Kunal (PPT) (Written)

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1) The process of Fermentation

2) Introduction:What is Fermentation of Food ?

3) it is a method by which food can be preserved or much longer time than their usual life.Although, food can be
preserved by several other methods. SUCH AS..
4) Applying high temperature,
Applying low temperature,
Removing available water/moisture,
Adding chemical preservatives, etc
But, Fermentation is sill the Best way to preserve food.

5) Fermentation process: Fermentation is just a process of converting one organic substance into another with the
help of microorganism (microorganisms are added to the food) which helps the food for increasing its selflife and nutrients present.

6) What actually Happens in this Process ?

7) The added microorganisms produce certain enzymes which degrades the available macronutrients into simpler
substances & then transforms them into specific end products. These end products are responsible for flavor &
taste development, enhancing self-life and the nutritive value of the food.
8) Transformation of some macronutrients by fermentation :
This is a chart showing the transformation of some macronutrients by fermentation.

9) Benefits of fermented food :

Preservation of food
Safer food
Increases nutritive value
Improves aroma & taste
Better digestibility

New exotic varieties

Better biological values
10) Common fermented food products : Yakult, cheese, yogurt made by milk by the action of lactic acid bacteria,
Soya sauce made by soy beans by the action of fungi,
Pickles made by vegetables by the action of lactic acid bacteria,
Bread made by wheat by the action of yeast.
11) Some fermented non-dairy product
Soy bean based fermented products,
Sausage, etc
12) Some fermented dairy products :
Probiotic dahi, etc.
13) What is Probiotics ?
14) Fermented milk products & other dairy products when added with live microorganism that adds additional
health benefits to the host or consumer are referred as probiotics products.
for example.
15) Photos >>>> nutrifit & probiotic dhai.
16) Benefits of probiotic food :
In a study it has been found that regular use of probiotic products helps us in many ways , like
It increases nutrition's of the food,
It reduces cancer risk,
It controls tumour growth,
It controls diabetes,
Provides better immunity,
It reduces bacterial infections and
Reduces diarrhea chances.
17) Conclusion : The process of fermentation is not only a method of prevention of food but also a mean by
which nutrients as well as the self-life of food can be increased, therefore fermented and probiotic food
products are very much beneficial for us.

18) The end ,.,.,.,thanku,.,!!!

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