Uyani. Can be
English guide and receive stipend
website offers tour guiding or office assistant work or volunteer for free
room and board in the restaurant. Bolivia. Tours all around
volunteering in rainforest in bolivia. Tourism, marketing, maintenance, food,
prep, translating etc. minimum time is two weeks. Food and board not
included but we can use their kitchen. Sounds like a beautiful jungle place to
volunteer for free room and board in hostel. Minimum 6 weeks. Plus
volunteer opportunity on organic farm in cloud forest region. Samaipata,
david city, panama. Volunteer for room and board
lost and found lodge hostel. Panama. Pay 12$ a night and every third is free.
Volunteer opportunities
Andean valley, national forest, peru. Horsebackriding and kayaking place.
Free accommodation for volunteers

community in itacare, brazil

100/100 host rating
help with everything food and board included for four hours of work a day
popular, only contact If certain
******* ecotourism site in chile
brewery, bartending, anything
board included
sauna, swimming pool etc
samaipata, Bolivia
land and cocktail bar positions
bar position 30B a night for board if in restaurant. And 10hr + tips
so maybe could make some money here?
*** mountain resort overlooking lake in chile
5 min to ski resort
voluhtneer hours 5 a day
bartending waitressing
*********** online listing of volunteers and hosts

6/28/2013 12:44:00 PM

rubber doorstop to keep door closed/extra lock

LED flashlight called surefire defender to blind aggressors
Combination locks
Covered luggage tags
Make two photocopies of all travel documents
Passport id page
Hotel confirmation
Airline ticket
Drivers license
Credit cards brought on trip
print out of welcome pack
Travel insurance : sta?

6/28/2013 12:44:00 PM
Education history : -Graduate of University of California at Santa Barbara;
Major in environmental science and minor in multimedia writing
-I took a course called Greenworks, in which we explored the development
and advancement of green technology and resources. Our many labs
provided me the opportunity to build and deconstruct mini model gadgets
like solar cells, batteries and LED lights.
Work experience
-Internship with CEC--Community Environmental Council--in Santa Barbara,
CA, where I assisted the online marketing director in developing social media
presence, outreach, and blog content. I found stories, conducted in-person
and phone interviews and drafted articles for CEC's blog, "Powered for
-With CEC, I also helped market and execute the annual Santa Barbara
Earth Day Festival, which boosted 35,000 visitors. I gave online recognition
to all in kind sponsors via Twitter and Facebook. During the event, I helped
gather comments and pictures from festival goers for our climate change
Instagram campaign. I also introduced and carried out a time lapse
promotional video of Earth Day 2013. November 2012 - June 2013
-Sales representative of Cutco Cutlery. I created appointments and provided
in-person demonstrations that promoted Cutco product. January 2009 September 2009.
-Internship with, in which I conducted interviews, wrote
articles, and drafted content for their website. January 2011-November 2012
-The year with CEC is my most extensive experience with a non-profit.
-I was a volunteer for Daraja Academy of Kenya, school for girls. I was part
of a group that organized the first fundraising benefit dinner and auction.

-I volunteered as a soccer coach for Juventus Soccer Camp. I helped create

daily itineraries, provided coaching instruction and organized the aftercare
-I did volunteer work with San Mateo County Parks Foundation, where I
assisted in maintenance of Edgewood park.
Tim ein developing country
-So far, I have only vacationed to developing countries for a week at a time.
I have been to Mexico, Costa Rica, the Caribbean Islands with my family.
-While I was studying abroad, I traveled to Morocco. My experience was
eye-opening and valuable as it helped me appreciate so much more what I
take for granted. After my trip to Morocco, I felt that I was done (for now)
with western europe and eager to explore more culturally different, and
maybe poorer, countries. I feel like it's time for me to (at least attempt) to
do good in a place that needs it, instead of being just a spectator.
-Public Speaking: I enjoy speaking in public and meeting new people. I am
confident that I will succeed in receiving instruction, giving demonstrations
and being a representative of Cedesol.
-Marketing: I have experience with online marketing techniques, using
programs like MailChimp, Hootsuite, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I've
also helped brainstorm awareness campaigns for CEC and outreach to other
students as the social chair for the spanish club at my university.
-Writing: As a writing minor for multimedia, I have light experience with
Photoshop, Indesign and website design. I am also comfortable with writing,
phrasing, and editing for grammatical precision (in english, of course).
-Teaching: My time as a soccer coach with young girls helped me to
understand the patience, the enthusiasm and the confidence that is
necessary to be a good teacher.

