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Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority (MPRWA)

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
Regular Meeting
Monday, November 17, 2014
9:00 - People's Moss Landing Desalination
Moss Landing Commercial Park 7697, Hwy 1, Moss
Landing, CA 95039
10:30 - Deep Water Desal
7532 Sandholdt Rd, Suite 6,
Moss Landing CA 95039
PUBLIC COMMENTS allows you, the public, to speak for a maximum of three minutes on any
subject which is within the jurisdiction of the MPRWA TAC and which is not on the agenda. Any
person or group desiring to bring an item to the attention of the Committee may do so by
addressing the Committee during Public Comments or by addressing a letter of explanation to:
MPRWA TAC, Attn: Monterey City Clerk, 580 Pacific St, Monterey, CA 93940. The appropriate
staff person will contact the sender concerning the details.


Receive Briefing on Peoples Desal Project and Conduct a Site Visit


Receive Briefing on Deep Water Desal Project and Conduct a Site Visit

The Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority is committed to including the disabled in all
of its services, programs and activities. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,
if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Monterey City
Clerks Office at (831) 646-3935. Notification 30 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City
to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting [28 CFR 35.10235.104 ADA Title II]. Later requests will be accommodated to the extent feasible. For

Created date 11/14/2014 10:00 AM

Monday, November 17, 2014
communication-related assistance, dial 711 to use the California Relay Service (CRS) to speak to
City offices. CRS offers free text-to-speech, speech-to-speech, and Spanish-language services 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. If you require a hearing amplification device to attend a meeting, dial
711 to use CRS to talk to the Monterey City Clerk's Office at (831) 646-3935 to coordinate use of a
Agenda related writings or documents provided to the MPRWA are available for public
inspection during the meeting or may be requested from the Monterey City Clerks Office at 580
Pacific St, Room 6, Monterey, CA 93940. This agenda is posted in compliance with California
Government Code Section 54954.2(a) or Section 54956.

Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority

Agenda Report


Date: November 17, 2014

Item No: 1.

Executive Director Cullem

SUBJECT: Receive Briefing on Peoples Desal Project and Conduct a Site Visit
It is recommended that the MPRWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) receive a
briefing on the proposed People's Desal Project and conduct a site visit.
At the invitation of the proponents of the People's Desal Project and at the direction of
the Water Authority Board, the TAC requested a briefing and site visit on Monday,
November 17, 2014. The briefing and site tour will start at 9:00 a.m. at the project office
located at the Moss Landing Harbor Office.
The briefing and site visit are intended to better inform members of the Monterey
Peninsula Regional Water Authority (MPRWA), as well as the public, on the status of
the People's Desal Project.
More information can be found at the project web site at .
As of this date, the Moss Landing Harbor District has expressed its intention to serve as
a public partner for the People's Desal Project.
In addition to the information on the project web site, the TAC has been requested to
inquire as to whether project proponents have, or plan to have, a third-party assessment
from an environmental/research team as to the impacts of an open-ocean intake
including an assessment of the permitting process.
For insurance liability reasons, transportation WILL NOT be provided by the Authority,
but members of the TAC and the public are encouraged to car pool.


Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority

Agenda Report


Date: November 17, 2014

Item No: 2.

Executive Director Cullem

SUBJECT: Receive Briefing on Deep Water Desal Project and Conduct a Site Visit
It is recommended that the MPRWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) receive a
briefing on the proposed Deep Water Desal Project and conduct a site visit.
At the invitation of the proponents of the Deep Water Desal Project and at the direction
of the Water Authority Board, the TAC requested a briefing and site visit on Monday,
November 17, 2014. The briefing and site tour will start at 10:30 a.m. at the Deep Water
Desal Project office at 7532 Sandholdt Rd., Suite 6, Moss Landing.
The briefing and site visit are intended to better inform members of the Monterey
Peninsula Regional Water Authority (MPRWA), as well as the public, on the status of
the Deep Water Desal Project.
More information can be found at the project web site at
As of this date, the City of Salinas has expressed its intention to serve as a public
partner for the Deep Water Desal Project.
In addition to the information on the project web site, the TAC has been requested to
inquire as to whether project proponents have, or plan to have, a third-party assessment
from an environmental/research team as to the impacts of an open-ocean intake
including an assessment of the permitting process.
For insurance liability reasons, transportation WILL NOT be provided by the Authority,
but members of the TAC and the public are encouraged to car pool.


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