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PUBLISHED: Nov 16, 2014 11:19am

UPDATED: Nov 16, 2014 11:19am

Deforestation and illegal

immigrants worrying, says Awang

Awang Selamat claims the expose brought together non-governmental

organisations, environmental organisations, Malaysians, the media and
the countrys leaders in a fight to save Cameron Highlands. TRP file
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 16, 2014:
The expose on the influx of immigrants and illegal deforestation in
Cameron Highlands by Utusan Malaysia and Mingguan Malaysia has
rightfully received global attention.
Utusan Malaysia, via its collective editorial column, Awang Selamat, said
Pahang Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob could also breathe
easy now as the complex issue was being handled by the central

Awang said that the expose brought together non-governmental

organisations, environmental organisations, Malaysians, the media and
the countrys leaders in a fight to save the flood-stricken hill station.
These included Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Deputy Prime
Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad
Zahid Hamidi and Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein
who had each pledged the help and support of their ministries in tackling
the national issue.
Indirectly, it can lessen the stress of the Menteri Besar. Cameron
Highlands environment would be more protected and there would no
longer be a flood of illegal immigrants.
That was the real agenda behind the media report and expose, said
On Utusans expose report, Awang said there was no need to elaborate
further or reply to the criticisms by Adnan or his supporters.
To Awang, he is still a respected Menteri Besar. Secondly, Adnan was
demonstrating his openness by choosing not to answer this and other
In other words, he can accept being reprimanded although it is not liked
by some of his followers. Adnan wants to move on, just like Awangs
spirit, Awang added.
Awang also said that it was common for debates between the media and
political leaders in a democratic world, adding that the Umno-owned
newspaper accepted any grievances showed, be it any legal action that
might be taken against it on the issue of Cameron Highlands.
On the issue of illegal immigrants in the country, Awang saw it as a
threat that was a ticking time bomb.
According to Awang, statistics showed that 10,000 crime cases
happened in the last eight months involving illegal immigrants, but
believed the actual number was far greater.
Foreign colonies that are growing are also an eyesore.

In some urban centres, the huge groups of Nepalis and Bangladeshis

were evident at Jalan Silang, while Africans were in several places in the
outskirts of the capital, Awang observed.
Its among the issues that worried the rakyat the most.
What has gone wrong and who is to blame?

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