While my background is in marketing and social media, I would appreciate
the opportunity to branch my experience into business. I would love to
shadow and collaborate with the managers and strategists at Cedesol, in
order to learn about the business strategy and market of a product. I want
to explore the structure and the steps of what it takes to be a successful
entrepreneurship. I am not a scientist or an engineer, but I would to utilize
my communication capabilities to promote their sustainable products and
Attitude towards grassroots
Grassroots development can be an incredibly powerful technique. It is an
awesome environment to be in because a grassroots organization will only
be composed of those who do believe and will work hard for the cause.
When I worked with CEC, it was inspiring to be in the office, because even in
suburbia, everyone at CEC did take public transportation or ride their bike to
work everyday and my coworkers were engaging in "eat local October" or
supporting local environmental products. It was inspiring to work amongst
people who not only believe in what they do, but also live it.
To overcome the difficulty and discouragement of working through
grassroots development, I will feed off of and uphold the energy of my
coworkers at Cedesol.

Your application was correctly submitted and will be soon considered by our
volunteer coordinator. In order to determine if you are a good fit for the
organization, we ask additionally that you send a resume by e-mail at To be most effective, a two to three month
commitment is preferable. Please keep us informed of any change in your
available work dates.
Feel free to ask any questions at We generally
answer quickly, however it may happen that we are momentarily busy and
take some time to consider applications. In case that you don't receive any
answer after a while, please don't hesitate to remind us about your

application. If you need an urgent answer, and only in this case, you may
directly contact the director of CEDESOL, David Whitfield, at the following

6/28/2013 12:44:00 PM
pamphlet with helpful disease/vaccination recommendations
about yellow fever
need vaccination and International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis
blog post of health insurance
rcommedned : world nomads, Medjet, IMG
STA travel insurance : feb 27-aug 25th : $429
ask travelers insurance maybe AAA
STA jeff B. 4805920868 ext 21055
Only 189 days
us embassy la paz
enroll in STEP - smart us embassy

6/28/2013 12:44:00 PM
1. exactly $135 for the tourist visa needed at the airport in Bolivia ( to
immigration authorities)
2. bring copy of hostel confirmation or letter of invitation (in Spanish)
3. credit card
4. international vaccination certificate for yellow fever
6. Pay small airport tax. Go to booth and give ticket and money ~15Bs
7. Keep customs sheet
1. Find out how much exit tax is that must be paid upon exit

Bookmark our Bureau of Consular Affairs website which contains the

current Travel Warnings and Travel Alerts as well as the Worldwide Caution.;
No travel warnings as of 1/28/14

Check passport to make sure there are plenty of empty pages

Bring page with safety information:
o U.S. Embassy La Paz
o Avenida Arce 2780
La Paz, Bolivia

Telephone: 591-2-216-8246
Emergency Telephone: 591-2-216-8246
Fax: 591-2-216-8808
U.S. Consular Agent - Cochabamba
Edificio "SAAL"
Avenida Pando No. 1122, Piso 1,

Suites B and C
Cochabamba, Bolivia
Telephone: 591-4-411-6313
Emergency Telephone: 591-4-411-6313
Fax: 591-4- 448-9119
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: 08:30 to 12:30
and Wednesdays: 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (except U.S. and
local holidays)
United States Consular Agency, Santa Cruz,

Avenida Roque Aguilera #146 (3er Anillo)
Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Telephone: 591-3-351-3477 / 351-3479
Emergency after-hours telephone: 591-3-351-3477
Facsimile: 591-3-351-3478
Mondays through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
(except U.S. and local holidays)

o police number : 110

o fire department : 119
o The National Tourism Police has offices in La Paz and Cochabamba,
providing free assistance to tourists. In the city of Santa Cruz,
Interpol will provide these same services to tourists. These services
include English-speaking officials who may assist tourists in filing
police reports of lost/stolen documents or other valuables. The La
Paz office is open 24 hours a day and is located at Plaza del
Stadium, Edificio Olympia, Planta Baja, Miraflores, telephone
number 800-14-0081. The Cochabamba office is located at Plaza 14
de Septiembre, Edificio Prefectura, tel. (591-4) 450-3880; it is open
from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
seven days a week.
o Carry a letter from physician describing medical condition for birth
control and ointment? Include generic name of prescribed drugs

1. Avoid Coronilla Hill !! Violent assaults
2. Avoid bus traveling from Copacabana to La paz !! ropbery
3. Police need warrant to detain suspect and search and seizure must occur
at bona fide police station / insist on immediate contact with nearest US
consular office
5. Limit physical activity for 36-48 hours in la paz.
6. Avoid alcohol for a week

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