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Integration Management
Integration management is a collection of processes required to ensure that the various elements
of the projects are properly coordinated. It involves making trade-offs among competing
objectives and alternatives to meet or exceed stakeholders needs and expectations.
It comprised of:

Project Plan Development: Integrating and coordinating all project plans to create a
consistent, coherent document.
Project Plan Execution: Carrying out the project plan, according to the strategy, plan
and activities as per the plan.
Integrated Change Control: Coordinating changes across the project.

2. Introduction
Currently, the construction project is more and more large scale and complex, as to this
development situation, a new management style is urgently needed. Construction project
integrated management proposes a new development direction for architectural
engineering. Integrated management is the process which applies the integration theory
and methods, models, tools of systems engineering to integrate systematically the related
resources of construction project management and achieves the settled objectives and
maximizes the investment returns. As the participants of construction project are more
and more extensive, so that the construction project integration management system is
also more complex. Then the isolated and decentralized project management and
decision-making methods no longer meet the requirements of today's new projects. It's a
the new issue about how to mobilize the power of the parties effectively, how to
implement the integrated management on the process of construction project, and how to
improve the maximize value projects to the owners.


The traditional project management lacks of systematic thinking and doesn't analyzes the
project from the perspective of the overall objective, construction project management,
design project management and implementation project management are separated.
Because of their management subjects are different and have many communication
obstacles, all stages information of the project cannot be delivered timely and
communicated, the various stages content of construction project is separated, isolated
and static, the phenomenon of information content shortage and false at the exchange are
abound. So that the engineering solutions are changed continuously in the future building
process, the works of the implementation process are cross-confusion; these often make
the project out of control. Therefore, the control objectives of the project are often tradeoff; it's difficult to ensure the smooth realization of the project objectives.


A. The Meaning of Construction Project Integrated Management
Construction project integrated management is a high efficiency project
management model based on information technology that according to the
characteristics of project management, applying system engineering principles,
considering synthetically requirements and convergence of all stages of the
construction project life-cycle, the various elements of project management, and
the dynamic effects relationship among the parties in the process of the project
implementation, the coordination and overall optimization of the involved parties
B. The Content of Construction Project Integrated Management Based on
Construction project integrated management based on stakeholders is all
stakeholders of the project which include contractors, design institutes,
subcontractors, suppliers, supervision, project owners, government departments,
cost company, bidding agents, etc., in the conditions of balanced all interests,
establishes a project management company as the supervision and coordination
center, improves coordination and communication mechanisms to achieve a
reasonable sharing of risks and the amicable settlement of the contradictions. The
main management content includes three aspects: the integration of the parties,
the integration of the various stages and the professional integration.
C. The Features of Construction Project Integrated Management Based on
The three aspects integration of project stakeholders make it have the
characteristics of the leading of owners, the dynamic of members and the
complexity of information exchange. Such as in below figure:

5. Why Should Management System Be Integrated

There are several good reasons for integration:

To reduce duplication and therefore costs.

To reduce risks and increase profitability.
To balance conflicting objectives.
To eliminate conflicting responsibilities and relationships
To diffuse the power system.
To turn the focus onto business goals.
To formalize informal systems.
To harmonize and optimize practices.
To create consistency.
To improve communication.
To facilitate training and development.

6. Requirements For Implementing Integration Management System In A

Construction Project
The successful implementation of an integrated management system for a construction project
relies on the ability of the design team and of the construction team and must be planned at the
very beginning of the contract award process. It is then essential to evaluate the teams ability to
assure a high probability of success of the management system.
The parties to the construction process should be prepared and organized in two sections:
1. Requirements for the implementation of the IMS to be considered in the contract award
2. Requirements to be considered during the design and execution phases.
The Documentation
The documentation of an integrated management system in construction and its hierarchy could
be similar to the one shown in Figure:

According to this figure, the IMS includes the following main documents:
1. IMS Manual (for the whole organization).
2. IMS Procedures (those that are common or general to the three areas, those related
specifically to quality including cost and time, those related specifically to the
environment, and those related specifically to safety and health).
3. IMS Plans (for each construction project, which may include and/or be related to specific
plans on quality, environment, and safety and health).
4. IMS Records (documentation of the implementation of the system).

7. Advantages

The system is capable to integrate the tasks of a project, including planning, design,
estimate, budget, procurement, documentation and price calculation.
It is a very useful tool for the management of a construction company to control its
projects effectively.
The Construction Integrated Management System may comprise the following corners:
(Basic Database, Budget, Procurement Ease, Price Calculation Module, Settlement
Through the help of this tool, user can effectively generate Bidding List, Purchasing
Materials, Labor and Material Analyze Items and Specifications.
An effective administrating tool is a must in construction life cycle such as estimating,
bidding, procurement, scheduling, site managing, and valuation.

8. Conclusions
Integrated project is emerging as the way to organize project teams to achieve lean construction
at a time when the industry is searching for ways to eliminate waste, cut costs, improve
productivity and create positive outcomes. This approach to project does just as the name implies
by integrating all team members--owner, architect, construction manager, engineers, and
subcontractors--to form a collaborative effort. It uses a three-pronged platform with the owner as
one entity, the architects and engineers as the second, and the contractors or builders as the third.
The owner, architect, and contractor act as the core group to manage the integrated project

9. References

Tian Jinyu, and Wu Yucheng, Study on the Integrated Management of Construction

Project Life-cycle, Management & Technology of SME, No.9, pp.58-59.
Yang Jianping, and Wang Jianping, Study on the Integrated Management Model of
Construction Project, Construction Economics, No.3, 2008, pp.67-69.
Zhao Likun,Chen Liwen, and Sun Chunsheng, Study on the Synthetic Integrating
Model of the Construction Project Administrative Structure, Optimization of
Capital Construction, Vol.24 No.5, 2003, pp.23-25.
He Qinghua, Chen Fabiao, and Lu Yong, the Ideas and Organization of the Lifecycle Integrated Management, Optimization of Capital Construction, Vol.22 No.2,
2001, pp.38-40.
Li Ruihan, Study on Theory and Innovation of Construction Project Integration
Management,Tianjin University, 2002.
Jiang Zhongsong, Huang hao, and Qu Long, the Governance Mechanism of
Construction Project Based on Stakeholders, China Engineering Consulting, No.2,
2008, pp.16-18.

Zhao Xianbo, and Wang Yao, Study on Constructing the Integrated Project
Partnering Team, Construction Economics, No.2, 2009, pp.33-36.

Integrated Management Systems In Construction Projects (IMSINCONS) by Luis

M. Alves Dias
Developing A Construction Integrated Management System by Yan-Chyuan Shiau,
Ming-The Wang, Tsung-Pin Tsai & Wen-Chian Wang

10. External Links

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