Church Booklet 2010 Winter

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;uk. Biu Information Book
‘” Winter
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this issue
Adult Ministries P.6
Apologetics Conf. P.14
Children’s ministries P.5
Contact information P.2
Facility Rentals P.11 Thank you for taking the time to
Home Groups P.7 visit us at Full Gospel Tabernacle. We
Location P.12 hope this book gives you some
understanding of who we are as a
Mid-week Sessions P.8
church family. It is our desire as a
Prayer P.10 local church to have a measurable
Service Times P.1 impact on our community and our
Serve with Us P.3
Statement of Faith P.13 If you have questions about faith
and how it relates to your life, or
Worship & Arts P.9
are looking for a church home,
Youth Ministry P.5 please feel free to join us for any of
our regular weekly services or
activities. Some of our gatherings are
small and others are large, but we
desire to meet with the Lord every
time we get together.

Full Gospel We look forward to you becoming a

Tabernacle contributing member of our church
Morning Worship – Sundays @ 10am
Our morning service is a blend of contemporary and traditional worship,
followed by an inspirational time of teaching from God's word. We have
a program for children between the ages of 3-12 during the morning
service as well as a Nursery for those that are younger. Our library with
books and DVDs is open before and after each service.
Evening Worship – Sundays @ 6pm
Check our weekly bulletin for evening worship updates.
Mid Week Activities – Various days/nights
ESL Conversation Classes – Mondays at 7pm
Bible Study – Wednesdays at 7pm
Home Groups – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings
Women’s Bible Study – Wednesdays at 1pm
Adult Choir Practice – Thursdays at 7pm
Youth – Fridays @ 7pm
Weekly activities for youth include gym nights, Iron Chef Cook-offs, youth
rallies and more.

My greatest joy is being able to
introduce people to Jesus and to
help them discover or rediscover
their faith. If you have questions
about faith and how it relates to
your life, I would like to encourage
you to visit us for a service or
contact me.
If you have questions about Full
Gospel Tabernacle that are not answered in this booklet, please use the
contact information to reach our office or pastoral staff. We don’t mind
communicating via e-mail, but of course it would be much better if we
were able to meet face to face. I hope to see you soon!

Pastor Scott Hill 1
Senior Pastor: Rev. Scott Hill
Youth Director: Claudio Arancibia
Children's Director: Janis Haggard
Office Administrator: Carla Ergang
Treasurer: Stephen Ramoutar
Janitor: Gloria Ness
Volunteer Coordinators
Adult Ministry: Richard & Eleanor Young
Greeters: Cilma Scarlett
Home Groups: Don O’Brien
Info Desk: Don O’Brien
Library: Loretta O’Brien
Men’s Ministry: Joe Andrushko
Nursery: Megan Perry & Heidi Arancibia
Prayer: Lynn Bundy
Tech Teams: Jason Scarlett
Ushers: Eunice Sinnott
Webmaster: Jason Scarlett
Women’s Ministry: Megan Perry
Worship Leader: Cheryl Hill 2
Do you enjoy meeting new people and greeting the “old”? Then this is
the ministry for you. Join our team greeters and help give a warm
welcome to all. Contact Cilma at 403-280-2678 or email
Would you enjoy creating an environment of hospitality by helping others
find their way into the sanctuary and collecting the offering? If so
consider joining the usher team. Contact Eunice through the church
office at 403-285-3300 for more information.
Information Desk
Help people get connected and stay informed with the various activities
at our church each Sunday before and after the service. Contact Don at for more “information”.
Weekly updates to our website include the church bulletin and Sunday
morning sermons. If you are interested in helping maintain the site,
contact Jason at
Sound / Projector Techs
Our techs work behind the scene to provide audio, video, and lighting
support for services and events. We invite you to sit in during a service
to see how thing work and to help you decide if you would like to join
the team. Contact Jason Scarlett at to
set up a sit in training session.
If you enjoy reading and want to help people find the right book or DVD,
consider helping out in the Library. Contact Loretta at for more information.
Band & Choir
We’re always looking to expand our band and choir. If you’ve been gifted
in this area, we encourage you to attend our pre-service orchestra
practice and/or mid week choir practice. Contact our worship leader
Cheryl at for more information 3
Children’s Ministry
Every week we offer a children’s program and Nursery service during the
morning service. New leaders and helpers are always welcome. Contact
our Children’s Director Janis at for more
Consider helping out as a youth leader on Friday nights or other special
events. Contact our Youth Director Claudio at or via Facebook for more information.
Home Groups – Hosts and Leaders
We are looking for people with a heart to host and/or lead small
groups. This is great way to grow and fellowship with others. Contact our
Home Group Liaison Don at for
more information.
Do you have a heart for new immigrants? Consider helping with our mid
week ESL conversation night. Contact Pastor Scott at for more information.
Van Ministry
If you have a clean driving record and are willing to pickup seniors and
others using the church van once every six weeks on a Sunday morning,
contact the church office.
Women’s Ministry
Monthly events require a lot of helpers. Any ladies willing to help out
with activity ideas, food, decorating or setup are encouraged to contact
Megan at 4
Promise land runs during the morning church service. Promiseland caters
to preschoolers and grades 1-6. Children will experience a variety of
teaching methods in large group time and then will be dismissed to
small group, where they will review the lesson and learn how to make it
relevant in our world today. Promiseland is FUN and is filled with
energetic worship, drama, stories, games, snacks and video presentations,
all taught by a fantastic team of caring teachers and helpers. Visitors
are always welcome. For more information or if you would like to be a
part of Promiseland, please contact the church office at 403-285-3300 or
email Janis at
Nursery (ages 3 years and under)
West of the main sanctuary is a nursery equipped with a playroom with
toys and nursing mother’s room with rockers and cribs. Children are well
cared for in a safe and clean environment during each Sunday morning
service after the worship is concluded. Contact Megan or Heidi at for more information.

