Critical Assignments FA14

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ENCP 6000: Critical Assignments

Critical Assignment 1: Career Goals

DUE: Prior to Class Lesson 2

100 points

Write a two page, double spaced paper, maximum, with your career goals. Your career goals should
focus on what you want to be doing in five to ten years after you graduate from NEU. You should
explain why this position will help you on your way to an ultimate career goal and what other positions
you expect to have in route and how they fit in with your goals. As a way of explaining why you want to
achieve your goals or why they are your goals, you may include what spurred your interest in your chosen
field, what motivates you, what past experiences have lead you here, what you think you can contribute to
society though your work, or anything else that will help to explain why you are working to achieve your
goals. The focus of this paper is on your future career not your past.
As a way to get your started here are some questions you may want to consider:
What type of culture would you thrive in?
Where do you want to work?
Do you want to work in a large company or a small one? A start up or a well-established
Do you want to own your own company?
What is the focus of your work? (multi-national, consumer services, business to business, product
based, high tech, etc.)
This exercise is something we will revisit and that you will want to continually revise throughout your
career. It is also a very common interview question for both co-op positions and employment after
graduation. Hopefully you will find this a useful exercise and will cause you to think and consider the
question, especially if you have not really done that before. As they say, if you dont know where you
want to go, it is hard to get there!
Submit your assignment though Blackboard (make sure you receive confirmation from Blackboard that it
was successfully submitted). Ensure the top line has the following:
ENCP 6000, Section ##

Critical Assignment 1: Career Goals

Last Name, First Name

Include this in your e-portfolio as well!

ENCP 6000: Critical Assignments

Critical Assignment 2: Resume

DUE: Prior to Class Lesson 6

150 points

Write a one page resume that conforms to the professional standards discussed in class.
Post your Resume on COOL, ensure you can see it posted there. Your default Resume is the one we will
grade. When you have turned it in send an e-mail to your instructor with the following
Subject: Resume submitted on COOL
Body of the e-mail:
Last Name, First Name
Degree and major
DO NOT put anything else in your e-mail. If you submit your resume prior to the deadline we will
attempt to review it and provide you with comments to improve it; you may then resubmit it for a better
grade but must notify us again by e-mail it has been submitted.
Include this in your e-portfolio as well.

ENCP 6000: Critical Assignments

Critical Assignment 3: LinkedIn Profile

DUE: Start of Lesson 7

150 points

Update your LinkedIn profile to a satisfactory level using the guidelines from class. Satisfactory level
includes a professional picture, headline, clear career progression, endorsements, join groups and follow
companies as a minimum.
When you are ready to submit your profile send an e-mail to your instructor with the following
Subject: LinkedIn Profile ready for grading
Body of the e-mail:
LinkedIn link: (i.e.
Last Name, First Name
Degree and major

DO NOT put anything else in your e-mail.

Include your profile in your e-portfolio as well.

ENCP 6000: Critical Assignments

Critical Assignment 4: Four questions

Due the start of Class Lesson 9

100 points

Write a one to two page paper, maximum, answering the four questions in relation to your career goals
and a potential co-op job. You need to do some self-assessment, in relation to your career goals and the
knowledge you have and need. Think about how a co-op job will help you achieve them. In light of this
answer the four questions:
1. What do you already know?
These are skills, abilities or knowledge you are confident you have.
2. What do you think you know?
These would be skills, abilities or knowledge that you are pretty sure you know but would like to
confirm that you know how to apply them and use them in a working environment.
3. What do you need to know?
Skills, knowledge and abilities you realize you dont yet possess, but you are sure are required to
achieve your career goals, intermediate goals, or move you to your next step in your career path.
4. What do you want to know?
These focus on skills, abilities, and knowledge that will help in advancing your career or making
you a more complete well rounded individual. These may or may not be directly related to your
You are required to provide some explanation of your answerswhy you selected them, why they are
important, how they relate to your career goals, etc. (i.e. a list of four items is not sufficient). This
exercise is something that will help you maximize and take control of your co-op experience. Answering
these questions will help you become mindfully engaged, help move your motivation level towards
integration, and push you towards realizing the benefits of a growth mindset.
Submit your assignment though Blackboard. Ensure the top line has the following:
ENCP 6000, Section ##

Assignment 4: Four Questions

Last Name, First Name

Include this in your e-portfolio as well!

ENCP 6000: Critical Assignments

Critical Assignment 5: Ethics Case Analysis

Due the start of Class Lesson 11.

100 points

Write a one to two page analysis of one of the cases provided in the study guide that was NOT gone over
in class. You will need to present the case in the following format:
Case number and Title
Background: Brief description of the case background providing enough detail to understand the
basic situation.
Relevant portion(s) of the SSPE Code of Ethics: cite the portion(s) and give a brief paraphrase of
what it/they require of engineers
Discussion and Analysis; this is the main portion of the assignment. Here you will discuss your
analysis as to the ethical ramifications of the case and share your thoughts as to if an ethical s problem
exists. You will want to exam all sides of the issue at hand.
Findings; based on your discussion and analysis has there been a violation of the code?

Submit your assignment though Blackboard. Ensure the top line has the following:
ENCP 6000, Section ##

Critical Assignment 5: Ethics Case Analysis

Last Name, First Name

Include this in your e-portfolio as well!

ENCP 6000: Critical Assignments

Critical Assignment 6: Learning Outcomes

Due the start of Class Lesson 13

100 points

Write your five learning outcomes for your co-op experience. Learning Outcomes are goals that
describe how a student will be different because of a learning experience. More specifically, learning
outcomes are the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and habits of mind that you will take with you from a co-op
learning experience. This will require you to think and do some self-assessment and reflection. If you
have a co-op position lined up they may be very specific and should be tailored to that job. Learning
Outcomes should be measureable, tangible, and concrete; they can each start with I will be able to
With each outcome provide a brief explanation (two to three sentences) of why you selected this
particular outcome.
In completing this assignment you should think about your career goals, what do you already know, what
do you think you know, what you need to know, what do you want to know, how you will be engaged in
your job (Mindful Leaning), how you will face challenges (Growth Mindset), how you are motivated,
what professional traits and behaviors you want to exhibit, and how you will live up to the ethical
standards expected of an engineer.
This exercise is something that will help you maximize and take control of your co-op experience. You
are much more likely to achieve these outcomes and learn from your experience if you plan for it.
Submit your assignment though Blackboard. Ensure the top line has the following:
ENCP 6000, Section ##

Critical Assignment 6: Learning Outcomes

Last Name, First Name

NOTE: If you need to redo this assignment you will be required to turn it in during Exam week!
Include this in your e-portfolio as well!

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