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December 2007


CAMBODIA involvement, the Kravanh community was
Trivani Foundation has partnered with Sus- unable to pay a teacher’s salary.
tainable Cambodia; an organization dedi-
cated to the sustainable development of
under-developed villages in Cambodia. ETHIOPIA
Their focus is on education, health, and mi- Trivani is mainly focusing on child spon-
cro-enterprise. sorship in Ethiopia with the help of our
country manager Melaku.
• Kravanh Primary School Construction:
Trivani Foundation is happy to announce • Taget Primary School: Trivani has paid
the near completion of the Kravanh Pri- the tuition for twenty-seven students in
mary School. As per Sustainable Cambo- the Taget Primary School to attend
dia’s projected schedule, the school school all year. Also, we have donated
should be refurbished by the end of this funds for school uniforms and books for
month. these students. This is very exciting
• Primary School Teacher: Trivani has pro- because these children’s families are
vided subsidy for the employment of a too poor to afford tuition. Had Trivani
primary school teacher in the Kravanh not supplied funding for their schooling,
Inside this issue: district. This is a crucial step in our stu- these students would not be attending
dent sponsor program—prior to Trivani’s school this year.

Trivani Founda- 1
tion 2007 Year-
End Updates
More Founda- 2
tion Year-End

More Founda- 3
tion Year-End

Country Con- 4

Chitwan Medical 5
Center, Nepal /
Chitwan “Fun to
Know Facts”

Nepal’s Bishnu 6
Adhikar: The
Value of Child
Page 2


In association with the child sponsorship program we In addition to the child sponsorshop program, Trivani has
have engaged in other, school-based efforts. participated in many school-related projects.

• Sanskriti Sudan School: In collaboration with the • Ndohivyo Village: We have sent funds for twenty desks
Sanskriti community, Trivani has built two classrooms to be built. Each desk is made to sit three students, so
as additions to a very over-crowded, poorly-built we have provided enough desks for sixty students.
school. With these two classrooms, students will Before these desks were built, these sixty students
have more space, better light and safer conditions, were sitting on the floor.
which allows for a richer educational experience and • Mdomo Village: Trivani has finished three classrooms
more opportunities for learning and growth. in the Mdomo Primary School. These classrooms were
• Neta School: With the help of the Leslie Dee Ann the finishing measure of the school’s completion, and
Foundation, CHOICE Humanitarian, and the Neta are a joint effort with the Mdomo community and
community, the Neta Primary School is finished. This CHOICE Humanitarian. Teachers will no longer be
school is a six classroom school and will give hun- required to teach 100 students at a time, and classes
dreds of students opportunities for a better learning will not be held under the shade/protection of a tree, or
environment and learning experience. canceled due to inclement weather. Instead, students
will attend classes indoors, in a clean, safe environ-
In sponsoring the orphans of Asayo’s Wish Foundation,
we are also able to engage in other projects of relief
that benefit our sponsored students.

• Most Recent Contribution: Trivani has funded a feed-

ing program for the orphans of Asayo’s Wish for the
months of October, November, and December. In
addition to feeding these children, we have also do-
nated funds for matron support. Such support pro-
vides emotional, psychological, and even physical
care for the children. In this way, Trivani is not only
able to provide material aid for Asayo’s Wish or-
phans, but also emotional and psychological care.
• Child Sponsorship Program: Currently, we have
25,000 students waiting to be sponsored in the
Kabermaido District. At the moment, we have
agreed to sponsor 1,000 of these students but need
more distributors in order to take on more students! Megan with class previously held outdoors

Matron support for orphans New Mdomo indoor classrooms

Page 3


Trivani had collaborated with Desert International to or-
ganize surgical screenings with the hope of conducting Child Sponsorship (see story on Bishnu, Pg. 6)
more corrective surgeries. Kenya
• 4,000 students—4,500 students waiting for sponsor-
• Surgical Screenings: Trivani has organized two surgi- ship!
cal screenings in Lapu-Lapu City, assessing the • Schools:
needs of over 150 people. These people now have Fuleye, Mgalani, Chengoni, Sambura, Bahakwenu,
the opportunity to qualify for free surgeries. Mwaraphesa, and Silaloni Primary Schools
As Chad’s photos document, these surgeries have immea- Ethiopia
surable, life-changing effects.
• 100 students
• School:
Taget Primary School

