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IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master

Data --> Credit Card Clearing--> Define Assignment table for Credit Card Clearing.

4. Settings for Specific File Formats of Credit Card Companies

IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses--> Master
Data --> Credit Card Clearing --> Settings for Specific File Formats of Credit Card Companies

13.Which Infotype stores credit card number of the employees?

Maintain the credit card number of the employees credit card in Infotype 0105 (Communication),
subtype 0011 (Credit card number).

14.What is Credit card clearing process?

Credit card clearing is a process for adding credit card receipts in trips and transferring to Travel
Expense Accounting.

15.What are the common Three types of credit cards can be used in travel management ?
1. Personal Corporate Credit Card with Employee Liability
2. Personal Corporate Credit Card with Corporate Liability
3. Corporate Credit Card with Corporate Liability

16.What are important transaction codes in SAP credit card clearing(CCC) process?
- Import Credit Card Files
PRCCD - Display Credit Card Receipts
- Display Imported Documents

- Process Incorrect Transactions


- Generate File with Corrected Transactions

17.How to schedule PRRW transaction in background?

The program RPRPOSTD which creates FI document for AP process. Precondition of this
program is a posting run must have been created before with the report RPRFIN00_40/PRFI
(Create Posting run).
To Schedule transaction PRRW in background job you will have to execute program
Go to transaction se38 and enter the program name. From menu select Program -> Execute in

18.Importance of Travel Privileges Infotype (0017)

To enter trips for an employee, the employees HR master record must be maintained.
Travel Privileges Infotype (0017) is one of the mandatory infotypes in Travel Management. The
employees travel privileges are stored In infotype 0017.We can store travel expenses
reimbursement records and data on cost assignment of the travel expense accounting. of an
employee in the infotype Travel Privileges (0017).

19.How to change trip status into 'Transferred to FI' directly?

RPRTRVSW (Set trip status) is a standard report available to change the statuses of trips to
Transferred to FI, Trip approved, Trip settled etc.
It can also use to change the posting run status of trips to document posted (status Ind 50).
If we change the trip status to Transferred to FI directly, the program will not create any Posting
document/Posting run. This process is similar to changing trip status in table.

20.What are transaction codes for posting trips to FI accounting?

Transactions for posting trips to FI accounting are
PRFI-Create posting run
PRRW -Post posting run.

21.Process flow of trips transfer to FI accounting

Do below 3 steps in PRRW.

1.Create posting run
2.Post run Check data in the target system (Accounting)
3.Post posting run

22.How to delimit a trip expense type?

We can delimit an expense type in table V_T706B1.
23. History and Delete Log for TRIPS and Expense Reports
The report RPR_SHOW_DELETE_LOGS or transaction PR_DEL_LOG shows the history for
all trips either by personnel number or date that have been deleted.
24. Can we deleting a transferred to FI trip ?
Deleting a transferred trip is not possible.
25.Where is the House bank derived from?
The house bank comes either from reference vendor or from feature TRVHB.
26.How to Displaying trips for inactive employees?.
If you try to then display the trip of an inactive employee from t-code TRIP or PR05, you will
get an error such as "Infotype '0017' does not exist for XX/XX/XXXX".
Trips for inactive employees can also be viewed by the cluster transaction PRTE .
27.Steps to delete Credit Card Transactions?
The credit card transactions can be deleted from the database via document buffer. The
document buffer can be accessed via a trip only.
1. Choose Travel Expense Manager (T-code PR05)
2. Select a trip and choose Trip ->Change.
3. Choose Extras ->Insert credit card documents.
The Selection of credit card documents dialog box appears.
4. Select the credit card documents you want to delete from the database.
5. Choose Delete documents in the dialog box.
6. Confirm that you intend to delete the credit card transaction.
7. Save the trip.
28.How to deleting Credit Card Receipts from Trips?
We can delete incorrectly assigned credit card receipts from trips.
1. Choose Travel Expense Manager (T code PR05)
2. Choose the trip you want to change.
3. Select the correct credit card receipt.
4. Choose Delete.


Save the trip.

29.How to Updating Statistical data to tables such as PTRV_SREC,PTRV_SCOS,PTRV_SADD

Use report "RPR_UPDATE_TRAVEL_STATISTICS" to update the statistical data.

1.What is data archiving?

Data archiving is a service offered by SAP. Archiving removes data from the database that no
longer needs online to some file system or any third party storage system.But the archived data
can be fetch from archive file or third party storage system.
Data in the database table can only be archived using archiving objects.
2.What are tools used for SAP Data Archiving?
Tool used for SAP Data Archiving is Archive Development Kit (ADK) and XML based
3.What are steps of Data Archiving?
Archiving is carry out in three steps:
Step 1: Create Archive Files
Step 2: Execute Delete Program
Step 3: Store Archive Files
4.What are transactions used for Data Archiving?
Two transactions are
1.Archive Administration (SARA)
2.Archiving payroll Data (PU22)
5.What are HR/HCM Data Archiving Objects?
Following are SAP HR archiving objects

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