The youth group is open to both junior high and senior high youths. We
meet Friday nights and have activities that range from gym nights to
Iron Chef Cook-offs. This group is a great place to make awesome
friends, have good times and have lots of laughs, all while growing into
a closer relationship with God. We deal with the issues that teens are
going through in today’s world and try and
understand how God fits into the picture.
Friday: Events
Friday evening we do a variety of crazy fun
activities… a place for lots of fun and good
fellowship. Refer to the FGT calendar or
contact the church office to learn about the
upcoming activities. Contact Claudio at for more
information. 5
Adult Fellowships
Ministry Mission - God honouring fun and fellowship mainly through social
gatherings for adults.
Every other month there is a function on Saturdays at 6:00pm,
downstairs in the Heritage Room. Announcements will be made in the
Church’s weekly bulletin. Come join us and make friends in an informal
For current event information, contact Richard at 403-980-1597 or by
email at
Men’s Ministry
Men’s Prayer Meeting - Saturdays at 8:30am in the Fireside Room.
Women’s Ministries
Mission statement:
To encourage and equip women to glorify Christ as they grow in spiritual
maturity while building relationships in serving one another, the church
and the community around them.
Monthly “Ladies Nights” are on the 2nd Monday of every month at 7pm
and are a time to spend relaxing and building relationships while
participating in various activities. There are also several special events
throughout the year.
Special Events:
February 5- Housecoat Party
April 17- Ladies Retreat (In House) “Sweet Life Café”
Ladies Nights:
January 11th
February 8th
March 8th
April 12th
May 10th 6
Panorama Hills - Life & Ministry of The Messiah
Tuesdays 6:30–8:00pm, 105 Panatella Heath NW.
Leader: Jason Scarlett
Hosts: Marcus & Jena Scarlett

Saddleridge: NE
Sundays 6:00pm, 106 Saddlemead Rd NE.
Hosts: Fanny & George Mendoza
Leader: Fe Hereera
Falconridge -
Wednesdays 7:00pm,
Teacher: Moses Adekola/ Don O’Brien
Host: Don & Loretta O’Brien
Saddlebrook -
Mondays 7:00pm, 303 Saddlebrook Circle NE.
Hosts and Leader: Claudio & Heidi Arancibia

For further Information contact Don O’Brien (Home Group Liaison)

