A Non-Linear Black-Scholes Equation

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Int. J. Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, Vol. 1, No.

1, 2009


A non-linear Black-Scholes equation

Yan Qiu and Jens Lorenz*
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA
E-mail: ccsindy@math.unm.edu
E-mail: lorenz@math.unm.edu
*Corresponding author
Abstract: We study a modification of the Black-Scholes equation allowing for
uncertain volatility. The model leads to a partial differential equation with
non-linear dependence upon the highest derivative. Under certain assumptions,
we show existence and uniqueness of a solution to the Cauchy problem.
Keywords: Black-Scholes equation; uncertain volatility; non-linear partial
differential equations.
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Qiu, Y. and Lorenz, J.
(2009) A non-linear Black-Scholes equation, Int. J. Business Performance
and Supply Chain Modelling, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.3340.
Biographical notes: Yan Qiu is currently a PhD student in the Department of
Mathematics and Statistics at the University of New Mexico. Her research
interests are PDE approaches to option pricing and stochastic volatility.
Jens Lorenz received his PhD in 1975 from the University of Mnster in
Germany. He was a Faculty Member in Applied Mathematics at Caltech from
1983 to 1989 and joined the University of New Mexico in 1990. He is currently
Interim Chair of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. His research
interests are numerical analysis and partial differential equations.


The field of mathematical finance has gained significant attention since Black and
Scholes (1973) published their Nobel Prize work in 1973. Using some simplifying
economic assumptions, they derived a linear partial differential equation (PDE) of
convectiondiffusion type which can be applied to the pricing of options. The solution of
the linear PDE can be obtained analytically.
In this paper we are interested in a non-linear modification of the Black-Scholes
equation where the volatility is not assumed to be constant, but is assumed to be a
known function of vss Here v is the value of the option and s is the price of the underlying
asset. A simple choice for = (vss), suggested for example in Wilmott (2000), is the
discontinuous function

Copyright 2009 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


Y. Qiu and J. Lorenz

d vss =

( )

if vss < 0
if vss > 0

where + and are estimates for the maximal and minimal values of the volatility,
respectively. Since, the resulting PDE becomes non-linear in its highest derivative, the
mathematical theory of the equation is by no means trivial. In this paper we consider the
case where the volatility is a smooth function of vss and present a basic existence and
uniqueness result.
The paper begins with a brief introduction to the classical Black-Scholes model in
Section 2. Section 3 provides the derivation of the modified Black-Scholes equation. In
Section 4, we sketch an existence and uniqueness proof for the Cauchy problem under
periodic boundary conditions. These boundary conditions are not realistic and are used
here, only to simplify the mathematical analysis of the non-linear PDE. In future work,
we plan to extend our analysis and include more realistic boundary conditions. In the last
section, we comment further on future research interests.

Classical Black-Scholes model

An option is an agreement that gives the holder a right, not an obligation, to buy from or
sell to, the seller of the option a certain amount of an underlying asset at a specified price
(the strike price) at a future time (the expiration date). Clearly, the value v of an option is
a function of various parameters, written v(s, t; , ; E, T; r). Here, s is the price of the
underlying asset; t is the current time; is the drift of s; is the volatility of s; E is the
strike price and T is the expiration date of the option; r is the risk-free interest rate. The
assumptions leading to the classical BSM model are as follows:

the risk-free interest rate r is a known constant for the life of the option

the price s of the underlying asset follows a log-normal random walk and the drift
and volatility are constants known in advance

transaction costs associated with buying or selling the underlying asset are neglected

there are no dividends paid from the underlying asset

hedging can be done continuously

the price of the underlying asset is divisible so that we can trade any fractional share
of the asset

we have an arbitrage-free market.

Let denote the value of a portfolio with long position in the option and short position in
some quantity of the underlying asset,

A non-linear Black-Scholes equation


( )

= v s, t s

By assumption, the price s of the underlying asset follows a log-normal random walk,
ds = sdt + sdX

where X is Brownian motion.

As time changes from t to t + dt, the change in the value of the portfolio is due to the
change in the value of the option and the change in the price of the underlying asset,
d = dv ds

By Itos formula, we have

dv = vt + 2s 2vss dt + vsds.

Combining the last two equations yields

d = vt + 2s 2vss dt + vs ds.

Using a delta hedging strategy, we choose = vs and obtain

d = vt + 2s 2vss dt.

By the assumption of an arbitrage-free market, the change d equals the growth of in a

risk-free interest-bearing account,

d = r dt = r v s dt.


r v s dt = vt + 2s 2vss dt.

Substituting = vs one arrives at the Black-Scholes equation,

vt + rsvs + 2s 2vss rv = 0


0 t T


The equation is supplemented by an end-condition at the expiration time T,



max s E,0

v s,T = max E s,0

H s E,0

( )

for a call option;

for a put option;
for a binary call option; H is the Heaviside function.



Y. Qiu and J. Lorenz

Denote the righthand side in formula (2) by v0(s).

If one uses the transformation

x = ln s + r 2 T t ,


= T t,

( )

w x, = e

r T t

)v s, t
( )

the equation (1) transforms to the heat equation,

w =

1 2

and the end-condition (2) transforms to the initial condition:

( )

( )

( )


( )

w x , 0 = v s,T = v0 s = v0 e x = w 0 x .

The problem has the explicit solution


( )

w x, =


x y

2 2


w 0 y dy


( )

v s, t = e

r T t

ln (s )+ r 2 T t y /22 (T t )


2 T t

(e ) dy.