• 2,000 students
• Schools:
Global Vision, San Skriti Sadan Archaleni,
Shanti Sadan, Janapriya, Saubhagya
Sadan Dhuseni, Vidya Jyoti Khahare,
Panini Sanskrit, and Panini Primary Schools

• 300 students—25,000 students waiting for sponsor-
• School:
Asayo’s Wish Orphanage

• 250 students
• School:
Kravanh Primary School

• Four biogas digesters in Nepal

• Over 600 surgeries in the Philippines
• Cataract Clinic (under construction)
• Women’s Center (under construction)

• 5 loans to Yehu women

School Construction
• Passachuar Primary School—Passachuar,Nepal
• Jana Priya Primary School—Neta, Nepal
• Kravanh Primary School—Kravanh, Cambodia
(nearly finished!)
• Chicomani Primary School—Mheniyenzeni, Kenya
• Domo Primary School—Samburu, Kenya
Page 4


Nepal is a landlocked nation in South Asia, bor-
dering Tibet to the north and India to the south,
east and west. For a relatively small country, the
Nepali landscape is uncommonly diverse,
featuring three major regions: the humid Terai in
the south, the Hill region in the center, and the
lofty Himalayas in the north. Nepal boasts eight
of the world's ten highest mountains, including
Mount Everest. Kathmandu is the capital and
largest city. Nepal is roughly the same size
as the U.S. state of Arkansas or the country of
England. Its landlocked location, technological
backwardness, and long-running civil war have
prevented Nepal from fully developing its

Most houses in rural Nepal are made

up of a tight bamboo framework with
mud and cow-dung walls and corru-
gated tin roofs. These dwellings re-
main cool in summers and retain
warmth in winters.

A typical Nepalese meal is dal-bhat, a

kind of a lentil soup served with rice
and vegetables. Chura (beaten rice),
meat, eggs, and fish are also eaten.

Nepal's workforce of about 10 million

suffers from a severe shortage of
skilled labor. Agriculture employs
81% of the workforce.

Photo of Terai region taken on Chad and

Megan’s recent trip to Nepal—this area is
where the Passachuar School is located.

Nepal had previously been the world's only Hindu state, with over
eighty percent of the people following this faith. However, Nepal
became a secular state in May of 2006.

Differences between Hindus and Buddhists have been, in general,

very subtle and academic in nature due to the intermingling of
Hindu and Buddhist beliefs. Both share common temples and
worship common deities.

Stupas, originally simple funerary monuments to Buddha, have

evolved into elaborate objects of religious veneration. Contempo-
rary stupas are large hemispherical mounds with various features
atop, such as this harmika. Stupas display the all-seeing eyes of
Adi-Buddha (primordial Budha) on all four sides of the edifice, star-
ing in the four cardinal directions.

Megan and Chad ‘s photo of the Swayambhunath stupa in Kathmandu.

Page 5


The need for adequate healthcare in Nepal, in both the Funding for the Center will be provided by two principle
urban and rural areas, has been a growing concern for sources: participating doctor’s investments and interna-
many years. Currently, the Nepalese healthcare system tional investors. Twenty-five Nepalese doctors and pro-
fails to provide sufficient general and specialized health- fessionals will invest approximately 4 million U.S. dollars
care services, properly trained professionals, and medi- or 29% of the total required start-up capital. International
cal institutions necessary to meet the growing needs of investors will invest approximately 9.83 million U.S. dol-
the Nepalese population. Trivani Foundation is pleased lars or 71% of the total required start-up capital. A four
to announce its collaborative role in a major thrust to year roll-out is estimated for completion of the facility,
rectify this problem; the Chitwan Medical School, Teach- however, student admissions and hospital services will
ing Hospital, and Research Center [CMC(P)Ltd.] is to be be offered by the end of year two. Trivani will be contri-
built in the Chitwan district of Nepal. buting medical supplies once medical services begin.
We are proud to have the opportunity to participate in
CMC will satisfy the growing need and demand for qual- such a worthwhile and significant venture.
ity healthcare by creating a fully accredited, world-class
international medical school and teaching hospital.
CMC will accomplish its mission through the following
objectives: Chitwan District—”Fun-to-Know Facts”
1. Provide world-class medical education, advanced Chitwan, one of the seventy-five districts of Nepal, sits at
medical degrees, and tropical medicine research the foot of the Himalayas in south, central Nepal. It is
2. Provide a full range of high quality medical services one of the few remaining undisturbed vestiges of the
(including specialty medical services unique to Nepal Terai region. District headquarters is Bahratpur, the
and neighboring countries, such as India and Bangla- seventh largest city in the country. Bharatpur is the com-
desh) mercial and service center for higher education, health,
3. Strengthen doctors’ commitment to provide services and transportation in the region. Chitwan is famous in
to the impoverished communities of Nepal through the Nepal for its production of mustard, used to make mus-
volunteer Humanitarian Outreach Program tard oil. It also produces 70% of the country’s poultry,
4. Promote international doctor to doctor skills transfer and is known for its floriculture, bee farming, and mush-
program room cultivation.
5. Implement “Green Technology,” which will provide a
sustainable source of power, water, and waste manage- The district is the site of Nepal’s oldest national park, the
ment Royal Chitwan National Park. The park is home to at
least 43 species of mammals, 450 species of birds,
Chitwan district is the best location in the country from and 45 species of amphibians and reptiles. One of the
both the density of population and access to the facility last populations of single-horned Indian rhinoceros
prospectives. About 4.3 million people live in the area (a lives there, as well as panthers, leopards, crocodiles,
80-120 km radius) and existing district hospitals and pythons, sloth bears, mongoose, monkeys, hyenas,
primary health care centers can provide service to only jackals, civets, and linsangs. The park is also one of the
one fourth of the people there. last refuges of the Royal Bengal tiger.

