My FengShui: Personal Feng Shui WTH Pillars of Destiny v12.68

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My FengShui: Personal Feng Shui wth Pillars of Destiny v12.

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Name: Sample Female Ba Zi (Female - 21 Feb 1976)

D.O.B: Lunar (1976, 1st month, 22 day) at 3.00 p.m. to 4.59 p.m.
Pillar Hour Day Month Year Life Conception
Kua Type


Ba Zi Chart Information
Note: Geomancy.Net uses the more accurate Lunar Calendar Ba Zi system (Click here to see why). So if you
see a difference in the Month pillars as opposed to a Lunar mixed Xia / Chinese Solar / Season calendar, it
means that you are in a gray period / blind date where Xia date is different from Lunar date. We still use
Seasonal Analysis using the Seasonal Calendar when needed.

Reference Material
Five Element Concept

Birth Element

Since you are a strong Water, you don't want to be too overly
strong otherwise, you will not be able to control yourself.

Thus, you should increase yourself with your favourable elements

as follows. 28/11/2008
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Favourable Elements Unfavourable Elements

Most Favourable Element Most Unfavourable Element

Colour: green/brown Colour: white/gold

Favourable Element Most Unfavourable Element

Colour: yellow Colour: blue/black/gray

Favourable Wealth Elements

Wealth Element

Colour: red

This is a very important concept for you to improve your luck.

Five element can be applied in many ways, but most important is the Colours of any
objects etc.

 Your Bedroom decor

ie shades of colours and furniture colours:-
 Wood - green/brown
 Earth - yellow
 Fire - red
 Metal - white/gold
 Water - blue/black/gray

 Your personal objects / dressing

ie shades of colours:-
 Wood - green/brown
 Earth - yellow
 Fire - red
 Metal - white/gold
 Water - blue/black/gray

 Your career
ie a Job favourable for you are:-
 Wood - Engineering, Filming, Hospital, etc
 Earth - Customer Relations, Constructions, Games, etc
 Fire - Marketing, Sales, Fashion, etc
 Metal - Accountancy, Banking, Investment, etc
 Water - Advertising, Arts, Communications, etc

 Your Compatible Animal Signs

ie compatible animal signs for partner:-
 Excellent - Rat, Rooster, Monkey
 Avoid - Tiger Ox, Dog

 Your Chinese name

ie a good name would help to increase your weak element

The period – ie luck changes each day, month, year etc. So different period you will find
your luck changes from up and down. Thus you should take advantage of those good luck
period for doing any important thing in your life. 28/11/2008
My FengShui: Personal Feng Shui wth Pillars of Destiny v12.68 Page 3 of 7

Balance of Elements in your Chart

Based on the Favourable and unfavourable Elements. Ideally, a perfect harmony would be when
you have 20% of each element to be in complete harmony. This shows you exactly how much of
each element you have. It helps you determine which element listed in your favourable element
you need more then another.

Element 5 Water 4 Wood 1 Fire 0 Earth 2 Metal

Strength Weak Strongest Strong Extremely Weak Weakest

Percentage 34 % 46 % 9% 0% 9%
Acceptable Reduce Acceptable Increase Acceptable
% Rating (Reduce Element) Element (Increase Element) Element (Increase Element)

Overall Big Luck Summary

1981 - 1990 (Age 5 - 14) Luck against you

1991 - 2000 (Age 15 - 24) Luck against you

2001 - 2010 (Age 25 - 34) Luck against you

2011 - 2020 (Age 35 - 44) Luck against you

2021 - 2030 (Age 45 - 54) Luck against you

2031 - 2040 (Age 55 - 64) Luck against you

2041 - 2050 (Age 65 - 74) Wealth Luck with you

2051 - 2060 (Age 75 - 84) Wealth Luck with you

2061 - 2070 (Age 85 - 94) Wealth Luck with you 28/11/2008
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2071 - 2080 (Age 95 - 104) Luck with you

2081 - 2090 (Age 105 - 114) Luck with you

2091 - 2100 (Age 115 - 124) Luck with you

Total Auspicious Period: 6

 3 Auspicious Luck Period
 3 Auspicious Wealth Luck Periods

Total Inauspicious Period: 6

 6 Inauspicious Luck Period

General Big Luck Summary in your Life

Generally, your luck period belongs generally to an average person's life.

