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Bernoulli's equation is an approximate relationship between pressure, velocity

and elevation, and is valid in regions of steady incompressible flow

net where frictional forces are negligible; it describes the behavior of a fluid in motion by a
Bernoulli's equation is deduced from the principle of conservation of momentum but should
be considered in his deduction that viscous effects are very small compared to the effects
of inertia, gravity and pressure. Whereas all fluids have viscosity, this equation cant be in all
parts or zones of a fluid though the fluid viscosity is small. Yet their use is reasonable in certain
regions of various fluids.
The use of the water generally requires storage in
deposits so that we can draw the amount we need and when we want, so to do so, the tank
devices that allow us to achieve extraction properly, either by connecting a pipe or provided
closed conduit to the reservoir or through a hole in a wall or the bottom of it. The logical
question that arises is how much water can be extracted with a hole of a certain size ?, or How
big the hole should be to extract a certain amount in a given time (flow)? or alternatively, if the
water level is not constant in the tank How quickly emptied ?, which can be answered with the
development of this practice.

By using the equipment ARMFIELD it was possible to measure the discharged time of
water which was deposited in a tank attached to the equipment. A known hole diameter
(TA-8) was inserted into the discharge side of the equipment. In this way it could be done
other relevant measurements as the diameter of the vena contracta of the fluid, the height
reached in the y-axis and the distance x which been reached. With these measurements it

was possible to calculate values required for the analysis, such as velocity, contraction
and discharged coefficient. According to the calculations performed it was determined that
velocity, contraction and dischaged coefficient for the TA-8 hole, were 1.016, 0.716 and 0.727,
respectively. With the values obtained it was concluded that; the value of velocity coefficient
was higher due to systematic measurement errors. Contraction coefficient let us know than
the diameter of the fluid was reduced by of the original diameter. And the last factor
showed that there was a minimal difference between the real discharge and theoretical one.
Also, it was determinated that the real time of discharged is always less than that expected by
applying the formula to find the value of theoretical time. Finally the results may be more
accurate by using a timer in practice

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