Elephant-Rhino safari in Royal Chitwan Nat’l Park

Page 6


Bishnu Adhikari is the poster-child of child sponsorship. He paddies where he labored most mornings in his youth, and the
grew up in the remote village of Okelhpani in the Annapurna long treks to primary school when he was young. His vision of
Mountain range of Nepal. A reality for many in this mountain- development for Nepal was unshakable; he knew he had to
ous region—Bishnu had to walk over an hour each direction return sometime and complete what he had started.
to attend the primary school which was located atop a moun-
tain above his home. Between working long hours in the rice Eventually Bishnu made his way to the United States where he
paddies, cutting grain for his family, and collecting wood for completed a Master's degree in Civil Engineering at Monterey,
the home fire and wood-burning stove, Bishnu excelled in California. He was an enormous success in his program and
school and consistently placed among the top in his class. learned innovative, yet simple, technologies that could change
Unfortunately, Nepalese public education beyond primary the daily labors of entire communities. He learned of the invalu-
school is not free and Bishnu’s family did not possess the able economical, environmental, and house-hold benefits of
financial resources necessary to continue his education. biogas, and of simple construction techniques that could pro-
vide light and warmth to a dismal and dark classroom. With this
Luckily, he was adopted into a school sponsorship program, new found expertise and enough time passing from the Maoist
allowing him to continue attending school beyond primary uprisings, Bishnu teamed up with CHOICE Humanitarian and
level. His interest in the sciences led him to pursue a degree Trivani Foundation (as our country manager), and began devel-
in engineering—Bishnu went to Russia, where he attended opment work once again in Okelhpani and neighboring villages.
university and obtained a bachelor's degree in engineering.
Upon graduation, he returned to his hometown of Oklehpani Since then, Bishnu's impact has been unmeasurable. He has
where he began his tireless efforts to give back to his organized and aided in the development and graduation of sev-
community, help in the development of his village, and im- eral villages. He leads the cutting edge in developmental engi-
prove its education system. Bishnu created and kindled rela- neering technology. He is changing the standard of living in
tionships with village leaders. He mobilized entire communi- countless Nepalese homes. Bishnu credits much of his oppor-
ties. He worked to instill a vision of hope, growth, progress, tunity to the child sponsorship program; had he not been given
and a life made easier with a few simple changes. The vil- a hand up on the ladder of life through child-sponsorship, his
lage members believed in Bishnu and took his vision to heart. many accomplishments would not have been realized. He is
truly an inspiration to us all; he has shown us what is possible
Sadly, Bishnu's stay in Oklehpani was short lived. The dan- through the efforts and support of child sponsorship. Bishnu’s
ger of the Maoist insurgency and civil unrest led Bishnu to dedication to serve his people and improve their lives can teach
seek refuge in Kathmandu. He was displaced for several us what it means to be a true humanitarian. We are very
years, but never forgot the villages of his childhood, the rice fortunate to be working with him.

Chad with Bishnu (in front) in Passachuar, Nepal

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