 Child: 1981-2040 (Age 5 to 64) - Inauspicious Luck for 60 years.

 Old Age: 2041-2090 (Age 65 to 114) - Auspicious Luck for 50 years.

Analysis of your Wealth

You have (3 Direct Wealth and 1 Unexpected Wealth).

When you have extra Earned Wealth?

 2011 - 2020 (Age 35 - 44)

You have a total of 1 Extra Earned Wealth. You are likely to have greater Wealth Gains
during this period.

When you have extra Unexpected Wealth?

 2001 - 2010 (Age 25 - 34)

You have a total of 1 Extra Unexpected Wealth. You have a higher chance to win Lottery.

When you are most likely to have

Romance Luck?
 1991 - 2000 (Age 15 - 24) - Zi
 2021 - 2030 (Age 45 - 54) - You

You have a total of 2 Romance Luck. You are likely to have high chance of a Romance
Encounter during this period. (Assuming here that you socialise enough.) 28/11/2008
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When you are most likely to have

Someone Helping you?
 2001 - 2010 (Age 25 - 34) - Hai & You
 2021 - 2030 (Age 45 - 54) - Hai & You
 2061 - 2070 (Age 85 - 94) - Mao & Si
 2081 - 2090 (Age 105 - 114) - Mao & Si

You have a total of 4 Nobleman Luck. This period would be extra luck for you as someone would
always give you a helping hand.

When is a good year to have a Career

 2061 - 2070 (Age 85 - 94) - Si
 2091 - 2100 (Age 115 - 124) - Yin

This period would be good periods to have a change in career. If you plan to have a change in
career, do it during this period.

When you should take extra care of your

 2001 - 2010 (Age 25 - 34) - ding-gui
 2011 - 2020 (Age 35 - 44) - chen-shu

You must take extra caution particularly on your Finances during this periods. This would be
overcome if you have sufficiently protected with your favourable elements.

Your 4 Good and 4 Bad Direction

North-West North North-East

(Metal) (Water) (Earth)
Death Longevity Disaster

West East
(Metal) (Wood)
Spook Prosperity

South-West South South-East 28/11/2008
My FengShui: Personal Feng Shui wth Pillars of Destiny v12.68 Page 6 of 7

(Earth) (Fire) (Wood)

Irritation Excellent Health

Your BEST sleeping position

 North (337.5 to 22.4) = Longevity
 South-East (112.5 to 157.4) = Health

Your BEST Working position

 East (67.5 to 112.4) = Prosperity
 South (157.5 to 202.4) = Excellent

Task Oriented Star

Task Oriented work in the areas of accounting, retail banking, driving and manufacturing.
This is governed by the Task Oriented Star.

Recommended Career
Most Ideal Career for Wealth: Fire
Chemical process, Fashion, Housewife, Law (prosecution), Livestock, Marketing
(sales), Oil, Public Relations, Sales , etc

Most Ideal Career with Power and Authority: Earth

Building Management, Customer relations, Civil engineering, Clothing, Construction,
Customer Relations, Employee Relations, Estate Agency, Farming, Food industry,
Games, Pottery, Real Estate, Recruitment, Sports , etc

Suitable Career
Cafe, Carpentry, Catering, Distribution, Engineering, Electronics, Filming, Growth,
Hospital, New Technology, Paper, Plants, Restaurants, Scientific Instruments,
Technology, Transport, Training, Travel , etc

Summarised Reports for Printing

These key reports organised grouped together for easy printing:-

 Ba Zi - Overview Summary
 Ba Zi - Part 1 (Detailed Ba Zi Chart & True Element)
 Ba Zi - Part 2 (Ba Zi Chart Analysis)
 Ba Zi - Part 3 (Ten Deity & Luck Summary)
 Ba Zi - Suitable Career

[Back to Index]

Seeking Further Help on Your Analysis 28/11/2008
My FengShui: Personal Feng Shui wth Pillars of Destiny v12.68 Page 7 of 7

All reports generated are entitled to further clarifications on doubts you might have through
our Free Advice Forum.

This Report was generated on by Personal Feng Shui wth Pillars of Destiny v12.68

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and international treaties that pertain to computer software. All reports generated, layout, input, output, analysis or
otherwise, may not be reproduced, adapted, translated, reverse engineered or create derivative works based upon
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