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Professor Bernard Gallois

Exam 3 April 10, 2014
1. Cogeneration is often used where a steam supply is needed for industrial process energy.
Assume a supply of 5 kg/s steam at 0.5 MPa is needed. Rather than generating this from a
pump and boiler, the setup shown below is used so the supply is extracted from the highpressure turbine. Find the power the turbine now cogenerates in this process.
Inlet (1): 20 kg/s 10 MPa, 500oC
Exit (2): 5 kg/s process steam, 0.5 MPa, 155oC
Exit (3) 15 kg/s, 20 kPa, x = 0.90
Assumptions: steady flow, negligible kinetic energy and potential energy, no heat transfer
to the surroundings (adiabatic turbine).
Mass balance:
mi me
m1 m2 m3
Energy balance:
m1h1 WTurbine m2 h2 m3h3

Using the tables

h1 3375.1 kJ/kg
h2 2755.3 kJ/kg (need to interpolate)
h3 251.4 0.9 x 2357.5 2373.2 kJ/kg
W 18.13 MW

2. The main waterline into a tall building has a pressure of 600 kPa at 5 m below ground
level. A pump brings the pressure up so the water can be delivered at 200 kPa at the top
floor 150 m above ground level. Assume a flow rate of 10 kg/s liquid water at 20oC and
neglect any difference in kinetic energy and internal energy u. Find the pump work.

200 kPa
20 oC
12 m/s
3 m/s

Assume the water is incompressible.

The general energy balance at steady flow is given by:

Qin Win mi hi i gzi Qout Wout me he e gze

Ignoring heat transfer and noting that there is no work out of the system, the equation
reduces to:
Win mi hi gzi me he gze
The mass balance is: mi =me
Win me he hi g ( ze zi )
he hi ue Pe ve ui Pv
i i
Since the temperature is constant ue ui
and the energy balance reduces to
Win me Pe ve Pv
i i ) g ( ze zi )

At 20oC, ve = vi = 0.001002 m3/kg,

m 10 kg/s

Use the fundamental SI units

Win 10 (200, 000 600, 000) x0.001002 9.81x155
11.2 kW
3. A 2.4-m high 200-m2 house is maintained at 22C by an air-conditioning system whose COP
is 3.2. It is estimated that the kitchen, bath, and other ventilating fans of the house discharge
a houseful of conditioned air once every hour. If the average outdoor temperature is 32C,
the density of air is 1.20 kg/m3, and the unit cost of electricity is $0.10/kWh, the amount of
money vented out by the fans in 10 hours is
m V 1.2 x 2.4 x 200 / 3600 0.16 kg/s

0.16 x1.005 x10
0.5025 kW
cost 0.5025x10x0.1=$0.50

4. While on vacation at your grandmothers in Northern Maine in January, the oil furnace
breaks down. As a budding thermodynamicist, you share the following plan with her: we
will close all the doors to the kitchen, stay in the kitchen, turn the fridge on and leave the
door open. Is this a good plan to stay warm? Be thorough.
The only energy that enters the room is electrical energy. The room will heat up,
assuming it is well insulated, at a rate of 250 W.

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