at 403-293-2042 or 7
Mondays 7:00pm (Sessional)
Every week we gather together for an informal time of ESL conversation
classes. (as Student enrollment allows)
Bible study
Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm, Fireside Room.
1) In your relationships
2) In Answering Topical questions of today.
3) In your knowledge of Biblical principles
The format will be a video each week followed by a discussion period.
Women’s Bible Study - Embracing your strengths
Every Wednesday, starting In February
The Lord equips everybody with strengths to use for his glory. Do you
know what yours are? In this 12-week study, Women of Faith help you
recognize your spiritual gifts, embrace your unique identity, and grow in
Christ as you serve God and put your talents to use in your daily life. 8
Adult Choir
Music was created by God to praise and worship Him. Our aim is to
share God's love and hope with others and to worship and adore Him
through song. May God revive our hearts; may we sing a new song onto
the Lord. The choir meets for a time of practice and fellowship on
Thursdays at 7pm each week. If you enjoy music and would like to
participate in the choir contact Cheryl for more information.
The psalmist declares that God should be praised with all instruments.
Therefore we invite all musicians to join us in making a joyful noise unto
the Lord. Practices are held at 8:45am before each Sunday morning
service. Feel free to drop in and sharpen your skills before joining the
regular schedule. Contact Cheryl for more information.
Sound / Projector Technicians
Sound technicians run the sound board and facilitate a good sound mix
each Sunday. Projector technicians create and run the worship and
sermons slides each Sunday. Training will be provided for anyone
interested in learning how to operate the equipment, contact Jason at for more information.
The church website is great way to communicate information about our
church. There you will find the latest bulletin, ministries, MP3 sermons,
our church history and much more. It does however require regular
updates to keep it current. Weekly updates include the church bulletin
and Sunday morning sermons. If you are involved in a ministry that
would like to advertise on the site or are interested in helping maintain
the site, contact Jason at 9
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for
this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." - 1 Thes 5:16-17
Pre-Service Prayer
Sundays at 9:30am in the Prayer Room - Room 12 (west side of
All Church Prayer Meeting
A time of praise & worship, prayer as the Holy Spirit leads Tuesday
evenings at 7:00pm.
Men's Prayer Meeting
Saturdays at 8:30am in the Fireside Room.
Prayer Chain
Our assembly has an active “prayer chain” that is ready to respond in
times of need for prayer support. Note that the purpose of the prayer
chain is for emergencies or acute special needs. General prayer request
can be directed to the church office to be given to the other prayer
ministries. To communicate needs with the prayer chain contact Lynn
Bundy at 403.293.1405. 10
We ask those wishing to use our church facilities to be sensitive to the
fact that they are used as a place of gathering, worship and caring by
our church family.
Below is a list of the current rental fees. Those interested in renting
should contact the church office for the full rental policy and form.
Fee Schedule
Sanctuary • Conference, Church Service $400.00
• Weddings $500.00
• Funerals donation

Fireside Room • Meetings $50.00

• Food served $125.00

Gymnasium • Half Day $50.00

• Full Day $100.00

Heritage Room (includes tables & chairs) $200.00

• Set up costs for up to < 100 people $20.00
• Set up costs for up to > 100 people $50.00

Kitchen (includes use of dishes, cutlery, etc) $100.00

Dishwasher (covers the cost of chemicals) $50.00

Equipment • Sound system (set up not included) $50.00

• Projector (computer not included) $25.00
• TV/DVD/VCR $25.00

Staffing (min 3hrs) • On site staff (open/lock-up) $10.00/hour

• AV Technician $15.00/hour 11
We are located in the northeast community of Falconridge adjacent to
McKnight Village. Calgary’s northeast is rapidly growing in both
commercial and residential communities, is the home to Calgary's
International Airport, and has the most ethnic diversity in all of Calgary.

The church is located on Falconridge Crescent just behind McKnight

village. The parking lot can accommodate 150 vehicles and the building
contains a 400 person sanctuary, banquet room, kitchen, nursery, pre-
school room, youth room, a full gymnasium and 10 other meeting/class
rooms. 12
• The verbal inspiration of the Holy Scriptures.
• The eternal existence of the ONE TRUE GOD who is the Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit.
• The Savior of men, the Lord Jesus Christ, conceived of the Holy
Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, very God and very man.
• The creation, test and fall of man, as recorded in Genesis; His total
spiritual depravity and inability to attain to divine righteousness.
• The Gospel of The Grace of God, how that Christ died for our sins,
was buried, and rose again the third day for our justification.
• The salvation of sinners by grace, through faith alone in the perfect
and sufficient work of Christ on our behalf upon the cross of Calvary
excluding all human merit.
• Water baptism of believers by immersion in the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
• The baptism of the Holy Spirit as an experience subsequent to
salvation, with the scriptural evidence, namely, speaking in tongues.
• The gifts of the Spirit as enumerated in 1 Corinthians, being
exercised and practiced as was manifest in the early church.
• The Lord's Supper, as a memorial for believers
• The healing of the body by Divine Power, or Divine Healing in many
aspects as manifested in the early church.
• The eternal life of the believer and the eternal punishment of the
• The Spirit-filled life of separation from the world, and the perfecting
of holiness in the fear of God as an expression of Christian faith
• The reality and personality of Satan and demons.
• The reality and ministry of holy angels.
• The personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ and for His Church 13
How to build a healthy
marriage to last a lifetime
Sundays at 6-8pm Feb 21 – Mar 28 14
More Information
This information book only highlights the main
activities of the church. Current event
information can be found in our weekly bulletin
which is given out at Sunday services. You may
also find the weekly bulletin on the church web
site along with an events calendar and past
sermons in MP3 format.

Upcoming Events

Adult Fellowship – Filipino Night Jan 23 @ 6pm

Adult Fellowship – Valentines Night Feb 13 @ 6pm

Family Fun Day Feb 27

Alpha Marriage Course Feb 21-Mar 28 @ 6pm

Mailing Information
155 Falconridge Cres NE
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T3J 1Z9
Tel: 403-285-3300
Fax: 403-280-3446

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