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1. Define Quality.
2. What are the benefits of TQM.
3. What is customer satisfaction?
4. What is 5 S?
5. Write the different concepts of Six Sigma.
6. What is meant by Bench marking?
7. What is Quality Loss?
8. What are the objectives of TPM?
9. What are the uses of ISO standards?
10. List the documents required for Qs 9000.



11. A) Explain Deming Principles for quality achievement


B) Explain in detail about Juran Trilogy.

12. A) Write a note on quality planning
b) Explain the steps in performing a performance appraisal system. What are the
13. A ) Explain the 7 traditional quality tools with suitable examples.

b) Explain the various stages of FMEA with the help of a case study.
14. a) Explain in detail about the structure of House of Quality.
b) Explain the stages involved in developing TPM.
15. A) What are the elements of ISO 9000 standards ? Explain in detail
b) Explain the major elements of Environmental management system.

1. List out the 6 basic concepts of TQM.
2. What are the 4 absolutes of quality observed by Crosby?
3. State the importance of customer retention.
4. What is KAIZEN?
5. Describe the evolution of six sigma in Motorola company..
6. What are the benefits of Bench marking?
7. What is Taguchi Quality Loss function ?
8. Draw the general structure of House of Quality?
9. List the global benefits of adopting ISO 9000 Quality systems.
10. Differentiate between ISO 9000 and Qs 9000.




11. A) Explain Deming Philosophy for quality and productive improvement.

B) Consider any one service organisation of your choice and explain the various
dimensions of quality of service.
12. A) i) Explain the PDCA improvement cycle in detail.(10)
ii) Brief on employee empowerment.(6)
b) What is a Team ? Explain the functions and the characteristics of a successful
13. A ) Explain the 7 New quality tools with their typical application.
b) Discuss the reasons of Bench marking and state the advantages and its limitations.
14. a)i) What are the goals of TPM and explain the 6 major losses in TPM?(10)
ii) Explain the components of Quality costs. ( 6)
b) Write notes on :
i) QFD (8)
ii) Quality circles ( 4)
iii)Typical performance measures of TQM. (4)
15. A)i) What are the elements of ISO 9000 : 2000 quality system (10)
ii) What are the gains realized by a company with the TQM implementation.(6)
b) What methodology would you suggest to implement TQM in an automobile
manufacturing company?




1. List the various factors which constitute the framework of TQM.
2. Define the tools required to implement KAIZEN in a manufacturing company.
3. How are the customer needs and requirements documented?
4. What are the benefits of 5 S?
5. What are the benefits of TPM?
6. What are the problems involved in benchmarking a direct competitor?
7. What does DMAIC convey in six sigma?
8. What is meant by House of Quality?
9. Define the term Quality loss function?
10. List down the main elements of ISO 14000.

11. A) Explain Deming Principles for quality achievement
B) Explain in detail about Juran Trilogy.
12. A) Write a note on quality planning
b) i) Discuss how quality council is structured in :
(1) University Academic Department
(2) Manufacturing Facility



ii) Distinguis between internal and external customers. (4)

13. A ) Perform a FMEA to anticipate various problems faced and methods to eliminate
the process of getting up from bed in morning and going to school.
b) i) With an example illustrate how benchmarking can help a system to improve
both efficiency and effectiveness of a system. (8)
ii) With examples explain the concept of six sigma. (8)
14. a) Explain in detail and with example how the voice of customer is transformed into
technical and functional requirements in QFD.
b) i) Explain the different types of costs contributing to the cost of quality .(8)
ii) Expalin Taguchis Quadratic loss function. How it differs from traditional
approach of quality loss cost ?
15. A) Discuss the need for standardization procedures for quality assurance. Explain
the requirements of ISO system of documentation.
b) i) Differentiate between external and internal audits on quality. (6)
ii) Differentiate between ISO 9000 and QS 14000. List the benefits that a firm would
enjoy by implementing these series of quality documentation procedures.

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