Dynamics of Rigid Bodies (4th Year)

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Special Topics
Dynamics of Rigid Bodies

1. The position of a point is given by the function

of time by s = t3 4t meters. What are the

velocity and acceleration of the point at t =
2. The velocity of a bobsled is v = 10t ft/s. When

t = 2sec, the position of the sled is s = 25ft.

What is its position when t = 10sec?
3. The

rocket sled starts from rest and

accelerates at a = 30 + 2t m/s2. It then hits a
water brake and its acceleration is a = -0.003v2
m/s2 until its velocity decreases to 100 m/s.
What total distance does the sled travel?

4. If y = 100mm, dy/dt = 600 mm/s, and d2y/dt2 =

-200 mm/s2, what horizontal force is exerted on

the 0.40-kg slider A by the smooth circular
slot? (figure)

If a stone is thrown horizontally from the top of a 100ft
tall building at 50ft/sec,
8. At what horizontal distance from the point at
which it is thrown does it hit the ground?
9. What is the magnitude of its velocity just before
it hits the ground?
10. A zoology graduate student is provided with a

bow and arrow tipped with a syringe of

sedative and is assigned to measure the
temperature of a black rhinoceros. The range
of his bow when it is fully drawn and aimed 45
above the horizontal is 100m. A truculent rhino
suddenly charges straight towards him at
30km/hr. If he fully draws his bow and aimed at
20 above the horizontal, how far away should
the rhino be when the student releases the
11. A projectile is launch at 10m/s 45 above the

horizontal from a sloping surface of 30 below

the horizontal. Determine its distance parallel
to the sloping surface at the time it hits the
12. The diagram illustrates a chute in a factory

5. The graph describes an airplanes acceleration

during its takeoff. Determine the airplanes

distance when it rotates (lifts off) at t = 20sec.

used for sliding boxes to a lower floor. The

boxes start from rest at A; they slide a distance
of 6m down to B and then along the level to C,
where they enter an endless conveyor belt.
Calculate the distance BC required, if f=0.20
and the boxes are to enter the belt with a
velocity of 1.20m/s. (figure)

6. Zoologist studying the ecology of the Serengeti

Plain estimate that the average adult cheetah

can run 100km/hr and the average antelope
can run 65km/hr. If the animals run along the
same straight line, start at the same time, and
are each assumed to have constant
acceleration and reach top speed in 4sec, how
close must a cheetah be when the chase
begins to catch an antelope in 15sec?
7. A workman drops a wrench from the roof of a

tall building 90m above the street and at the

same instant shouts a warning to men below.
If sound travels 342m/s, how long after the
warning is heard below does the wrench

13. Blocks A, B and C have masses of 30, 40 and

50kg, respectively; fA is 0.20 and fB is 0.40.

Compute the acceleration a of the system
and the tensions in the two cords. (figure)


Special Topics
Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
14. For the system shown, what is the tension in

the cord attached to block B? (figure)

15. A 5-kg block starts from rest and slides 6m

down a 30 incline with a coefficient of kinetic

friction of 0.10. If the vertical distance from the
edge of the incline to the ground is 10m, find
the horizontal distance where the block strikes
the ground.

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