Modified Black-Scholes model with variable volatility

We can modify the assumptions leading to the Black-Scholes model in different ways
regarding different parameters. Here, we focus on the constant volatility assumption. The
volatility is not known in advance as a constant but is an uncertain stochastic variable.
There are two traditional ways to measure volatility: implied or historical.
Another possibility is to assume a known range for the volatility :
0 < +

where + and are (estimates for) the maximal and minimal values of . We then have

( ) sv
( ) sv

1 +

1 2 2
s vss = 2
+ 2


if vss < 0


if vss 0

which motivates to define the discontinuous function

A non-linear Black-Scholes equation

d vss =

( )

if vss < 0
if vss > 0



As outlined in the previous section, under delta hedging, = vs we have

d = vt + 2s 2vss dt.

Assume the minimum return on the portfolio with volatility varying over the range
+ equals the risk-free return r dt. We then obtain

1 2
vt + d vss s vss dt = r dt = r v svs dt

( )

with d(vss) given by (3). One obtains the non-linear PDE

vt + rsvs + d2 vss s 2vss rv = 0

( )


In this case, because of the variability of = d(vss), the transformation

x = ln s + r 2 T t


applied in previous section is not useful since it depends via on the solution v. Instead,
we apply the much simpler transformation
= T t,

x = s,

( )

( )

u x , = e r v s, t

leading to
u =

1 2
u x 2uxx + rxux ,
2 d xx

( )
u ( x , 0 ) = v (s,T ) .



Existence and uniqueness analysis

( )

The essential mathematical difficulty of (4) lies in the non-linear term d2 uxx uxx . To
address this essential difficulty, we consider an equation of the form

( )

ut = G uxx uxx

where G : R (0, ) is a given smooth positive function.



Y. Qiu and J. Lorenz

The function d in (4) is not smooth, of course, but we can approximate d by a

smooth function like

( )

uxx =
Figure 1

) (

1 +
+ + tanh uxx ,

The graphs of d (left) and (right) for + = 0.3, = 0.2 and = 0.3 (see online
version for colours)

(u )















Differentiate equation (6) twice with respect to x and set w = uxx to obtain

( )

( )

wt = h w wxx + h w wx2

( )

( )


( )

where h w = G w + G w w. It will be convenient to consider the slightly more

general equation

( )

wt = h w wxx + g w, wx ,

( )

( )

w x, 0 = f x ,


where h(w), g(w, wx) and f(x) are C functions of their arguments. To concentrate on the
essential mathematical difficulty, the non-linear volatility coefficient, we assume the
initial function f(x) to be 1-periodic; we then seek a solution w(x, t), of (8) which is
1-periodic in x. Other boundary conditions will be considered in future work.
Theorem 4.1

Consider the 1-periodic initial value problem (8) under the above
assumptions. In addition, assume that h(w) k > 0 for all real w and
that h and g and all their derivatives are bounded functions. Then there
is a unique C solution w(x, t) which is 1-periodic in x. The solutions
exists for 0 t < .

A non-linear Black-Scholes equation


Remark: If h or g or their derivatives are unbounded, one can use a cut-off argument and
replace h or g by functions h% or g% which satisfy the conditions of the theorem. For the
original problem, one then obtains a result which is local in time.
To prove the existence part of the theorem, we define a sequence of functions wn(x, t)
via the iteration

( )

n +1
wtn +1 = h w n wxx
+ g w n , wxn ,

( )

( )

w n +1 x , 0 = f x ,

n = 0,1,2, K


starting with w0(x, t) f(x). Since the problem (9) is linear parabolic, there is no
difficulty in establishing existence, uniqueness and smoothness of the functions
wn(x, t) wn(x + 1, t) for 0 t < .
It can then be shown and this is the main mathematical difficulty, that the functions
wn(x, t) are uniformly smooth in any finite time interval. More precisely, for any fixed
0 < T < , all derivatives are bounded independently of the iteration index n:
sup max max

0t T

p +q

x t

( )

w n x , t C p, q,T < .

General arguments as detailed in Kreiss and Lorenz (1989), for example, then show
convergence of the sequence wn(x, t), along with all derivatives, to a smooth solution
w(x, t) of the problem (8).
To show uniqueness of a solution, let (x, t) denote the difference of two solutions.
An energy estimate then yields
, t
2 dt

( )


= , t


( )

C , t


( )

and the initial condition x , 0 0 implies 0.

Future research

In future work we plan to extend the analysis in various directions:


More general boundary conditions than 1-periodicity will be considered.

The case of a non-smooth volatility coefficient G(xx) is of interest in applications,

such as the jump function d(xx). One can treat the jump function d as the limit of
smooth functions but the limit process for the corresponding solutions is


Y. Qiu and J. Lorenz

The case of a non-smooth volatility d(xx) can also be treated as a free boundary
value problem where lines (x(t), t) with xx (x(t), t) = 0 will be determined as free

Black, F. and Scholes, M. (1973) The pricing of options and corporate liabilities, J. Political
Economics, Vol. 81, pp.637654.
Kreiss, H-O. and Lorenz, J. (1989) Initial-boundary Value Problems and the Navier-stokes
Equations, Academic Press, Boston.
Wilmott, P. (2000) Paul Wilmott on Quantitative Finance Volume One and Volume Two,
John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester.

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