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Reassign Opportunity Line Item

Welcome to this demonstration. In this demonstration, you practice
performing basic tasks. This demonstration provides you with
instructions for completing a step within the process or information
about that process.
This demonstration will take you approximately 5 minutes to complete.
It is not scored, but the demonstration will help you learn more about
and how to complete everyday activities within the application.
Procedure Steps:
Within , as an line item owner or a manager, you can reassign
ownership of the line item to another user.
When a new line item owner is assigned, they receive an email
notifying them of the line item ownership reassignment. If the newly
assigned line item owner does not want to accept the ownership
assignment, it is their responsibility to assign the ownership back to
the original owner or to another user in .
By defintion, line items opportunity solution components can only
belong to an Aer. While an opportunity can have a Business Partner as
the opportunity owner, a line item owner must be an Aer.
At this time, in , Business Partners are not included as users of .
Therefore, when searching for another user to be a line item owner,
the only users available are Aers.
For the purposes of this demonstration, we start on the Opportunity
overview screen in . As an opportunity owner or manager, you edit
the opportunity to update the opportunity owner with a new user.
1. On the Opportunity overview screen, scroll to the Line items
sub panel.
2. In the Line items sub panel, click the existing opportunity line
item hyperlink to reassign to another user.
The Line items overview screen is displayed.
To determine if a line item has an A Financing component
associated with the opportunity solution component, expand the

A Financing section of the line item display.

3. Click the A Financing section expansion chevron to display the
A Financing information for the line item.
In this example opportunity, there are no A Financing line items.
4. Click Edit to open the opportunity line item.
The Line item Edit screen is displayed.
5. Click the Owner field, Search owner icon to search for another
user to be the line item owner.
The Search for an User screen is displayed. On this screen you
can define the search criteria that uses to locate users.
6. Click the First name field to define the search criteria.
7. Type the user's first name.
8. Click the Last name field.
9. Type the user's last name
Click Search for to use the criteria that you have defined
to locate matching users.
The list of users matching the search criteria are displayed in the
User search results section of the screen.
Click the appropriate user name in the Name column to
select the user as the new opportunity line item owner.
The Owner field is updated with the new owner located through
the Search for an User function.

Scroll to the bottom of the Line item edit screen.

Click Save to save the newly updated line item Owner
The opportunity line item is updated with the newly assigned
Congratulations, you have successfully reassigned opportunity line
item ownership to another user.

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