32 Incredible Ways of Creating Beauty Out of Things You Are Finding Ways To Get Rid of

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32 Incredible Ways Of Creating

Beauty Out Of Things You Are

Finding Ways To Get Rid Of
Before you throw away your old things and regret later, read this.
There is an emotional value for everything that you own or you once
owned but what if you never have to throw away things you are
emotionally attached to but don't know what to do with them


1. Classy pendant lamps made out of old glass bottles

(most probably liquor bottles).


All you need is - a glass cutter, hot glue, stable hanging sticks that are
heavy enough to hold the bottles and of course, you need yellow bulbs
(please no LED lights).

2. Turn your old bath tub into a sofa couch.


You can do wonders with old things. If you're remaking your

bathroom, don't throw away your old bath tub, recycle it. Cut it into half
and get pretty cushions, mattress, legs etc. to make a beautiful colour
combination with your bath tub.

3. Old drums turned into a unique chandelier.


Look at the guy above and below working on it and follow their foot
steps. If you're a music lover, this chandelier will reflect your
personality in a jiffy. Do not throw your old drum set away because it
can get emotionally draining.


4. Wooden fence decorated with colourful glass



If you have preserved these glass marbles since your childhood years,
it's time you make use of them by making your home's wooden fence
look more private by decorating it with these marbles. The fence will
look outstanding when the sunlight reflects on these marbles.

5. Use loads and loads of hangers to construct this

room divider.


If you have a lot of time in your hands and you are creative like that,
buy loads of hangers or collect all the (colourful) hangers you have
decided to dispose off over the years and create this spellbinding
masterpiece. It is a room divider that was actually constructed by two
Portuguese designers -Diogo Agular and Teresa Otta.

6. Use car tyres in the most distinguished ways



Your tyre got spoilt or punctured or you see tyres thrown around your
house A LOT? Don't throw them away because you'll lose out on an
opportunity to recycle them. You just have to color these tyres to make
them look personal and funky. After that, you can just go on filling
whatever you want to in these tyres depending upon how you want to
use them - stool chair, dustbin or as flower pots in the garden.

7. Turn hats into lamps.


If you've been gifted caps or you already own caps that you don't
wear, get a little creative with them. Don't waste them.

8. And you can even make a lamp with disposable



Following is all you need to create the above displayed beauty:


9. Folding chairs can be turned into shelves and


This one was hard to imagine. But from the look of it, it's as easy as it
can get. You just need strong screws and a drilling machine to create
the holes for screws to hang the folding chairs.


10. Convert Old computer CPUs into a fascinating mail


11. CD/DVD tower case turned into a portable bagel


12. Transform old black and white television set into

an aquarium.


You will see many of these lying in the junkyards, pick up the best and
turn it into something so gorgeous.

13. Clock created out of a bike wheel.


This will need a little more handwork with fixing battery etc. But, you
can always take help and create so much out of nothing.

14. Old newspaper junk made into a flower pencil



This is as easy to make as it looks - just some dexterity at rolling

newspapers in different shapes and sizes.

15. Bottle cap turned into cool tea light.


Even glass bottle sealed cap can be used as tea light.

In fact, that looks way prettier.


16. Used light bulbs reused as oil lamps.


The way they stand make them look even more unique.

17. Toilet paper tubes used for organising cords and



18. Old denim jeans and belt used for making



The only extra work needed in this is some skill in stitching.

19. Bend wrenches and use them as wall hooks.


20. Soft drink bottles made into snack bowls.


After looking at this, I'm sure you're thinking of similar looking bowls
you own. Yes, that's how they're made and you should try making
them too.

21. Useless/expired membership cards turned into

useful guitar pics.


22. Old guitar turned into a classy decorative shelf.


Your love for music never allows you to throw the instruments you
once owned, this is a fascinating way of preserving your love for life.

23. Vintage briefcase turned into wall mounted



24. And an awesome comfortable chair.


25. Make shelves with some really old books.


This is by far the craziest and the coolest idea to recycle old things.

26. A favourite cassette you don't want to throw away,

turn it into a hep purse.

27. A discarded piano tuned into a fountain.

28. An office made out of a bus cabin.


Just always be on a look out for such things like an old or a discarded

29. Handsome wooden tennis rackets converted into

(sporty) wall mirrors.


30. Twist and turn old wooden ladders to produce a

prolific bookshelf.

31. Some ingenious art added to a bicycle makes this



32. Another discarded piano can make for a luxuriant



by Taboola
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