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Reference List

AEA. (2013). Area Education Agency

Special Education Procedures.

Assessments are an amazing tool that
will allow us to help ensure that your
student gets the help the need and
deserve. Through the use of
Assessments we can modify
instruction, get appropriate resources,
and ensure your student can reach
that goals are set that.
Soon you student will be leaving
High School but we will not have
them leave without properly
preparing your student first. We will
develop goals that will allow your
student to meet their living, working,
and learning dreams.

Retrieved on September 10, 2013



Iowa Department of Education.

(2013). Reevaluations. Retrieved on
September 10, 2013

Iowa Department of Education.

Special Education
Processes for
Children with

(2013). Secondary Transitions.

With you and your students help we

will work in unison to have a
successful transition from High

Retrieved on September 10, 2013

Created by Steven Greene

Part of the Special
Education Team
322 NE Trilein Dr,
Ankeny, IA 50021


What does Special Education mean for You?

There are seven main parts that are generally
included in the purposes of assessment.
1. Screening: Activities like testing to narrow down
specific problem areas
2. Progress Monitoring: Data collection in
academics and behavior compared to grade level
3. Instructional Planning: Possibly may need 1 on 1
help or instruction using many forms of
4. Resource Allocation: This could include books
with large print or another needed resource
5. Eligibility for Services: To determine what
Federal Programs the student may be eligible for
6. Program Evaluation: To ensure the program they
are currently in is where they need to be. May
also set higher or lower goals depending on data
7. Accountability Decisions: Will let you know who
is responsible for monitoring each of the goals on
the IEP

Soon your student will be leaving High

School and for that reason we will be looking at how
to have a successful transition with everyone
involved. Below is a list of areas that you and your
child need to begin considering to discuss during the
Individual Education Plan meeting. I have provided
some examples of what to consider but feel free to
bring your own ideas to the meeting.
1. Living: Will the student live with a roommate,
live on his or her own, or will stay at home.
2. Working: Full-time, Part-time, and what kinds
of jobs.
3. Learning: pursuing College, a trade school, or a
different type of program to gather necessary
job skills.
The goals made at these Individual Education
Plan meetings will be made to support your students
plan for after High School. We will also look at what
services that we need to transition once the student
turns 18.

Why is my son required to

attend the Individual
Education Plan Meetings now
that student is 14?
Iowa law requires that they be
there and also we will be
discussing their goals for
transition and they need to be
there to know that we are
working to help them meet their
Who will be present at the
Individual Education Plan
The parents of the child, the
child after the age of 14, one
general education teacher, one
special education teacher, an
LEA, one individual that will
interpret assessment results, and
anyone else that can be
beneficial to helping plan the
students future.


Student Name _________________________ Date ________________
_____ Welcome and introduction of team members
_____ Review purpose of meeting
_____ Review rights and procedural safeguards
_____ Review page 1 information
_____ Discuss/review factors to be considered by the IEP team
Develop present level of education performance
For IEP reviews:
____progress or lack of progress towards annual goals
____progress or lack of progress in the general education curriculum
____results of any reevaluations
____anticipated needs
For all IEPs:
____Areas of concern
____Instructional needs
____Style of learning
____Assessment information
____How the student/s disability affects involvement and progress in the
general education curriculum.
_____ Discuss transition issues (beginning at age 14 or younger)
_____ Develop measurable annual goals
_____ Develop short term objectives for each measurable annual goal
_____ Determine accommodations/modifications in instruction and assessment
and for participation in nonacademic and extracurricular activities and in
educationally related settings.
_____ Determine participation in state and district-wide assessments and how
_____ Determine all services needed and placement
_____ Review what is being proposed.
_____ Review what is being refused
_____ Provide written prior notice and obtain parental consent
_____ Identify how staff will be informed of their responsibilities for
implementation of the IEP.

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